Love and Beyond Part 3

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Love and Beyond Part 3 Page 16

by Nathan Colston

  Elizabeth moved the recorder closer to him and spoke clearly and with a raised voice. “Cody, this is an official entry into the archive of the Order of the Dance. It will be between you and me only. Please, I beg you, do not repeat anything I ask or that we talk about to anyone. The less you know, the better off you will be. Don’t ask why I am asking the things I ask. Answer as honestly as you can.”

  Her tone was serious and the look on her face was more of concern and fear than anything. Cody nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Your father is Stanley François Thomas, is he not?”

  “Yes, he is,” Cody answered, wondering where this was going.

  “Your father was taught by his mother the ways of a White Dancer, was he not?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking. He was taught to dance by his mother. He never went into great details about what she taught him. But he did say dancing was magical and had very powerful magic within it.”

  “Did his mother Sabrina Thomas teach his dance mate Gloriana Renee Parker? The same as she taught her son?”

  Cody nodded. “Yes, she did. Excuse me, Aunt Elizabeth, but why are you asking me questions you already know the answer to?”

  “Because, Cody, if the words come from me, it will be my entry. I am asking you these questions to confirm my entry. Plus, I need the information for a very important research I am conducting. Before you ask, I wouldn’t tell you what that is to save my life. I loved your father. We weren’t close, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t care.” She touched his hand and he could feel the nervous shake in her touch. “Did your father teach you anything about the magic in dancing?”

  Cody nodded. “A little, yes. He watched some dances and told me what they were and what they would do. He also said for me never to attempt to do them. He did do a dance with me when I was in my early teens he said was the Two of Hearts. Him and Aunt Gloria.”

  “Cody, I’m concerned about your Aunt Gloria. The questions I am going to ask you are going to make you uncomfortable. Be honest, and if you don’t know, just say ‘I don’t know.’ I want your opinion on what changes Stanley’s death have done to Gloria and details into why you’ve noticed it.”

  “Oh God, I don’t even know where to start with that one. She hasn’t given a true smile since then. She hides her pain. I’ve caught her talking as if she was talking to Dad and he was right beside her. She talks in her sleep. When she first came back from being gone and hooked on drugs, I stayed with her and Bobby. She would come to the room I was in, get in bed with me, snuggle beside me, and hold me tight. She would always whisper, ‘I have him, Stanley.’ Her eyes would be open, but I knew she was sound asleep. She is more alert in some ways. She notices everything that happens around her, like she is expecting to be attacked at any time. She is way more flirtatious with people than I have ever seen. If I didn’t know better, I would think she wanted to sleep with them. She and Britney carry on as if they are having an affair sometimes. When they don’t think anyone is watching, they could easily be mistaken as lovers. She seems to be more distant at times and always way overprotective of everyone she cares for. Sometimes I think she has a hard time grasping reality.”

  “Have you seen her do any dances that you felt were magical?”

  Cody shook his head. “I can’t answer that one because Aunt Gloria is an extremely talented dancer. Her movements are unreal. Even the way she walk seems to be magical. I often watch her and think that I am watching a show where every move was choregraphed. I’m not a perv, but god, the way she walks is like watching a fashion model. Her butt cheeks move up and down and her hips sway side to side. She has a hell of an ass on her. Pardon my language, but everything about her reeks magic in my opinion.”

  “What about Britney? Does she have the same effect as Gloria in your opinion?”

  “Looks, yeah, the way she walks, maybe. But that is it. She is a very talented dancer, but nowhere near in the league of Aunt Gloria.”

  “Has Gloria shown any signs of aggression?”

  “No more than normal. I find it hard to believe what Dad said about her. That she was the deadliest woman he knew. Drugs changed her to the woman she is now. I only say that because of the questions you are asking.”

  “Other than the dances, do you know anything else about the magic of dancing?”

  “Only a few tales my father told me. He also said that everything was so confusing, and the past was filled with predictions. No one actually knew the truth about the past. It was only within the past couple hundred years people started taking actual notes and proving the events took place.”

