by antim abhay
Anyone who reads the book gets emancipation
What you will do to me in Arindhara,
Will decide your time of incarceration
I tell the same story from the book every day,
At dusk I leave for the doldrums
Vasitven walked lifting a cage full of horns
His breath faltered just after completing his song
When I asked him what is the reason of life,
Story in the Timebook of clocks happened
What you choose I chose long ago
I built the machine which wrote your anecdote
Animals are still arriving and they keep singing
I was lost in the ends when I reached
I found out love is the only thing one needs.
Judgement is not about right or wrong
Neither it is about vengeance
It is an illusion that condemns
Don’t think about the stillness in the pond
The ascetic meditates to avoid disturbing his surround
That which is less is deemed precious,
So to become a precious they kill their own
No matter how big a sun you become
Darkness will always haunt your kingdom
Devil is not a fool
He knows all that happens,
Happens as it is God’s will
What I did for you may be not enough
But it kept you alive for few seconds
While drowning in water I celebrated my wins
Life gives lessons for a test we'll face in afterlife
The test of which none are aware
The results sway all living tribes
For my entertainment rebels become toys
They give me something nobody can see
I couldn’t lose it as much I try, maybe it keeps me alive
I showed my master my hands soiled by toil
What I left behind,
Still dwells in the caves of the forest
Future is a thing you will now trust
I used to steal flowers for the orphans
My master said one day I can have a garden
My master never disavowed me
Even after finding I was tainted
The reason was that all other too were tainted
Now sitting alone in this empty zoo
I wait for the other recruits to retire soon.
So that I could finally see, what we proved
Sceptics can’t stay in the magical universe
Where the creator is old possessing silent creatures
Neither do they reside in a world of invention
They dwell in dead nostalgic past
They become food for the mass
They'll see their eyes always as a reflection
The time decays, they ravel in time
Waiting to become something divine
None of them returned since they arrived
They ask Pain, ‘who is your equal?’
It replies, ‘The end of the universe’
The answer they could never hear
They tied a knot they couldn’t untie
Longing to find their lost shelter
They find absolution in the unknown power
Trusting the unknown mechanism
They believed imagination
Is a manipulation of reality
You search the whole world
For a thing which only you have saved
You will never reach it if you are scared
Why do you cry for this world?
There is a song which you’ve never heard
If you feel lost and alone
Come to me, take my hand
I will take you to wonder land
Brimful of songs nobody ever sang
Here all possess paralysed minds.
White Crow
Do you trust me?
Trust me that you must
never trust me.
Don’t be afraid fear is the key
Never punish the culprit
Instead give him a lesson.
You didn’t arrive in this world
by your choice
So you must not leave by one.
And trust anyone
Don’t care,
God is there.
Black moon
There lived a young girl
She stole her mother’s pearl
She had a cure for every thirst
Fully secure she always came first
She never prepared for the battle
Before firing she wants to be sure
Because death is never pure
Did the flag of victory unfurl?
She thought she will never be free
She thrived in her own fantasy
She brought harmony
Just by humming a melody
When you feel like her
When you dream like her
You will stay a fool no longer.
Once lived a black girl.
The Kayle reborn
The First Kayle reborn said, "When I was lost and I wandered in search of Arizel in the two worlds, I never did any kind of magic except staying alive. The magic they saw me doing was my Vasitven not me. Those who were secretly helping me never revealed to me whether they are or not present near me for they feared Lion. I hate them because they hid the truth from me and left me thinking only I know the truth. I love them as they saved me from the illusion of Lion. When they revealed themselves to me they brought their legion behind them they called it the army of Arizel. I told them that day, ‘only thing I was sure of in that world was my karma.’ In that world Lion and his minions kept an eye on my every action but only Arizel knew the reason and consequences of my actions. From now no one, not even I will know when I will come and when I will leave, except her. Remember I have no shape, no sound and no home of my own I only possess an intention."
"White animals never harmed me but the Black animals (minions of the deceased Lion) tormented me. Arindharans were under the Lion's spell except newborns and infants. Among the animals both White and Black those who were my secret helpers formed the Army of Arizel. Rest of them were the minions of the Lion, I use them in the toolshed where I have locked the Lion and Ventriloquist. The Arindharans I emancipated betrayed me so that the Lion could not find them. They are doomed until they find the Silent forest of Dreams, which is only possible if they could find The Timebook of clocks. If any of you needs me you must find the black house where I lived and sit on a specific green chair. There will be three similar chairs in front of the black house you would have to choose only that lyceum chair, sitting on which I used to learn and teach. If your choice is right I will send your tormentors to the toolshed as soon as darkness arrives in the toolshed, and when they come back they’ll act wise. If I go to the toolshed, you’ll know when you'll wake up and see that the sun has not risen."
When I was lost in the two worlds and unaware about Rakhtavar's conspiracies I once thought about those who were unreachable to me that either they are minions of the Ventriloquist or they are someone who knew Ghostword like me. I thought so because they were using Ghostword in their lives.
