Love and Beyond Part 3

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Love and Beyond Part 3 Page 20

by Nathan Colston

  Sam was looking at the computer when his phone rang. He picked it up and said, “Hello.”

  A woman said, “I found what you asked me to find. I am going to email it to you. You are not going to like it. Also, I found someone that you might find interesting to see.”

  “Thanks for your help.” He hung up the phone.

  Gloria went to Tupelo to the ballroom and went into her office, something she had not used that often since Mrs. Chandler had it built for her and Stanley to run. The restaurant wasn’t open, nor was the ballroom used. The studio was slightly used. Not many people came. She sat down at her desk and started looking online at different ways to advertise. Billboards, radio, television, and interviews. She started looking at the cost and planning the best method of doing it.

  Several hours later, Britney came walking in. Gloria said, “Been thinking about opening this place up full swing. Increasing revenue shouldn’t be that hard. We cut prices to the state and hold more events for the ballroom.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Bobby told me something today I thought I would talk to you about it.”

  ‘That man doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut at all.’ Gloria looked up at her. “I think I know what it is. But go ahead.”

  “I don’t want another coach.”

  “Britney, reality check. One more dance is all you’re going to have on the pro circuit. Unless you changed your mind. You don’t need a coach for that dance. If you do, Sam will be there with Ivan and Nicole. You can use him for one dance. I told Bobby I was done with the circuit and I am. Besides, no offense, it is unlikely that either of you make it past the preliminary. You are good, don’t get me wrong. Better than most. Would have thought you would be including me. But the best dancers in the world will be there in one competition.”


  Gloria stood. “All I want to be to you, Britney, is a friend. You say I don’t know the danger I am in with your husband. You say I am trying to deceive you. Next you are going to say I do not care about you or love you.”

  “Gloria, his questions would have hurt. I was mad at everything, Jake was gone. I didn’t know if he would ever return. I had a lot on me.”

  “Britney, you took your feelings and put them into words in such a way that made me wonder if you even trust me. Your occasional lover part hurt. I guess you don’t remember us making love the night before my wedding. Or the day after you made love to your husband. Or many times since. Have you told him about us? Have you told Bobby? You don’t need me anymore as a lover or as a coach. All I have now is just friendship. So don’t try and clear your conscience for my sake. I can handle the reality that I am faced with. We are friends unless you don’t want that anymore. Then we are business partners. I am not selling my half, so you’d be stuck with that one. Unless you want me to buy you out.”

  “No, Gloria, I don’t want to sell either. I haven’t forgotten the times we made love. Like I said, I was worried and confused. I didn’t want to answer the questions. That is all.”

  “You didn’t answer the questions. But I have a feeling before everything is said and done, there is going to come a day that you wish you would have.”

  Britney walked over. “Why do you say that?”

  Gloria shook her head and said low and soft, “It is just a feeling inside me. Nothing more, Britney.” Her voice got louder. “Oh, I read my emails today. Sam sent an email saying that he will be coming here in a week or so. I told him they could use either the small studio in General or they could use one of the larger private rooms here.”

  Britney gave her a confused look. “Why are they coming here?”

  Gloria shrugged. “I assume he wants to go over a few dances with you. After all, the big contest is in just a few months away. I would think you would want to practice some. Unless you don’t want to make it past the opening. The people in that contest earned the right to be there.”

  “I suppose I should dance some with Ivan.” Then she sighed.

  “Okay, I am going to go tell management we are having a meeting this afternoon. You going to be here?”

  “Yeah, I will stick around.” Gloria walked out of the room.

  Britney thought, ‘Something is wrong with her. I thought Bobby was joking.

  The next week Sam, Ivan, and Nicole arrived in Tupelo. They checked into the hotel late that evening. Britney and Bobby went to meet with them. JD came along also. Gloria was in a meeting with an advertising agent, so she didn’t go. The next morning, Gloria went to the ballroom after dropping the children off at day care. Bobby and Britney were in a private room with Ivan and Nicole. Sam was in the room with them. Bobby was dancing with Nicole, Ivan was dancing with Britney. Sam had a man with him that looked to be in his early thirties. She walked in the room. Sam said, “Good morning, lazy head.”

  “Good morning, grouch.” Then she smiled at him.

  Sam returned the smile. “They doing good, I see.”

  Gloria nodded. “Yeah, but they always do. If you need anything, let me know.”

  “Before you run off, I want to introduce you to Clarence here. Clarence, this is Gloria Coleman. Gloria, this is Clarence Dunlap.”

  Gloria held out her hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Clarence.”

  He shook her hand. “Likewise. I am big fan of yours.”

  “Thank you.” Gloria walked out of the room and went to her office. A couple hours later, there was a knock on her office door. Come in.”

  Clarence walked in. He had a nervous look on his face,

  She pointed. “Hi, take a seat.”

  He walked over and sat down and started looking around.

  “Give me just a minute to wrap this up.”

  Clarence continued looking around “No rush on my part.”

  She smiled and kept working. When she was done, she asked, “What can I do for you?” She looked up from her computer.

