The Boardroom

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The Boardroom Page 2

by Jade Buchanan

  Thalia pushed the fabric aside, sinking one long finger into Kay, stroking her, pressing deeply into the shuddering channel.

  Crying out, Kay bucked into the touch, panting loudly.

  Her shoulders were cupped, kneaded with a firm hand, ratcheting up her arousal.

  Wait, that… those were too big to be Thalia’s hands… besides, her hands were currently occupied down below. Kay froze, unsure.

  “Do you like my gift?” Nils’ voice was rough; his Dutch accent peeking out the way it always did when he was aroused.

  Kay smiled, nuzzling her cheek against the carpet, a wicked curve of her lips. Oh, someone was definitely going to be rewarded tonight. “Perhaps.” No sense in making it too easy for him.

  “If you’re not sure, I can always do something a little more… challenging.” Thalia’s words were accompanied with another thrust into her tight channel, her thumb rolling on Kay’s clit.

  Panting, desperate to hold onto something, Kay writhed. Nils was there, holding her down, his lips brushing over her shoulder blade before disappearing once again.

  “Oh, no. I can guarantee she likes that.” He chuckled, the tips of his fingers brushing over Kay’s cheek.

  She turned into the touch, seeking him out.

  “Meeting went well?” Thalia’s voice was solid, but Kay detected a hint of impatience behind the casual words. Good, she wanted Thalia as hot and bothered as she was.

  “Perfectly. I had to excuse myself, though. I couldn’t stop thinking about you two up here.”

  Kay shifted on the carpet, trying to follow their words. She lost the threads of their conversation, her focus narrowing to the feel of Thalia inside her, the brush of her fingers, the thrust and exit of those talented fingers. Squirming, shaking, Kay tried to cling to her sanity. The whisper soft flick of a tongue completely unraveled her efforts. She opened her mouth, unable to hold back her pleasure.

  Suddenly, Nils’ fingers were there, brushing against her lips. She eagerly sucked them in, plying them with her tongue, matching the desperate rhythm of Thalia’s fingers. The wicked woman’s mouth was wreaking havoc on Kay’s clit now, flicking her tongue and sucking the hard nub into the wet cavern of her mouth.

  Kay was close, so close. She was almost there, needed something… anything to thrust her over the edge.

  A lone finger traced up the crease of her ass, rubbing over her puckered entrance, pressing softly, as if asking to come in.

  Kay cried out around the thick fingers in her mouth, the molten orgasm tore through her belly, tightening her entire body, sending waves of pleasure to every nerve-ending.

  Nils moaned darkly, echoed by the harsh exclamation that burst from Thalia’s lips.

  The two held Kay while she shook, aftershocks sending her reeling again. Finally, she moved her head, wondering how she’d ended up in Nils’ lap without noticing. She nuzzled against the hard jut of his cock, confined as it was by his trousers. Blinking, she realized they’d removed the tie at some point, her eyes were definitely working again.

  “Are you okay?” Nils’ voice was low, concerned.

  Smiling up at him, she took in his familiar, handsome, features. He was so precious to her, everything she wanted in a partner. She still couldn’t believe he’d just given her to Thalia Mason. She had to look around to make sure it had actually been real.

  Thalia was curled up beside them, her palm softly tracing over Kay’s ankle. Twitching her toes, she realized she’d vaguely been aware of the motions but her mind was still playing catch-up to her nerves. The other woman was still fully dressed, smiling like the proverbial cat that ate the canary.

  Kay blushed, ducking her head against Nils’ thigh.

  With a chuckle, Thalia stood up, stretching her willowy body in a way guaranteed to capture Kay’s interest. Finally realizing something, Kay pressed against Nils’ hold.

  “You didn’t…”

  “Didn’t what, kitten?” Thalia squatted beside her, brushing aside Kay’s hair, moving a chocolate coloured strand behind her ear.

  “You didn’t cum.”

  “No.” Standing up again, Thalia started for the door.

  Confused, Kay stared after her, still wrapped up in Nils’ firm hold. “But…”

  “Next time you can make it up to me, kitten.” With that, the blonde blew Kay a kiss, opening the door and shutting it behind her with a snick.

  Nils started to laugh, his body shaking hers.

  “Did she just say next time?” Kay blinked up at her husband.

  “Oh, yes, beautiful one, there will most definitely be a next time.”

  “Oh.” Oh. She couldn’t wait.

  * * * *

  It had been two weeks since that day with Thalia. Kay stood outside Nils’ office building, debating whether she was going to have a problem with this. She hadn’t come back since their time together. Not that she’d been upset, or nervous; the chance to visit just hadn’t come up. But here she was, bringing Nils some papers he’d left at home that morning. Was it strange to be so nervous about this?

  Squaring her shoulders, Kay pushed open the doors and was instantly greeted by the front receptionist. She slowly made her way through the building, stopping to talk to folks she knew. Finally, she was in front of Nils’ office, inhaling deeply.

