To Boston, With Love

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To Boston, With Love Page 3

by Chenell Parker

  “Come on Indie. I’m not trying to do this with you right now,” Boston sighed. He loved Kissy to death but he preferred to meet her outside of her home. Indigo knew that, even though she didn’t agree.

  “Why won’t you just talk to somebody Boss?”

  “Because I’m not crazy,” he replied.

  “Neither am I but talking to my therapist helped me more than I thought it would. You can’t keep your feelings suppressed like that. It’s not healthy. I don’t know why you’re so against getting help. You went to the treatment facility that I got you into two years ago. What’s the difference?” Indigo asked.

  “I had a habit Indie. It was either get help or pop pills until it killed me. It was a no brainer,” he replied.

  Instead of coping with his traumatic childhood, Boss used pills as a way to escape reality. He got so high one night that he passed out behind the wheel and totaled his car. He was thankful that he only walked away with a few cuts and bruises, but Indigo was furious. She threatened to stop talking to him if he didn’t get help and he agreed to go the treatment facility that she’d gotten him into.

  “So is seeing a therapist. I’m gonna make you an appointment,” Indigo said, bringing him back to the present.

  “Don’t waste your time baby. I’m not going.”

  “Bye Boston. I’m starting to think that I’m wasting my time with you too. I need a break from every man in my life,” Indigo huffed while Boston frowned.

  “You can feel how you want about your nigga but don’t put me in that category. Ain’t no muthafucking breaks from me and you need to stop saying that shit!” Boston snapped angrily as he pushed his empty plate away.

  Indigo wanted to laugh but she kept her composure. The frown that was etched on Boston’s handsome face let her know that he was not in a playing mood. Standing at a little over six feet tall, Boston was like a chocolate wet dream. His skin was silky smooth and he had a full beard as well as a full head of wavy black hair. He sometimes wore his hair piled high on top of his head or in two French braids that made him look like a thugged-out Indian. He had more women than he knew what to do with but, at twenty-three years old, he had only been in one relationship and that didn’t last very long. Several women claimed him as their own because he stayed the night with them or invited them to stay the night with him. They didn’t know that they were actually doing him a favor. Boss still couldn’t sleep alone and he was refusing to get help for his issues. As a result, every woman that he dealt with felt like what they had was more than it actually was.

  “Why the anger?” Indigo asked.

  “Because you be pissing me off with that shit. Besides Kissy, you’re the only family that I have left and you know that,” he answered.

  “No, I’m not. You have a mother, father and lots of other relatives.”

  “And they can all kiss my black ass,” Boss replied with an uncaring shrug.

  “And that’s exactly why you need to talk to somebody. You have too many unresolved issues. I’ll come with you if you want me to,” Indigo offered.

  “Come lock up,” Boss said as he stood to his feet.

  “What are you so afraid of? You’re twenty-three years old and still can’t sleep alone. Not to mention the hate that you have for your parents,” Indigo replied as she followed him to the door.

  She understood why Boss felt the way he did about his mother, but Bear hadn’t done anything wrong. He spent ten years in prison and Boston wanted nothing to do with him when he came home. He opened up a bar and grill and Boss refused to step foot inside. Indigo made a few extra dollars by helping out sometimes, but Boston wanted no parts of it. His mother tried to make things right with him a few years ago but that wasn’t happening either. She tried to use Indigo as her way in but she was too loyal to her best friend to let that happen. She made sure that Boss was cool with her working for Bear, but he didn’t mind since it involved her getting extra money.

  “Here, bring this to Kissy for me,” Boston said as he handed her a wad of money.

  “She would be happier if it came from you,” Indigo replied.

  “Stop pushing Indie. You know I hate when you do that.”

  “And I hate when you don’t listen. You know I’m right but you would rather run away from your problems before you face them. We’re both fucked up but at least I have enough courage to admit it,” Indigo said.

