Space Knights: The Arrival

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Space Knights: The Arrival Page 28

by Gregory Samuelson

  They both reacted as the official made the signal to start. Their swords crashed together several times and both started to swing so savagely at each other that it was a surprise their wooden swords weren’t cracking yet. Rex scored first and turned around and gloatingly bowed to the crowd. Trance fought back and tied the score, which just infuriated Rex. Rex furiously fought and scored again. He openly declared that the match was over and that he was about to win again. “Trance,” Rex declared, “you’re just a passing fool that thought he could be a knight.”

  Trance was more determined than ever to tie the score again. With more skill he blocked Rex’s attacks and kept him at bay. He swung his sword with more skill trying to get an advantage and then something rather unexpected happened. Rex’s foot slid on the grass just as he made a wide swing at Trance. Trance saw his opportunity and struck, scoring the tying blow. Yet while he celebrated the fact that they would have the next point win the match Rex made a surprising charge.

  “That was un-chivalrous!” Rex screamed. “You have been un-chivalrous all tournament!” he accused as he stood up, glancing at the people gathered around their match to get their reaction. He was pleased at the reaction that his accusations had caused. His coach and teammates nodded with pleasure; however, Trance’s supporters looked shocked.

  The referee for the match looked stunned and looked from one boy to the other. This was highly unexpected. He had refereed matches involving both boys against different opponents and had already formed a private opinion of them. Rex he knew from past tournaments was a rather gifted warrior but was rather proud and arrogant.

  Trance he had come to see seemed more calm and reserved. In every match he’d seen Trance in he had conducted himself professionally and nobly. However, he knew the rules and this charge was serious and had to be addressed. He had no choice and signaled the head referee for the Swordsman Challenge and motioned him for conference.

  Both referees were joined by the other five swordsman referees and discussed Rex’s charge that Trance had been un-chivalrous. Soon some of the other officials came over to give their input. Suddenly a figure came out of the stands and came striding over to join them.

  Trance had been asking Neklon about what was going on. “Well, Rex has accused you of being un-chivalrous. Now, if the referees side with him, they could expel you from the rest of the tournaments and strip our team of the titles we’ve already won and will threaten any chance of your teammates of winning any of the tournaments they are entered in.”

  Trance was stunned. He almost couldn’t believe that Rex had made the charge, let alone the consequences of the charge. He glanced over at his adversary and saw the look of gleeful triumph in Rex’s eyes.

  Rex was absolutely positive that his plan had worked and his reputation from the past would outshine Trance and that his word would be more accepted than Trance’s. He looked toward his team and nodded his head and then turned toward the referees expecting them to award him the win and stripping Trance of any meager glory he had earned during the year.

  Trance waited wondering what the referees would decide. He couldn’t believe that he had gone through all of his schooling and training, all of his success in training and working to live his dream and become a knight and have it end like this. He prayed that he would have a chance to defend himself. He had always tried to do his best to be chivalrous and follow the rules. Certainly the referees had seen him and watched his every move and seen that he was very chivalrous.

  While both boys looked on the referees discussed what to be done. Some knew Rex very well and thought that he would tell the truth and was a most honorable and worthy candidate to be a truly great knight. However, there were a number of other referees that had been watching the contests and saw absolutely that Trance was one of the most chivalrous boys that they had ever seen in the competitions. These refs had also seen Rex being rather a bully and arrogant. They were divided but by rule they couldn’t ignore the rules.

  They had to act. The charge of anybody being un-chivalrous was very serious and needed to be severely punished if proven. Yet as they continued to discuss the matter there seemed to be no proof that Trance had been un-chivalrous, but that would mean that Rex had been. Suddenly the referees took notice of the figure that had just joined them.

  Surprise showed on Trance’s face as he saw a real live Griffin come out of the stands and onto the field. He looked in amazement at the being with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. The Griffin looked even stranger to him as it stood and strode toward the referees. It was even dressed much like a courtier.

  Faylor approached the referees and was quite aware of the disturbance that his presence on the field was creating. He had come to the tournaments to watch the events with great interest and curiosity. All year he had heard and reviewed reports that more signs had been witnessed that strongly indicated the arrival of the Great Griffin General.

  Some of the most disturbing reports were that the Sphinx were looking for him also and wanted him dead. It was even reported that the Sphinx King himself was extremely agitated that there was even a remote possibility that there was a Griffin General. What really distressed Faylor, was that there was a report that the Sphinx were behind a plot to send an attack force to assault this tournament. Why would the Sphinx or anybody want to attack the tournaments? These were only children. However, it was true that most of them would grow and train to be knights and defenders of their own worlds.

  Well we won’t worry about that just yet. Now there is this matter to deal with. Faylor had been watching the tournaments very closely and he had watched Trance and Rex. He had seen how Rex was acting. He had been rather curious to see how this boy from Earth competed. In his estimation this was a complete set-up by Rex. He was intentionally trying to get Trance out of the competitions. He knew the spot the referees were in and how they had seen the competitions. He knew he had to do something. So he had decided to use his influence and try to bring about a fair outcome.

  “Excuse me,” he said respectfully to the head referee. “I have been watching what has been happening. I know the rules and the dilemma that you are in. May I offer a suggestion that might resolve this situation?”

