Promise You: A friends to lovers romance

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Promise You: A friends to lovers romance Page 16

by Fabiola Francisco

  I rub my palm over my chest. Focusing on my breath, I try to keep control of something, anything, in my life. I didn’t expect to hear from Dex, but a part of me wished he’d get his head out of his ass and call me. I’m still so angry that he would think something like that about me.

  I’ve never been a cheater and never would be, especially after what I went through with Knox. I know how to end things with someone I’m no longer interested in before hopping into bed with someone else. Most importantly, I’d think he trusts me more than that. By the looks of it, the foundation of our relationship is about as stable as a three-legged table. So much for months of friendship.

  Mackenzie and Hunter wouldn’t stop asking me what was wrong when I had dinner with them last night. I bottled up what was happening, not wanting pity from them. All I’ve wanted was to be alone. Taylor tries to perk me up each day, but my focus is making it to that doctor’s appointment next week and making sure everything is okay with my baby.

  I push the doors to my office open, hoping no one asks me how I’m feeling today. You take one sick day, and people feel they have the green light to offer all their home remedies. If one more person suggests I drink green tea, I’m going to scream.

  I rush to my desk, head down and ready to work. I could use the distraction. Anything that will keep my mind off of Dex and the possibility of becoming a single mom. Although, I need the most distraction from the pain in my chest that refuses to leave no matter how hard I rub it away.

  My eyes well and I inhale, masking my emotions. A shaky breath escapes my lips as I sit and turn on my laptop. I scroll through emails, each subject taking me further away from the thoughts drowning me.

  “Reese.” I turn around and see our receptionist.

  “Yeah?” I raise my eyebrows.

  Her tight smile confirms that I’m being a bitch. “This was delivered for you.” She holds up a bag.

  “Thanks.” I take it when she hands it over and peek inside. Stubborn tears trail down my cheek. I pull out the box of my favorite chocolate chip cookies and notice a paper taped to the top. I wipe my face before someone asks me why I’m crying and rip the paper from its place on the box.

  I read the typed words.


  I’ve gone and fucked up the best thing in my life. I never should’ve accused you of cheating on me. I’m sorry for being a prick. Hope this sweetens your day. Let’s talk when I get back.



  More tears fall, and I race to the bathroom to wash my face. For the first time all week, hope blossoms inside of me. We have to have a serious talk. My hand lands on my stomach. This is more than just he and I. We now have a lot more to discuss, and I refuse to bring instability into this baby’s life. Either he trusts me, or we have no room to move forward to.

  After reining in my emotions, I make my way back to my desk to continue checking my emails and snacking on my cookies.

  Screw it. I grab my phone and type a quick text message.

  Reese: thank you for the cookies

  I put my phone back in my drawer and wish this day goes by faster than the last few.


  I pace around my apartment, straightening the cushions on the couch, moving the vase of flowers from one end of the table to another to the center. I shake my hands by my side and blow out air as I walk into the kitchen for a glass of water. I have to work out this nervous energy.

  I check the time on my phone for the hundredth time and then comb my fingers through my long hair. When Dex sent me a message earlier asking if he could come over tonight to talk, I thought it was perfect to get this out of the way sooner rather than later. After the cookies he sent me with the note, I’ve been hoping for a reunion. Now, I’m full of nervous energy bouncing inside of me like an out-of-control bouncy ball.

  I jolt and stop my aimless pacing when the doorbell rings, staring at the door. I run my palms down my jean-covered thighs and twirl the ends of my hair as I let it fall over my shoulders. I push a gust of breath from my mouth as I open the door unsure of how tonight will go.

  “Hi.” Dex’s green eyes stare at me, his hands tucked into the pockets of his dark jeans.

  “Hey. Come in.” I move to the right so he can walk in.

  “Thanks. How are you?” He turns around, facing me.

  “Good and you?” The awkwardness is making this situation worse with our stunted conversation.