  She had lots of flaws and so did Boston. While she faced hers head on, Boston denied that he even had any. Weakness was a trait that he despised and he hated to need anyone for anything. In his eyes, his mother was weak and he didn’t want to be reminded of that.

  “I’m good baby, I promise,” Boston tried to assure her.

  “That’s what wrong with black people now. We’re always try to fix ourselves and only end up making shit worse,” Indigo said, repeating what her father used to always say to her.

  “Here you go with that fix my life bullshit. You need to stop watching that shit. We’re good baby,” Boss replied.

  “You would say that. What ever happened to us going to night school to get our GED?” Indigo asked.

  “We’re still gonna do that,” he answered.

  “Yeah, right. We never finish what we start and that’s a big problem. You started out going to school for your CDL until you got a hookup at the DMV. Why is it that we only see shit through when it’s illegal?”

  “That’s not true,” Boston laughed.

  “It’s not funny Boston. You’re laughing because you know I’m right,” Indigo fussed.

  “Man, I’m gone. You be on one every time that nigga piss you off.” He frowned.

  “Where are you sleeping?” Indigo asked.

  “Home,” he replied.

  “Who’s staying the night with you?” Indigo questioned.

  “Lacey,” he replied, referring to one of his many female friends.

  Lacey was cool but, just like some of the others, she thought that she was the main girl. Boss spent the most time with her and she got comfortable. It didn’t matter that she got confronted by other females all the time. She felt special just to be with him so much. Her sister, Lane, was best friends with Ari and that only made things worse.

  “Don’t forget, we have to work at The Kitchen next week,” Indigo reminded him.

  The Kitchen was a place that fed the homeless people in the area. They took donations from the public and people volunteered to help serve the meals. Boss and Indigo not only volunteered their time, they gave generous financial contributions as well. If there was a way that Boss could feed everyone in need, he wouldn’t hesitate to try. He knew all too well how it felt to go hungry and he didn’t want anyone else to experience it.

  “I’ll never forget that,” Boss assured her.

  “Okay, be safe and text me when you make it home,” Indigo said while giving him a hug.

  “Are we still riding tomorrow?” Boss asked.

  He and Indigo were both infatuated with motorcycles and they had both purchased a Kawasaki Ninja two months before. Sundays were usually reserved for them to take long rides or just chill like they used to do when Precious was alive. They still kept some of their same traditions and they were hard to break. They vowed to keep her memory alive and they did.

  “Yes, we are. I need it now more than ever. Some fresh air will do me good. Don’t forget to check in when you make it home.”

  “I won’t, love you,” Boston replied.

  “Love you too,” Indigo said while seeing him out.

  Precious always told them both that she loved them and she always made them say it to each other. She always said that it wasn’t said enough in the African American households and she wanted to break the cycle.

  Once Boss was gone, Indigo cleaned up her mess and took a shower. It was almost midnight when she started to get sleepy and, still, no phone call from Justice. She was over it all but getting mad was a waste. She drifted off to sleep wondering if staying with him was even worth it.
/>   It was a little after two in the morning when Justice pulled into his assigned parking spot. He dreaded going inside because he knew that Indigo would be pissed. His intentions were to leave work an hour earlier than usual but that was easier said than done. One of the other supervisors had to be rushed to the hospital for chest pains and he ended up having to stay. The other man’s wife and son worked there too and they followed behind the ambulance that had taken him to the hospital. Justice was the only other supervisor in that department, so he really didn’t have a choice. They would have been short three people instead of one, so he had to step up to the plate. Justice hated to disappoint Indigo and he was hoping that she understood. It took forever for him to even be considered for one of the supervisor’s position and he wanted to show the higher ups that he deserved it. He was twenty-five years old and had been working there since he was eighteen. He was the youngest supervisor at the company and he made more than some men twice his age. Still, he hated that he didn’t spend enough time with Indigo. She was the love of his life and he was hoping that she would someday be his wife. He was a workaholic and he owned that. But, he didn’t want that to be the thing that drove a wedge in between their relationship.

