Love and Beyond Part 3

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Love and Beyond Part 3 Page 12

by Nathan Colston

  “I thought you were having a bachelorette party tonight,” Britney said as she looked around.

  Gloria smiled. “That is supposed to be arranged by the maid of honor. But she has been distracted.”

  “You could’ve given me a hint. Geesh, now I feel ba…” She went silent as Gloria spun and pressed her lips to hers.

  When the kiss was over, Gloria said softly, “I’m with who I want to be with. I don’t really feel like celebrating either. I won’t complain if you want to strip for me.” Then she smirked.

  Britney smiled. “I bet you wouldn’t, but you are better at undressing me than I am.”

  Gloria licked her lips. “I’ll order room service with a couple bottles of wine. We can call it an early night.”

  Britney smiled. “Sounds fun to me.” Then she kissed her. Gloria walked over and called down for food to be brought up. They ate, then Britney went to the bedroom. Gloria made a few calls and walked to the bedroom. She opened the door and Britney was lying naked on the bed smiling. Gloria crossed her feet and leaned next to the door and looked at her. Britney’s pussy was glistening. Gloria smiled. ‘She is probably all wet thinking of the things we’re going to do. Can’t say that I’m not wet from the thoughts myself.”

  “What are you thinking?” Britney asked, bringing Gloria from her thoughts.

  “Several things, most of all just how sexy you look. I envy you in so many ways.”

  Britney leaned forward, propping up on her elbows. She spoke with a hint of laughter in her voice. “You envy me. Gloria, you have so much more than me. Hell, you are way prettier than me, a far better dancer, and the list goes on and on. Tomorrow, you marry the man you love. I don’t see where you would envy me in the least.”

  Gloria smiled. “Thank you for the compliment about my looks. But I am not anywhere near prettier than you. As far as dancing goes, honestly, I am more experienced than you, not better.” Gloria paused for a moment. She knew she could trust Britney not to say anything to anyone but Bobby, so she only said what Bobby already knew. “As far as being with Bobby, that was just plain out blind luck.” Gloria stood up and started walking towards the bed. “The night we first made love, my sole intentions were to fuck him and leave the next day.” Gloria got in the bed and moved closer to Britney. “The only thing that changed that plan, make that things that changed it. One, I didn’t see Stanley’s face, the other was he had a big dick.” She placed her lips next to Britney’s and said just before she kissed her. “I’m not this respectable woman many think I am.” Her lips pressed against Britney’s. Britney leaned over and grabbed Gloria by the hair and pulled her back. Gloria moaned.

  Britney smiled. “You’re my bitch.”

  Later, Britney lay in Gloria’s arms. “If being under the curse led to all of this, why would you and Stanley want me and Ivan to continue to dance with each other?”

  Gloria gently rubbed the side of her face. “You really don’t know, do you?”

  Britney narrowed her eyes. “Know what?”

  Gloria smiled. “Britney, there is greatness in you. In everything about you. You’re an extremely beautiful woman and dancer. My god, the best female lover I have ever been with. You make me want to marry you tomorrow.”

  Britney rolled over on top of her and smiled. “I may just take you up on that.” Then she kissed her. “But that doesn’t answer the question.”

  Gloria moved her hands and rested them on Britney’s butt. “You have the potential to be the best, Britney. We saw that in you. So many things I wish you could see through my eyes. The way you move on the floor, the way you walk. Many are born to dance, few are born to be great. You were born to be the best of the best. Like Stanley and I were. Your innocence and pure talent is what I had once. I look at you and I see myself. In a sick way, I live vicariously through you. I wish in so many ways I was you. But I wouldn’t wish you to be me.” Gloria kissed her.