  “Good,” he nods. Neither of us sure of what to do or where to stand.

  “We can sit in the living room,” I offer.

  “Yeah, of course.” He follows me into the living room, sitting next to me.

  “Reese…” Dex starts and clears his throat. “I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, keeping his eyes on mine. “I let jealousy get the best of me.”

  I interrupt him, unable to keep quiet. “I was hurt when I lost him. I never thought I’d feel emotional pain like that. Until now. Losing you… That hurts more than anything. You’ve etched my heart, carved your name into it. You proved to me I could be someone’s first choice. If you want to end this, do it now.”

  “Reese.” He says my name with firm determination, but I keep talking.

  “Just tell me what you want. I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t do anything at all. He showed up here out of the blue, told me he was getting a divorce, as if that would magically change my mind or my heart. I love you, Dex. I told him we were over years ago, and that I was with someone else that meant the world to me. I hugged him and he left. All in the fucking parking lot.” I gulp air.

  “This is an eye-opener for you. The media loves drama. They live for stirring the pot and twisting stories that will sell. You and me being in love, that won’t sell. Knox having an affair with an old flame, that sells. Even if it’s based on lies and ruins lives and relationships. This is the way it works. You choose to believe what you know, or the shit they publish.” I fall back onto the couch.

  “Will you let me speak, woman?” His eyes are wide, pushing his eyebrows up into his forehead. I nod, my lips pursed.

  “I fucked up. I assumed something I know wasn’t true. I was hurt. Although I didn’t know Knox was the person you had told me about, I know that person meant a lot to you. When I saw the photo, anger at life crashed into me. I had this great thing going, this amazing woman, and now someone wanted to tear it apart, rip it from my hands. I knew what you felt for him, and I couldn’t compete against that. I was angry at the fate of things and took it out on you.

  “It was wrong. I know that, but I had no control over my emotions. If you had to choose, you’d pick someone you loved for years over someone you recently started dating. I’ve always been a confident man, but with you it’s different. It’s like I’m not good enough and yet perfect for you all at once.” His words move around me, confusion about his reasoning.

  “Dex,” I tilt my head. “Have you not been present these last couple of months? Have you not experienced the same relationship I have? I love you. There is no competition. I had just found out I was pregnant, wondering how the hell it happened and how to deal with it. I was scared. Hell, I still am. The last thing I expected was for you to think I cheated on you. The fact that you voiced that concerns me. He’s the past. I thought you were my future.”

  His hands scrub his face, his shoulders tense. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what overcame me.” His fists clench on his lap. “I trust you.”

  “Do you?” I angle my body toward him. “Because that’s not what your words or actions showed, and that hurt the most.” I bite down on my lip, catching my breath before my tears trail down my face.

  “I do, Reese. Of course, I do.” He takes hold of my hands. “I can’t take back what I said, I can only make things right. Let me make things right. I want to be there for you and the baby. I know it may take you some time to forgive me, but I’ll make sure to prove how much I care about you each day. I’ll woo you, love you, keep my promise to you that no one or anyth
ing else comes first. Hell, I’ll send you cookies every day.” His eye plead.

  I sigh and relax my body. “I want to be with you. I don’t plan on punishing you. If I did, we might as well go our separate ways now. We’re adults, Dex. With that being said, we need to communicate. We can’t assume. The more popularity you’ll gain, the more the media will love to tear you apart. They’ve been asking me questions about Knox ever since that article was published. I’ve had to shut down rumors on my way to work. It’s not fun, but it’s the reality of our lives.” I hate thinking about how people see me and stop to ask me something about Knox or Amelia.

  His back straightens. “What have they asked you? How do I make them stop?”

  “You don’t.” I shake my head. “Eventually they’ll move on when they see there’s no story to pull at. You have patience, strength, and focus on what you know to be true in your heart.”

  He bows his head, breaking eye contact for the first time. Releasing my hands, he says, “I hate this.”

