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Black Ruins Falls

Page 5

by Karen DuBose

  “I love watching you think. The expressions on your face gives away each one of your emotions.”

  I gently shoved her and laugh. “How are you so calm through all of this? I mean, I feel like I’m on the verge of hysteria and you are sitting there laughing at me, like it’s just another day.”

  She turns serious on me. “I’m far from calm. I want to scream, hit, and kill them all. I know it won’t do any good. It may make me feel better for a few minutes but after that, I will just be back to where I was, to begin with. I’ve been trying to figure out for the lifecycle of me what we can actually do.”

  I lean on her for support. “I’ve been asking the same question a thousand times a day. Oceana swears I’m strong enough to take them on. I think she has finally lost it.”

  She giggles. “I think we all lost it a while ago, we have been through so much to stay sane.”

  “You’re right. We have been through a lot. I’m thankful you are still with me, to see this through. I wouldn’t blame any of you to run and never look back. Sometimes I wish I could do the same.”

  She nudges me with her shoulder, so I can face her. “I will never leave you. You know that. We have been through this a lot and I’m tired of hearing it. Get it through that thick skull already. I don’t want to hear it anymore. I’m also tired of repeating myself.”

  I put my hands up in surrender. “Ok! I can’t help it. All I want to do is to protect you all. You can’t blame me for that. You are doing the same to me. Promise me one thing; if you see my life fall you run and don’t look back. You will live through this.”

  She shakes her head. “I will not promise that. You will not fall or fail. Even if and this is a big if, --you ever fail or fall I will be right by your side with no questions asked.”

  It takes everything in me not to yell at her. “Kira! What is the point of that? You will die along with me if you did that.”

  “That’s my point. I have already excepted it. There is nothing you say that will change my mind. So, scream, yell, threaten-- I don’t care. It will not change the outcome.”

  My frustration is at an all-time high. “You would be willing to leave Bruno? Have a life with him to die for me?”

  “Dariya that is all of our fates. We took that oath knowing what it meant.”

  “I wish I knew what it fully meant before I accepted it. I feel like I signed your death certificate.”

  I can tell she is getting angry. “Listen here! You are not signing anything. Once you get this through your head, the happier everyone will be. So, Stop already!”

  “Ok, Ok, Ok fine. I won’t bring it up again. Geez, chill out. Let’s talk about something else then.”

  She leans back on to her elbows and looks up at the sky. “I’ve been meaning to ask you. What was it like to die?”

  This time I’m the one angry. I give her an evil look. “You didn’t want to talk about it and here you are asking what it’s like to die?”

  She looks over at me. “I’m only asking because I have so many scenarios going through my head. I just want to know which one the truth is. I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.”

  I don’t have the energy to stay mad or even sit up anymore. I lay back in the grass and stare at the darkening sky. I let a few minutes pass to gather my thoughts before I answer her. “I can’t really say. I wasn’t ready to die. I was pretty much stuck where I was. I could hear and see you, but I just couldn’t speak to you. I felt like I was floating into nothing. I couldn’t feel anything. Not the wind, air, or even when I touched Oceana. I just went right through her. It felt awful. All I wanted was to be alive again.”

  She lays back next to me and looks over at me. “I’m glad you fought to be here. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  I look back at her and smile. “I’m glad I’m back too… OUCH!” Runes kicks me in the ribs like she is trying to get my attention. I still can’t believe how strong she is. I’m only a few months pregnant but my belly and her are more like I’m six months. “Runes if you want mommy’s attention next time don’t kick so hard.”

  I open my link to her to see what she wants. She is smart, and I can tell already she is going to be a handful. “What do you need my precious?”

  She doesn’t know how to speak yet, but she can send images to me. “You’re hungry again? Ok, let me go see if I can find you something.”

  “Let me guess, she is hungry?”

  I laugh. “Yeah, she is going to make me gain two-hundred pounds before she is even born. Do you want to come with me?”

