Warriors of the Heynai

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Warriors of the Heynai Page 24

by M J Webb

  “No, you are wrong. You are ready, I assure you. You have been ready for this moment for years now. It is not the length of time we spend on a world that counts in times such as these, but rather what we have done in the time we have been given! And you have had to do far more than any other child your age, Princess. You have seen far more than you should have seen, taken part in many battles, commanded warriors and led from the front with bravery and distinction. These people know that! They have all heard of you and your deeds, and now they have seen it for themselves. They witnessed your exploits on the battlefield and they knew exactly what they were getting when they chose you for their leader. Those warriors did not place their trust in you lightly, without thinking it through and without good reason. You are a Princess of Rhuaddan! A proven warrior and leader, a fine and honourable person, and you will give everything you have and more to protect them. What more could they ask for in such circumstances?”

  Princess Zephany stood up straight and proud and wiped away her tears. “Thank you, Knesh. I needed to hear that. But your words do not alter the fact that I am now on my own, when things are not going well I will not have you to guide me. My father is... Well, he is not well enough to fight. And Jake...?”

  “Frah! I am trying to tell you that you do not need us now, you have come of age! You are the leader of the Estian Alliance whether you like it or not. These are now your people! Whatever has happened in the past, whatever happens in the future, you have to fight for them and ensure their survival. But, if it calms you and helps you to know, your father will wake soon, the wizard Tien will heal him. Jake and the others return here to do battle by your side. The Keeper has felt your pain and he is answering the call, though their quest is not yet over and another two stones are needed to restore the box.”

  “Krar, excellent! Thank you again, Knesh. I am so relieved to hear it, particularly about my father. But what of you? What happens to you? Will I ever see you again?”

  “I will be here when you need me. My soul belongs to this land now, I have bargained it away and I have forsaken the paradise that lies beyond. That was my choice to make and I will accept whatever price I am asked to pay for it. I have joined with the Heynai. They have seen something special in you and given me the chance to help you. It is unheard of for a simple warrior such as I and a mortal from Estia. To have earned their trust and respect is a wondrous thing. I do not know what guidance I can give, but... Ra! I must go! Your soldiers approach and your people need you. Goodbye.”

  Zephany blinked and Knesh was gone. Though she wanted to digest all she had been told, she did not have the time to dwell on it as within seconds, she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. She turned around just in time to greet a rather bemused Caro, who could not understand for the life of him how she had been able to react so quickly and anticipate his arrival.

  “Yes? Well, Caro? What is it? The enemy attacks, do they not?”

  “Srr, yes. But how do you know?” asked her astonished champion.

  Princess Zephany smiled at him, she was now totally transformed from the emotional wreck of moments before and she was brimming with confidence.

  “Caro, it is a leader’s duty to know everything that happens on a battlefield. Now, come with me and let us spill first blood in this fight! Call out the guard, sound the alarm, and wake every single warrior we have. The Estian knights are to rise from their beds with swords and spears at the ready, archers to report to the battlements and anyone who can wield a sword is to report to me. This is an attack which must be repulsed. We cannot fail, our lives depend on it.”

  Caro seemed to take immense comfort from the Princess’ confident display of leadership. His chest visibly swelled a little with determination and pride. He answered her with complete respect, renewed enthusiasm sounding in every word.

  “Yes, Princess. It will be as you command. We will hold these walls against the armies of Zsorcraum if you ask us to!”


  Thargw warriors possess many fine attributes of which they are quite rightly proud, and many which are not so fine. Patience has never been one of them. Some, like Sawdon, are excellent warriors, leaders and tacticians. However, even within these giants amongst Thargws, the overwhelming instinct which drives them on is the need for perpetual motion, to get on with things and keep moving, to make something happen. This desire often overrides any other thoughts or feelings they might have, compelling them to ignore the advice of others to wait.

  On the evening of the 25th August, after a lazy, inactive day during which Sawdon had become increasingly bored and foul tempered, the mighty Thargw had finally decided that he had had enough of waiting and hatched a plan for immediate action. He had pleaded his case with King Vantrax for an attack that night on one vulnerable section of the city wall, using only his beloved Thargws. He reasoned that, if a breach of sorts could be made, he could insert enough of his warriors into the city to overpower the defenders, fight his way to the gates, and open them long enough for the rest of the army to enter, thereby handing his master a swift and decisive victory without the need for a long and protracted siege. He had also decided that, to achieve the element of surprise, he would use the cover of darkness, believing that they could be upon the wall before the defenders had chance to raise the alarm and plug any of the gaps in their defensive line he had spotted.

  As soon as it was dark, Sawdon had crept forward silently and alone to reconnoitre the wall. He had determined that the westernmost section was the least heavily defended and the most likely place to succumb to such an attack. He had then returned swiftly to his lines and gathered to him all the Thargws he needed for the attempt, ensuring that they collected and carried the ladders they would require.

  Thousands had answered his call and they had advanced as silently as possible, crouching down low and crawling in places so as not to be seen by the Estians manning the wall ramparts. But, a sharp eyed lookout had spotted movement in the fields below him and silently raised the alarm, unbeknown to Sawdon and the Thargws who had followed him.

