Remembering (The Starlight Chronicles Book 4)

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Remembering (The Starlight Chronicles Book 4) Page 20

by C. S. Johnson

  Was it me? I recalled the barrier I managed to conjure up at Rosemont. Maybe that was it?

  Or was it Adonaias? Someone had mentioned before there were lots of protections available on Earth, even if we didn’t know it.

  Before I could ask, SWORD agents appeared at the hallway entrances and bullets were fired. “Ready!” a voice called out.


  I felt a small prick in my shoulder; not enough to hurt me, but enough to make me angry. “Hey!” I called, as I picked at the small entry wound.

  Suddenly I felt slow and dizzy.

  They drugged me!

  “Mikey!” Gwen cried out.

  “What is he doing now?” I grumbled, poking my head out to see what was wrong.

  Instantly, I felt shockwaves scatter through my blood. I screamed myself, as Taygetay, Aleia, and Elysian all fell over, instantly halting the battle we’d fought in the foyer. Elysian’s body rolled over. I caught sight of his eyes through my blurry vision, and I knew that even as he was in pain, he tried to set a protective barrier between Gwen and Adam and Taygetay.

  Even though his kindness was appreciated, I couldn’t move a moment later. I was sprawled out on the floor, unable to move. My sword fell out of my hand, leaving me feeling more helpless than ever.

  Before I could try to formulate a plan, I heard Mikey’s sneakers as they screeched across the floor.

  “Stop it,” he shouted. “I can walk by myself!”

  There was a low, grumbling reply, and then nothing. Mikey’s footsteps, while still forced, were no longer dragging.

  “Well, it’s nice to see you again.”

  I groaned. The last thing in the world I wanted to hear at that moment was Dante Salyards’ voice. “Ugh, not you.”

  “So, we meet again, Wingdinger,” Dante greeted me. Right before he kicked me.

  I lashed back from the pain, but was still unable to move.

  “Are you enjoying the sedatives?” he asked.

  “Not really,” I retorted.

  “They’ll wear off soon enough. But I wanted to see if we could come to some sort of deal before they did.”

  “What kind of deal?” I asked. “Did your boss demote you for letting me break out of your last black site, or was it because we found your new one that you’re angry?”

  “I want to know how you found us,” he said. “And I want to know who you are.”

  “I’m not going to tell you that,” I declared.

  “Taygetay is suffering too, you know,” Dante said. “She could really use some more power right about now. While SWORD doesn’t have the force or the technology to harvest a soul, we can make her tear into this girl and small boy here.” Dante tugged on Mikey’s shirt. “Or even this boy’s.”

  “You’re not going to let Taygetay destroy your only son,” I said, sincerely hoping he was bluffing.

  “I have no son,” Dante insisted. He tossed Mikey over beside Gwen, before other agents, carrying Taygetay’s wriggling form, dumped her beside them. “Madame Sinister,” he said in welcome. “Are you hungry?”

  She hissed at him. “Your Star blood supply must be running dry,” she taunted. “There was barely any in that device you shot at me.”

  “We’ll have more in time,” Dante said. “You don’t need to worry about it. But you certainly could use a power boost, right?”

  “I’ll fight on my own terms,” Taygetay insisted, scathing him with her tone as much as she no doubt wanted to do on his body.

  “Now, you don’t want us to capture you again, do you?” Dante’s smooth voice carried a hint of hidden irritation and definite threat. “Why not take a Soulfire and see how you feel?”

  Taygetay scoffed. “The small child is protected,” she said. “He has Star blood in him.”

  What!? My brother couldn’t be a Star, I thought. Could he? I glanced over at Adam to see his silent face as he watched the conversation before him.

  Dante, fortunately, missed that part of the conversation. “Still, what about the girl?”

  Before Taygetay could respond, a rumbling noise broke into the conversation.

  The SWORD agents took cover in doorways as the building rocked. As they panicked, Aleia rolled over, awkwardly crawling toward us. She pulled herself up into a sitting position against another pillar for support. “Starry Knight has called St. Brendan,” she told me. “That was the response.”