  “No, I’m going to stay here for a while. I want to talk to Bruno.”

  I stand up swatting away the grass and dirt from my butt and back. “Ok. Tell him I want an update as soon as he can.”

  She nods her head and I walk away in search of food. I hope we aren’t running low. I refuse to take away food from the others. I know Oceana, Naya, Gracen, and Bexley assured me we would never run out of food as long as they are here. They are also lending me their power so I can be awake and not in a trance while I cloak Bruno and Rome. Once the others start their journey to find the Dragon Stone, I will be in a trance. Only having to cloak two is easy.

  I walk over to where I know the others are. They are probably playing cards or something. I spot Kiernan looking back and forth between Bexley and Naya. Great, they are probably in another argument.

  I rush over to them and find that Bexley and Naya are tossing a power ball back and forth. I look at both of them thinking they are crazy. “What in the world are you two doing?”

  Naya answers me like they aren’t doing anything dangerous. “Playing hot power ball. The first to drop it is the loser.”

  I blink a few times to process this. “And what happens if it falls?”

  Bexley laughs. “It will give the other green hair for a year.”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose. I’m not going to deal with this right now. I turn to Kiernan. “Have you seen mom? Runes says it’s time to eat.”

  He turns to me with a huge smile on his face and bends to his knees. He places both of his hands on either side of my belly. “You, my darling girl are going to make your mommy huge before you are born. I’m not complaining. I will love you both no matter what. What would you like to eat? Some chicken in creamy lemon sauce and greens?”

  Her kick answers his question. I double over from the force. “Runes, how many times have I asked you not to kick me so hard. Daddy can feel your little kicks too.”

  I feel her move inside me and it feels like she is rubbing the spot she kicked me. I’ve never been pregnant before, but I don’t think this is normal. I will have to ask mom.

  Kiernan stands and pulls me into his arms and walks me to where my mom is. “You know I have been thinking. What would you say after all of this we leave for a while? Just you, me, and Runes. Travel for a year or two and be a family. Of course, after you get settled in to be the next ruler.”

  I lean my head back to see him. “That sounds amazing. If we can find the time, I will probably be begging you to take us away.”

  He hugs me close to him and kisses my neck. “Let’s go feed you two.

  If he keeps this up, I will be hungry for other reasons. It seems like months since we have been intimate. That will have to change. Justice is getting restless and wants her mate. “Justice, I promise you will see your mate soon. I know how frustrated you are. I feel the same. As soon as I’m not so weak we will have our mates whether they like it or not.”

  I can feel her purr. She knows I need time to heal. It’s the only reason she hasn’t demanded yet. I wrap my spirit around hers in a hug. When she embraces me, I can feel it through my whole body like a glove that is wrapping me in warmth.

  “I love watching you and your dragon bond. She makes all the stress go away for a few minutes.”

  I smile and close my eyes. “She does do that. It’s like I can do anything when she does that. Maybe I can. I just have to let go.”

He doesn’t say anything. He just keeps us walking. I know he is scared out of his mind for me and Runes. I can’t reassure him because I’m beyond scared for what may or may not happen.

  The sound of my mom’s voice brings a smile on my face. “The only time I see you anymore is when you or Runes is hungry. What would you like this time?”

  I leave Kiernan’s side and walk to my mom and hugs her. “That is not true. I have seen you when I am not hungry.”

  Her laugh vibrates through me. “You’re right. How are you feeling?”

  I don’t let her go. If anything, I tighten my hold on her. “I’m still not a hundred percent but I am doing a lot better.”

  “That’s a relief. Come on let’s go eat. I take it Runes wants chicken in creamy lemon sauce?”

  I look up at her in surprise. “How did you know?”

  She laughs and rubs her hand down my hair. “Because I wasn’t going to make chicken today and every time I would bring out beef, it would go right back and chicken would replace it. After the third time of it happening, I gave up. The rest of the stuff followed after. She is one powerful child. It’s a good thing we are here and not in front of the others. We would not be able to hide this.”