  “Hi, Kay. How are you doing?” Vicki smiled at her, standing up to give her a hug.

  Kay returned the gesture. “I’m really good, Vicki. How are you?”

  “Not bad. If you’re looking for him, he’s down in the Jasper Boardroom, prepping for a meeting he has later this afternoon.”

  “Thanks, he asked me to bring a few things from home. I’ll talk to you later, Vicki.” Waving goodbye, she made her way toward the Jasper room.

  She knocked on the door gently and waited until Nils opened the door. He wasn’t alone.

  “Hi, honey.” Nils leaned in, giving her a smacking kiss while she was distracted. She reached up, grasping his forearm, returning his kiss.

  “Hello, Kay.” Thalia stood from where she’d been sitting at the long table.

  “Hi. Ummm… Nils, I have your things.”

  He grinned at her, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. Shaking her head to keep him quiet, Kay backed up a step.

  “You aren’t leaving already, are you? You just got here.” Seriously, some days she could just kill Nils. He knew she was nervous about this. She couldn’t figure out why, though. She’d never been affected by any of the people she’d been with in the past, so she didn’t know what it was about Thalia that tied her in knots. Nils had thought it was funny at first, but she’d noticed that he seemed more thoughtful than amused the last time he’d brought up the subject. Kay didn’t quite know what to do with that. Her husband had a long habit of pushing boundaries. He viewed fear in any form as something to overcome, and her nervous flutters had him intrigued.

  Which just made her more nervous.

  “Yes, please stay, Kay. I haven’t seen you in awhile.” Thalia stepped forward, coming up right behind Nils.

  Oh, she wasn’t sure she liked them both facing off against her. It made her feel like they’d maybe set something up. Was that good or bad? Her body definitely thought it was a good idea. Already she could feel the moisture gathering between her thighs, her breasts heavy with anticipation of both of them touching her.

  Nils brushed the back of his hand down her cheek, murmuring an endearment in Dutch, low enough that she only saw the movement of his lips, the sound of his voice lost in the space between them.

  Just that quickly, her nervousness began to fade. This was her Nils. Her everything. He wouldn’t do anything that made her too uncomfortable. Sometimes, she thought he might know her better than she knew herself.

  He leaned forward, pressing her back against the wall behind her, reaching out to shut the door with his free hand, snicking the lock and closing the three of them in the boardroom. Opening her mouth hungrily, she met his descending lips, moaning at the sweet pressure.

  He released her, moving back. Kay blinked up at him, confused until Thalia replaced his large bulk in front of her. The other woman placed her hands on Kay’s cheeks, leaning in, licking her bottom lip, biting the soft flesh when Kay gasped. Her tongue traced over Kay’s lips again before sliding inside, tasting her. She swallowed Kay’s moan, their bodies undulating slowly against each other. It was so different from Nils, not better, just diverse enough to have Kay panting.

  Thalia pulled back almost reluctantly, their lips clinging to each other before finally parting.

  “I’m going to have to… oh… have to keep you two apart,” Kay gasped, reaching up with one hand to steady her frantically beating heart.

  “Where would the fun be in that?” Thalia licked a spot on Kay’s neck, pausing to taste her skin.

  Nils chuckled, otherwise remaining silent, still. Watching the two together.

  Kay reached out a hand to him, imploring. She wanted them both.

  He stepped forward just as Thalia fell to her knees. Kay paused, glancing down, meeting the wicked intent in Thalia’s gaze. Oh, oh, this was going to be good.

  Nils stole her breath, capturing her attention with another hungry kiss. His hard hands grabbed the bottom of her shirt, dragging it up, parting from her just long enough to throw the blouse somewhere behind him. Leaving her clad in only the skirt she was wearing. Scratch that… Thalia wasted no time in unzipping the back of the denim skirt, sliding it down her hips, leaving her completely bare.

  “Someone’s a naughty little minx. Did you forget your panties this morning?” Thalia leaned forward, her tongue darting out to taste Kay’s inner thigh.

  Mewling, burying her head in Nils’ shoulder, Kay shuddered from the feelings coursing through her. Thalia had her so hot, so needy. A thin finger traced over her wet curls, petting Kay gently, not nearly enough pressure. Thalia’s free hand grabbed Kay’s hip, fingers wrapping around her flesh.

  Bucking her hips against the hold, Kay silently asked for more. She didn’t think she could form the words, didn’t think she could possibly hold onto the thought long enough to gasp it out. She needed… something. Her pussy was so damned empty, aching. Needy.

  She whimpered, pressing into the seeking fingers, lifting her head to send an imploring glance at Nils. He’d know. He always knew.

  “Oh, please. Please…”

  “What do you need, kitty cat?” Thalia blew softly, ruffling her curls, causing Kay’s pussy to clench again.