  Chapter 8


  Gloria reached into her purse and pulled out a cigarette and looked again to make sure Britney was still asleep. She fastened the robe and walked out of the room and went downstairs. She walked over to the smoking area and lit her cigarette and took a long pull off of it. A man sitting on a bench leaned over, holding a drink and a cigarette. He looked over at her and stood. He placed his cigarette in the container and walked towards the door. He stopped, and she looked at him as he spoke. “If you’re surrounded by confusion, always think everything is not true.” He lit another cigarette. “If it seems too good to be true, then most likely it isn’t.” He took a pull off the cigarette. “What you should ask yourself is why am I fighting being who I am. You’re getting married tomorrow and you had mind-blowing sex.”

  “How do you know that? Who are you?” Gloria asked as she narrowed her eyes.

  “The question is who are you? When you stop fighting what you know to be truth and become who you were born to be, that is when your life will get on track.”

  Gloria laughed. “Okay, since you seem to have all the answers and know everything, why don’t you tell me? Who was I born to be?”

  “A dancer is what you were born to be. Trained in the ways of old and combat, yet you cower like a kitten before a dog. The dreams were more than just dreams, Gloria. The gods are gods for a reason. When the time comes, and you do not step up and be the woman you were born to be, they will all die again.”

  “You’re the man in the dreams. You saw what Hades did to me?” she said as her eyes flew open wide.

  “Get your shit together. Just remember what I said. What you call your weakness or flaws are your greatest strengths. Remember what I said.” He walked away. She started to say something, then he vanished.

  “What is going on?” she said to herself. She walked into the hotel and spoke to the manager. They looked at the footage and she watched as she walked outside and smoked a cigarette. But she was the only one outside. She went back to the room. She lay down beside Britney and Britney turned and cuddled with her. She lay in the bed thinking. The next morning, Britney was asleep in Gloria’s arms. Britney was woken up by Gloria saying, “We got things worked out.” Britney opened her eyes. Gloria said, “After the vows, we get you a piece of cake and you have the first dance. JD will take you and you leave. Once everything is done, JD will bring you to our room. We are going to smother you with hugs and kisses until you fall asleep.”

  “I’ll bet. JD will probably just punch me again,” Britney said as she got up and went to take a shower. Then they went to the place where Gloria was getting married. Gloria was getting dressed when a man walked in. “The band is setting up. They would like to know what songs you want them to sing.”

  Gloria looked at him. “I’m almost done with my makeup. I’ll bring the selection out in a few minutes. Please inform the groom not to leave his changing room.”

  The man nodded and walked away. “What songs you going to have played?” Britney asked.

  “Not sure. I think I will hear them sing a song first and then give them a selection.” After a few minutes, Gloria looked at Britney. “Go make sure Bobby stays in his room.” Britney walked out, and Gloria followed behind her. Gloria walked behind the curtain. “What all do you guys play?” she asked a man setting up a microphone.

  “They play contemporary, some rock and country. That is one of the singers there.” He pointed. “I’m part of the stage crew.”

  Gloria walked over to the man he pointed at. “Excuse me.”

  He turned and looked at her. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “What kind of music do you play?”

  “We have our own songs and a wide variety of pop, country, and contemporary. We were just about to do a sound check, if there is a song you would like to hear. You are the bride, right?” he asked as an afterthought.

  Gloria nodded. “‘She Talks to Angels.’ By the Black Crows.”

sp; “That’s one of our favorites,” he said as he picked up his guitar. He started picking it. Several others started heading towards instruments; talking went down. She closed her eyes and shook her head with the beat. As she started to move, she said low, “I can’t do this alone. Stanley, make me shine.”

  William heard the sound of music and walked to where it was coming from. He stood watching Gloria as she danced by herself, but he could swear by the way she moved, she was dancing with someone. When the dance was over, he walked away unnoticed. Gloria walked back to the dressing room and got dressed. Britney walked out of the room as Daniel walked in. Jake was sitting close to the back and smiled as he saw Britney walk by. She brushed a tear away. He couldn’t help but to feel sorry for her. Daniel held out his arm and Gloria walked over and took it. They began to walk together. “You look beautiful, my dear.”

