Love and Beyond Part 3

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Love and Beyond Part 3 Page 10

by Nathan Colston

  “JD thinks killing crazy people is helping them and making the world a better place all in one.”

  “One of these days, I am going to tell him what the two of you say about him,” Gloria warned as she shook her head.

  “You’re lucky that you haven’t seen him that way,” Britney said casually.

  Bobby laughed slightly. “Must be the three things that will get you killed fastest of all, according to Grandpa.”

  Britney gasped. “Don’t you say it, Bobby.”

  “Okay, that is a sure sign you must say it,” Gloria said as soon as Britney stopped talking.

  Britney put her face in her hands and Bobby said, “Grandpa once told me three things in life that will you killed fastest of all.”

  “Oh my god, you wouldn’t.” Her voice was muffled because her face was still covered. “First is don’t steal,” Bobby continued despite what Britney said. “A rich man will kill you over his money.” Second: don’t take another man’s whiskey. A drunk will kill you for a drink. Third.”

  Britney pleaded, “Bobby, you wouldn’t.”

  Bobby smiled. “Don’t mess with another man’s woman. Pussy makes a man go crazy and do strange things. A man will kill you over pussy.”

  Gloria looked at Britney. “Did you sleep with him?”

  “No, I did not,” she said rapidly in a high-pitched voice, moving her hand from her face.

  Bobby laughed. “Maybe it is the anticipation of it?”

  “Bobby, shut up. He didn’t even try to kiss me good night.”

  Bobby teased, “Sure he didn’t.” Britney threw a pillow at him.

  “If you do this, then keep in mind the feelings that you feel for him are not real. You won’t know how you truly feel until the completion of the curse. If you are not careful, the curse will draw you in.”

  “It will be nice to see him,” Britney said, welcoming the change in the conversation.

  “It will always be nice to see him, even if you do not want it to be that way. The smartest thing you will ever do is remember that,” Gloria warned. Britney got up and walked to her room. Delana was sleeping in her bed. Britney said softly as she stood at the foot of the baby bed looking out the window, “I wonder if he has changed. He is not the man I remember, that is for sure.” Looking at her daughter sleeping in the bed, she said in a voice of disbelief, “Mommy had a fantastic time tonight. I was afraid, but it was worth it. If something happens to me, I know he will always take care of you.” She went silent as she looked back out the window.

  Bobby walked into the nursery, looked at the twins, then at Robert, then he looked at Angelina sleeping peacefully. A soft voice came from behind. “What are you thinking, Daddy?” He smiled as the feel of her bare skin touched his back. “Nothing in particular.”

  Her warm breath hit his back as she said, “Liar.” Then he felt her lips touch his neck. He smiled and gently stroked the side of her face with his finger. The look of wanting him was in her eyes, but the look of love on her face shined in the pale light. “I think JD likes Britney.”

  “So, like Britney said tonight, I don’t know him the way you do. I can tell he is a dangerous person. I have been around many dangerous people. Gruban is one of them. Most keep that life separate from the ones they love. It could be that he is doing that very thing. You ever think about that?”

  Bobby shook his head. “I try not to think about him at all.”

  Gloria smiled and said in a soft voice, “Good. I have other things I want you to think about.” She took his hand and started backing out of the room. As he started to move, she said, “Like what you are going to do to me.”

  Gloria lay in bed, her body trembling as she watched Bobby sleep. She thought, ‘This is getting worse. I do not know how long I can keep this from them.’

  The next day, Britney called Ivan and they talked for a long time. When she got off the phone, Gloria walked up to Britney and looked at her for a long moment. “The only way to say this is just to come out and say it. Britney, Bobby and I are getting married New Year’s Eve. I want you to be my maid of honor.”

