Fallen Memories: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Forbidden Truths Duet Book 1)

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Fallen Memories: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Forbidden Truths Duet Book 1) Page 3

by Amber Nicole

  Finally having enough of the snide remarks and not-so-subtle glances. I turn and head back to the locker room.

  "Dollface, where the fuck you think you're going? Did I say you had permission to leave?" someone shouts at me from behind, but I know exactly who it is so I just keep walking. Bad move Gracie.

  "Gracelyn Nicole Rose, do not walk away from me! Come take your punishment, then you can be a good little dolly and head home to Mommy and Daddy." He says it in such a condescending tone it causes me to stumble. Making the group behind me snicker. I can hear footsteps coming but I stand still. I can feel how close he is to me, his breath hitting the back of my neck. He mumbles something but I can't hear what he says correctly. It sounded like. ”Always cupcakes, why did you have to smell like cupcakes?”

  That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I go to step forward, to put some space between us, but he grabs the back of my cheer top, spinning me to face him. The motion makes me lightheaded, and I stumble a little.

  Oh my god, finally seeing him this up close and personal I think my brain stops working. He is gorgeous, like male model, have my babies gorgeous. Tall has to be at least 6’3”, dirty blonde hair that's messy but I want to mess it up more, and the most expressive hazel eyes I’ve ever seen. They have more blue then green but that's not what has dragged me in. It’s the amount of lust shining back at me with a mixture of sadness. I just want to hug this boy and never let him go. Whoa, where did those thoughts come from?

  Sick of my staring at him like a lovesick schoolgirl. He says, “If you’re done eye fucking me now I’d like to get on with this, I have plans later.” I'd like to get on something involving his body. Wow okay Gracie head out of the gutter. This boy is beyond rude and cruel. He tried to hit you with his car just this morning.

  That's it, it's only day one and this has been horrible, I don't know if i can continue like this until graduation.

  I look up into his eyes.

  "Who are you? I'm sorry if I ever did anything to hurt you. Honestly from the bottom of my heart, but please can you or someone here tell me what the fuck is going on? I just don't understand, and racking my brain is just causing me a headache. So if there is something I can do please tell me!"

  Everyone goes silent, and stares at me like I’m from another world. I shake out of his hold and turn to leave.

  "There is nothing you can ever do to fix what you have done dollface. What you broke is not repairable. So you have two options. One, you can go finish what you obviously fucked up, since you wanted to die so badly, because you felt the need to take care of things without anyone else's input. Or your second option is to become my slave, and dollface I suggest you take option one because until you do, me and my crew here are going to make your life a living hell.”



  What the fuck kind of game is she playing here? If she thinks her docile, I'm innocent words and expressions are going to stop me, she's lost more than her supposed memories, she's lost her motherfucking mind.

  She doesn't reply; she's just standing there staring at me with her mouth gaping open. Fuck, I think I broke her. Bianca says something rude under her breath and snaps her from her stupor.

  "I'm sorry, can you please repeat that I thought you just said I could either kill myself? Which I don't understand why you think I would have ever done that in the first place, or I could become your slave? A person I don't even know for one, wants me to what cook for him? Do your chores? Do other things?"

  Her last statement comes out as a whisper and her cheeks turn bright red. Ahhhh she's embarrassed how cute, I know for a fact this is all an act, that girl is as innocent as a priest in a strip club. Considering we'd been sleeping together since 10th grade.

  “Ash where are we going? You know we’re not supposed to be here. If we get caught I’m totally letting you take the blame,” Gracie says, letting me lead her deeper into the maze in the garden behind the school. It’s summer vacation so no one is around and we just finished practice. I have a little surprise set up for my girl.

  “Doll, relax we're not going to get caught, there’s no one around. Do you trust me?” I ask her.

  “One hundred percent Ash, you know that, but I'm sweaty and gross and starving so can we please go get some lunch. Ooh I know ice cream, let's go get some ice cream baby?”

