Note (1910): Off to China soon. Might look for the Valley of the Morning to see what it is like and perhaps hope to find Bastable there. He seemed to like the place and the villagers, he said, looked after him well. China is full of revolutionists these days, of course, but I expect I’ll be safe enough. I may even be there when it becomes a republic! Certainly things are shaky and it’s likely the Russians and Japanese will try to grab large chunks of the country.
If I do not return from China, I should be grateful if someone continued to try to get this published. MCM
Editor’s Note
The above was the last note my grandfather made on the manuscript—or the last we have found, anyway. He did return from China, but doubtless he didn’t find Bastable there or he would have mentioned it. I think he must have given up trying to get the book published after 1910.
My grandfather went to France in 1914 and was killed on the Somme in October, 1916.
Michael Moorcock, 1971.
The Warlord of the Air Page 18