  Britney looked dazed for a moment. She nodded. “I would love to be. But why New Year’s Eve? That was the day…”

  “I said the same thing when Bobby gave me the date.” Gloria sighed. “Bobby said, looking at what happened a year ago is sad in one sense. But what happened, someone we loved was shot. The reason why he was shot doesn’t matter, but what did he do? He saw a man going to kill you. He took the bullets to keep you safe. By getting married on that day, in my mind, that honors the sacrifice that he did. Showing him that we are grateful and thankful for what he did. That is why I want to get married that day.” She let out an exasperated breath “That was what Bobby said.”

  “He has a point,” Britney said after several moments of silence. She got up and walked away. That afternoon, she went to the lake and sat looking out at the water. Tears were rolling down the side of her face. She smiled as arms came around her.

  “Britney, I love you,” a soft voice cut through the silence.

  “Love you too, Be-Bob,” she said as she exhaled.

  “I know it hurts. He knew I loved her. I want to honor him. That is the only way I can think of,” he said as he held her tighter.

  “I know. I will do my best to be strong and happy for the two of you.” She stood and turned and looked at him. He kissed her on the cheek and gave her a hug. She held him tight for a long time.

  “Let’s go home,” he said softly. They went home.

  The next week, Britney and Gloria worked on getting everything ready for the wedding. They picked out dresses and looked at places to hold the wedding. Gloria held up a dress. “What do you think?”

  Britney gave a half smile. “I think I would go strapless.”

  Gloria placed the dress back on the rack and walked over to her. “I tried to get him to change the date. He…”

  Britney shook her head. “That’s okay. Bobby liked Stanley a lot. He hasn’t really let go of his pain because he has been watching after us. I would be in better spirts if it was a little longer. But it isn’t the wedding that is weighing down on my mind.”

  “What is it, then?” Gloria said as she took Britney by the hand and led her to a bench.

  “Jake,” Britney said as she sat down.

  Gloria nodded. “I see. You feel guilty because you have feelings for him.”

  Britney nodded as she looked towards the window. “Partly, yes. Movies, eating out is fun, but sometimes I want something more, you know. I miss dancing. I miss hanging out with my friends. But he would be uncomfortable with that. To be honest, when I do hang out with my friends, I’m always looking around for Stanley to walk in so I can see him. In many ways, home feels like a prison. I’m haunted with the past. Sometimes I just want to get away from here and all the memories it holds.”

  “I totally understand about wanting to get away. You shouldn’t feel guilty about Jake. He seems to be nice. I tell you what, when he comes over to get you this weekend, this is what we will do.”

  Jake stood wearing his boxers on the back porch holding his phone. “Agent Carter, thank you for taking the time to speak to me. I got wind of something and I want you to give me the rundown on if it is true.”

  “It will be my pleasure, Director Colman; how can I help you?”

  “Someone told me a story about dancers being cursed. Anything to that?”

  “That would depend on the dancers. Everyone can dance, but not everyone is born to dance. Those that are born to dance possess one of the oldest magics known. Most of the magical dances were lost or hidden. The dance faction is one of the smallest factions within the supernatural. The curse is very real. The legend behind the curse is about the only thing that can be said is actual facts. A virgin used their form of dominance to overpower and fuck a priest of the God of the D
ance. She proclaimed to be a better dancer and more beautiful than the God of the Dance. The god cursed her with the magic she used. But in her anger, cursed the one who did the deed’s twin sister. When that happened being an innocent was cursed and not the actual offender, all that were born to dance were cursed. They have what they call a dance mate. The moment they start dancing together, the magic draws them in. Everything will be perfect. It happens in steps, meeting, bonding, and at last, the completion. The completion starts with the first time they have sex. Then for a year, they are hopelessly and madly in love. They say it can be weakened, but none have lived through the process. The curse prevents them from finding true love, by a relationship that is so near perfect that they can’t get over it, yet can’t have that love either. If you like, I can send you a full report on what we know to be actual facts about the curse.”

  Jake stood listening to the man on the other end for several moments. “Yeah, send me the basics. I don’t want anything that hasn’t been proven to be fact.”

