Tempted Heir

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Tempted Heir Page 8

by Michelle Heard

  I’d usually go to the bathroom to change, but not today. Knowing Christopher will be out of the shower at any moment, I quickly put on a matching set of lacy underwear.

  I wait until I hear the door open, and only then do I reach for the garter. I slip it around my waist, and I hope I look sexy as fuck, as I glance at him from under my lashes.

  Seeing his heated gaze locked on me where he’s standing in only a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips, makes intense desire rush through my body.

  I slowly pull on the stockings and clip them into place. Taking hold of the pencil dress that accentuates every curve of my body, I put it on then turn my back to Christopher. “Can you zip me up, please?”

  He moves closer to me, and I feel his fingers brush against my skin as he slowly pulls the zip up. The intimate touch sends goosebumps spreading over my skin and my lips part.

  When he’s done, his hands move down my sides to where the dress stops mid-thigh, and then he fists the fabric. His breath stirs in my hair, and I tilt my head to the side, letting the strands fall away from my neck.

  When his lips brush over my skin, my eyes drift shut, and I savor the moment.

  God, I want him so much. Desperately.

  Christopher steps back, and then the towel drops at my feet. I struggle to suppress my smile, and knowing he’s naked behind me sends an overwhelming, thrilling sensation through me.

  Slowly I turn around, and then my eyes widen, flutters explode in my stomach, and my abdomen tightens.

  Holy shit, I like what I see.

  Christopher is all toned muscle, and his cock… daayumm. I never thought that part of a man could be… attractive?

  Every inch of him is hard, radiating strength and confidence. It’s intoxicating.

  Then he turns around, reaching for his clothes, and I get a view of his ass.

  “I never considered myself an ass person until now,” I mutter as I take in the perfection.

  “Yeah?” he chuckles. He steps into his boxers and pants, and as he shrugs on his shirt, he glances at me, a slight frown on his forehead. “Do you wear the lingerie under your clothes every day?”

  Smiling, I grin at him. “Yes.”

  He nods slowly. “Thanks for that. Now I’m not going to get any work done.”

  I let out a burst of laughter as I step into my heels, and walking by him, I slap his ass. “Tit for tat.”

  I hear him chuckle as I walk to the dressing table to get started with my makeup.

  I’m busy swiping on mascara when Christopher places a cup of coffee down on the table. I smile up at him. “Thank you.”

  He sits down on the bed, and drinking his coffee, he watches me as I continue applying my makeup.

  “You don’t need all of that,” he murmurs once I’m done.

  “It’s my war paint. It makes me feel confident.”

  He lets out a chuckle. “Let’s go win some wars then.”

  “Five minutes,” I say as I walk to the bathroom. I wash my hands and then put on my earrings and engagement ring.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” Christopher murmurs as he gets up from the bed.

  After taking a sip of my coffee, I say, “I’m glad you think so.”

  We take the cups to the kitchen and then head to the elevator. As we go down, I turn and straighten Christopher’s tie. Brushing my hands over his shoulders, I push up on my toes and press a kiss to his mouth. “Thank you for everything. You’re really making this a dream come true for me.”

  His lips curve up in a tender smile. “That’s because you’re a dream come true for me. I’m just repaying the favor.”


  Walking into my sister’s office, I take a seat at the table where we have all our executive meetings and drop the folders on the marble surface.

  Danny grins at me as she leans back in her chair. “It’s good seeing you in love. I’m glad you pulled your head out of your ass and made a move on Dash.”

  I know she’s happy for me, but I don’t miss the sadness in her eyes. “You’ll meet your person soon.”

  She lets out a sigh as she reaches for a folder. “I’m not holding my breath.”

  Ryker comes in, and once he’s taken a seat, I say, “Dash and I got engaged.”

  His eyebrows pop up then he looks at Danny. “Is he joking? I can’t tell.”

  She lets out a burst of laughter. “He’s serious.”

  Smiling wide, Ryker leans over, giving me a brotherly hug. “Congrats. Look after my cousin.”

  “I will.”

