Head Hunter

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Head Hunter Page 18

by Layla Nash

  Deirdre managed a lopsided smile. “Why don’t we look through my closet so you can wear something more comfortable to your place?”

  Persephone took one last bite of the mostly-cold eggs and extricated herself from Dodge’s half-embrace. “Sure.”

  She followed Deirdre up the stairs but looked back enough that Dodge knew she knew something else was up. He waited until Persephone was all the way upstairs and the door had closed behind her before he exhaled and ran his hands through his hair. “We have to kill them all.”

  “Obviously.” Todd did something on his phone, checking a schedule or something, then nodded as he looked up. “But first we get your girl settled here and have the witch surround her with protections or charms or whatever the fuck she does in that back room.”

  “Watch your mouth when you talk about my mate,” Evershaw said, an edge to his tone.

  Dodge ignored the tension between the two brothers and used the remains of Persephone’s breakfast to create a map of her neighborhood and apartment building. “I’ll take her over there now. At least three others if we can spare them from the packhouse to set up here, here, and here.”

  “We can spare them,” Evershaw said. He tilted his head at the back of the house. “And take a couple weapons out of the gun-safe. Just in case.”

  Dodge grunted, staring at the eggs. He really wished Persephone would have agreed to stay in the house. He could get whatever she wanted from her apartment, and it wouldn’t matter if Bridger’s goons tried to ambush them. He got up and took the dishes back to the kitchen, and found Mercy wrestling with Cricket for the rest of the ham he’d left out.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You should just let him have it. It’s not like any of us will eat it when it’s been clawed to bits and chomped on.”

  “It’s the principle of the thing,” Mercy said through gritted teeth. She hollered as Cricket took a swipe at her hand, and she dropped the ham. Cricket bolted, leaving half-chewed bits of food behind him, and escaped out the back door.

  Dodge shook his head, hiding his smile, as he went to the gun-safe behind the removable wall near the pantry. Mercy grumbled and griped about the cat, then wandered up behind him. “Going out to make some trouble?”

  “Not yet,” he said. Mercy was like everyone’s kid sister. He wanted to protect her just as much as he wanted to protect Persephone, although Mercy had the super strength and additional healing powers of a shifter to keep her safe. He hated the thought of how fragile Persephone was, how easily she could be hurt. If she agreed to stay with him, if she eventually came around to belonging to the supernatural community, he might eventually ask if she’d agree to be turned. He was getting ahead of himself, though. He didn’t even know if Persephone wanted to stay with him at all, much less forever.

  Mercy eyed him. “Thinking big thoughts over there, friend?”

  He snorted and prepared a pistol and extra magazines. It wouldn’t stop a shifter or fae, but it would damn well drop a human in his tracks. Which Dodge was counting on. “Nah. Just planning how we’re going to get Persephone to her apartment and back in one piece.”

  She made a thoughtful noise and sat on the counter, swinging her legs. “Need me to come with you?”

  “I need you to keep up a patrol around this neighborhood,” he said. “They’re still watching her from the street. I need to know if they move after we leave. Can you text me if you see anything?”

  “Sure thing,” she said. Mercy hopped to her feet and headed for the living room. “Be careful.”

  Dodge waved her off, only half paying attention. He needed to get his head in the game. There was no telling what waited for them at Persephone’s apartment building. He was still running through scenarios when he returned to the living room and found Persephone already there with Deirdre, wearing new jeans and a sweater that fit her so closely he had to drag his eyes away before he drooled on the floor. He had no clue how he’d been able to resist her for more than a few hours. Maybe he’d been blind and hadn’t seen how amazing she was.

  Deirdre’s mouth twisted in a wry smile. “You two be careful.”

  Dodge tried to sound cheerful and relaxed, despite the way his guts twisted with nerves. “It’s fine. We’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

  And then he focused all of his concentration and attention on Persephone, everything around her that might endanger her, and the car that would get them to her apartment and back. He sensed the other pack-mates moving around them – spotting for trouble on the street, heading to her apartment before them to search for threats, and spreading out to cover spots where they’d seen Bridger’s goons lying in wait just the day before. He missed Silas in a sudden spark, since he could have trusted Silas to keep Persephone safe.