  Damn that does sound good right now. Watching Gracie eat an ice cream is like my favorite type of food porn. Focus Ash, your surprise is way better than ice cream.

  “Maybe after, doll, just a little bit further I have a surprise for you.”

  “Ash if the surprise is in your pants I've seen it many times, and as much as I love it I really am starving.”

  I go to respond but she cuts me off.

  “For actual food you perv,” she says with a giggle.

  “What if I told you my surprise had food included? Would you calm down and keep walking with me? I forgot you get hangry after practice. As much as I love your cute pout, it's not going to work this time babe.” I tug her hand a little harder and she concedes. “Better have food Ash I’m so hungry.”

  Rolling my eyes at her antics we continue through the maze until we reach the middle where I have a little picnic set up. I know the minute she sees it because she gasps. “Oh Ash this is amazing. What’s the occasion?”

  “Well doll we’ve been really busy this summer, and I just wanted you all to myself for a little while, is that okay?”

  “Absolutely Ash, I’m sorry I was being cranky,” she says, getting on her tippy-toes and giving me a quick sweet kiss. Pulling her down on the blanket I continue to kiss her. I could kiss her for hours. The way she feels in my arms is indescribable. I pull back from her lips and look at her smiling face. “Food time. I made sure to pack some of your favorites.”

  Giggling, she starts for the basket.

  “Wait! I'll get it, you just sit there and soak in the sun.”

  Giving me an odd look she thankfully listens. Whew that was close. Feeling the nerves start I quickly remove her lunch. I pull out the grilled chicken salad, and honey mustard wings and her eyes get wide, and her smile wider. “Oh yes this looks so good.”

  “Calm down doll there’s more,” I tell her with a chuckle. One thing about Gracie is that my girl can eat. I take out the rest of the goodies from inside the basket—leaving dessert—I see she didn't wait and already has wing sauce all over her face. I grab a napkin, reach over and gently wipe off her chin.

  “Sorry I was going to wait, I swear but they just smelled so good,” she says, giving me a shrug.

  “Enjoy doll, it’s all for you. You know I hate honey mustard chicken wings.” I fake a shudder. Pushing me lightly in my shoulder she just rolls her eyes.

  “These are the best wings on the planet, you're just weird, and missing out, but it's okay more for me,” she tells me with her mouth full. She's lucky she's so cute. Giving her my signature grin I dig into my own lunch. But when she sees what I’m eating I know I’ll be sharing.

  “You have seafood alfredo Ash? Now I love the wings, but that's just teasing me. Can I please have a bite?” she asks, doing that eyelash flutter only she can pull off. I Scoot closer to her and spin some pasta on my fork then hold it to her lips. Smiling at me, she gently takes a bite then releases the hottest groan I have ever heard come from those lips. “So good Ash thank you.” Fuck it. Reaching down I grab her food and set it aside then devour her lips. Yea she was right that alfredo is delicious but tasting it from Gracie’s lips makes it heaven. Once again I pull myself back. I want this day to be perfect. I can’t get carried away, at least not yet. Turning some music on, I stand and bend low, holding out my hand like a dork. I ask, “Gracie, may I have this dance?” Looking up at me she giggles then takes my hand and wraps her arms around my neck.

  Swaying side to side with the music playing on my phone I gently stop and kiss her lips. Feeling the nerves start to rush back I take a deep breath then say, “Gracie, can I ask you somethi
ng?” I reach up and cup her cheek softly bringing her eyes to mine before grasping her hand. She nods, giving me a contemplative look. I guess she noticed my voice was shaky. Looking into her beautiful, stormy eyes I get lost for a moment. Then she smiles, lighting up my heart reminding me what I was about to ask. “Gracie, you have been my best friend since 6th grade. Asking you to be my girlfriend that day was the best decision I’ve ever made. Gracie—” I slowly slip to one knee “—you came into my life when I was sad, and alone. You’ve been all I've ever wanted since before I even knew what I wanted. You bring me so much joy, and love. I couldn't imagine my life without you in it. I don't ever want to imagine a life without you by my side. You're my soulmate there’s no me without you. Gracelyn Nicole Rose, will you marry me?”