  Kao and Noah finally join us, and Noah must’ve told his best friend the news because Kao comes to shake my hand. “Congrats. I hope you and Dash are happy together.”


  “Where’s Dash?” Danny asks as she glances at the door.

  Just then, Dash comes rushing in. “Sorry, I was stuck on a call.”

  Once we’re all ready, Danny leans forward, asking, “Kao, how are the new designs coming along?”

  I might be the CEO, but being the oldest, Danny’s the COO and chairperson for Indie Ink. We share responsibility for the company, but she takes the lead in meetings.

  “Good, I’ll be able to show you the beta tomorrow,” he answers.

  Danny nods then pulls the folders I brought closer. She glances through them. “New business looks good. Ryker, are you keeping up with the legal side?”

  “With Indie Ink, yes, but we need to make a plan with CRC. With Hana no longer studying law, it’s going to become a problem when Mr. Cutler retires.”

  Danny locks eyes with him. “I’ll give Jase a call.”

  “I could always get a law degree,” Noah mentions as if it’s nothing. Dash’s brother has the same high IQ as their mother, so I guess he’d be able to get it done in no time.

  “What about the finance side then?” I ask.

  “I can handle both,” Noah answers. “Honestly, I’m bored. I could use the added work to keep me busy.”

  Dash lets out a chuckle. “Careful, I’ll unload all my work on you.”

  “Can you study for a law degree and keep working?” Danny asks.

  “With his eyes closed,” Dash mutters.

  “Okay, but let me know the second you’re not coping,” Danny tells Noah.

  “I will.”

  “Also, start looking for a legal assistant,” she instructs Ryker.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” he replies, and it has Danny’s eyes snapping to him. She hates when he calls her that. Lifting my hand, I try to hide my grin.

  “I’ll demote you so fast your head will be spinning if you dare call me that again,” Danny threatens Ryker.

  He lets out a chuckle. “What? Ma’am?”

  “Ryker.” She gives him a look of warning, but it has zero effect on him.

  “Can’t we promote Dorris to legal assistant and rather get a new PA?” Dash suddenly asks.

  Ryker’s gaze snaps to his cousin. “That’s a good idea. She already has an associate's degree in paralegal studies.”

  “I know, that’s why I mentioned it,” Dash grins.

  Danny’s eyes settle on Dash. “I really think you should take over as CHRO. You’ve got the skills to run human resources.”

  Dash’s glances at me, then replies, “Maybe after Jade starts working. Right now, Christopher is swamped.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that,” Danny says. “Ryker and I have a business trip coming up in four months.”

  “The Africa one?” I ask.

  “Yes. The entire continent is open for the taking, so we need to jump on that.”

  “And Asia?” I ask.

  Danny frowns for a moment, then looks at Ryker. “We’re heading there next June, right?”


  “As long as you’re here for the wedding,” Dash says. “I kind of need you as maid of honor.”

  Danny freezes, and then her eyes widen before emotion washes over her face. “Aww… you want me to be your maid of honor?�

  Dash gives her a you-must-be-crazy look. “Of course.”

  When Danny and Dash hug, I say, “Meeting’s over.”

  Chapter 12


  It feels as if I’m living on cloud nine as I walk into the suite at L’Auberge Del Mar.

  The past week, staying with Christopher has been a dream. He’s the perfect fiancé. Maybe it’s because he knows what I want from life, but still, he’s amazing.

  I especially love how we’ve been tempting each other. I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t spending the weekend with my mom, Aunt Della, Miss Sebastian, and Danny, I would’ve probably jumped him tonight.

  There’s only so much a girl can handle, and I’ve passed my limit a couple of days back. I can’t wait to make love to him.

  “What are you thinking?” Mom asks.

  “Ahh… how stunning this place is,” I lie.

  “Sure,” Miss Sebastian teases. “We can all see you’re thinking about your man.”

  I let out a burst of laughter. “That obvious?”

  Aunt Della grins at me. “We’ve all had that look at some point in our lives.”

  “Usually right before we bow-chicka-wow-wow,” My godmother says.