  He didn’t let her see it, though, and moved at a leisurely pace to get them into the car and on the move.

  “I guess there’s more than just one alligator near the boat, hmm?” Persephone asked when he pulled out of traffic, navigating through small side streets so they didn’t get bogged down due to other cars.

  Dodge reached over to squeeze her hand. “It’s the same alligator. It’s just a little wilier than we originally thought.”

  She made a soft sound, a little distressed, and kept looking out the window like she expected trouble to land on the hood of the car. Dodge laced his fingers through hers. “Then maybe you can think of new ways to seduce me.”

  That got him a smile, at least. Her lips pursed, like she wanted to hide, but the grin escaped just long enough for him to spot it. He parked the car and leaned over to brush a kiss over her mouth. “I expect creativity and dedication, Persephone.”

  She shivered but her lips parted and she kissed him back. He would have given anything to have stayed there with her all afternoon.

  Chapter 29


  My stomach twisted with every step toward my apartment. We’d kissed more in the car and it had damn well nearly distracted me from the fact that someone might want me dead, but too soon reality set in. Dodge pretended to be relaxed and nonchalant, but the tension in his arms and shoulders told another story. He also spent most of his time searching the surrounding streets for something I wouldn’t recognize. Which just made it even clearer how ill-prepared I was for my current predicament.

  I breathed easier when we made it to the apartment, though Dodge prevented me from immediately unlocking the door. He searched for signs of something around the door jamb and the handle, then under the sweep. I didn’t think anyone was hiding in the cracked plastic around the door, but maybe it helped him feel better.

  As soon as we were inside, he had me stand in the kitchen while he searched the rest of the apartment, and I held my breath as I braced for trouble. Nothing else moved inside or in the hall. I only exhaled when Dodge returned to the kitchen with the all-clear. He smiled, a more genuine expression, and moved closer so he could squeeze my side. “Okay. Want to pick out some clothes and get your work stuff? Just enough to shove in a duffel bag. We can order more stuff for you if it’s not enough.”

  I blinked as I looked up at him. “How long do you think this is going to go on?”

  “Hard to say.” The corner of his mouth quirked up and I knew he wasn’t telling the whole truth. They had a plan to deal with it, but I’d have bet Dodge didn’t want me to know about it. Which was quite a relief. I didn’t think I wanted to know what they planned. Dodge’s hand slid down to squeeze my butt. “But hopefully not too long.”

  “Ready to get rid of me already?” I said, trying to be playful.

  He grumbled and grabbed my waist, dragging me full-length against him, and he ducked his head to nibble on my neck. “Not even close.”

  I sighed and leaned against him, closing my eyes. I didn’t mind relying on him. Dodge felt like a rock, like the only permanent thing in the world.

  I could have stayed there for hours, but he shooed me toward the bedroom. “Don’t tempt me into following you back there, otherwise we�
��ll be in bed all day. I’d rather get you home.”

  Home. Such a strange concept. Even though the apartment was technically my home, it didn’t feel like it. Dodge felt like home. It was so difficult to remember I hadn’t always known him. It must have been infatuation or a honeymoon period or something, because it sure as hell didn’t feel real. I shook my head as I scrounged in the back of the closet for a duffel bag.

  There were so many crazy things happening that nothing felt real anymore. He should have been another scary thing in a long line of scary things, and yet... He was the only thing that kept me moving forward. I felt crazy. It wasn’t like me to just jump into bed with a guy or fall in love in a matter of days. I’d never been like that, not even in college when I lost my mind and went a little too wild. My ‘going wild’ was still pretty tame compared to the other girls in my classes, but it had been wild enough for me.