  Throwing her arms around my neck she kisses me hard, then yells. “YES!!!”

  Tears run down her face as I put the ring on her finger. She has the sun shining behind her making her look like an angel. My angel, my saving Grace. Kissing me again she tugs me back on the blanket not letting go of my lips wrapping her legs around my waist. Feeling my heart race with anticipation I look into her eyes, “are you sure Gracie? I don't ever want you to feel pressured, I will wait forever if I have to. You’re everything to me.”

  “Yes Ash I’m ready. I love you forever and on.”

  That became our secret place. We spent so many hours wrapped up in each other's arms in the middle of that maze. Now I avoid that place like it's infested with bees. Seeing her still standing there looking so embarrassed about the idea of doing anything sexual with me makes me laugh.

  "Awww how adorable, you're turning red. No dollface when I say slave, I mean you do whatever I tell you as quickly as possible without complaint. When I snap my fingers you get down on your knees and bow that pretty little head of yours and wait for my instructions. If I want homemade baked goods at two in the fucking morning you will deliver. If I want you scrubbing my toilets in nothing but your panties, you will do it. We may have been something once, dollface but as far as I'm concerned that girl died with my sister."

  During my little tirade her face turned every shade of red you can imagine. She looked like she was about to blow her top, but with that last comment she turned as pale as a transparent ghost. Eyes wide, chest gasping, god she's beautiful like this. Frozen like a helpless prey who knows she's about to be caught.

  Dollface, you have messed with the wrong guy, get ready to meet the beast in me. But beware no matter how much you try to run or hide, there's no escaping him. He will find you and you will be devoured.

  "This I promise," I say quietly as I walk back to the locker rooms.



  Mia, this is all about Mia? My hands start to shake and my chest is tight. I know a panic attack is about to hit me, and it's going to be a bad one. Mia had a brother? Why can I remember her and not him? He must have been around me growing up? Why can’t I just remember. Feeling frustrated is not going to help my anxiety. Breathe Gracie, you need to calm down and breathe. It’s not working. I need help. I know this boy hates me. I doubt he will help. Grabbing my chest and gasping for air, I look up.

  Before I can ask any questions or for someone to help me, he turns to leave nodding his head at some of his teammates.

  Falling on my knees, I dig into the dirt praying the coolness will be enough to help me snap out of this attack. I guess that was too much to hope for, because now I'm right where they wanted me—bowing at their feet. Working on composing myself and trying to take small even breaths I don't notice that the group has disbanded leaving just a few stragglers behind until it's too late.

  Fingers dig into my hair and yank hard. This may have been a punishment, but unbeknown to the person behind me, that small bit of pain is what finally snaps me back from the brink of passing out.

  "Thank you, I was about to pass out," I tell whoever is there, my vision is still a tad blurry.

  "Wow she really is dumb, isn't she?"

  That voice, great just what I need right now. I feel exhausted, and really gross. I just want to shower and go to bed. This has been the longest day ever, and it’s only day one.

  "It's kind of pathetic thanking someone when they are trying to hurt you, what are you a masochist? Does poor innocent little Gracie have a secret kink? Are you into BDSM Gracie?” she says, while her remaining posse laughs.

  "Not sure what that is, but I am thankful to whoever helped me. I couldn't breathe, but maybe being polite is something you don't know how to be?" That did it, I should have seen the slap coming.

  "Whatever guys she's all yours, I have shit to do. Have fun," she says, in a high-pitched girly voice, walking away tossing her long blonde hair as she goes.

  Could she be any more of a cliche. Blonde hair as if spun from gold, sun kissed skin, with dark blue eyes. Not to mention her perfect figure, where I’m skinny, she has that whole Jessica Rabbit thing going for her. I guess I can see how she's so popular but her appearance doesn't make up for her personality.

