by antim abhay
The magician entered alone in the game
Soon by the oppositioner he got enslaved.
During day the magic seldom works,
Night brings no respite
Same days pass with different suns
The player cries emptying his glass of wine
He gave her up by his choice,
She could transform his misery to joy.
Now when she comes to his land,
She still admires his ghastly mane
Her portrait looms behind the curtains
For her he is a traveller without name.
She sleeps beside him with pleasure,
For she knows she'll never sleep after tonight,
Her coming dawn has no demise.
Her parting words to him always the same,
"When I see you conspire
I wonder you do it to hurt or help
I can't tell you I see you conspiring
As you think my sight is blinding.
I'll leave you now as you are
One day we'll meet again
Then If I find you were the culprit,
I'll make you what I was.
But if you were my savior,
I'll make you what I am.
My lover has become like them,
Who once stood against me and him,
And now he stands between me and you.
I turned into the only one,
I murder the newborns of his clan."
What the magicians said,
Still echoes in the oblivion,
"I don’t know what you have become
But I know you are immortal like me
We now feed on each other's felicity.
You made me what was your lover
But I'll not become like Rakhtavar
Yes, we will meet again if I win the game
But I won't wait; I'll lose so that you could stay."
Cracked in the core
My star is getting old
It will twinkle till I breathe
Keeping an eye on me
Through a keyhole
Everything is finite save numbers and universe
Price of one’s happiness is some other’s sadness
Some learn from the sorrow some prowl
Newborns being taken cared of at home
Everything can be explained save God
Unlikely, some prowlers too are scholars
Before turning Suicider they were angels
Of the underlying who are against nature
Carry their broken faith on their shoulders
For them time is just a number
No friends
All were enemies in the Toolshed
Slaves of the same master
Some knew only the Question
Some only the answer
Note:"For them who don’t know me or Shrusim but read the Diary, Twelve steps nursery games"
1. Ignore the magic.
2. Only first rule is important to survive, rest ten rules you should follow if you want to experience extreme happiness but with it you would have to face extreme pain
3. Never fret or fume whether you have killed your enemy or you haven’t.
4. Do not wish to replicate the ghostword you cannot, you have never met anyone or read seen or heard anything like it in your world because like god and the universe Ghostword can't be explained in your world.
5. Do not accept the thought that everyone or someone is hiding something from you or using you.
6. Do not think of the circle of life, there is no beginning and no end, it only rests for a while making a pseudo beginning and a pseudo end
7. Never lose hope of finding what you have been searching.
8. Don’t be disturbed when you find the answers but something makes you forget them.
9. Never think you are a fool or you have wasted your life or you are an object of misery since you couldn't find the truth while some did.
10. Remember that when they are thirsty and you give them water, they think that it is blood not water.
11. Stop playing with the voices they will betray you.
12. Your trust and faith would be broken and you'll see everyone as your enemy. At such times do nothing but your karma.
Nursery games:
Choose anyone and look into his/ her eyes and speak in your mind that you are going to play a game. Do not speak aloud and the potential should not be aware that you are doing something on him/her; the potential must be busy in his/her work. Speak in your mind to the potential that you will think names of different things and he/she needs to blink for those things which fly and not blink for those which cannot. You will get an instant reply. The longer you get correct answers; stronger is your bond with the potential you had chosen.
Choose a potential of your gender and look into his/her eyes and tell that potential speaking in your mind that you are going to ask a question, if the answer is yes, please blink once and if the answer is no, please do not blink. You'll get an instant response, don’t ask another question. Do not speak aloud and the potential should not be aware that you are doing something on him/her; the potential must be busy in his/her work.
After you have practiced first and second exercise then do this. Just speak in your mind while meditating that you want to hear any particular sound (choose that sound which you hear most of the times in your daily life), once if the answer to the question you are going to ask inside your mind is yes and twice if the answer is no.
Her testimonial-
Country- Toolshed
Planet- Sysandria
Galaxy- Toolshed
Universe- SFOD
Divided into two, dark and light, if you chose what you wanted between them and if you chose right, then you become a Suicider.
The war between the Suiciders and those who were not was inevitable. When the war was rising then the first Kayle built a machine to secure peace.
The machine monitors everything; it is programmed to respond for every action taken and act as per the codes. By act means steal or give memories. Only a Kayle or his Vasitven can control the machine, the machine is inside a temple far from the reach of masses but now Army of Arizel had conquered the temple and now they search for the only Kayle left, Shrusim, to use the machine.
When Shrusim turned into a Kayle, Arizel and the first Kayle reborn left that world and went to Sysandria. Kilkanuks were known as newborns in the reign of the first Kayle reborn and against them the machine chooses not to act.
When the newborns turned into Kilkanuks they began dominating and soon manipulating the machine enslaved all for centuries they ruled, Army of Arizel had somehow held against them and then came the Vasitvens. The era of prophecies had begun on their arrival. The statue of Goddess of Sysandria, had shed tears of blood.
The Vasitven of first Kayle reborn disguised as the Lion of the Silent Forest of Dreams lived as a slave of Suiciders while Arizel's Vasitven waited inside the temple. Suiciders were doing the bidding of the Kilkanuks. When the Vasitven put all the Kilkanuks to death, all animals of the forest, Suiciders and those who were not Suiciders gained freedom.
Now both lead the army of Arizel. The army has now magnanimously expanded. They search for a Kayle, the Vasitvens search too all waiting for the machine to start which the Vasitvens s
topped to end the reign of Kilkanuks. A Vasitven can only stop it and only a Kayle can start it.