  “Me, too. I hate that something so obviously untrue put a wedge between us. I need to know that you believe in me, believe in us. I need to know that you’ll always talk to me first.”

  “I promise.” His hands move to my waist and pull me to him in a hug. “I hadn’t felt loss like that since my dad,” he confesses, his face hidden in the crook where my neck and shoulder meet.

  I pull back and look at him. I cup his face and frown. “Let’s avoid this in the future, okay?”

  “Okay.” His hand moves from my back to my stomach. “Tell me about the baby.”

  I swallow back my emotions. “I hate that you found out this way. I had it all planned out to tell you in person. I saw this going a different way, not with my big brother punching my boyfriend because he knocked me up.” I shake my head, silent tears rolling down my cheeks.

  “It’s okay. It’s how it happened. Yeah, I wish it would’ve been different, too, but we can’t control that now.” His thumb rubs up and down my stomach.

  “I have a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday morning. It was the soonest he could see me. I’ve been doing as the nurse instructed over the phone—avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and cured foods. On Tuesday I’ll know how far along I am and the health of the baby.”

  “Health?” His eyebrows pinch together.

  “I didn’t know I was pregnant and had been drinking. I’m scared something could be wrong.” I tuck my lips into my mouth. With his thumb, he releases them and touches his lips to mine.

  “Our baby is healthy,” he reassures me.

  “You’re not scared? Are you sure you want this?” I speak my other concern.

  “I want this. So damn much. I want you and this baby,” he sneaks his hand under my shirt. His calloused fingers moving over my stomach make me shiver. He lifts my shirt to expose my belly and kisses it.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he looks up at me. “I’m an idiot.” He plants another kiss. “But I love you and was terrified of losing you and this.” He drops one more kiss and lets my shirt fall back down.

  Dex pulls me onto his lap, holding me carefully. “I want to go to the appointment with you.”

  I nod. “Okay.” My fingers skirt around his face, feeling the scruff framing it. “Let’s never break up again.”

  He shakes his head, catching my palm with his lips and kissing me. “I agree. You’re mine, always.”

  I kiss him, my lips melting into his as my tongue sweeps against his. We get lost in our kiss as a peaceful wave falls over us.


  I hold Reese’s hand as we sit in the waiting room. Her chest rises and falls as her knee bounces. I squeeze her hand and smile at her. Seeing her after a month was heaven and torture at once with the way things turned out while I was on tour. I wanted to pull her into me, hold her, but I needed to apologize first. I’m not done apologizing. What I said is inexcusable, but I hope with time we can move past it.

  We’ve spent the last few days talking, spending time together, and me showing her how much she means and how wrong I was to assume.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper in Reese’s ear, kissing her cheek. I’d do anything to ease her nerves. When she asked me if I was ready to have a kid, I didn’t hesitate. I have no doubt in my mind that this is what I want. After losing her, I realized how much more she means to me. Nothing or no one will replace her.

  “I know.” She nods, leaning her head on my shoulder.

  This woman is everything I never knew I wanted until I met her and realized what I was missing in my life.

  “Reese Stone.” A medical assistant opens the door and calls her name into the waiting area.

  “That’s me.” She stands, keeping her hand in mine.

  We follow her into a room, stopping for a weigh-in, then she guides Reese to the examination table. She takes her vitals while I look at the posters hanging on the wall.

  “The technician will be in soon for your ultrasound. Please undress your lower body, and you can cover yourself with this paper.” she smiles, holding up a folded piece of medical paper, and leaves us alone in the room.

  I’m by her side, pulling her into me. “Are you excited?”

  “Yeah. This will make it real,” she eyes me.

  “Babe, this is already real.” I place my hand over her stomach. She’s not showing yet, but knowing our baby is growing inside of her fills me with emotion. Pride mixed with a lot of love and care. I lean down to touch my lips with hers.

  “Hello, Ms. Stone.” The technician walks in with a clipboard. “I’m Helen and will be doing your ultrasound today. Your vitals look great. How are you feeling?” The older woman looks at us and smiles.