  “Is she coming?” I asked. Her healing powers would come in handy quick, I mused.

  “She should be,” Aleia assured me, as Elysian moaned.

  “Good,” Mikey said from the floor. “I’m going to need her help soon.” He glanced up at Gwen, who had tears silently running down her face now. “Gwen’ll need her, too.”

  “Michael,” Dante said. His voice—and the use of Mikey’s full first name—made me flinch.

  “What, Dante?” Mikey answered back.

  “You know, don’t you?”

  “Know that you’re a crappy father?” Mikey retorted. “Yes, I know that very well.”

  “I can’t claim you as my son,” Dante muttered, barely audibly. In his regular voice, he said, “But you know who Wingdinger and Starry Knight are.”

  “No,” Mikey lied.

  “Tell me who they are,” Dante ordered, “or Taygetay will steal this girl’s soul.”

  “No,” Mikey said again, although this time there was a lot more hesitation in his voice.

  Dante wasn’t even going to give him time to change his mind. He headed over to Taygetay and pushed her body against Gwen’s. “Do it,” he said, bitterly and mockingly. “If you can.”

  Taygetay, though she was angered by the “help,” did her part. She grabbed at Gwen’s heart, reaching into her. Her rage-filled eyes were full of light a moment later.

  Gwen screamed, and Mikey screamed, and I screamed. We all screamed. To this day, when I think of that moment, all I can think of is how all of us were screaming as Taygetay pulled out a bright, burning ball of fire, shining with shades a pixie fairy would have relished.

  “No!” Mikey cried, trying hard to push Taygetay away. Dante laughed cruelly, as Taygetay swallowed Gwen’s Soulfire and Gwen went limp in her bonds.

  “Tasty,” Taygetay murmured. The power seemed to reignite her, rejuvenate her.

  “Now, take care of him,” Dante said, nodding to Adam. “Surely his power is no match for yours.”

  “No!” I cried. Not Adam. Not my brother.

  “I think not,” Taygetay purred. “I have a better idea.” She grabbed Dante by the throat. “As dark and small as you’ve made your own inner light, it’s still power, and it still burns with anger and rage. It’s perfect for my collection.”

  I wasn’t actually that upset she was going to take Dante’s Soulfire. “Mikey,” I called. “Mikey, are you okay?”

  “Gwen.” Mikey pawed at her bonds. I was about to tell him they were too powerful for him, but they disappeared at his touch. He cradled her against him, touching her face and crying out her name. “Gwen.”

  Dante, in the meantime, managed to stab Taygetay’s arm with another dart full of Star blood. She grabbed at her shoulder and snapped back at him, trying to bite him.

  “Augh!” he cried, as a mouthful of his chest burned. Taygetay attacked him, biting at him and tearing into his flesh with her rage.

  “Thank goodness you’re here,” I heard Aleia say.

  I turned and felt a waterfall of relief drown my worry.

  “Starry Knight,” I murmured. She hurried around, fighting off the last of Taygetay’s shadow creatures, to heal Aleia and me.

  Orpheus was nowhere to be seen, and I was okay with that.

  “Wingdinger.” Starry Knight came over to me and touched my shoulder. Instantly, as her power raced through me, she pushed my sword back into my hand. “You must seal away Taygetay. Hurry!”

  “I’m trying,” I assured her, giving her a small smile. “See to Mikey, would you?”

  She nodded, then hurried ov
er to where Mikey was crying over Gwen’s pliant form.

  I gripped my sword and raised it over Dante and Taygetay. I saw his brown eyes, so much like Mikey’s, sharpen at the sight of my sword.

  As much as temptation had me, I only brought it down on Taygetay.

  Slashing through her, I felt a ripple of power echo out and revert back, pulling her into a vortex of nothingness. Taygetay screamed, and I was not sorry to see her disappear into a small, black-red crystal.

  I snatched it out of the air, before turning on Dante. His chest was smoking out, bleeding profusely from Taygetay’s anger. Trying hard not to focus on the blood, I gripped his arm. “Calm down,” I said.