  “Mamma G!” I laugh at her while Danny pops a bottle of champagne.

  When we all have a glass, Danny holds hers up into the air. “I hope you and my brother will know only happiness and love.”

  “Thank you.” Feeling emotional, I take a sip of the bubbly liquid.

  “Are we having brunch or looking around?” Mom asks.

  “Let’s look around. I want to see if this place is good enough for my godbaby,” Miss Sebastian says.

  My eyes drop to the heels she’s wearing. “In those?”

  “Oh Jesus, I’m going to sin today,” she gasps. “Don’t you start with me. You know my bedazzled ass will never be seen without heels.”

  “I couldn’t resist,” I tease her. Everyone knows not to mess with Miss Sebastian and her high heels. I walk to the door. “Let’s get going.”

  As we leave the suite, Aunt Della asks, “What time are we meeting with the wedding coordinator?”

  “At two, so we have time,” I reply.

  When we get to the lookout point where the actual ceremony will be held, I struggle to hold back my tears.

  Danny wraps her arms around my waist. “I’m glad one of us is getting our dream.”

  Giving her a sideways hug, I smile at her. “Your time will come.”

  We stare at the ocean, then she murmurs, “It’s so beautiful here.”

  “It’s perfect,” I agree.

  To think, six months from now, I’ll be standing here with Christopher.

  Overwhelmed by the thought, I lift my hand and cover my mouth as the first tear falls. Danny instantly pulls me into a tight hug, then she whispers, “You deserve this and so much more.”

  I nod as I hold onto her, trying to regain control of my emotions. “I’m so happy.”

  “Aww… thank the mother of fashion for permanent makeup,” Miss Sebastian coos as she comes to hug us both. “Y’all have my eyes leaking, and we haven’t even been here an hour.”

  We make our way to a beautiful hall where the reception will be held. “It’s big enough to fit everyone,” Mom states.

  “God, there’s so much to do. The invites, the dresses, the flowers,” I begin to ramble.

  “What colors are you going with?” Aunt Della asks.

  “I really like gold, baby blue, and white.”

  Her lips instantly curve up. “Oh, a daughter-in-law after my own heart.”

  “I was thinking, you and Mom can wear gold dresses, and Mamma G and Danny could wear blue ones?” I glance at the most important women in my life.

  “As long as I sparkle,” Miss Sebastian says with so much flair it draws laughter from us.

  “Do you have any ideas for the wedding dress?” Danny asks.

  I shake my head. “I’ve looked at a couple designs, but none of them stand out for me.”

  “We can look at some dresses tonight,” she mentions.

  “A PJ party in the suite,” Miss Sebastian adds.

  “Are you happy with the venue?” Aunt Della asks.

  I begin to nod fast. “Yes, I love it.”

  “So I can book it for March twelfth?” she asks.

  Waving a hand, I say, “I’ll take care of it after brunch.”

  Aunt Della shakes her head. “It’s a wedding gift from Carter and me.”

  My bottom lip juts out as I go to hug Christopher’s mom. “Thank you so much.”

  When I pull back, Mom places a hand on my lower back. “Your father and I will take care of the rest.”

  “Aww… Mom.” Feeling blessed beyond measure, I can’t keep the tears back any longer.

  Crying in my mother’s arms, I whisper, “I’m so happy.”

  My mom doesn’t cry easily. I’ve seen her lose her composure twice in my life, with my prom and when Hayley was born. So feeling her shudder and hearing her uneven breaths has me ugly crying. I tighten my grip on her. “Because of you and Dad, I didn’t settle, and now I get my own fairytale.”

  “Oh my God,” Miss Sebastian sobs. “I need wine. All this crying is drying out my skin.”

  I make a weird sound, something between a sob and laughter, as I pull away from Mom.

  Drying our happy tears, we walk to the restaurant.

  My cheeks hurt from all the smiling, and I’ve given up on fixing my makeup.


  With Dash visiting the venue, I’m at the office because the penthouse is too quiet with her not there.

  One week is all it took, and she’s everywhere I look.

  I hear familiar laughter, and then Dad, Tristan, Uncle Jax, and Noah walk into my office.

