by antim abhay
Spend all to survive in these realms
You are a crop which dies when it gives a seed
Make a choice for your greed
My stories are a lesson my stories are a joke
They take a lucky draw the prize is my corpse
The beast appears when you bloom
Then unlucky ones are doomed
A holocaust and I shift to next seat
For some time senses will reel
We walk on a stairway carrying a ladder
Far in the woods trees swing along with my head
On the music that I chatter
Because of me some get infamous some get better
Searching sound in sound I walked headless near the pier
Love is spent on every life killer of hate appear
Still sometimes I find myself in my déjàvu
I can’t count my black boxes inside you
I have witnessed once the arrival of the ventriloquist,
The wind is dragging me again to the feast
When I'm in the world inside mirrors
I hear the same verse whenever my sword slithers
Memory shroud the beating mirror
On the basis of your behaviour
You will be assigned a chore,
To earn in the fields of lore
Then you’ll camp in the valley of darkness
Where the years are seconds with suns galore
One deed has many thoughts
Creed is the main root of pros
Don’t show your love for the gin
The vial is empty made of lead
One who gets drunk will follow me next
I reside in my mind crashing every set
He is here a master there a paranoid
And far away he is a hypothetical screen
Even blinking is dancing in this dream
The hole that you dig is endless,
When I dug mine I found power is a hungry guest
If I use more my wounds will not rest
I follow the call, something doesn’t want me to
I still get amazed at times
When I have to catch children’s stones,
When the master throws arrows and bones,
When I get to sit on the throne,
And when this dog is sent home
My quest echoes led by the sunrise
Then in the distant horizon I see someone cry
Those creepy things she does
Make me remember us
And when I forget what she has done,
I’ll ask her to cast that spell of hers again
The sea catches the sun to let her sleep
The sun frees itself to watch her weep
She would march with time
Till the dawn of eternity
She is a Queen of that game
In which a pawn has become the King.
Lonesome star
Hides your soul your body suffers
Both stay close but never together
Soul has secrets of entire universe
Thinking the body has enslaved it
It hides all the secrets except love.
Wondering it takes away the pain
The soul takes the body far away
Your body is the only thing awake
Body stops its search for the soul
And taking rest, dreams of home.
Where actions deceive intentions,
They get sad from things they lost
I grieve for the roads I never trod
They are happy for their winnings
I am for what I would be receiving.
Here and beyond
Astrologer to the Kayle
Darkness ends light, light ends darkness
Death being the only bliss
You cannot sense
God is saving you devil is wasting you
Pain will anyhow find you
Happiness will too
To find the answer you need not hide
You have survived till here
You are doing right
You will get more than you will need
Kind and generous will live
Greedy is deceived
One day you will find all that you lost
It’ll stay if you earned well
All sufferings cost
Astrologer said, "When the youngest Kayle is happy it results in such situations that all the good entities of Arindhara grow happy in their lives, proportionally to his happiness and the evil ones find sadness in their lives, again proportionally to his happiness. The intensity of the emotion depends upon the goodness and the evil of the Arindharans’ nature. When the youngest Kayle is in pain it creates such circumstances in the lives of good and evil entities of the universe that good ones experience pain and evil ones find happiness proportionally to his pain. When he is at peace none of the entities are affected, but the forces of devil get weaker and it becomes easier for the Arindharan entities to elude the devil. In the newborns of Arindhara it is different, they stay uninfluenced. The sadness and the happiness which is caused by a Kayle are deeper than the sadness and the happiness which happened in people not by virtue of him.
Kayles do not age. When Kayles choose to leave their bodies, they reach in Sysandria. From Sysandria they keep eye on everything occurring in Arindhara and the Silent Forest of Dreams. They can go anywhere, in the Silent Forest or Arindhara from Sysandria and come back. But they cannot take their Sysandrian bodies. They can only reside inside a host body which will not know about their existence. They do so to help entities of the Silent Forest and Arindhara. Once a Kayle reaches Sysandria then only a Kayle can identify that Kayle outside Sysandria. Since the rising of the Lion no Kayle had left Sysandria by fear of getting trapped in the Prophesier."
Pair of walls
The Kayle to newborns of Arindhara
I give peace to the animals
They stay and work for me
They believe I am their source of fiction
Leads them to the reason of seduction
Only Arizel cries for the fading sun
Our past in our future she waits to see
Undertaking the funerals keeps me relieved
The ghostword is as infinite as this universe
The last line I wrote on the wall,
Became a part of the statue sitting at the altar
When you blend the Timebook of the clocks,
Time will turn the bane into boon
And the maniac will again whistle,
Ghostword written on the Satan’s rune
The Kayle to Arizel
Breaking the silence once more
I call the devil to play with me as I am bored
Placing his withered body on my door
He carefully ignites the wild thyme
His snivelling make me play my old chime
I play umpteen songs of war
Which I had not known before
We both gore ourselves to und
erscore the yore
Bending the notions of a secure
I have erased the slate of time
Manipulating all the split personalities of mine
I tarried after clearing mountains galore
When I will come two will be freed
The one who loved the one who’ll bleed
Like life and death I will come once forever
The sloop of war had a flip sided girth
I have accumulated so much wealth in my hearth
By the actions of my foes as well as my loved ones
Little by devouring a lucid birth,
I will spend it all at the fair on shooting guns
The bullets fired would be idolized thenceforth
None would reap the eradication of a billion suns
Before your master chose you he loved my saviour
I averted the inevitable to dream a dream undreamable
Arizel to the Kayle
You can't see me with your eyes
I am outside you are inside
When we meet it feels like a lie
I don’t know why I feel you
Leave me and you’ll forget me
You’ll reach where you used to be
The time, the matter and the energy
Neither gets born nor do they expire
The universe like pain can’t be measured
Life can’t be the truth, death can’t be the liar
Nothing here is exceptional except the unknown
His weapon is memory alone
His anti is the pauper
Devil’s existence makes him improper
Now you can’t get any tenants
As everyone else is blinded
Believe me if they weren’t
They’d had found you and became enlightened.