  Clarence folded his hands in his lap. “I prefer taking my rejection and humiliation in private versus in public.”

  Gloria laughed slightly. “Well, if you are going to ask me out, my husband was in the same room as you. Big guy, muscles. But if you ask him and he said yeah, then okay. If it makes you feel better, I will stand beside you when you ask. Fold my hands in a praying motion, bat my eyes, and say please.”

  Clarence laughed. “You think it would help?”

  Gloria laughed with him. “Probably not. We’re both liable to end up on our asses. Me first.”

  “I think I would prefer that over what I am going to ask. I am not sure if it is an asking out thing. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. I guess it is how you look at it.”

  Gloria smiled. “Just spit it out.” Gloria could tell he was nervous.

  “It is not that simple, ma’am. Let me explain something first. I was working on an oil rig. The chopper came in to get me. I was taking my vacation and it was my time off. The helicopter landed. Sam got off the helicopter. Sam offered me a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a couple weeks’ work. I said what is the catch. He said no catch. We went back to the mainland. The job was to do two things: One was listen. I got that one down pat. The other was to have a talk with you. He said, quote, ‘Most likely you are going to be screamed at. At least you are going to be slapped, maybe stabbed. She might even pull a gun and shoot at you. Do this sitting down and away from her. Or you are going to get kneed in the nuts. If you are sitting, she is going to have to make some movement of some kind. At least you will have a running chance to survive.’ Were his exact words.”

  Gloria laughed slightly. “Sounds like he makes me out to be a very dangerous person.”

  Clarence nodded. “Yeah, he does. I like dancing, always have liked dancing. I am not all that good at it. But I have competed in some amateur contests. Didn’t win but wasn’t last either. I didn’t take it very seriously or very far.”

nbsp; Gloria nodded. “I see, since he is taking a couple of my couples, he wants me to do a favor. Like do something for a friend of a friend or something like that. He wants me to coach you and your partner.”

  He started fidgeting with his hands and said low, “No, I am supposed to ask you to be my dance partner.”

  She looked at him curiously. “No offense, but I am far above being an amateur. I can’t be your partner.”

  Clarence stuttered a little. “I, ah, I, ah said that too, but he said it wouldn’t take you long to get me up to par. He said that you weren’t my partner. Oh god, I don’t even want to say it. He said you were my dance mate. I’m supposed to ask you to be my dance mate.”

  There was a long moment of silence. Clarence looked at her and he thought. ‘Goddamn, how many shades of red are there? She is going to blow her head off if she keeps getting any redder. Time to get.’ He said, “Sorry to have bothered you. I will leave now.”

  She said in a very calm voice, “Yes, that would be a very good idea.”

  “Don’t have to say that twice; hell, you didn’t even have to say it once. But I had to ask to earn the money.”

  “Understandable, Clarence. Have a nice day.” He left the office fast.

  Chapter 17

  New Dance mate

  Gloria stayed in her office for several hours until she had calmed down. She went to the dance room where Sam was. When she walked into the dance room, the look on her face said it all. She was looking at Sam. Bobby saw her and thought, ‘H-o-l-y shit.’ He started moving closer to the door in a casual way. She looked at Sam; her face was beet red as her temper was starting to get the best of her again. “Sam Walter Bluefield,” she said in an low, angry tone. Sam didn’t back down. “Only my momma calls…”

  He was silent as her finger went to his face and she said, “Right now, I am your fucking momma.”

  Bobby said low, “O—k,” stretching it out into several syllables. Britney started moving towards the door behind Bobby. There was more than just bad energy flowing from Gloria and everyone felt it.

  “I think I need to go to the bathroom. Anyone tell me where it is?” Clarence said in a nervous tone.

  “You don’t go anywhere. If you do, her husband,” she pointed at Britney, “hasn’t killed anyone in a while, and I get the feeling he is itching to do so. I am going to call him if you take one damn step.”

  Clarence did not know if she was joking or serious, so he stopped. She said, “Bobby, Britney, Nicole, Ivan. Get out.” When no one said anything, she looked around. Sam and Clarence were the only ones in the room with her. Bobby was out the door before she called his name. Britney was behind him. Ivan and Nicole waited to hear the words get out before they walked out fast. Bobby and Britney stood looking in the glass at her.

  Nicole and Ivan ran over to where Britney and Bobby were. “She is pissed,” Britney said.

  “Yeah. I am going home with you today,” Bobby said in a serious tone

  “Like hell. I bet she would even frighten JD the way she is looking,” Britney said, matching his tone.

  “Yeah, why do you think I am going home with you? Let them hash it out.”

  Gloria was looking at Sam. “I take it you are not happy with my surprise,” Sam said casually as if he had expected to make her angry.

  “What the hell is the meaning of this, Sam? You know I am done dancing competitively. I am done,” she demanded.

  He spat back, “You are not done dancing for the rest of your life, are you?” There was something in his voice that calmed her just a little. A look in his eyes.

  “I have a husband for that,” Gloria spat as she was working hard to calm her anger.