  Several minutes later, the scene was set for the first engagement in the siege of Dassilliak. Sawdon was ready with his ferocious force of warriors to launch the attack and Princess Zephany was crouched down low at the foot of the wall. She had with her many of the Estian knights who had rallied around to meet the attackers and deny them the chance to storm the wall. Caro was on the ramparts, having been asked by Zephany to organise the defence of the wall and direct the archer’s fire. The Princess had been careful not to send too many soldiers up to the ramparts too soon. She did not want the enemy to see that move and halt their attack, or move to launch an attempt at another section of the wall. She was hoping to kill as many of them as possible while she had the advantage of knowing their movements.


  A terrifyingly loud roar suddenly erupted from in front of the defences as thousands of Thargws stood up, drew their battleswords and sprinted the relatively short distance to the wall, their nostrils flared and their teeth shining brightly in the moonlight as they eagerly charged with their ladders, intent on drawing the blood of their enemies and following their illustrious leader.

  Several of the Estian knights alongside Princess Zephany made to scale the steps to the ramparts. She halted them and they all waited silently for the right moment to advance. Within minutes, the first of the ladders could be seen poking over the top of the wall and the first of the Thargws had begun to climb the rungs. Zephany decided the time was right. She gave the order and every knight available charged up the steps to stand beside their archers, protecting them and allowing them to fire unhindered at the attacking throngs. The knights were able to push many of the ladders away and the Thargws fell onto their comrades, but still they kept on coming.

  Thargws are swift and resourceful creatures. Before long, several of them had overcome the defences and managed to gain a foothold on one section of the wall. They had shields with them and advanced un
der cover to engage the Estian knights, managing to fight their way powerfully along the wall in both directions and creating a vulnerable spot through which more and more Thargws could pour.

  The situation was looking critical and Zephany knew that she had to act.

  As a great fight developed on this section of the wall and Thargw after Thargw joined their intrepid colleagues, Sawdon saw the chance that was there for the taking and he roared at his countrymen.

  “Raaarrr!!! Come on! We have them!”

  He placed his sword in his teeth and began climbing the ladder, stepping onto the first rung with a feeling of excitement and exhilaration the likes of which he had not felt for years.

  Princess Zephany gave her orders. As part of her battleplan she had split the archers into sections. As soon as she whistled to Caro, he gave the order and one in every two of them deliberately and swiftly detached themselves from the fight, their place on the wall being taken immediately by the knights who had supported them. They all jumped down onto wagons of straw which had been placed strategically along the length of the wall. They sprinted to form up next to the Princess. Then, as she directed, the knights engaging the Thargws suddenly took several steps backwards and threw themselves down onto the floor, just as the archers unleashed a barrage of arrows upon the mighty Eratian warriors from down below, firing into them from their exposed flank and catching them in a crossfire with the archers on the walls. They were all killed or wounded in a matter of minutes.

  The whole thing was executed perfectly. It was a highly effective manoeuvre which was the brainchild of a rebel Princess who was used to ‘adapting so that she might overcome.’ The Estian knights and archers were jubilant and hugely impressed, they gained great confidence and began fighting even harder, pouring their fire and venom down onto the Thargws so fiercely that the attack stalled.

  The battle raged on however. Sawdon roared in fury as the ladder he was climbing was pushed away from the wall and he fell the short distance to the ground. He picked himself up and dusted himself down. His warriors were dying all around him and each time they managed to gain a foothold on the wall, they were repulsed firmly by the defenders, who continued to use a variety of unorthodox and unexpected tactics which the Thargws had not encountered before, and could not anticipate.

  Princess Zephany had now joined her archers on the wall and was firing her bow with deadly accuracy at anything that moved on the fields below. The great Thargw had no choice but to concede defeat on this occasion and withdraw his forces.

  “Raart! I would need a force ten times this number to take these walls!’ Sawdon raged. “Then that is what will be, we will return in force!”

  He gave the order to retreat and the Thargws returned to their camp, trudging wearily and angrily back to where King Vantrax and Melissa were waiting for them, having watched the whole spectacle unfold from afar.

  “Well, Sawdon? How would you say that went?” asked Vantrax, once the Thargw had collected a drink of water to quench his incredible thirst.

  Sawdon glared furiously at his master, he did not feel like talking, he was far too embarrassed and infuriated with himself for that. But he knew he had to answer.

  “You were right, sire. The defences are too strong and we did not attack in sufficient numbers. We need the towers and the weapons we are building to be victorious. But, we did prove that it is possible to breach their defences, and we did scale the wall! The next time we attack it will be with the right support and the right equipment, and with all of our army.”

  “Ahem. Not quite all,” stated Melissa. “The rest of my Sebantans and the new ‘volunteers’ they have recruited should be on their way back from Mynae by now, they will join us soon.”

  King Vantrax nodded slowly as he considered the situation. “Yes. A few more days and all the pieces will finally be in place. We just have to try to find some way of entertaining you while we wait, Sawdon. After all, a great many of my warriors have paid the price for your impatience, and the city is still in rebel hands!”