Discover your duty
Play for the secret audience
I’ll see you and you’ll see me
That will end this mutiny
Love is the only thief,
That defeats the meditating beast.
Reach me after I am gone
Here everyone is alone
And when the deaf becomes mute
The mirror will finally see the news
Everyone will become illiterate except you
These worlds are mine, and yours too.
"His followers you should go ahead
Who want to go back must carry hope
I will not know what you chose
Believe you aren't alone in this muse
Don’t waste yourself for the statues
Find that body which can't be bruised".
Ghostword was like a word problem which had so many hints to be solved but no one could solve it except an illiterate who didn’t know how to write or read.
The Kayle to Ventriloquist
I follow your signs to extremes
I chase you when I am awake
I chase you in my dreams
I don’t want to but it's involuntary
When I will come two will be freed
The one who loved and the one who will bleed
Teachers of the truth will flee
They’ll find none is getting deceived
I kill the demons instantly
For me torturing is not a necessity
Till I am here suicide none will try
As they know if they do they won't die
Like life and death I will come once forever
Everything return back knows the gardener
He grows many different plants in the yard
A wandering grain seeks one floret
He dies or leaves depends on the chants
But if he gets the pardon
Those who hid behind their religion
Will never be able to wear pants
Some really loved him
Some pretended that they loved him
Some didn’t love him
Some pretended that they didn’t love him
But no one could live without him
And only one knew who he was
The one who is now with him
She long ago accepted his sin
The Gathering
The Kayle to newborns of Arindhara
Hello, I am back
Those who are new,
need not listen when the bones clatter
I know you are perplexed
Bienvenue to my secret place
You can now darken the room
It’s time for a ghostword tune
My wings are unchained,
under her incandescence
Do what you are told by the infants.
Those who were windswept just now
They went to buy a tongue to whisper,
With the gold they earned here
One day you might join the fire
I will keep coming in the same attire
I do that to you as soon you will join them
And when you help me in my quest,
One day I'll take you to the other half of the forest.
And then bestowing upon you the powers,
To woo the Arindharan blizzards,
I’ll move ahead to find where Vasitven rests.
You will never know my name,
Infants call me Vasitven.
The newborns which are blind,
Cannot hear me as they live the puppeteer’s life
I read their palms and tell their fortune,
The way the astrologer taught me at home.
They always laugh and become the nature,
Salvaging those whom ventriloquist prune.
For me my master is like an unfinished chapter
I say magic words whenever I see his miracle,
Shrusim and her lads stay magical
“Hannad navaer!!"
The Kayle to animals of Silent Forest of Dreams
Soon after they left their homeland,
They found themselves drowning in quick sand.
To come out from that muddy land,
She offered them her golden hand.
They were skilled riders,
On the run to a secret river
They hear footsteps of soldiers approaching them
Times were tough for the teachers then
They had one day at a time
At eventide they moved to different circles.
Journalists travelling in a forest
Use twigs and feathers to feed the saddest
They make tools and shelters
Giving us dreams of sculptures
The war is not for the chair
It’s a matter of rules we prepared
They thought they need more like them
So they kept checking in Sysandria
Astonished horses go after the itching mare
The soldiers soon found their lair
Roll No.14 has much to learn
Roll no.23 is the Aphrodites’s son
Roll no.27 wants a gun
They all look lovely and weird
Smoking inside the class with illusive chairs
Travellers test them for a higher calling
And they don’t want to leave these darlings
Roll no.14 wanted to tell his story of gold
The teachers killed his curiosity,
But they couldn't witness his bold entry.
They have always been unfit for this world
Arizel is a Penelope for these lads
They feel glad to buy her new hats
Students get nightmares when they are in bed,
Sysandria dynasty keeps them well.
We don’t know whom shall we choose,
So that we could turn the pauper into a king,
We live in a world full of echoes of him
Silent forest of dreams gives us enough,
A period of your past or a run-over your future turf.
The hive of five
The Kayle to newborns of Arindhara
They stay ahead in the game
They get all the fame
Hands behind the names
Play together near the Ganges.
Students are exchanging the teachers
For a pair of flying feathers
Vasitvens use people for their dirty work
Their time machine helps them to stay alert
Teacher shows mercy on children
Seldom realizes that he is their means of fun
But he seeks the potential that becomes clairvoyant
He takes for himself the ignorance.
It’s very hard for the children
To find the real master
Children quote Pink Floyd
But without having a clue, what a disaster
Three students, one never waits but is clever
Another patient one but isn’t that great
The third never listens to a word teacher says
Their fights make hard to learn yonder.
Hiding face in the sunshine he enjoys the moods
While his student makes devil’s tools
One life will become others karma
Contraption dogma an enigma.
Rest of students wonder if it’s devotion or desire
They sometimes listen to the wails of the beast
Nobody knows is it a bane or a boon?
Destiny breeds with divine pyre.
If the future is a timed affair
Wonder whether there will be a fare
They'll know the intent isn’t’ there
Then they'll follow God's literature.
When they couldn’t find there their brethren
Finding someone else in their master's guise
Singing their anthem they all rebel
They retreat when the one rings the bell.
Only one exists among a zillion
He changes the machine into minions
Stirring multiple systems of incarceration,
The river is filling dreams of emancipated ones.
We all are out of signs
Turning blood into wine
I never got lost at heights going back is my decision,
To find the agony clothed three unforgiven.
You gave your power to the machines
Now you come here to ask me
Choose one of the two oppositions
Machines covering my dirty deeds.