  “I’m good. Tired a lot of days, but I feel okay,” she explains.

  “That’s normal. We’re going to do a transvaginal ultrasound since you’re still early on in the pregnancy. Lean back, please,” Helen instructs.

  I stay by Reese’s side, holding her hand, as the technician explains what she’s going to do. Soon, the clicking sound of a keyboard fills the room as Reese and I wait in silence for her to speak.

  Helen smiles at us and zooms in on the image. “Do you see this here?” She points to the screen.

  Reese nods her head, but I’m too busy looking at her to notice the screen. Her face lights up, and tears fill her eyes.

  “That’s your baby.”

  I pull Reese’s hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles, finally looking at the screen to see our tiny baby in the gray image.

  “Is that the heartbeat?” Reese asks, her head lifting.

  “It is,” Helen smiles at us. “It’s always amazing to hear, especially for first-time parents.”

  I’m mesmerized listening to the quick and steady rhythm as it drums in the small room. “Wow.” I look at Reese.

  “Amazing, right?” she asks.

  “Can I record the sound?” I ask Helen.

  “Of course.”

  I pull out my phone and hit record to keep this as a memory.

  “You are a little over eight weeks pregnant. The baby is healthy, as are you. I know you had mentioned you were worried since you had alcohol before you knew that you were pregnant,” Helen assures Reese.

  “Thank God.” She leans her head back, a gorgeous smile taking over as she looks at me. “We’re going to be parents.”

  I nod. “We already are.” I kiss her.

  “I’ll print an image of the sonogram for you to take,” Helen says.

  She hands us the sonogram and Reese sits up, covering herself. “Congratulations.”

  After we finish, I hug Reese outside the doctor’s office. “I love you so much.” I kiss her softly, brushing the strands of hair from her face.

  “Love you, too.” Her hands frame my face. “No going back.”

  I shake my head. “I’d never want to go back. I mean that. It’s you and me, and now this baby, too. Do you have time for breakfast before going into work?”

  She checks the time on her phone a
nd nods. “Yeah, I’m starving.”

  When I arrive to the studio after breakfast with Reese, Peyton is waiting for me. Yesterday we met to go over details from the tour. Despite the shit that went down the last week, the tour was smooth. They’ll go back on the road next week for the second leg, and Peyton is leaving me ready to handle a few things on my own while he’s traveling with them.

  “I’m glad you’re here. How’s Reese?” Peyton asks.

  If I had it my way, no one would know she’s pregnant until she’s further along, but things didn’t turn out the way I’d like. “She’s good. Everything looks great, and we got to hear the heartbeat,” I respond.

  “That’s great. You’re going to love being a dad.” Peyton claps my shoulder.

  A dad. My stomach flips and my heart stops in my chest. That sounds so weird. I exhale and run a hand through my hair. I narrow my eyes at Peyton when he laughs.

  “Been there, but it’s the best feeling,” he reassures me.

  I nod and sit at the table in the meeting room. “What’s up?”

  “I’ve got some updates to share with you.” He sits as well, opening a folder that holds a stack of papers. He pushes one sheet to me in silence.

  I skim over it, my eyebrows shooting up. “Is this real?” I hold the paper in my hands and read the words more carefully.

  “Yup, Nashville wants to sign you. They heard great things from the tour, and your steady growth in audience has impressed them. I have the contract here, and we can go over it together. However, I’d still have your lawyer take a look.”

  I nod, still holding the paper in my hands. Holy shit. “Thank you,” I look up at him. “I promise to be professional. No more fights and outbursts,” I assure him.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less. I know you’re a good person and worth taking a chance on. What happened between you and Jason happened. We’ve moved on, which is why I want to tell you that Jason spoke in your favor. He took the blame for what happened, letting them know you were defending yourself. Then he gave his opinion about you and your music,” Peyton shares, his eyes unblinking as he looks at me.


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