  Chapter 26

  25th August – Rethick City – Perosya

  By mid afternoon on the 25th, Jake and the rest of his companions were back in the tavern at Rethick city. When Gellsorr had flown away and left them to search for the last surviving dragons, the small group had descended the mountain and trudged wearily back to their rooms, no longer fuelled by the thrill of anticipation. They were to a certain degree disappointed. They had found the Eratian ore they were searching for, that much was true, although Tien had still to find some way of cutting it down to size. However, the ascent had promised to deliver so much more as events unfolded, and they all knew it. With the discovery of an actual, living dragon, came the promise of a powerful new ally who could aid them in their struggle. Anything was possible. But, now that he had gone, despite giving his word of honour to Jake that he would return, they all began to seriously doubt that they would ever see Gellsorr again. After all, dragons had been persecuted and hunted for centuries on Estia, ‘why would they risk annihilation and join with their old enemies now? Surely Gellsorr would find the colony and choose to live amongst them in peace for the last of his remaining years? Free from the concerns and dangers of this hostile and volatile world.’

  After a few hours rest, Jake had instructed them all to pack their things and they had met downstairs in the bar room in order to settle their bill and have a drink whilst they discussed their next move. Verastus had ordered two jots of ale for him and Tien, and two glasses of traag’s milk for the boys.

  Two of the five stones they needed to complete the restoration of the box were now safely in their possession. The Eye of Toganoll and the Bloodstone were tucked away neatly inside the pockets of Tien’s robe. A third, the much larger and heavier sphere of Eratian ore, lay within Gellsorr’s grasp. When the barkeep brought the drinks over, they each took a sip and a strange silence descended upon the occupants of the table, as they each waited to see who would be the first to speak. Their obvious fatigue and the disappointment of seeing Gellsorr leave, added to the sombre mood. Once again, it was Ben who tried his best to lift everyone’s spirits.

  “Well, this is great, isn’t it? You lot are like a load of wet rags. Look at ya, you miserable sods. You all look as if someone’s died. Smile, please. Alright, so we’ve lost a dragon... Ha ha, how funny does that sound? But, come on! Worse things have happened, haven’t they? Look, we set out to find five stones, didn’t we? I never thought we’d get one, but we have! We’ve got three out of five! I don’t think I’ve ever scored more than fifty percent in a test before. Ha ha… That’s better.” he said, noticing the smiles that had just developed on his friend’s faces. “Now lighten up, all of you, and let’s talk. Jake, what happens now then? I suppose we’re heading straight for the fourth stone, eh? Oh, and don’t forget pal, I still haven’t forgiven you for losing my dragon, the only one I’ve ever seen, or am likely to see. That would’ve made some pet, wouldn’t it? How many times do ya reckon I’ve said I needed a camera since we’ve been here? Well, that was the photo opportunity of a lifetime. If only our friends from school could’ve seen it. Just imagine what Hath, Gibbo, Smarty and the rest of the gang would’ve said, eh? Ah, the street cred we would’ve gained, and it would have sure impressed the girls!” he said, winking at Jake and with a huge smile on his lips.

  Everyone else laughed along too, their spirits lifted by Ben’s infectious optimism. Then, when they had settled and the laughter had stopped, Jake took a sip of his milk and put the mug down on the table, before looking at each of them in turn and deciding how best to respond.

  “Okay, rather unusually for Ben, in his own special kind of way, he’s actually right for a change. However you look at it, we’ve already done far better than anyone could have expected, and we’ve a hell of a lot to be proud of. Three down and two to go, just as he said. Yes, the obvious thing to do now is to go immediately for the fourth stone, wherever it may be, once we learn from Tien of its wherea
bouts. But, something inside of me isn’t entirely happy about it. Something is not right, and I can feel it in my bones. Don’t ask me why, but I am getting the weirdest sensation all over, it’s like... Well, the best way I can explain it to you is it’s like I’m about to enter a very important exam, one on which everything rides and I dare not fail, only I have done no revision for it all and I know that’s exactly what I’m about to do. I know that won’t make any sense to you guys, it’s not clear to me either, but I’m certain that if we choose that path now, if we go for the next stone, it will end in disaster. I thought you all should know how I’m feeling before we go making any decisions, before we set off.”

  “Huh... Alrighty then. Thanks for that, I suppose that’s peed on my bonfire?” said Ben, looking at the others to see if they had anything to say.

  Verastus rubbed the hair on his chin for a second or two, before venturing his own opinion. “I do not know how the others feel, Jake. For myself, I am happy to follow you whatever you decide. Your feelings and your intuition so far have all been correct, have they not? You have led us to victory time and again, and you have passed every test, jumped every barrier placed in your way. I think...”

  “Ah! Hang on there, big man. Let’s not forget that he did lose my dragon. That was pretty careless if you ask me,” interrupted Ben, pointing out with his own brand of humour that even Jake had made some mistakes.

  Verastus laughed gently and nodded, just now beginning to appreciate the young boy’s take on things. “Ha ha... Yes, I see your point, Ben. But seriously, the Keeper is right to air his concerns, whatever they might be. We must know everything that happens if we are to prevail.”


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