  His father taught him and his two brothers the importance of a man’s role in a woman’s life. They were to work hard and be the providers of the household. His mother took care of the house and his father paid the bills. Once his father retired, his parents had a house built in a retirement community in Florida and they lived a comfortable life. Although Indigo didn’t need him to, he wanted to take care of her every need. He hated some of the things that she did to get money but she was too strong willed for him to make her stop.

  Since he couldn’t avoid her forever, Justice got out of the car and went inside. Indigo had sent him a picture of a perfectly set table but she must have put everything away. Justice was starving but he didn’t even see any leftovers when he looked in the refrigerator. He quickly made himself two sandwiches and ate them in record speed. Afterwards, he crept upstairs to their bedroom to take a shower. He didn’t want to wake Indigo, so he ended up using the bathroom in the spare bedroom down the hall. After he showered, he wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way down the hall to their bedroom.

  When he opened the door, he smiled when he saw Indigo sprawled out in the bed. She slept bad as hell, so she took up most of the room in their queen sized bed. Justice took a moment to admire her clothes-free shapely body and her beauty. She sold hair, so she was always trying out something new with hers. Now, her hair was highlighted pink and purple at the tips and she usually wore it straight or in loose curls.

  Indigo was beautiful with her caramel colored skin, slanted eyes and perfect smile. After looking at pictures of her mother, whom he’d never had the pleasure of meeting, he realized that they looked identical. Both Indigo and Boston had the same picture of Precious tattooed on their arm and it almost looked like Indigo had a picture of herself.

  After staring for a while, Justice made his way over to the bed and dropped his towel. He slowly laid down next to her and planted soft kisses on her neck. Indigo stirred a little but she never opened her eyes. She turned from her side to her back, giving him a perfect view of her freshly waxed middle. It had been over two weeks since they had sex and Justice rocked up just by looking at her. He hovered over her sleeping frame and kissed from her neck to her stomach. After slowly prying her legs apart, Justice dived right in tongue first. He knew that Indigo would wake up soon and he was right.

  At first, it felt like a dream. When Indigo opened her eyes and saw Justice in between her legs looking up at her, she knew that it was the real thing. She was still pissed but that didn’t stop her from grabbing the back of his head and grinding in his face. It had been weeks since she had any sexual attention and she was soaking it up, along with the sheets beneath her. Justice was usually too tired for sex after working so many hours and she didn’t stress him. Other times, they were either mad at each other or not speaking because he worked so much.

  “Shit,” Indigo moaned while wrapping her legs around his neck. She looked so sexy to him with her bottom lip pinched in between her perfectly straight white teeth.

  If nothing else, Indigo knew that Justice loved her without limits. He was attentive to her needs, whenever he was around, which wasn’t often enough for her liking. He gave her the royal treatment and she was a queen in his eyes. He spoiled her with gifts and money but that wasn’t always enough. Indigo was only twenty-two years old and she was too young to settle. She had been with Justice since she was nineteen and things seemed to get worse since then.

  “I love you baby,” Justice said as he placed soft kisses on her inner thighs.

  Indigo gripped the sheets tightly as he dipped his head and continued his mission. Justice was handsome with his butterscotch skin, low wavy hair and soft, boyish like features. He was a gentleman who believed in love and marriage. Sadly, Indigo didn’t foresee them making it that far. It was crazy that most of her good memories weren’t even with her man. If she wasn’t with Boston, she was hanging with Draco’s girlfriend, Jaci. They always made plans but Justice never had time to make good on them. It was always something at work that prevented him from coming through.

  “Fuck,” Indigo squealed when Justice gave her clit a long, wet lick. Her entire body shuddered as she grabbed his neck and pushed his face in deeper. She lost count of how many times she came and she felt another one building up. She almost smothered Justice as she rode his face and the wave of another orgasm. Indigo was breathing like she’d just run a marathon, but Justice was just getting started. He quickly flipped her over onto her stomach and positioned himself behind her.

  “Damn, I missed this shit,” he groaned while slapping her ass and making it jiggle.