  “Just leave me,” he said in a soft voice. “Other SWORD agents will know what to do.” He nodded toward Mikey. “Get him and the girl and that kid out of here.”

  “Tell me how you track us,” I said.

  “It’s the radiation. Infra-blue rays,” he said.

  “Where’s the tracker?” I asked.

  When he said nothing, I snapped. “You’re the one who told me that you’re here to protect me,” I said. “Prove it to me. Tell me where I can find the tracker.”

  A long moment of silence ensued between us. In the background, I could hear Starry Knight talking quietly to Elysian, trying to heal him. I could hear Aleia fighting back the other SWORD agents. And I could hear Mikey still unable to do much but mutter muffled words into Gwen’s hair.

  Finally, Dante responded, “City Hall. Now leave. Get my son out of here.”

  I dropped his hand and let him go. I didn’t know if he would die from his injuries, but I didn’t even know if I could trust him on anything, even the matter of Mikey, either. But I did know it was for the best if Dante didn’t see us leave, so I used the hilt of my sword to bash him across the head.

  I figured later on, Mikey would thank me for it. Maybe it would even be a way to make amends, I thought.

  “Aleia, Starry Knight,” I called. “Let’s get everyone out of here.”

  Elysian grumbled as he righted himself. He’d taken several shots to the belly, in addition to Taygetay’s earlier attacks. But he ordered us to load Mikey, Gwen, and Adam up, and we complied.

  As I helped Mikey up (not the easiest task, since he wouldn’t let go of Gwen), I saw Raiya as she cut Adam free of his bonds.

  It was then that I saw it. As Raiya picked Adam up into her arms, he giggled and smiled and glowed. Just like I’d seen Mrs. Smithe do before, and just as Gwen’s arm had done before.

  I had a feeling I suddenly knew how Raiya knew Cheryl. I wasn’t sure if I wanted my guess to be confirmed or not.

  Despite my hesitation, I thought about asking her then and there.

  Before I could, Adam interrupted me. “Angel,” he said, his small hands reaching up and cradling her face, just as I myself had done earlier.

  Before I knew it, we had dropped Mikey and Gwen off at the hospital. Both were admitted—Gwen for the “sleeping sickness,” the media’s name for all the demon attacks, and Mikey for severe trauma. I didn’t think anyone would argue with that diagnosis.

  Elysian dropped Aleia off at her church, where she politely informed Raiya and me that she was going to take the rest of the evening off. With Taygetay captured, she said, it gave us some time.

  I would’ve left it at that. I was tired myself, so I could understand. But Starry Knight, ever the relentless one, wouldn’t let us leave it at that.

  “When is St. Brendan going to be here?” she asked Aleia.

  Aleia obligingly pulled out her time orb. “On the winter solstice,” she said. “He’ll be here at eleven in the evening.”

  “That’s not for a few weeks,” I said, brightening up considerably. My hand found hers. “That gives us some time together.”

  She smiled at me, before turning back to Aleia. “I left Orpheus at the marina,” she said. “He should be back here soon, if he’s not already.”

  “Evening mass is coming up,” Aleia said. “I’ll look for him before I retire for the night.”

  “I’ll wait here,” Raiya said, “so you get some rest.”

  She turned to me. “Take your brother home. He’ll need his rest.” Glancing at him, she gave him a smile and blew him a kiss. “He’s had a rough day.”

  “I don’t know how I’m going to break the news to Cheryl that she needs a new babysitter,” I said.

  “Maybe Aleia can help,” Raiya suggested. “I know our battles are still something we have to consider, but it’s better if Adam stays close to us for now.”

  “Is it because of the Star blood inside of him?” I asked gently.

  Raiya’s eyes tried their best to disguise her surprise. “Possibly,” she admitted. “How did you know?”

  “Taygetay couldn’t touch him,” I told her. “And then, later, when you picked him up, he glowed, like all the other people that you heal.”

  “It’s a long story,” she said.

