Summer's End

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Summer's End Page 14

by Jill Sanders

He nodded and moved a little closer to her. “When your smile reaches your eyes, it’s the sexiest thing ever.” He wrapped his arms around her. “Just how long do we have to stay here anyway?” he asked, causing her to laugh again.

  “What is it you said you do?” They both turned as Bridgett approached them, a flute of champagne in her hand as she practically dragged Harold towards them.

  Aiden’s eyebrows shot up, then he glanced at Aubrey, who quickly jumped in.

  “Aiden owns his own architecture firm,” she answered easily.

  It was close to the truth, but he would have described his business as a construction firm instead of an architectural firm. He decided to keep his mouth shut all the same.

  “Oh?” Bridgett dropped her hold on Harold, who swayed slightly. Aiden frowned down at the older man. His color was off, and he didn’t seem focused like he’d been earlier.

  He’d seen the man’s eyes fog over when he’d confused Aubrey with her mother earlier that day. He wondered how many other episodes the man was having and made a mental note to watch him more carefully.

  The entire time Bridgett and Aubrey talked, he watched her father, who looked confused and out of touch. When Bridgett was done trying to belittle Aubrey, she turned around and grabbed Harold’s arm and dragged him on to the next group of people to talk.

  “Is that normal?” he asked again.

  “Hm?” He could see that Aubrey was flushed and slightly annoyed at the conversation she’d had with Bridgett. He hadn’t paid too much attention to what had been said because he’d been afraid that Harold was going to fall over at any moment.

  “Your father.” He motioned to the man, who was standing next to Bridgett, staring off into space as if he was drugged.

  Aubrey’s eyes followed his and she frowned. “No.” She surprised him by pulling out her phone and stepping towards a set of glass doors.

  He followed her out onto a balcony filled with potted plants and a large iron bench.

  Aubrey sat down and held the phone up to her ear.

  “Hi, Dr. Williams, it’s Aubrey Smith.” She waited as he sat next to her.

  Thankfully, the small patio was covered since it was still raining outside.

  “Yes, I’m back in town,” Aubrey continued. “I was wondering. When was the last time my father came in for a physical?” She glanced towards the doors, and her eyes zoned in on her father. “That long?” She frowned. “Yes, I would appreciate it. Tonight, if possible. I’m here at the house for a party he’s holding…” She stopped talking and her eyes narrowed. “Yes, I agree. I’ll make sure we wait around to greet you. Thank you,” she said before hanging up.

  “So?” he asked, guessing most of what had gone on.

  “Dr. Williams has been my father’s best friend and doctor for most of his life. He’s a few months older than my father. The last time he saw my father was a little over a year ago. Shortly after Bridgett appeared in my dad’s life.” She leaned back in the bench. “He’s heading over here now. Whatever happens, we need to stick around until then to ensure that he’s gained access to the party.” She turned to him. “Dr. Williams said that for as long as he’s known my father, he’s never thrown a party and that it didn’t sound like him. Of course, he’d hosted dinners with potential clients, but parties?” She shook her head. “Never. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that this is his engagement party to a woman less than half his age.” She sighed and lifted her hand to rub her forehead.

  “Headache?” he asked.

  “Too much champagne.” She sighed. “I need something solid. It should be time for dinner soon.” She stood up suddenly.

  He stood and stopped her from returning inside. “We’ll get to the bottom of this. Even though I had never met the man before today, something is definitely off about his physical appearance. He seems… drugged.”

  “Do you think…” she started, but then the patio door opened, and a couple came out and lit up cigarettes, forcing them back inside.

  When they entered, she motioned towards Bridgett. “Do you think she has anything to do with this?”

  “It could be dementia,” he suggested. “But from what I’ve heard about her, I wouldn’t put anything past her.”

  “But to drug someone. How would she get her hands on something that powerful? What would she use to make him act so… out of character?”

  He pulled out his phone. “Let’s see if I can find out. At least until the doctor gets here.”

  They stood in the corner, waiting for the guests to be called in for dinner while he searched the internet for possibilities.