  “True. But a husband isn’t the same as a dance mate. You know just as well as I do, he is going to want to dance with her as often as he can. You know what that is like. They are not going to quit cold turkey. They are good friends.”

  Gloria folded her arms across her chest. “Your point is what, Sam?”

  “Listen at you, Gloria. Hell, your husband was halfway out the door as you were walking in. Britney was right behind him.”

  “He is smarter than I thought he was,” she said, deadpan.

  Sam grinned. “There are no records of this in the archives. We only know it is possible. Your insight on the feelings would be most appreciated. I am not twisting your arm. One dance won’t kill ya. Might even make you feel better.”

  “Look, Miss Gloria, I didn’t ask for none of this. He paid me to do the things I did. He paid me to listen to some crazy-ass story I do not believe. I didn’t know all of this would have a significant meaning to you. Hell, I been waiting for someone to pop out with a camera and say surprise, you are on the show Lifestyles of the Stupid. You are nominated for top prize. Can we part as friends? I don’t have to dance with you. Hell, I know I ain’t getting a phone number. So we good there.”

  “Shut up,” Gloria said sarcastically. Her voice was softer, though. Sam put a half smile on his face. “So this is do as I say, not as I do, Sam. How come you didn’t take another dance mate?” Gloria asked and narrowed her eyes to watch his response.

  Sam went misty-eyed. “I never found her. Yes, I did look. Lord only knows how hard I looked for her. Even had friends help me. Gloria, you know just as well as I do everyone born to dance don’t walk out on a stage somewhere and perform. Clarence only performed once in an amateur contest. Truth be known, I want to know what it feels like.” The pain started to show in his voice now. She knew his reason was personal. She took in a deep breath. “One dance, Sam, only one dance. I give you the interview alone.”

  “From the looks on your faces, I am starting to think the hundred and fifty thousand isn’t worth it. We could just pass on this. I don’t believe in curses. But I am superstitious,” he said cautiously.

  Sam smiled and held back the laughter. Even Gloria smiled at Clarence’s tone.

  “If it is all the same to you, the way you are looking, I would like to keep the family jewels, jewels and not powder.” Sam snickered slightly.

  “Does he know?” she asked curiously.

  Sam nodded, his tone serious. “I told him what to expect.”

  Gloria walked over to Clarence. “I don’t believe it either, not with you. But on the chance that you are a dance mate of mine, I want you to know it starts the moment we start dancing. The feeling is not real. It was made to draw us in. The more we dance, the stronger the feelings will grow. Always keep that in mind, even when the feelings seem real. They will continue to grow until the completion of the curse. Something that will never happen between us. Hold out your hand and I will take it. Once I take your hand, place yours like mine and start moving, I will follow.”

  He held out his hand and Gloria took it. She placed her arm around him and he did just as she said. He started moving, and as he did, she followed. Clarence was amazed at how she felt in his arms. He wondered how she knew his every move. He looked at her and a tear came to her eye as a pain came to her heart. He said, “Do you want me to stop?”

  She smiled. “No.”

  When the song was over, she backed away from him. “Thank you for the dance.” She looked at Sam. “I will give you your interview in private, Sam, later.” She looked at Clarence. “It was a pleasure, Clarence.”

  “Yes, it was too bad it was only once.”

  “That is the curse drawing you in, Clarence.” She walked out the door.

  Bobby, Britney, Ivan, and Nicole stood looking at Gloria through the glass. Bobby said, “She is fuming.”

  “Yes, she is,” Britney agreed

  Ivan added, “I think Sam is braver than we give him credit for.”

  “I agree,” Nicole said.

  “If you were to put an egg on her head right now, it would fry,” Britney said.

  Bobby shook his head. “Poor Clarence, he doesn’t k
now whether to run or shit a brick.”

  “I think I would run if I was him,” Britney stated flatly.

  “What is this about? Hell, they just got here. No way they did something to piss her off this bad this soon. Ivan, Nicole?” Bobby asked with a concerned curious tone.

  Ivan shrugged. “Don’t know. He showed up just over a week ago. Sam left for a couple days. When Sam came back, he was with him. They’ve spent a lot of time in Sam’s office.”

  “Well, whatever it is. She is madder than a wet hen,” Britney said.

  Bobby grunted. “Haven’t heard that saying in a long time.”

  “It just popped out,” Britney said flatly.

  Nicole raised an eyebrow. “I think they are going to dance.”

  “Well, I don’t think she was mad because he asked her to dance,” Bobby said curiously.

  Britney added, “Me either. She loves to dance. He’s not half bad.”

  “Yeah, but she is way out of his league,” Bobby said plainly.

  Ivan, with a slight change in his voice as if he was searching for something else to say, said, “That much is obvious. But there is something about the way they are moving.”

  “Yeah, they look good, though. I have to give them that,” Nicole agreed in the same tone.

  “Well,” Bobby said and paused for a moment. He narrowed his eyes, concentrating on what they were doing. “I don’t know what to say about this. Should I start worrying?”

  “You only have one dance mate your entire life. Or so we are told. You don’t have that to worry about,” Britney said with a hint of confusion as if she were searching also.


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