  She smiled. “Thank you.” He walked her down the aisle when it was time. The preacher asked them to recite their vows and said, “You may now kiss the bride.” Britney looked down. Bobby and Gloria kissed her on both cheeks at the same time. She looked up with tears in her eyes. They both hugged her.

  Bobby took her hand and they walked towards the dancefloor. Gloria smiled as the music started. “At the Beginning” was the name of the song. Seeing the look on her face, JD got up and cut her a piece of cake. Several guests looked at him. He didn’t care what others thought. Gloria walked over and kissed her piece of the cake. Bobby started dancing; he had the first dance with her. She wanted to cry but couldn’t stop laughing at the stupid things Bobby was whispering in her ear. She kissed him, and JD walked over and took her arm and they walked away. That evening, they went to a movie. Afterwards, they went to a sports bar. They shot pool and played darts. She noticed JD was more talkative than normal. She went to the bar and got a coke. Out on the dance floor, several people were dancing. JD got a drink and stood beside her. The song was nearly over. Britney looked at him, smiled slightly, and headed towards the dance floor. When the song ended, “What is love, lady don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more” rang from the speakers. She moved her feet, rocking her body, bringing her legs up and moving her arms. JD leaned back and watched her dance. Several people in the place looked on as she moved, rocking her body to the sound that filled the room. After several songs, she walked back to the bar and picked up her drink. JD looked at her but didn’t say anything.

  Bobby sent him a text. He took her back to their room. JD said, “I had a good time.” He turned and walked away.

  She smiled. Every time they had went out, he did the exact same thing. The next morning, Bobby and Gloria were woken up by Britney saying, “That has got to be the weirdest wedding night in the history of matrimony.” Bobby and Gloria both smiled. “The two of you placing me in between the two of you. I had to fight both of you off me all night.”

  Gloria said, “Get her.” They both started kissing her. She hugged them both. She made them stay in bed while she got up and got them breakfast. They went home later. They played games the next day. Bobby and Gloria left for their honeymoon. Later that week, Britney went after Delana.

  Two weeks after they had gotten married, Bobby and Gloria returned from their honeymoon. It was a challenge to keep four children close to the same age, but Britney didn’t complain; she enjoyed it. The day after they got back, Gloria had a conversation with Bobby. “Bobby,” she said.

  He looked at her. “Yeah, baby.”

  “I’m going to California to visit Stanley tomorrow. I’ll only be gone a day. I’m catching the morning flight there and the next day the morning flight back.”

  He gave her a worried smile. “Okay, baby.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, resting her hands in his back pockets. “It will be okay. I’m not going to do anything stupid. I just need to talk to him.”

  Bobby kissed her on the forehead. “I know, baby. You want me to get Mom to watch the kids and go with you?”

  Gloria shook her head. “No, I want to talk to him alone.” Bobby nodded and held her for a long moment and she walked away. The next day, Gloria caught a flight to California and went to the cemetery. She laid roses down on the graves and sat with her back to Stanley’s tombstone. “I got so much to say until it isn’t funny.”

  She said as she took in a breath, “When you died, I felt lost on the inside. I still feel that way often. I don’t know how to explain it. I started taking drugs again. This time, it really messed with my mind. William found me and helped me get off them before I could really screw things up. I won’t tell you what I did or what the dreams were. But this I do know: everything I can remember, if it did happen that way, it is very possible everything could be true. The words Sabrina said to us that day, once you start down the path of the supernatural, there is no return. I saw a guy in my dreams. Then, just before I got married, I saw him again. I wanted to find this guy, so I went to the security room watched security footage, and he didn’t appear on the screen. Stanley, I’ve done something stupid. In my dreams, Britney and I had a relationship as lovers. Let me rephrase that: we fought and fucked. When I came to my senses and returned home, we sorta became lovers. I know I shouldn’t have done what I did. When it first started, I found peace and comfort in her arms. It’s not like that anymore. Something inside me told me that she was going to start dancing and she is. I’m not sure if I have what it takes anymore, Stanley. She has a boyfriend, I think. I know they go out a lot. I think I’m in love with her.