  Elizabeth turned the recorder off. “Cody.” She paused. He could tell she was struggling what to say and how to say it. “Make no mistake about what I am about to say. Your Aunt Gloria is an extremely dangerous woman. Not only is she dangerous, she is powerful. From the time I was old enough to read, I have been fascinated with the dance faction and its past. I don’t know everything. It would take many lifetimes to read half of what is written. My studies are continuations of those like me, but before my time. I have narrowed it down to three possible explanations to what is going on. It is much bigger than your father and Gloria. You should be mindful if she is on her guard, then her instincts are in high gear. It also could be because of what happened to your father.” She stood. “Thank you for coming to see me here in Paris. I would love to treat you to lunch and put all these unpleasantries behind us and get to know my nephew.”

  Cody stood as well. “It would be my pleasure,” he said with a smile. She could see the curiosity on his face and smiled at how he was so much like his father.

  Britney and Jake returned from the honeymoon. Britney was excited to see her baby. Gloria said in an anxious voice, “We are leaving tomorrow. We are going to Spokane, Washington. I found him, and he is the best.”

  “Found who?” Britney said with a confused look on her face.

  Gloria took her hand. “Sam Bluefield. He is one of the best coaches, trainers, and instructors in dancing. Especially with those that have dance mates.”

  “I told you I am done competing,” Britney reminded her.

  “Oh, he is not for you; he is for Ivan and Nicole. They are going to team up as partners and still compete. Sam is to help them. But he will need to see the four of you dance quite often. When it is all said and done, they will be nearly as good a pair as if you were dancing together. You owe them. They gave up a great education to do this with the two of you,” Gloria pointed out.

  “It is not like we had to twist their arm, Gloria.”

  “Britney,” Gloria said in a demanding tone.

  “Okay, Gloria, I guess you are right,” Britney said with a defeated sigh.

  JD smiled. “Spokane, Washington sounds fun.” Britney rolled her eyes at him. Later, she got the baby and they left. That night, Britney was lying in JD’s arms. His phone rang, so he reached over and answered it. “Yeah.” There was a long moment of silence. “Okay.” He hung up the phone. She looked at him and he kissed her. “Gotta go.”

  He got up, got dressed, walked to the closet, and got a suitcase that had a lock on it. Britney got up with a concerned look on her face. “JD.”

  “Don’t ask.” His tone said she would waste her breath.

  She walked to the bedroom door as he walked into the baby’s room and kissed her and walked back out. He looked at Britney for a moment as if he wasn’t sure if he would ever see her again. “I love you.”

  She ran to him and hugged him and said with a frightened voice, “I love you too, Jake. How long you going to be?”

  “Don’t know.” He shook his head slightly as he kissed her head softly.

  “You going to call?” Fear was dominant in her tone.

  “I’ll try, no promises.”

  “Your daughter and I need you, Jake Dillan. You come home to us, you hear.” Her voice quiver

  “Yeah.” He kissed her and walked out the door. For the first time in a very long time when the door closed, he stopped to look back at it.

  Britney had tears in her eyes and her body trembled. She said in a frightened voice, “God, we need him, please keep him safe.” She walked back to her room. She lay down on the bed and prayed, “God, please let him come back to me.”

  She couldn’t go back to sleep. The next morning, she called Susan to see if she was busy and wanted an assignment. She got her a ticket to Spokane. Gloria and Bobby came over to get them. Bobby saw the look on her face, and with a concerned voice, he said, “Uncle JD?”

  “He got a call last night.” They could hear the fear and sadness in her voice.

  “Who called?” Gloria asked with a confused tone.Britney shook her head slightly. ”Don’t know.”

  “I will get your things,” Bobby said as he walked over to get her bags.

  Gloria walked out with him. “Bobby, what is going on?”

  Bobby looked at her. “We never know if we are going to see him again or not when he leaves that way. He is not the nice guy you think him to be, Gloria. I’ve told you that.” He put the bags in the car. “Don’t say nothing to Britney. She has enough on her mind; no need to make her talk about it.”