  I took a deep breath. Maybe when we were holed up in Deirdre’s house and avoiding going outside, I could learn more from Dodge about the shifters and their community and how all of that worked. As scary as it was, I wanted to know more. Dodge’s friends and odd family already felt closer than almost anyone I’d ever known. Even with their teasing.

  The duffel bag weighed on my shoulder as I walked into the living room and searched for my laptop and portfolio. At least it would give me some uninterrupted time to study and work on some designs. Although, from the way Dodge watched me, maybe I wouldn’t have any spare time at all.

  I tried not to laugh at his transparent lust as I fussed with the duffel bag, about to make a joke when a booming knock on the door made both of us jump. I stared at Dodge, my heart launching into overdrive and trying to climb up my throat to escape out my mouth. Dodge held a finger up to his lips to tell me to stay quiet, but it wasn’t necessary – I didn’t think I could speak for the life of me. And the urge to run into the bathroom to panic-pee nearly sent me over the edge.

  Dodge stood to the side of the door, frowning. “Who is it?”

  “Police, open up.”

  His eyes narrowed and he shook his head. “What’s this about?”

  “O’Brien sent me. There’s information you need to hear, quick.” The deep voice made my nerves twitch.

  My heart raced as I stared at Dodge, and I struggled to find the next step. Did we answer the door? Hide in the closet? I gripped my phone and tried to dial, though my fingers shook and I had no idea who to call anyway. The whole situation just made me realize how terrible I was in a crisis. I seriously needed lessons in how to deal with stress and awful situations.

  Dodge didn’t look convinced. He stepped closer and I noticed a dull metallic gleam in his right hand for the first time. When had he gotten a gun? I sucked in a breath, backing away as he reached for the door handle. Something wasn’t right. We’d just talked with O’Brien. She would have called if there was news.

  Of course, the fact that Dodge held his gun at the ready spoke volumes about how much he trusted the newcomer. Although O’Brien had said she was asking for help from some financial crimes expert.

  Dodge eased to the side, in front of the door, and glanced over to wave me back. And then the door exploded in.

  Chapter 30


  I stared in horror as a tall man in a heavy coat stepped closer and shot Dodge. Shot him. In the chest. One, two, three times, so rapidly that Dodge was still raising his pistol to fire back.

  Dodge fell backward to the ground, his eyes wide, and I tried to scream. I wanted to scream. I stared at him, paralyzed. No sound escaped.

  Then the stranger turned to me but held the gun pointed to Dodge’s head. “I’ll shoot him in the fucking face if you scream. Understand? You’re going to come nice and quiet.”

  I couldn’t think. I tried to go to Dodge, tried to reach him as blood soaked his shirt and kept draining away, as his mouth worked and he made croaking sounds. His hand reached for me, the other still fumbling the gun to shoot the guy. The guy grabbed me and held me in front of him like a shield. Dodge groaned and tried to speak, tried to tell me something, but then the goon backed toward the door and dragged me with him.

  I whispered, “Dodge,” and tried to reach for him.

  I needed him. I needed him and he was there on the ground bleeding and I couldn’t help him. I couldn’t save him. That awful man killed him. I shook my head. “No. No, you can’t do this. You can’t...”

  The man pressed the barrel of the gun into my side, using his coat to hide it as he dragged me down the stairs and into the street. He kept his voice low but his cruel words chilled me to the bone. “Make a scene, bitch, and I’ll shoot you here in the street. Got it?”

  I should have screamed. I knew I should have. But my brain didn’t seem to be connected to anything anymore. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. My arms and legs felt numb until I stumbled and staggered, carried onward only by the gunman’s momentum.

  He shoved me toward a car and I braced my foot on the side. I had to fight. Dodge would have wanted me to fight. My vision blurred with tears. He couldn’t be gone. He couldn’t be dead. I would see him again, I would have the chance to tell him how I felt. That I loved him. That I needed him. That I was a coward for hiding behind the strangeness of his world as a reason to not put myself out there, to risk my feelings. He’d risked everything for me.

  Even his life.