I came to possess Ghostword I found that they had no clue of Ghostword like all other Arindharans, their minds were being used by Rakhtavar the Lion and Vasitven to spread Ghostword through them. Some of them, whom I couldn't free, still live in the oblivion.
The Timebook of Clocks
Delivering darkness over the day
Play the game of a warrior without name
One who finds the real Timebook of clocks,
wields the unknown and becomes sublime.
He knows whom he must protect,
and whom he must decline.
What he receives he returns more and in the right time.
Justice is the purpose of the divine,
what remains dreams or reality
you will find.
You once possessed the first Timebook of Clocks, you didn’t know then it is the only one present in the whole world because it can't be copied. It was written by the first Oppositioner. You didn’t read it for any reason and the moment you lost it, you were marked. And many years later when you found out that it was the only one in your world, you were chosen. The day you would sacrifice your true love you will be saved.
Lion in the Toolshed
When Rakhtavar, the Lion found himself in the first Kayle’s toolshed world, he wondered where was he and how he arrived there. He used all his powers to escape from there but failed. One day he was resting beside a river and suddenly he saw a women emerge from the deep water in front of him. She called herself Atmi. She said to him, “No one knows how or why you came to the Toolshed but we know you are different from everyone else here in this world called the Toolshed. There are sentient entities here, that have arrived here like you and there are those about whom no one knows, who were here since the beginning. And the one who finds them will become their master, till than everyone will be their puppets. They know you and they will defeat you every time you are about to find them, to defeat you they will always use one same weapon against you. You will see me again if you become their master.” And saying this she disappeared.
Shrusim’s voice echoed in the Toolshed. Rakhtavar lay under a pine tree helpless, unheeding the voice thinking warily, “Arizel is Atmi. Arizel is Atmi. Arizel is Atmi. The Toolshed keeps changing but its inhabitants never. The Toolshed is beautiful first and then it turns ugly until it is again beautiful. The machine, that motor is programmed to cause this as it’s a protocol for those who are like me. If anyone knows my secrets she is Atmi. Shrusim wants to prove she is Arizel. Sometimes our enemy makes the Toolshed divine.”
Rakhtavar’s attention drew towards the voice when he heard her say something which made him forget what he just thought. He started paying heed like others like him to what she was saying, “…by the Prophesier. The first Kayle reborn knows he is a Sysandrian but still follows the rules of the Toolshed whereas Rakhtavar breaks all the rules thinking he is a Sysandrian. Rakhtavar longs for more of what only he possesses in the Toolshed. So now he is taking revenge on the newborns… ”
Rakhtavar no more paid attention to the voice, he mused “I know I’m a Sysandrians but I think I’m an animal of the Silent Forest of Dreams, who is just different from the other animals. I was forced to leave the forest because I did not obey the rules of the Toolshed. Only Atmi knows the truth that I left the forest intentionally. I mistake my powers sometimes as illusions of some kind. I’m the one who is secretly respected in the fundamental world, loved by Atmi and feared by all in the Toolshed and rest of the Multiverse. I’ll soon overpower my one and only enemy the First Kayle and bring justice… But I need to get my memories back so that I can become more powerful than the Kayle and for that I must somehow reach Sysandria. The unknown one either is my Vasitven or Arizel. I am either his Vasitven or I am Rakhtavar.”
Atmi deception
A master to the slave, “You are tired of facing such tests. I will not tell the reason behind these tests you and others like you face often. These tests are given only for you and all your kind at the same instance. I know you haven’t met others of your kind. Remember each test is meant for only one of you. If the one for whom a test was meant for passes it, all of you will be released. Since you and your kind are still my slaves, those who encountered the test meant for them, couldn’t pass it. The way you used only one weapon against me every time, you might be aware I give the same test to all of you each time. Either the test meant for you hasn’t occurred yet or it did and you failed. There is this one thing called Ghostword which everyone in your world knows except you and there is me about whom no one in your world knows except you.”
Arindharans die and as they turn into an animal, they gain knowledge of all the past lives they had. Most of them remembered they had seen the first Kayle reborn. The first Kayle reborn hadn’t left Sysandria since long, he watched over the world silently from there. For long Arindhara and the forest were united they witnessed an era of peace but then again animals started using their power against Arindharans. A war between Arindharans and animals started.
Rakhtavar escaped from the Toolshed with the army he built and unleashed his fury upon Arindhara and Silent Forest of Dreams. The Sysandrian returned but this time didn't send Rakhtavar to the Toolshed but gave him an eternal slumber. All his troops were locked again inside the Toolshed. Rakhtavar is a sleeping immortal feared by all. They know Rakhtavar is unstoppable once awake. He can devour the whole forest and drink all the celestial water of the river of life.