  Dread replaces the happiness. “I know and I’m terrified for her. Then again, I think she is what the world needs as an heir. They will need a strong ruler when her time comes.”

  Mom nods her head and walks over to the food. Naya uses her magic to cook our meals since we don’t have what we did back in the cave. It tastes just as good.

  Naya smiles at me as I grab the plate from her. “You are looking well. I see your energy is almost restored. I’m so glad. I apologize again. I promise it will never happen again.”

  I can’t blame her for it. I don’t know what happened between them, but it must be serious for them not to speak to each other or it could be something petty. Either way, it’s none of my business.

  “Just do me one favor. Don’t ever let it happen again and fix it. I don’t know how you guys will do it. Just do it. We don’t have time for it or need it. Life is too short as it is.” I look at her and remember what she and Bexley were doing. Since she isn’t the one with green hair, I assume Bexley does. I don’t ask.

  She bows her head and walks away. I let out a sigh and turn around to find a spot to sit. I just realized how much my words are true. These are supposed to be my fun years. I don’t think I will ever have them again. Do rulers really have fun? Are they allowed?

  Kiernan sits next to me with his own plate. “Love, why are your feelings all over the place?”

  I turn and look at him. “Just thinking is all. It’s nothing important. Just wishful thinking.”

  “Tell me about your wishes.”

  I look out at the woods. What good would it do to talk about something that will never happen? “It’s nothing you don’t already know babe.”

  He grabs my hand. “I’m sorry.”

  I look at him again. “Why are you sorry?”

  He takes a deep breath and lets it out and looks at the ground. “Because it’s not fair for you to go through all of this. I’m sorry the Elders are the way they are and I’m sorry you lost your father. The weight of the world should not be placed on one person alone.”

  I reach for his chin. I want to look into his eyes when I say this. “I’m not alone. I see that now. I’ve been trying to push you all away and the harder I try the more you guys push back. I’m starting to think the Source has something to do with it. If not then you guys are as hardheaded as me and that makes it worse.”

  I chuckle at the last part. I know they are just as bad as me. I’ve been thinking a lot in the last few weeks. People are placed in your lifecycle for a reason. We just don’t know what lessons they will teach us. Some just pass through while others stay. It’s up to us to figure out that lesson.

  “Ok. Enough with the heavy talk. We have enough of that in our lifecycle. We need more positive in it.”

  He raises his eyebrow at me. “Do tell me what is on that pretty little mind of yours”

  “Let’s fly. We haven’t done that in forever it seems. Before you say anything, I will have Oceana cloak us. I need this.” I plead with my eyes letting him know I really do need this.

  He stares at me for a few minutes before he nods his head. “Ok, but we will not be gone for long. We still don’t need the evil sisters to find us.”

  I jump up in my excitement almost losing my food in my hands. I place my food down so I don’t drop it on the ground. “Thank you!” I jump in his arms before he is able to get up. He lets out a huff when I land on him. “You need to be careful love.”

  I’m too excited to be careful. It feels good not to feel dread or fear. If the only happiness I get right now is flying even for a few minutes I will take it.

  “I will think safety later. Right now, I want to go fly.”

  I start to get undressed. I hear someone clear their throat. I turn to see who it is and Jax is standing there with his arms crossed. He doesn’t even seem phased I was about to be naked and ready to fly. Now it will have to wait.

  “What is it, Jax?”

  He nods at me and relaxes his stance. “I’ve come here to figure out what is going on?”

  I’m confused by his question. “What do you mean?”

  He gives me an odd look. Then something dawns on him. “They haven’t said anything to you yet. I shouldn’t have come here then. I guess it’s too late now. They have spotted Demons by the Old Moon Base. I think they were waiting to contact you.”

  I didn’t even give either of them another look. I open the link and yank on it. “You even engage with those demons I will hunt you down! Do I make myself clear?”