  “I don’t think so nigga.” Indigo frowned while getting up from the bed.

  “Are you serious right now Indigo? You got yours and now you wanna leave me hanging,” he fumed.

  “Boy, fuck you. You leave me hanging all the time. Giving me a few orgasms is the least you can do. It’s been weeks since I got that much,” Indigo snapped.

  “I’m sorry baby. Somebody took sick at work and I couldn’t leave,” Justice said. He hated Indigo’s reckless mouth but, after three years, he was used to it now.

  “And it would have only taken you a second to pick up the phone to tell me that. I understand that you’re a supervisor and you have to move differently than before. I’m not an unreasonable person and you know that. My issue with you is your lack of consideration. It’s like you don’t give a fuck about my feelings and I’m sick of it!” Indigo yelled.

  She felt like crying but that wouldn’t have done her any good. Justice was her second real boyfriend and the longest relationship that she’d ever had. She hated to walk away from him, but he had to do better. With the way things were going, he wasn’t giving her much of a choice. She was doing her part but she was tired of doing it all alone.

  “I know I should have called and I’m sorry about that,” Justice apologized once again. He hated to hear the disappointment in her voice whenever he called to deliver bad news, so he stopped doing it a long time ago. Unfortunately, that only made it worse. Indigo took that as a sign that he didn’t care but it was the exact opposite.

  “Just know that I’m trying Justice. It’ll only be a matter of time before I get fed up and stop,” Indigo replied as she grabbed her phone and went down the hall to the spare bedroom.

  A part of her hoped that Justice would come after her, but he never did. She wanted him to fight for her and their relationship but that was something that he didn’t do. She already knew the routine. She would wake up to breakfast in bed with some flowers and gifts as his way of apologizing. And just like always, she would forgive him and pray for a change that she was doubtful would ever come.

  “ What are we gonna do Boston? The sheets have blood on them. She’s gonna know that something happened. Sh
e’ll kill me if she finds out that I’m no longer a virgin,” she whispered in a panic.

  “Maybe we can throw them away,” Boss suggested.

  “This is one of her favorite sets. She’s gonna look for it eventually. I knew that we shouldn’t have done this,” she panicked while pacing the floor.

  “Do you regret it?” he asked, hoping that she didn’t break his heart with the wrong answer.

  “No, I don’t. But, I’m only fourteen. I’m way too young to be having sex and so are you,” she replied.

  “I just wanted us to be each other’s first. I’m happy that we did it,” Boss said.

  “So am I, but I’m scared,” she repeated.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of everything. I love you and I’m gonna marry you one day,” he promised while pulling her close to kiss her.

  “I love you too. I need to take a bath,” she sighed.

  “Me too. Let’s take a shower together,” he suggested with a sly smile. He’d seen some things on some of the pornos that he and his friends watched that he wanted to try. He was the only one in his crew that was still a virgin but not anymore. He got his first taste and he was hooked already.

  “Boston! Boston, wake up!” Lacey yelled while shaking his arm.

  “Yeah, I’m up,” Boss groggily mumbled in disgust. He was pissed that he was awakened from his favorite dream. He didn’t even get to the end of it and that was his favorite part.

  “Are you okay? You were talking in your sleep,” Lacey said.

  “I’m straight,” Boss replied as he stood up and stretched. Lacey licked her lips and admired his tall, sexy frame. Her kitty jumped as she thought about the beating he’d put on her the night before.

  “What were you dreaming about like that?” Lacey asked.

  “The one that got away,” Boss replied before he disappeared into the bathroom.

  Lacey frowned at his response but she wasn’t surprised. Boston was one of the most outspoken men that she’d ever been with. He made it known that she wasn’t his girl and he didn’t have to hide anything from her. He was brutally honest to the point of borderline disrespect, but Lacey couldn’t see herself letting him go. His stroke game was out of this world and his looks and body added to the already perfect package. Her sister and roommate, Lane, hated him but that was mainly due to things that she’d heard about him from her friend.


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