  Coming out of the shock from my attack and that slap, I look around. Oh no this isn't good, now that I can see clearly, there are four guys from the football team wearing creepy grins with a little sparkle to their eyes.

  "Oh we will." I hear one of them mutter under their breath causing the others’ grins to widen.

  Rushing to get to my feet so I can make a run for it, I'm reminded someone is still gripping my hair. I don't think I can get out of their hold without losing some strands in the process.

  "Ouch, please you're hurting me!" I whimper. One of these guys has to have a heart right? I mean they can't all be sadistic assholes.

  "Oh no Bambi, we haven't even begun to cause you pain," the guy behind me remarks, pulling a little bit harder on my scalp. I scream, I mean what else is there to do? I try to kick, but one of the other guys grabs my legs. I try smacking and clawing but I can't reach anyone. Sweaty hands grip my wrists together. I wince from the strength they are using.

  One smacks me hard across the face, and I see white spots. Someone's nasty sweaty hand is gripping my cheeks, covering my mouth and nose preventing anything more than a whimper. Why do these guys have such nasty hands? Bile rises at the thought of them not washing their hands. I fight harder, making muffled noises around his hand. I hear them laughing. “She always was a feisty one. A was a lucky guy to tap that ass.” Who the hell is A? My head is killing me. This can't be happening right now. My air supply is cut off and my brain is becoming fuzzy. I feel my consciousness slipping away.

  No Gracie stay awake, you have to stay awake …



  "Is it done?" I ask Dom. My best friend since middle school.

  "Yea dude, she's locked in the shed on the southwest corner of the property. The tin one like you said. No one will find her till lunchtime tomorrow. Are you sure you want to do this? She was your girl for a really long time, and she's a super sweet girl at that."

  "Yeah, well sometimes people are fake, and you never know their true intentions till it's too late. She's getting off easy if you ask me. Plus we have the cameras set up so I'll keep an eye on her. She will be fine. Thanks Dom for doing it," I say giving him what I hope is a reassuring grin.

  Honestly I don't give a shit if she is fine. I wanted to chain her naked outside the front of the school for everyone to see. But I decided I don't want any other guys leering at what was once mine. Turning towards my locker I finish getting ready to head home, it's been a long day and I'm anxious to see how dollface responds once she wakes up.

  Walking into an empty house again, my mood plummets even more. The days of coming home to loud boisterous noise, and homemade goodies on the counter have long since passed.

  Since Mia died my mom has been at the ‘spa’ for relaxation and rest or so she claims. I think she just can't handle the silence that remains now, or maybe it's the shame. She's avoided the country club since that night. Not that she was ever home much to begi
n with, she was always at an event for one charity or another.

  As for my dad who knows. He was never around much either, even when Mia was still here. "Running a Fortune 500 company does not leave time for frivolous activities," he once told me when I asked if he would be coming to the playoffs.

  I mean most dads would applaud their son for working hard and being the quarterback. Not my dad, he wants me to follow his life plan. Become a commercial real estate developer just like him.

  That was never the goal for me though, I've always wanted to join the military. Air Force specifically. To be able to serve my country, and travel the world doing something I love. That's always been the dream. Gracie was a part of that dream, guess it's time to come up with a new one.

  I go into the kitchen and open the fridge. Fuck yeah Monica, our chef, left me some containers of pre-made meals for the week. Even with all the neglect she had always made sure we were well fed.

  I pop what looks like lasagna in the microwave, set the timer, then head down to my gameroom. I boot up my laptop, and TV. Then connect the cables so I can watch my dollface on the big screen.

  When it's all set up and I see her sitting there in the dark, broken, with tears streaming down her face. I run back and get my dinner before getting situated on the couch and digging in.

  After a few minutes of nothing but her soft cries she says something that wrecks me to my core.


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