  When they sat at the massive table, which easily sat all fifty guests, he leaned closer to Aubrey and whispered. “There are lots of things that could cause this. Most likely it’s some form of benzodiazepine. Guess we’ll have to ask the doc when he gets here. Maybe he can do a blood test?”

  Suddenly, a bell rang, which immediately got everyone’s attention. Bridgett smiled as every eye turned to her. At this point, Harold looked like he was going to fall out of his chair and slide to the floor. He’d lost most of his coloring, but the odd thing was, he’d heard a few guests joking about how bad he looked. It seemed like no one else cared about Harold Smith.

  “Thank you.” Bridgett stood up and then nudged Harold, who immediately jumped up and held his glass, which was filled with a dark liquid. “Harold and I wanted to thank each and every one of you for being here to celebrate this important day with us.” She nudged Harold again, who jumped in.

  “Yes.” He cleared his throat and then nodded. “I know it’s not customary for me to have people over, but I couldn’t contain the joy of sharing this news with my friends and family.” Her father’s eyes turned towards Aubrey, who sucked in her breath.

  Aiden reached under the table and took her hand.

  “It’s my pleasure to announce that I’ve asked…” Her father shook his head as if trying to remember Bridgett’s name. “Bridgett,” he finally said, “to be my wife. She’s said yes.” He promptly sat back down as he finished off his drink.

  There were a few claps in the group, but for the most part the table was silent.

  “We’ll be married in a week,” Bridgett finished with a smile, ignoring the tension around her. She held her glass higher. “To true love,” she said and drank quickly before sitting down next to Harold.

  The fact that not a single person lifted their glass told Aiden that he wasn’t the only one feeling the awkwardness of the situation.

  “Is it true?” asked the man sitting on Aubrey’s other side.

  She shrugged. “It appears so.” She glanced at Aiden. He could tell she was growing weary of the game.

  Guilt hit him full force about the game he was playing with her. It was no wonder she was afraid of making commitments with her heart. The man that had raised her was void of emotion, even in an altered physical state.

  Just as the main course was served, an older man stepped into the room, glanced around, and then made a beeline towards Harold. Aiden knew immediately what was about to happen next when Bridgett’s eyes grow huge at the sight of the other man.

  “This should be a fun show,” Aubrey said before standing up.

  Chapter 17

  “What are you doing here?” Bridgett almost squealed the question as Dr. Williams stopped beside Aubrey’s father. “Harold and I don’t want you here.”

  “I’m here at the request of a family member,” Dr. Williams responded, dismissing Bridgett altogether. “Harold, why don’t you and I step into your office for a chat?”

  “He’ll do no such thing.” Bridgett stood suddenly, knocking over her chair. Immediately, an employee came and righted it.

  “John,” Harold said with a slight shake of his head, “I didn’t call you.” Her father glanced in her direction.

  “Dad? Let Dr. Williams take a look at you. Something’s not right.”

  “He’s perfectly fine. Probably just a little tired from all the preparation
s for tonight’s party.” Bridgett placed a hand on her father’s shoulder and held him in place.

  “You are…?” Dr. Williams turned back to Bridgett.

  Bridgett looked a little put out, now that it was official that they were engaged. She probably expected word to go out to the entire world about their engagement.

  “Harold and I have just announced our engagement.” She held up her hand and showed the doctor the massive rock on her finger.

  Aubrey smiled when the doctor covered his laughter with a cough. “Then I’m sure you want to make sure your soon-to-be husband makes it to the altar.” He nodded to her father, who in the past few minutes had turned even paler and more confused looking.

  “Honey?” Bridgett knelt beside him. “How about I help you upstairs to bed?”

  “John? I should have called you,” her father said again.

  “That’s it.” Dr. Williams motioned to a few employees. “Please help him into his study and have my bag brought in from the trunk of my car. It’s parked right out front.”

  The employees immediately jumped into action.

  Dr. Williams turned to Aubrey. “Why don’t you join us?” he asked her, then he turned back to Bridgett. “Your presence is required as well,” he said in a stern voice. Not giving Bridgett a chance to respond, he turned and walked towards her father’s office.