  “You. Oh, please… don’t… don’t make me wait.”

  “When you ask so nicely, how could I possibly refuse you, kitten?” That wicked finger was joined by another, the two digits spreading her cream over her folds, sinking into her pussy, driving the need higher.

  Hot suction was applied to her clit, sending Kay reeling again. Thalia’s hold on her hip, and Nils’ hold on her shoulders were the only things keeping her upright. Then she was flying, Nils’ mouth swallowing her screams of pleasure. Finally, they released her, Thalia placing a gentle kiss over her quivering clit.

  Kay tossed her head, reaching for the other woman. With a happy laugh, Thalia let Kay press her backward, toward the big table, reaching back and sliding up onto the surface before Kay could tell her to. Seemed Thalia wanted this just as much as she did. She finally would have the chance to drive Thalia crazy.

  Wiggling, Kay pressed Thalia back until the blonde lay spread out on the table, Kay slid her body over her. Kay moaned at the feel of the silky fabric against her naked skin, shuddering when Nils placed one big paw on her ass, kneading the flesh.

  Would Thalia be okay with Nils touching her this time? She was near desperate to have him inside her, but she didn’t want to make the other woman uncomfortable. Thalia wasn’t bisexual, wasn’t like Kay. The fact that Thalia wasn’t leaving, though, gave her hope.

  Thalia parted her lips, and Kay happily complied with the silent plea. They kissed, tongues dueling, breath mixing, both undulating against each other. Kay managed to get one hand free to run it down Thalia’s side, holding herself up with her other.

  Thalia pressed one lean thigh against Kay’s mound, encouraging Kay to rub against her. The fabric chafed, but in such a glorious, rough way that it wasn’t going to be long before she was coming again. She didn’t want to yet, though, she wanted to see Thalia fly first. Rearing up with a gasp, she squirmed until she straddled Thalia’s thighs, giving herself enough room to maneuver.

  With a grin for the blonde laying patiently on the table, Kay brushed her hands over Thalia’s belly, covered by a thin blouse. She started at the bottom, working her way up until all the fragile little buttons were opened. Spreading the material, she sighed when she finally was able to look at the pale skin of Thalia’s stomach, the lacy bra covering breasts Kay’s fingers itched to touch. She leaned down, taking one peak into her mouth, sucking. With a smile for herself, she lightly bit down, encouraged when Thalia let out a muffled moan and the delectable body bucked under her.

  Kay glanced up, not letting go of her bounty, to spy Thalia with her head tossed back, eyes closed, her hand covering her mouth, holding in the sounds. She bit down harder, waiting until Thalia’s eyes flew open, meeting her gaze.

  Lips were suddenly pressed to the small of her back, and it was her turn to buck. Thalia glanced behind Kay, her mouth curving slightly.

  “I think your Nils wants in on the action.”

  Kay paused, feeling the lips trace down her ass, trying not to be distracted by Nils’ familiar touch. “Do you mind?”

  “This is about you, kitten. Do I mind that your husband touches you? No, as long as you don’t stop what you were doing. Make me scream, kitty cat. I know you can do it.”

  Well, then. Closing her eyes before she spontaneously orgasmed on the spot, Kay let out a moan.

  She lost her sense of self after that, too far gone in her passion to notice anything except the sweet taste of Thalia, the springiness of her curls under Kay’s fingers, the hot cream between her legs. The sounds of their pleasure rocketed Kay forward, the hot, hard shaft of Nils entering her nearly undoing her. Thalia’s touch on her shoulder brought her back.

  The other woman pushed, sliding Kay down the table. Nils must have guessed what she was doing, because he wrapped one strong arm around Kay, pulling her away from the table until her head rested on Thalia’s thigh. Right where she wanted to be. Perfect.

  She wasted no time, instantly placing her mouth on that needy center, sweet cream filling her mouth, driving her higher and higher. She wanted to hear Thalia scream, wanted to break her control, make her as insane as the two of them had done to Kay.

  Nils’ free hand smoothed over her back, reaching under to grasp her breast, so gentle, so at odds with the forceful jolt of his cock inside her. His balls slapped her mound with every thrust, teasing her. His hold around her waist the only thing keeping her from slamming into the table and Thalia.

  She could sense Thalia was close, almost there. Moaning into the sweet flesh before her, she sucked harder, flicking her tongue. There...

  Thalia cried out, her hips stilling then bucking. One lean foot kicked out, Nils grabbed it before she could do any damage. Kay gasped, almost there… almost. Nils froze, a gutteral groan dragged out of his chest, low and deep, his cum jetting into her body, filling her up. Near frantic, Kay mewled out her need. Nils shifted his hold on her waist, moving his fingers until he was pressed against the bundle of nerves, flicking her clit once.

  Kay buried her head against Thalia’s belly, trying to hold back her cries of pleasure. She blacked out, dying inside.


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