Now Shrusim is the only one Kayle alive in that world.
Shrusim was toiling in the rain, digging a cave which she hoped would lead to her master and then finally she found the gateway to Sysandria.
"You arrived last, I worry more about those who couldn't come, and if any of them somehow comes you'll not be the last. No one came after you. You are the only one here who was there till the end, if there was an end, when all were being used by the Kilkanuks. We all suffered and if someone becomes like them they invite him to join them and he gladly does. You were the only one in your world who didn’t join them. All others like you did some stayed good some got corrupted. They tormented you for they wanted to use your power but since you refused you became a threat to them. But despite the sufferings you never gave up and fought hard for the enslaved ones. Welcome to Sysandria here everyone like you never surrendered to the Kilkanuks of their fundamental world we all are waiting to hear your story.
She has power to give you anything you wish but you would have to pay her. She will take anything you offer but it must be a sacrifice or a promise. Remember if your wish is granted you must not try to break the deal later, if you do she would take back from you the thing you received and also would not return your beloved thing which you sacrificed for fulfilling your wish. She is watching you all the time, the moment you pass all her tests she will stay with you till the end of time.
Black Dog
The day my grandfather was bit by a black dog, I was taken to a mental asylum. The day my son killed that black dog my father rose, and when my father died, I was resurrected and my son went to a sanatorium.
I will break you, you will blame others and will never know it s me, but if you somehow find me, I will set you free.
* The End of Diary of Devil *
Involuntary armour
Hissing light
Wise farmer
Gripping night
Private burning
Frozen funeral
Innocent voting
Visions puzzle
Framed Arizel
Defeated Death
Sunset luminal
Wreath cigarette
Mountain mayhem
Tunnels head
Solid stem
Bottles behead
Singing whine
Fossil receive
Blood illuminate
Prayers assign
Treason everywhere
Impenetrable fortress
Soldiers prepare
Declaring Darkness
Silent energy
Howling motor
Colonized tributary
Storm floater
Love unslept
Critic command
Clown wept
Raining gold
No ceremony
Help glass
Imperium matrimony
Deserving last
Escape embrace
Machine metal
Goddess program
Expiry rental
Grave special
Clung trinket
Pluck petal
Rethink it
Cat throat
Blow balloon
Being quote
Martyr tune
Fear me
Respect me
Hate me
Leave me
Do this
Hiding secretly
Thought complete
Acquired conspiracy
I hurt
But only
I cure
Craft remotely
Road recline
Expect snow
Name conceal
Tides throw
Old neighborhood
Clue weaves
Cover wood
Clean sleeves
Circle heart
Stellar prison
Flesh chart
King kingdom
Diadem family
Born philosopher
Multiverse anomaly
Wombs suffer
Crucified cage
Rusted sickle
Narrow stage
Write nickel
Death shares
Mortal maiden
Expand heirs
Truth waken
Swear teach
Follow avenge
Hell each
Weed bench
Flame madness
Fugitive shame
Moon hammer
Invisible fame
Infect years
Decide memory
Extend stars
Time accessory
Taxi turn
Inks reload
Religion burn
Faith mode
Strange immunity
Live truth
Half lies
War vice
Weak fire
Loud crack
Choir desire
Play attack
God picture
Can't create
Cat heal
Lemon saves
Aim uniform
Aeons invade
Trooper torn
Atomic veil
Life game
Epic reign
Never fail
God again
March blind
Pursue signs
Death baptize
Unholy divine
Awaited torture
Dawn decides
Reaper reappears
Bells materialize
Life saved
Endless calm
Shades fade
Breath reset
Writing winds
Heavier clouds
Ugly silence
Short demise
Magnetic variance
Tranquilize evil
Tubes refill
Judgment longs
Secret erased
Moral mistake
Legacy fled
Conquered realms
Sinner immortal
Mortal men
Chosen pray
Unforgiven forgives
Sorrow fades
Darkness glaze
Promises hide
Tomorrow magnetized
Pyramids line
Photos blind
Belongings coiled
Souvenirs died
Past illusion
Present conspiracy
Worlds created
Clans demented
Nothing left
Seek death
Fly up
Wings bereft
Seeker Morpheus
ator Neo
Neo Seeks
Saga continues
Distant past
Dreamed last
Stolen nightmare
Wake up, dear
The devil works for her she only kills to keep the devil alive. She loves her master but never gives him the Devil. Her master waits patiently for something, he rests at noon when the Devil rubs his back.
The dead person thought, “When I was in my mother’s womb I heard the voices of people around me. I had to build my future for the world I was going to enter before I forget everything like them; they had no idea of the world inside the womb. Moreover, they had very less knowledge of their own world. I ruled the world for few years also setting a future I wanted, then I forgot everything and lived a normal life like others almost the one I planned, but now I don’t know how I am back inside the same womb resting on my bed reminiscing the life I lived… Was I dreaming?” And after so many of such dreams the dead person realized how to escape the cycle of life. He goes to sleep with pleasure because he knows he will never sleep after tonight. When the dead person finally escaped, both the worlds entered into the light and became one with it.
The dawn that will come has no demise.
Author’s note:
No one can tell exactly when the sufferings would end in our world, the way no one can tell when a life would end. I cannot tell who I am, the way I cannot tell where everything comes from. But I can say everything will be alright the way I look at the clock and tell the time.
Hope my work helps you find peace.
[email protected]
Also by antim abhay
*Maniac’s Mirror
*Temple of the Machine
BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Sonnenstraße 23
80331 Munich
Publication Date: June 28th 2017
ISBN: 978-3-7396-7950-1