  “See, I told you he’d be working,” Tristan says as he plops down in one of the chairs.

  Dad smiles at me, then says, “We’ve come to kidnap you.”

  My lips curve up. “Yeah? You don’t think it’s too soon for a bachelor party?”

  “Just drinks,” Uncle Jax explains.

  Getting up, I walk to where my jacket is hanging, and before I can shrug it on, Dad says, “For God’s sake, we’re going out. Lose the jacket.”

  A burst of laughter escapes my lips as I place it back on the hook. “Second nature.”

  Walking out of the building, we cross the street and head to the upscale bar on the corner of the block.

  “Your mom called,” Dad says. “Apparently, they’ve been crying all day long.”

  My lips curve up. “Five women planning a wedding. It’s bound to happen.”

  We enter the establishment, and once we’re seated at a table with a glass of bourbon each, Dad says, “Your mother and I will carry the cost of the venue.” Before I can argue, he continues, “It’s our wedding gift to you.”

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  Then Uncle Jax leans forward. “And we’ll take care of the rest.” I instantly begin to shake my head, which has my future father-in-law scowling at me. “It’s not negotiable. We want to do this for Dash and you.”

  Letting out a breath, I chuckle. “I like how you start with it’s not negotiable.”

  Dad laughs. “Remember what we called him when he was little… Mr. But.” It draws a chuckle from everyone, then Dad adds, “But I don’t want to… but this… but that.”

  Smiling at my father, I mutter, “I wonder who I got that from.”

  His eyes widen. “Not me, that’s for sure.”

  Looking at Uncle Jax, I say, “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  We enjoy our whiskeys, then Dad says, “Jaxson and I will stand in for you and Dash while you’re on your honeymoon, so the pressure’s not too much for Danny.”

  Placing my hand on Dad‘s shoulder, I give him a squeeze, then I lock eyes with Uncle Jax, “Thanks, I was worried about that.”

  “Have you thought about where you’re taking Dash for the honeymoo
n?” Tristan asks.

  “She’s always wanted to go to Ireland. I’ll probably take her there.”

  “She’ll love it,” Uncle Jax agrees.

  “So,” Dad begins as he looks at Uncle Jax, “apparently, we won’t have to wait long for grandkids.”

  “I already have one,” Uncle Jax laughs.

  “Dumbass, you know what I mean,” Dad grumbles at him.

  Uncle Jax looks at me. “After this one,” he jabs a thumb at Noah, “I’m ready for anything.”

  Noah and Carla sprung an accidental pregnancy on everyone.

  Letting out a chuckle, I say, “Well, prepare yourself because Dash wants a baby now.”

  Noah begins to laugh. “Just remind her if she gets pregnant now, she’ll be waddling down the aisle.”

  “You tell her that. I love my balls intact,” I mutter.

  Everyone laughs, then Dad says, “Yeah, she’s got you wrapped around her little finger.”

  “She does,” I agree.

  Damn, I can’t wait for her to get back tomorrow. One day without her, and I feel lost.

  Uncle Jax locks eyes with me, his features softening. “Thank you for loving my daughter.”

  Smiling, I nod. “More than anything.”

  “Why did it take you so long to pull your head out of your ass?” Tristan asks.

  Rubbing my thumb over my bottom lip, I explain, “There was a bit of a communication problem between Dash and me. Turns out we both wanted the same thing but thought the other one wasn’t ready.”

  “This is why I say an open line of communication is key to a happy marriage,” Dad mutters.

  “Yeah? Mom says, and you do,” Tristan teases him.

  “Son, don’t make me get up from this chair,” Dad threatens him, a playful smile tugging at his lips.

  “But it’s the truth,” I back Tristan.

  Dad shakes his head, “There he goes again.. but this… but that.”

  Laughing, we enjoy the evening together before we all call it a night.

  Heading to my car, I pull my phone out and call Dash.

  “Hey,” she answers, laughter and music in the background.

  “Where are you?” I ask.

  “In the suite. We’re having a pajama party,” she explains.


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