  “I can imagine,” I replied. “But I’ll take him home first. Cheryl should be getting off work with Stefano soon. And Mark is supposed to be home tonight, too.”

  “Good. That should help.” Raiya held onto me for a long moment. “Do you want to come and meet me later?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to leave you now,” I told her. I leaned in and kissed her, softly but soundly, tenderly but thoroughly.

  She finally pulled back. “Come and meet me at Rachel’s later,” she said.

  “Will you have my coffee ready for me?”

  “What do you think, Humdinger?” Raiya smirked and smacked me playfully before she took off.


  27 ☼


  Raiya’s window light was shining brightly as I approached the café. It was strange to me how much happier and lighter I felt, just knowing she was there, and knowing she was there for me.

  There were still some unanswered questions, I thought. How did Mikey figure out Raiya was Starry Knight (especially before I did)? How did Dante really feel about Mikey? What was I going to do with Mrs. Smithe? Was Mikey going to be okay?

  How long was I going to have to suffer after Raiya went up to see Alora with St. Brendan and Orpheus? Would she get what she wanted?

  At least I knew the answer to the question that had bugged me the most since this all started, I thought. I knew who she was, and I knew who we were. I looked up at her window again, and I felt a strong sense of gratitude come over me. Raiya had admitted to me that she never expected to find me. I marveled at how unlikely everything that happened had happened. How I’d been given so much. How I’d been protected. And how I’d taken so much of it for granted.

  I remembered Adonaias, and realized I’d barely been listening to him, watching for him, or really anything once I got back from Alora’s Star. Standing there, in the middle of the block, looking up at the light beaming down from Raiya’s window, I made a vow to be better about it in the future.

  I was going to need it, after all. I knew enough to know that.

  Pain and pleasure washed over me as I clung to Raiya’s promise—and to Adonaias’ enduring, remembered comfort.


  Dear Reader,

  This is the book I have been waiting to write (and for you to read!) for so long. As much as I wanted to tell the story of Hamilton’s journey, it’s still the romance that always moves me along. Of course, though I don’t openly market it as such, The Starlight Chronicles is as much a love story as it is a fantasy adventure. The things that matter in this life will always find their way to the heart of the story, and for me, that more often than not includes true love.

  The title Remembering came from a variety of influences, including the Bible—Jesus at the last supper, Paul’s promises to pray and remember, and God’s own promises to remember people at various times.

  I think remembering has to be one of the best parts of love. If there are any parts that show me the living nature of a relationship, it’s the memory of th
e past and dreams for the future. Living in the present between the two has always been the trickiest part for me. There’s a lot of tension between the past and the future, and the coming together of it in the present, meeting it moment for moment, really demonstrates the heartbeat of love. Not only between two people, but between God and his children.

  Remembering is critical in a world where we seem to have developed such a short-term memory.

  How do you remember God? How do you remember the people you’ve loved, and the people who have loved you? In the believer’s journey, I’ve found remembering to be very simple, and very easy to forget. How often I have prayed for God to remember me, when I should have been praying that I remembered Him more often.

  Thank you once more for joining me in Hamilton’s journey. We hope you will remember us and look for us again soon in in Book 5!

  Until We Meet Again,

  C. S. Johnson



  Jennifer C. Sell

  Jennifer Clark Sell is a professional book editor and proofreader. She works from her home in Northern California. With her years of professional and personal experience, she offers several quality packages for authors. Find her at

  Photo Credit: Savannah Sell



  Amalia Chitulescu

  Amalia Iuliana Chitulescu is a digital artist from Campina, Romania. Raised in a small town, this self-taught artist has a technique which is delineated by the contrast between obscurity and enlightenment, using dark elements in a dreamy world. Her areas of expertise include the use of theatrical concepts to create a macabre and surrealistic world that still maintains a highly recognizable attachment to reality. Bridging a diaphanous environment with light elements, an eerie view, she creates a dream world of dark beauty, done with a blend of photography and digital painting. Find her at

  Photo Credit: Amalia Chitulescu


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