  “I’ll get it to you sometime today, Director. Anything else you need from the SNTF?”

  “Just keep me in the loop if anything should start within or concerning the Dance Faction if you don’t mind.”

  “Will do, Director.”

  Jake lowered the phone. Dumas walked up holding some coffee and held out another cup for JD. “Well, judging from the length of the call, she isn’t batshit crazy.”

  JD took the coffee. “Nope,” he said as he continued to look out at the woods. “I’ve started thinking it’s about time I retire.”

  Dumas nodded. “I can’t say I don’t blame you. Nice little community here seeing a very sweet woman with a hell of an ass on her and tits to match. Good God almighty, I can see where a man would think that.”

  JD chuckled. “You’ve noticed, huh.”

  “She’s a good woman. You drop the ball on that and I may just pick up the rebound,” Dumas said as he lifted his cup.

  “You don’t think the age difference is a bit awkward?” Jake said as he sipped his coffee.

  Dumas shook his head. “No different than singers and actors being with younger women to be honest, and not as big as most of them.”

  “They’re famous and rich.”

  “You’re not doing too bad in the wealth department. You’re just as infamous as they are in certain circles. But the main thing is, no matter the status they hold, they are still just men. Now if you’re not a man, I could see an issue. Jake…” JD looked over at him. “You know we’re not doing this without you, right?”

  “I know,” JD said in a low voice.

  Chapter 6

  Old Love In a New Way

  Friday night, JD showed up. Britney smiled as he walked in. “I lost track of time. It won’t take me long to get ready.” She walked back to her room. JD sat down. A few minutes later, she came back.

  Bobby’s eyes opened wide. “Damn!” he said as he saw her wearing the beautiful evening gown. It was sky blue and her hair was up in a bun. The top revealed a lot of cleavage, which had a sparkling necklace. The dress clung to her curves and had a split in the side that went nearly to her hip. Her tan leg peeked from the side. She had a soft smile on her face as she looked at JD. “What do you think?” she said with a low voice. JD was speechless.

  “Oh no you don’t, not without me,” Gloria called out as she got up and trotted back towards her bedroom.

  Britney followed her. “Did you see the way he looked at me?”

  Gloria smiled. “He probably wants the pleasure of taking them clothes off you. I know I do.” Then she kissed her.

  “Gloria, behave,” Britney said in a low tone as she lowered her eyes.

  “It’s okay. I can lick it, then he can stick it,” Gloria cooed.

  “Get dressed,” Britney said with a grin. In a short while, they came walking out.

  “No way in hell am I letting the two of you out of my sight dressed like that,” Bobby said as he grabbed his cellphone. Bobby called his dad to watch the kids as he walked down the hall, and in a moment, he shouted out, “Uncle JD, I have things you can put on if you want to. I think they have something in mind.”

  “Sure, boy. Normally, I wouldn’t do this, but damn if they ain’t pretty,” JD said as he walked towards the direction Bobby called out from.

  “Told you it would work,” Gloria said with a smile after JD was out of the room.

  Later, JD and Bobby came walking out. Gloria said low as she was standing in the door to the dining room, “Fuck, I’m getting wet just looking at the two of them.”

  Britney turned. “Tell me about it.”

  They both were tall. From the way the shirts clung tightly to their chests, it was plain to see both were muscular. The pants were loose with belts. Both had a big bulge in the right place. JD had short black hair that looked stylish with a neatly trimmed beard and mustache. Bobby, looking a little younger than him, had his hair the same way. Britney and Gloria both walked towards them with narrowed eyes and smiles on their faces.

  They went to the Ballroom in Tupelo. They sat down at a table. Gloria went over and opened the curtain to the dance floor. She turned the lights up and the music on. JD looked at the floor and said, “I have four left feet.”

  “I got you covered.” Then she grinned at him. He grunted slightly but didn’t say anything. After eating, Gloria said, “JD, let’s dance.”