  A sob twisted free and I shoved back against the gunman, not caring if he shot me. Maybe someone would see the struggle and call the police or could find Evershaw or Deirdre or someone. Anyone.

  I clenched my jaw but took a deep breath, ready to scream for help, when a second man unfolded himself from the back of the car, loomed over me, and swung a dark, heavy object at my head. I braced for the pain. It came with an explosion of bright lights behind my eyelids, and a sudden rushing noise that dragged me into nothingness.

  Chapter 31


  A heavy fucking weight sat on his chest. Dodge thought it might have been Cricket, since the jackass tried to periodically smother him in his sleep. Dodge tried to shove him off but fire ignited in his muscles, following closely by lightning bolts of agony, and something pinned him down. He groaned, searching for a reason. What the fuck happened?

  His thoughts splintered and he drifted, then got yanked back to consciousness by a stake through his heart. He groaned and tried to figure out what happened. He wasn’t in the desert or jungle, he wasn’t being yelled at or tortured. It had to be something else. Dodge seized the last memory he could find. Something about Silas being stuck as a wolf. Escaping the house. Charging after...



  He roared and lurched upright to sit, swinging his arms with rage, and tried to shove to his feet. Something happened to him. A knock on the door, something suspicious about the man who spoke, something about the detective sending him. A loud noise and flashes of light.

  He still struggled with the fog in his memory when something grabbed him and forced him back into a prone position. A gruff voice barked from directly over him. “Dodge, it’s Rafe O’Shea. You’ve been shot. Three to the chest. We’re trying to stop the bleeding. Evershaw is on his way. You need to lie still and let us help you.”

  Dodge clenched his jaw as more voices and movements and bright lights intruded on what little concentration he had. “Persephone. Where.”

  O’Shea didn’t answer. He gave orders to someone else and more pressure landed on Dodge’s chest. Someone moved him to the side to shove something lumpy under his back, trying to put pressure on the exit wounds. He remembered doing that for other guys in much worse conditions. His mind drifted to worse places, intense firefights, car accidents while pursuing bad guys and charging through the jungle. Confronting the worst of the worst. He’d survived all that. Endured. Avoided major injuries.

  And then... the moment he needed to protect his mate, to save her life, he failed.

  He ground his teeth and his heel
s dug into the floor as another bright flare of agony ripped through him. More voices. More movement. Someone talking about an ambulance and blood transfusions.

  Dodge managed to grab the front of O’shea’s shirt as the wolf alpha moved next to him, and dragged him close enough to growl. “Persephone. Where.”

  He didn’t want her to see him like that, bloody and weak. But he needed to know she was okay. She had to be fine. The world was a cruel place but surely he’d done enough to earn time with his mate. She couldn’t have been taken from him. His heart cracked and splintered when O’Shea didn’t answer immediately.

  Dodge tightened his grip and glared at the other man, baring his teeth in the clearest threat he could manage. “Where.”

  O’Shea’s lips thinned into nothing, and his eyes flashed gold at Dodge’s challenge. “They took her. She’s gone.”

  Dodge howled, the sound ripped from his throat. It wasn’t a noise a human was meant to make, but he had no other way to express how his world collapsed around him.

  She was gone. He’d failed her.

  Dodge snarled and released O’Shea, trying to claw his way upright so he could find her. He had to find her.

  They shouted at him and bodies landed across him, trying to pin him, but Dodge didn’t care. He had a mission. It didn’t matter if he died. He had to save Persephone.

  More boots in the hall. Shouting. Then Evershaw’s face loomed over him, his gold eyes flashing with lightning, and the alpha’s will rolled through Dodge and stole what remained of his strength.

  Dodge howled again, furious with the alpha for stealing his vengeance, and fought Evershaw’s hold as much as he could. Everything slowed down until the only thing he saw was the alpha’s damn face. Dodge heard nothing but the sounds of deep water all around him. He groaned and forced sound through his clenched jaw. “Persephone.”


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