  “You did this,” Bridgett hissed as she tossed down her napkin. “I will ruin you,” she said under her breath.

  Before leaving, Aubrey turned to the crowd. “Feel free to finish your dinner. I would request that after you’re done, however, you head on out. My father isn’t in the best of health right now. Thank you for your understanding.”

  Bridgett marched back to her and yanked her arm. Then Aiden was there, hovering over her.

  “Let her go,” he hissed, and Bridgett immediately dropped her hold on Aubrey.

  Aubrey could have handled Bridgett herself, but she wanted her father’s acquaintances to see Bridgett for who she was. A bully.

  “No, please.” Bridgett smiled to the group. “Eat, drink. I’ll straighten up this mess, and we’ll be right back out here to finish enjoying our evening with everyone.” She waved the staff over to finish handing out the dinner.

  The moment she turned away, her smile dropped, and her eyes narrowed at the pair of them.

  “Shall we?” Aubrey asked in a sweet voice and motioned towards her father’s office.

  “Drop dead,” Bridgett mumbled under her breath as she passed by them.

  “Nice. Guess it doesn’t take much for her to show her true colors, huh?” Aiden said.

  Aubrey chuckled. “Thanks to Zoey for cluing me in on that little fact.”

  Aiden shut the door behind them as they stepped into her father’s office once more. Aubrey felt her stomach growl as she stood beside her father’s desk and watched. Her father was sitting in his chair with Dr. Williams by his side. He was taking his heart rate while Bridgett hovered over him.

  “He’s fine. As I mentioned before…” She tried to pull Harold back to his feet, but her father at this point couldn’t even stand. “He’s just tired.”

  “Leave Dr. Williams to do his job,” Aubrey told Bridgett.

  The woman turned on her. “Just who do you think you are? Coming in here, demanding things?”

  Aubrey’s eyebrows shot up. “Me? First, I’m his daughter.” She pointed towards her father. “Second, I haven’t demanded anything. Dr. Williams showed up here and made all the demands. No doubt after seeing how sick my father was, he grew worried.”

  Bridgett opened her mouth to respond, but just then the doctor’s bag was delivered.

  “I don’t like your father’s blood pressure,” Dr. Williams told Aubrey. The fact that the man wasn’t addressing Bridgett just set the woman off even more. “I’m going to call an ambulance.” The doctor pulled out his phone.

  “No, you won’t. Harold doesn’t want—” Bridgett started.

  “Thank you, Dr. Williams,” Aubrey said firmly. “Since I’m his only current relative, I consent to him being taken in.” She narrowed her eyes at Bridgett.

  “I’m fine, John,” her father broke in. His words were slurred, which made her worry even more.

  It was strange—her entire life she’d hated the man, but seeing him the way he was now, well, it almost broke her. Maybe because she believed someone had done it to him? Maybe because it was Bridgett? Whatever the reason, she was determined to see that he returned to full health and that Bridgett got what she deserved. Which was absolutely nothing.

  “Thanks,” Dr. Williams said and touched her arm. “But, seeing as I’m still your dad’s official primary physician”—he turned towards Bridgett and added—“it only takes my say so, legally speaking.” He stepped away as he called nine-one-one to have an ambulance come get her dad.

  “Afraid of what they might find?” Aubrey asked Bridgett quietly.

  The woman glanced nervously over at the wet bar that lined the back of her father’s office.

  “No,” she said firmly as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  To Aiden’s credit, he caught on quickly and strolled slowly over towards the bar and motioned to the bottle her father had drank from earlier that day. “Dr. Williams, can I offer you a drink?” Aiden picked up the bottle.

  Aubrey saw Bridgett’s eyes grow big.

  “No, thank you,” Dr. Williams said as he hung up.

  “So, doc.” Aiden leaned back and slowly poured a glass of her father’s favorite bourbon. She knew he wasn’t going to really drink it, not if he suspected, as she did, that Bridgett had put something in it. “I’m just wondering, what sort of things could cause these sorts of symptoms in a seemingly healthy man?”