  Britney walked out with the baby and they got in the car. She sat holding her phone, staring at it. They went to the airport.

  Chapter 13

  A New Coach.

  Britney walked into the hotel room. Later, Susan arrived. Britney made dinner for them and told her that she didn’t know how long she would be needed. That night, she held her phone and thought, ‘Daddy, you have a family. Give us a call, please.’ She kissed his picture on the phone. She was woken up by Susan the next day. Britney got dressed and met Gloria down in the lobby with Ivan, Bobby, and Nicole. When Bobby saw her, he didn’t say anything, but she shook her head. They went to the address she was given.

  Gloria looked at the sign. We R Dancers You R Not. She said, “I wonder how he stays in business with a sign like that.”

  Looking around, Britney said, “There are a lot of cars here for a work day.”

  “You say he is the best. I think that might be why his sign don’t matter,” Bobby said, trying to keep the conversation going.

  “It isn’t him that makes his reputation; it is the performance of his students. When you start teaching and coaching, if you ever do, then you will learn that. Let’s go inside,” Gloria replied. They walked in. There was a note on the desk saying Be back in ten, have a seat. Gloria said, “Follow me.” They walked through the door, walked past several private rooms, and came to a door that led to a large room. They heard a man say to a couple, “Good god, you call that dancing? Hell, man, are you wearing her panties? The way she is pulling you around, I am starting to think you cut your dick off and gave it to her.”

  “Maybe she should give him her tits now. And you wouldn’t have shit to bitch about, old man,” Gloria commented.

  “Who in the…?” Sam said as he turned and was silenced. Everyone in the room stopped and looked at them. He smiled and opened his arms. Gloria walked with a rapid pace and gave him a hug.

  “I didn’t hear until after the funeral,” Sam said in a sympathetic voice. Her body was shaking as he said, “I see you brought me a present.” She couldn’t say anything; she stood holding him tight. Sam said, “Okay, you four pair up and start.” Bobby and Ivan held out their hands and Britney and Nicole took them. They started dancing. Sam said, “Dance mates bonded. They haven’t started the completion. Lot of raw talent in them.” Gloria turned, and he stood with his arm around her and said, “Movement graceful. Stance decent. What the hell?”

  Gloria looked at him. Sam ordered out, “Okay, okay, okay, stop.” They stopped and looked at him. “Change partners.”

  Bobby held out his hand and Britney took it, then Nicole took Ivan’s hand. They started dancing. Sam said, “I’ll be damned. Holy shit.”

  “What, Sam?” Gloria said with confusion in her voice.

  “Unexpected love,” Sam said in a low voice that only Gloria could hear.

  “Unexpected love?” Gloria had the same tone.

  “Dancing the tide, Gloria.”

  She looked at him with a concentrated look. Her eyes opened wide. “The ship that went down with the two that wouldn’t leave each other.”

  “The dance mate and soul mates to both couples were on a life raft. Only room for one. They wouldn’t leave each other. They bonded just before death. If they bonded, they would have a love stronger than the curse itself. But of course, the dance mates would likely kill themselves because the curse would try to tear them apart. Well, if you were going to make them bond, now would be the time. Neither of them has started the completion of the curse. They both wear wedding bands. It will ruin the relationship between both. Hope you are not close.”

  “Bobby is my husband. She is married to his uncle.”

  “Okay,” he said lower. “That answers that.”

  Gloria stood and looked at them. her eyes opened wider and she said in a tone of pure amazement and shock, “My god, Sam! My god.” Bobby, Nicole, Britney, and Ivan all stopped and looked at her. “The library, Sam, unexpected loves, bonding by pain. Do you think—my god, I know the dance, Sam,” she said in a frantic tone. “I know the dance. Stanley! Stanley, I know the dance.”

  Sam grabbed her, making her face him. They started walking towards her. Sam held out his hand and they stopped.