After many centuries Rakhtavar was awakened by a swarm of Rakhtavar’s minions who found a way to escape the Toolshed again and then an era of chaos arrived. The Toolshed was gone, crumbled into dust, these minions realized there strength had magnanimously increased in the world outside the Toolshed. They now called themselves Suiciders. Arindhara and the forest were divided again. The Kayles were forgotten history. All Arindharans were slaughtered, animals of the forest were enslaved, when these Arindharans died they reached the forest as animals they were too sent to Arindhara like other animals to work. Arindhara transformed into a manufacturing unit with only the animals left who built machines for Rakhtavar and Suiciders.
Arindharans who were present in the forest at the time of Rakhtavar's awakening and few animals escaped and hid inside the dark caves of the forest far from the reach of Rakhtavar. All animals and the Arindharans left prayed for a savior. They had a hope that a Kayle will take birth, a Kayle was their last hope. But since the era of peace began no Kayle was born again and no animal had turned into Kayle since that time.
Suiciders cannot enter the temple of machine for operating the Ventriloquist's machine which is inside the temple. They choose the weakest among their slaves as the weak can be controlled easily. To choose a new machinist they conduct a protocol secretly of which these animals aren’t aware. As the chosen animal learns that he is chosen to use the machine and as he enters the temple of machine, Suiciders know that he would use it against them like all the others before him did. They all failed they get only one chance but as Suiciders were prepared they killed them before they could unleash the weapon against them. After aeons of suffering the one that was chosen, the weakest among equals was someone none had expected. Suiciders couldn’t notice that the other slaves never uttered his name. He was a Lion. He turned into a man moment he took a step inside the temple and a woman appeared who greeted him. Suiciders around him had no idea what was happening they were prepared to ambush the slave as soon as the machine bonded with him. They had not expected a women's presence inside the temple. They turned to stone before they could do anything.
Animals had never imagined this when they came to know what
occurred they understood chosen slave was a Vasitven, they had no idea why or how. They only knew of Vasitvens from the legends of Sysandria and they knew the prophecy. The Vasitven sent the Suiciders to the labyrinths of the Toolshed but some of them fled with Rakhtavar and hid in the deep crevices of the forest. The circle of life between Arindhara and the forest which had collapsed now began again. Animals and newborns celebrated their freedom but no one knew anything about the two Vasitvens. They feared the prophecy. According to which the Silent Forest of Dreams will decease after the arrival of any Vasitven and the age of Rakhtavar will begin.
*The Diary of Devil*
The Sermon
“Listen carefully, you are listening my voice in your head because you have arrived here for the first time. I am from a world called Kryptil. Here everybody is like you but from a different world and we all have the same enemy. You will hear my words in your head. You will not find me because I always roam in a disguise. I’ll reveal myself when I find you are ready. You may not believe your eyes when you will find me because you may have seen me here before. Soon you'll join me. I built this place. I bring here those who are like you. I and those who know about me are preparing to fight our enemy here. Give me a name which only you will know, unlike from where you come in this place no one is watching you or listening to your thoughts. When you call me I’ll send Atmi for your aid. You’ll come here whenever your body sleeps in your world and leave whenever you'll whisper my name. Don’t forget I cannot come or send anyone to your world. There you are alone.”
“After I was introduced to the unknown power, I was unable to figure out what was happening to me because I never heard or read anything like it. I know you may be aware of this. This happens to all of us, the day we are introduced to the unknown power. What you don’t know is that who Kilkanuks are. The world from which you came you are one of your kind, rest of your world is divided in two, Kilkanuks and those who are what you were, before you were introduced to magic. There is one world Arlakaya from where Kilkanuks come to your world. I also know about a world known as Silent Forest of Dreams which I don’t remember much. I’ve tried to make this place as a replica of it.”
“All Kilkanuks are equal in Arlakaya, but there are good as well as evil Kilkanuks. Kilkanuks do not work for money but for killing time and for recognition. Kilkanuks regulate the system of their society by a living machine. This machine was built by the Kilkanuks to govern their land. They have a tradition that the machine will choose and send their kind to other different worlds. The machine keeps an eye on the whole universe. Kilkanuks may stay in your world if they find a reason to stay, but they do not reveal themselves to the people of the world they arrive in. There are millions of Kilkanuks who go to different worlds turn by turn. Some of them stay, some leave but no Kilkanuk can come back to your world once gone. Kilkanuks can possess only that body whose soul has left the world. Kilkanuk takes the body the moment that person is about to die. People think that person has recovered but actually it's the Kilkanuk who is living in that body. When that Kilkanuk leaves, this body is used by another Kilkanuk who comes next. Others who are not Kilkanuks in your world they are puppets of Kilkanuks of your world. They don’t know anything about Kilkanuks. They are like what you were before being introduced to the unknown power. Kilkanuks know the complete history of the world in which they enter with the help of the machine. They also know about every moment of the life of the person whose body they take. There are some good kilkanuks who are pleased from you. They make new things, songs and stories for you. The evil Kilkanuks don’t make anything but only use.”