  “She grabs me by the hair and says ‘you’re my bitch.’ God, I lose all my will to do anything but be her little plaything. I made the mistake of telling her I like to play the submissive role. She is so fucking good in the bed. The bitch can make me come in less than a minute. Hell, I’m getting wet just talking about her.” Gloria sighed. “I know, girl talk. But being with her doesn’t feel the same anymore. The truth is, I’m frightened more than I have ever been.

  “Something is happening. I can feel it; I just can’t see it. My gut is telling me that I would rather be insane than for my feelings to come true. To be honest, I think I’m going crazy. I can feel this strange magic. I even called Sophie to make sure no one was using magic on me. She assured me that they didn’t detect anything. But the pack still watches us. I guess they sense my fear.” Gloria stood and looked at the grave. “Stanley, I have everything I’ve ever wanted apart from you being in my life. If you are a part of this, give me some kind of sign, some direction. They are all I have in my life. If anything comes to hurt them, hell has never seen the fury I am going to rain down on who or whatever it is.” She kissed the tombstone. “I love you and miss you so much. If you can help me understand or at least get past this.” She walked away. The next day, she returned to Mississippi.

  Gloria started working with Britney and Bobby about the feeling part that was going to come by dancing with their dance mates. February fourteenth in Chicago, Illinois, Britney met Ivan several hours before the contest to go over routines. In spite of being distracted by the day, they made it to the final round and finished twentieth. Bobby and Nicole finished twenty-first. That night, Britney stayed with Gruban and Natasha, who came to see their first performance. The next day, she spent with Gloria and Bobby along with Gruban and Natasha. They had a good time.

  That morning, Ivan woke up. His eyes opened wide as he looked at JD, who was sitting in a chair right next to the bed. He was cleaning his gun. Nicole was behind Ivan. JD said casually, as if what he was doing, he did every morning, “Morning.” Ivan looked at him, but he didn’t say anything. His voice was cold as the look on his face. JD said in Russian, “Figure since she is going to do this, we might need to have a talk. I do not know if this curse is real or not. To be honest, I think it is just a bunch of hogwash. I have done a little research on it to pass a little time. Figured I might need to talk to ya. So I will get to the point. Boy, if I even think you want to touch that girl with your dick, I am going
to cut it off along with your balls. Then I am going to say have a nice life. If you do manage to get past my thinking, then not only am I going to do that, I am going to put it in a blender and make you drink it.” Ivan’s eyes opened wider as his heart started racing with fear. JD continued speaking. “Then I am going to tie your body down on a very large fire ant bed. So, if you want to skip all of that, I strongly suggest any time you get to thinking, ‘Man, I want her or what could I do with that, I think I would love to.’ You get the picture. Remember this.”

  He pulled out his knife. Ivan’s eyes opened wider. He held the knife between his thumb and finger, loosened his grip, and the knife fell, pointing downward. He touched the point of the blade down on the bed. Then he started pulling it with just the weight of the knife on the bed. He started at Ivan’s waist and went up to his face on the covers. He pulled his knife up and said, “I think it is a little dull. Might need to sharpen it.” Ivan lay there looking at the knife and JD said, “I would kill ya, but that would only piss her off. And I don’t won’t to make her mad. So, what you say we keep this little conversation between us. Just so you know about my thinking. If I did think you was thinking about doing something like that and did do what I told ya, she would be happy that I didn’t kill ya. She would get mad for a little bit. But she would get over it. I can live with that. I thought it might be a very good idea to warn you.

  “I am extremely good at reading people. Just like now, you are wondering if I am going to kill you or not. You are hoping that I do not. You are also hoping that the girl behind you don’t wake up. Sound about right to you, Mr. Ivan? But she is lying there hoping that neither of us discovers she is not asleep. She understands Russian a little; that was why I talked nice and slow, in case she happens to like you and that dick of yours. Maybe she can keep your mind and it under control.”


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