  In a near threatening tone, Sam said, “No, Gloria! No, if that is what you came for, you can leave now, it can’t be done.”

  Gloria shook her head and focused on him. “They want to stop dancing. I was wondering if you could help Ivan and Nicole.”

  “Two non-believers of the curse.”

  “Yes,” Gloria said softly.

  Looking at them, he said, “Okay, back to dancing, mates pair up again.” They started back dancing.

  Sam nodded. “Their beliefs don’t matter as long as they are not dance mates. Britney and Bobby are concerned about someone. They seem to think someone they love is in danger. Ivan and Nicole, they are thinking they can’t trust their dance mates. Got a lot of shit to work out here, baby girl.” The song ended, and the next song started. Sam held out his hand, looking at Gloria. “Care to dance?” He thought, ‘You are in very bad shape, girl.’

  Gloria took it and he placed his arm around her. She closed her eyes and he started to lead her. Everyone in the room was looking at them. Gloria started to smile. After the dance, she said, “I needed that so bad.”

  “I know you did. Come back in the morning early and I will have a room set up for all of you. All of you be prepared to stay a few hours.”

  Gloria smiled. “See you then, Sam.” She started walking away.

  Sam said, “Gloria.” She looked back and he said, “They are not the only ones that need help.” She looked at him for a moment didn’t say anything and they walked out of the room. Sam thought, ‘I have never felt anything like this before. I hope it isn’t the essence of time magic I feel on you.’ They went back to the hotel.

  That evening, Britney sat at the table eating and feeding the baby with the phone beside her. Delana was crying. “I know you miss Daddy. He will be home soon, baby. He is at work,” Britney said, holding back her tears as she fed her. Britney gave her a bath and took a shower herself, then lay in the bed holding the phone.

  That night, Gloria was lying in the bed. “You got a little excited today. What dance? Do you know?” Bobby said.

  Gloria shook her head. “It doesn’t matter, Bobby. Make love to me.” She kissed him.

  Elizabeth sat looking at the computer screen, ‘According to what William said and everything Cody told me, everything is pointing towards a conversion. The realms are close. Gloria is feeling the energy or try
ing to connect to the other realm. If a conversion is taking place, no one has noticed it. A sign that the dreams inside the dream is happening. If that was happening, Dunkar is keeping his presence hidden. Something is definitely happening, but what? I know I felt my brother. I know I heard his voice. I’ve done what Sam asked. I found him, but should I send it to Sam? I wish I had a clear picture to what is going on. I want to help, but how? I didn’t tell Cody his father sent me a journal. Only one thing remains and that will be the sure sign the conversion is taking place. The twins, they will surface, and without help, the dancers will perish. I can’t believe I am thinking this, but I hope that monster is hiding. Without Dunkar, the way that the magic of dancing has been forgotten will be hopeless for them.’ Elizabeth turned the computer off and picked up her phone and made a call.

  Bobby was dancing with Nicole. Britney was dancing with Ivan. When her phone rang, she stopped dancing. Her heart raced as she ran to it. She picked it up and the number said “restricted” on the ID. “Hello,” she said in an anxious voice.

  “Baby.” JD’s voice came from the other end.

  Britney started crying. “Thank god!” She started walking away fast. “Jake, please tell me you are on your way home.”

  Bobby shouted out, “Love you, Uncle JD.”

  Britney said back, “He said you too, boy. Are you on your way home?”

  “No, going to be a couple weeks. Got to get three operatives’ asses out of a sling and rescue a SEAL team. Normal bullshit. But I didn’t say that, you hear.”

  “Hear what, Jake?”

  “‘Ats my girl. Not going to be able to call. Just wanted you to know about how long it was going to be. The guys said to tell you hi.”

  “Tell them hi, and to be safe. I miss you, Jake, and your baby misses you too. She is looking for her daddy in the evenings. We love you.”

  “Give her a kiss for me. Gotta go. I hate jumping out of a good airplane. But better than being shot out a torpedo tube, I guess. See ya in a couple weeks.” The phone went dead.


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