  I can feel both of them flinch. “Dariya, we were not even going to attempt it. We are just scouting right now,” Bruno says mentally rubbing his brain.

  Rome is doing the same thing. “We are not suicidal you know. I want to see my wife again.”

  I know they can’t see me, but I put my hands on my hips anyway. It makes me feel better. “I’m sorry, but you both should have said something. Instead, I find out from someone else.”

  “Have you forgotten we are grown, men!” Rome says sarcastically.

  I roll my eyes. “You may be grown, but you are both acting like teenagers and seeing how far you can go before you get into trouble instead of asking for help.”

  “There is no point arguing with her, Rome. She is stubborn as all hell. Dariya, we will keep you informed the closer we get. If we run into trouble you will be the first to know. Sound good?”

  I shake my head at them. “I know I am stubborn. Would it have killed you to tell me things and not make me go off the deep end when I hear news from someone that isn’t even out there? It may not mean anything to you two, but it does me. We are a team. Keeping stuff like that to yourselves was not a brilliant plan. I love you two too much and I don’t want you hurt or worse.”

  There is silence for a few seconds before Rome speaks in a gentle voice this time. “Dariya, you know we love you a lot. Do you really think we would put ourselves in more danger than necessary? I would like to see my wife again before I die.”

  All my anger and anxiety wash away at his words. I’m being the overprotective one this time. I can’t help it. I’m going to be a leader one day and it’s my job to protect them even if they gave an oath that they will protect me with their lives.

  I can’t stay mad at them forever. I… don’t even know what to do. I hate not being there with them. I wonder. “I want to try something. Bruno open your mind fully.” I can feel his hesitation, I don’t blame him. I know when he does. I work my way to the front of his mind to see if I can see what he is looking at.

  I try for a few seconds. I didn’t want to harm him or invade in his thoughts. My frustrations are getting the better of me and I know Bruno can tell. “Dariya, I know what you are trying to do. You want to see what I’m seeing. if it can work you have to be patien
t and let me guide you.”

  “It’s worth a try. I would really like to see what is going on.”

  “It’s your turn to open up and let me guide you to my sight.”

  I shake my arms out to relax me. I’m sure the ones who are around me think I’m losing it. I’m blocking them from joining our conversation. Bruno and Rome didn’t need an audience to their neglection.

  I let go of the connection to Rome. I need to concentrate on what I’m about to do. I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Ok, Bruno, I’m ready when you are.”

  “Good! Now, do you see the dark spot to the right?”

  It takes me a few minutes to find what he is talking about. I wouldn’t even call that a dark spot it’s more like a pinpoint. “Yeah! I found it.”

  “Ok, head in that directions slowly. I don’t need you to fry my brain.”

  I’m starting to think this is a bad idea. I don’t want to hurt him. I’m about to voice it when he speaks again. “If I didn’t think you could do it, I wouldn’t have offered to show you. Relax and do it.”

  “Bossy much?”

  He laughs in my mind. “I learn from the best.”

  I roll my eyes at him again. I guess there is no more wasting time. I inch my way to the little pinpoint. I try not to think about what I can do to him. It seems to take forever to get there. When I finally do, I let out a slow breath. I don’t want to lose it, not right now.

  “What do I need to do now?”

  “I will let you in as soon as you place your finger on it.”

  I sure hope this works. I don’t want him to go through all of this for no reason. I slowly move my finger to place it on the spot. I’m merely inches from it when I’m yanked into someone else’s mind.

  “Runes baby why did you do that?” Please, please tell me I didn’t hurt Bruno in any way. I know she doesn’t understand the danger she put him in. I will have to come back and try to explain it to her, but right now I need to make sure he is ok. I try to go back to my own mind to see what damage has been done, but she isn’t letting me leave.

  “Runes mommy needs to go check on uncle Bruno and make sure he isn’t hurt. Can you let mommy go see? I promise I will come back later to play.”


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