  “I look like a fool as it is. No sense in adding to it.”

  She took his hand. “Oh, hush. Come on. You look very handsome.”

  “If you say so,” JD grumbled as they walked out on the floor. She took one of her hands and placed it on his back. “Put your arm around me. Like the way I have mine.” He did, and she stepped in to him, her body close to him. She said, “Start walking forward.” He did as she said. Then she started moving across the floor. Everyone thought he was leading her. But she was leading him. As they danced, JD thought, ‘Damn, she has got a firm body. That boy is lucky as hell.’

  “Not many would do what you just done,” JD said casually, trying to get the idea of the firm feeling breasts next to him off his mind.

  Gloria raised an eyebrow. “What is that?”

  “Grab my hand and pull me out on a dance floor. Stand this close to me. Talk to me the way that you do. When I come over, do everything you can to make me feel welcome. Always ask me to stay.”

  “You are family, and we care for you. Look at what you have done for us. Angelina loves you. She hears your voice and she runs to you.”

  JD shook his head. “Brats always have taken a liking to me for some ungodly reason. Bobby sure is a lucky boy. Got a pretty woman like you, a good job. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone in the family as happy as him. That’s a good thing. Maybe he can make the family name respectable, him and the others.”

  “I have a respect for your family name. I know a very beautiful young lady that feels the same way.”

  He looked away. “Someone had to get her out and start looking for a man. I knew she wouldn’t have the courage to say no. Not my cup of tea but figured I could do just enough to get her to at least think about it. That girl is terrified of me and for good reason. A man like me don’t stand a chance with a woman like that.”

  Gloria smiled. “You would be surprised, JD.” Bobby and Britney walked out on the floor after several times dancing with him. “Do you think you got it now?” Gloria said with a smile. JD nodded. “Think so.”

  “Good. Now dance with her using the steps I just showed you.”

  He walked over, and Britney danced with him. As they were dancing, Britney said, “You are fast learner.”

  “She is pretty good at making complicated things seem simple. I think she got this crazy idea that you like me.”

  Britney looked up at him and said with a curious tone. “Does she.” There was a pause and she
said, “I guess she is very observant, then.”

  “More like crazy.”

  Britney didn’t say anything, but she thought, ‘Didn’t catch that, did ya.’

  Just before Christmas, Britney stood at the baggage claim at the airport in Memphis. She smiled big as she saw him coming down the hall. She opened her arms and ran towards him. Ivan opened his arms to greet her with a big smile on his face. He pulled her close, lifted her up, and spun with her in his arms. She kissed his cheek. “Oh, I have missed you so much,” she said as he set her down. He smiled as she took his hand and they walked to get his luggage. They got in the car and Britney started driving.

  “Where’s the baby?” Ivan asked, starting the conversation.“With her big sister. They are having a Christmas get together on her father’s side of the family. She won’t be in until Christmas day sometime. I didn’t like the idea of her not being home. But I also want her to know her family on his side,” Britney said.

  Ivan nodded as he looked out the window. “It is good that she spends time with her brother and sisters. What about you, are you going to be alone for the holiday?”

  “No, I’m not sure who all is coming yet, but it won’t be like Thanksgiving. We need to talk.”

  He looked at her. “I thought that is what we are doing,” he said with a smile.

  She reached over and hit his leg. “We are, bozo. But I have a particular discussion I want to have with just you.”

  “Finally, you confess your undying love for me. Miracles do happen to the cursed,” he said with a cheerful funny tone.

  Britney laughed out. “No, silly.” Once she stopped chuckling, she composed her voice to sound somewhat serious. “I don’t think this is going to be something that will be long-lasting. But it can be beneficial for us both.” The amused look on Ivan’s face changed to a serious one to match her tone as he sat and listened. “Next year, I want to compete in the pro circuit. Before you go and do your happy ‘it’s about time’ dance, we need to discuss a few things.”

  “Such as?” he said with a curious tone.


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