  “I’m sorry, young man.” Dr. Williams turned to him. “I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Oh.” She moved forward. “I’m sorry, this is my boyfriend Aiden Stark. Aiden, Dr. Williams.” Aubrey touched Aiden’s arm. “He flew out here this morning with me when we heard…”—she shifted—“that my father wasn’t feeling well.” She decided quickly to keep her father’s little game quiet.

  Dr. Williams held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you,” he said genuinely. “I can’t remember the last time I saw Aubrey here, but she looks healthy and happy.” He dropped his hand and moved over to once again stare down at her father. He leaned over and looked into her father’s eyes. “Well, his eyes are milky and bloodshot; he seems disoriented and confused.” He glanced at her. “He can’t seem to remember what day it is but knows that there’s a party going on in the next room.”

  “I told you. He’s only tired,” Bridgett asserted once again.

  “And you?” Dr. Williams turned to the woman. “You are?”

  Bridgett gasped. “I’m his fiancée.” She touched Harold’s shoulder again and squeezed it as if to wake the man out of his stupor.

  “Which is a funny thing itself. I spoke with Harold just last week; he didn’t mention having a fiancée.”

  “We just announced our engagement tonight,” Bridgett said with a smile.

  Dr. Williams turned to Aubrey. “Did you know about this?”

  “Not a clue. I didn’t even know Bridgett, who is the ex-wife of my friends’ deceased father, was in New York and not on the stage in Las Vegas. Or that my father was seeing someone.”

  Dr. Williams was quiet for a moment before turning to Bridgett. “Are you staying here?” he asked the woman.

  “I don’t see how this is any of your business?” she gasped.

  “Medical records.” He pulled a notepad from his bag. “Harold has certain medical needs, prescriptions that he has been taking for years. I’m sure the police will need to know who is responsible for ensuring that he takes them daily.”

  Bridgett visibly paled at this and slid into one of the leather chairs.

  “Do you think… that he messed up his prescriptions?” Bridgett asked. “I’ve warned him to label those things.”
br />   “Aubrey,” Aiden interrupted holding up the decanter of bourbon. “Do you want a drink?” He poured a new glass for her. Everyone in the room saw Bridgett’s eyes narrow as she watched Aiden’s movements.

  “Sure.” She moved over to the bar area, took the offered glass, and then held it up to her lips. Instantly, she frowned down at the amber liquid. “I think this bourbon had gone bad.” She jerked the glass away from her face and made a show of giving a disgusted face.

  She hadn’t smelled anything, but by the way Bridgett was watching her, she knew without a doubt that if the woman had slipped her father something, it was in the bourbon, and if they didn’t call it out now, before the ambulance came for her father, that the container would be cleaned.

  “Let me.” Dr. William walked over and took the glass from her, then stuck his finger into the liquid and tasted it. The doctor immediately spit into the trash can. “. I gave Harold a prescription for it a few months back.” He frowned down at the glass. Then he walked over to pick up the Waterford decanter and smelled the remaining liquid. “Enough in here to paralyze an elephant.”

  Just then there was a knock on the door and Martha rushed in. “There’s an ambulance,” she said to the room, her eyes going over the entire scene. “Oh, is there something wrong with Mr. Smith?”

  “Show them in here,” Dr. Williams said, taking the container with him. “I’ll have this tested to make sure.”

  The medics arrived and the doctor stood aside to give them access. Just then Bridgett jumped up and rushed to Harold’s side, knocking the decanter out of the doctor’s hands in the process. It hit the carpet with a thud and most of the liquid spilled out of it before the doctor could pick it back up.

  “Harold,” Bridgett cried as the medics strapped him onto the gurney. At this point, her father was almost completely unresponsive.

  When the medics and Bridgett had left the room, Dr. Williams turned to Aubrey. “There’s still enough in here to test.”

  “Take these too.” Aiden held up the two glasses he’d poured. “There’s probably more in these than what was spilled.” He motioned to the floor.


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