  The head referee had been struggling with this issue since Rex made his charge. He for one could not understand why Rex had made the charge. Trance had shown himself over and over again to be most chivalrous. He knew about Faylor and knew how honest and honorable he was. It would be a great relief to have a solution that would hopefully end this issue. “That would be most welcome Faylor if you have a solution. We would certainly like to hear it.”

  Faylor quickly glanced around at everyone before he spoke. “I believe that in order to settle this matter you need to use the rule of Duelom.” He was quite aware of the stir that his statement caused.

  Rex had been watching the exchange between the referees and this Griffin. Of course he knew about Faylor, and the moment he saw him approach he had doubts about his plan to get rid of Trance. Yet this was the best possible ruling that he could get. Now he truly thought that he could beat Trance and redeem his standing with everyone. After this everybody would praise him as the great knight that he was.

  Trance looked around confused. He hadn’t ever heard of this rule and didn’t have any idea of what it was and why the Griffin thought that it would be fair and settle the dispute. “What is Duelom?” he asked his friends and coach.

  Gracer answered first, “It’s a one on one battle between you and Rex. There is only one point given. You’ll only have your sword, nothing else, not even your shield. You’ll have the whole field to use if you need it.”

  Zam chimed in then. “If Rex wins you’ll be marked and we may lose the championship that we have already won. Also you might be declared un-chivalrous and lose any standings that you’ve earned.”

  Now Neklon leaned in. “Just be yourself and do your best.
If you win it’ll turn the tables on him. If you win it will cast doubt on his charge and he will be the one that is scrutinized for any behavior that will show that he is what he is.” Then he pulled Trance closer and whispered to him, “Don’t lose your sword and keep your cool if you do.”

  Trance looked at him quizzically and just started to ponder what he had just been told, especially what Neklon had just whispered, when he saw that the referees were about to make their decision public.

  “Attention ladies and gentlemen,” announced the head referee. “We have reached a decision. With much consultation and discussion we have decided to settle this match by the rule of Duelom. This will also settle the charge of Trance Sonderson being un-chivalrous.”

  Trance shuddered as he heard the entire stadium roar. There had not been a match settled by Duelom at these tournaments for seventy-six years. This was going to be a special treat since the majority of the crowd had never seen a match settled in this manner before. The fact that this would settle the dispute between Rex and Trance had not escaped notice either.

  Rex was surprisingly elated. At last he’d be able to show that he was the best swordsman here. He was so confident that he could defeat Trance and secure his position as the top candidate to become a knight. Pompously he handed his shield and dagger to one of his teammates and casually swung his sword to get himself ready.

  Trance did not miss Rex’s antics and with calm resolve he handed his shield and dagger to Gracer, drew his own wooden sword and waited for the referees’ instructions.

  The referees went to work to see that the current ongoing matches were settled fairly so they could clear the entire field. Part of the rules for a Duelom was that both competitors would have free access to the entire field. Gradually matches were settled and competitors were then encouraged to head for their locker rooms and from there they could go to the stands to watch this contest. Finally the last of the current events was settled and the field was cleared. The head referee called for Rex and Trance to follow him to the center of the field. Then he issued the rules of the match to both boys.

  “The rules for Duelom are very straightforward and strict. Both of you will have use of the entire field. Your only weapon will be your sword. This match will continue until we have a winner. Good luck gentlemen,” he said, then saluted both boys and stepped back to allow them to get ready for the contest.

  Trance watched Rex closely as he sheathed his wooden sword and stepped into position. He knew that he was ready to duel and that he had beaten Rex a number of times in the past, yet he felt more nervous about this match. It had not escaped his notice that Rex had really been trying to beat him and get him eliminated from the competitions. Well here we go again Trance thought as he sheathed his own sword.

  The head referee took his position, waited just a moment and then signaled the match to start. It was on. Both boys drew their swords so swiftly that they might not have been sheathed at all. Rex pressed the attack and came at Trance so ferociously that Trance really had to back pedal and use all of his defensive skills to avoid being beaten. Rex slashed with all of his fury at Trance and did all he could to beat Trance. This was his one chance to show that he was indeed the most superior knight. He was truly a great swordsman and showed it with every swing and thrust. However, Trance proved to be just as skillful, blocking every blow. They battled for several minutes when Rex got lucky and with one slick stroke flipped Trance’s sword out of his hand.

  Rex was shocked for a moment and couldn’t believe his fortune. At last he had Trance at his mercy. He was certain that fate had smiled at him and he would now have his revenge on Trance for all of the times Trance had beaten him and his team this last year.

  With a quick decisive move he stepped forward and thrust his sword intending to win the match here and now. Yet to his outrage and frustration his opponent leaped back. Rex quickly moved forward and thrust his sword only to see Trance back up again and start moving away from him. He thrust yet again and then started to swing and chase after his fleeing opponent.

  After his sword left his hand, Trance realized that he was now at Rex’s mercy. And knowing Rex as he did, Trance knew he wouldn’t get any mercy from Rex. He had only one chance. He would have to back away and run and try to retrieve his sword so he could defend himself. As Rex started to thrust and swing his sword Trance leaped back and started to run away from Rex. As he started to sprint around the field he heard the White Knights laughing at him and calling him a coward.

  Rage filled Rex, as he had to chase down his opponent. “Trance, why don’t you stop and we’ll end this right now. It’ll be real quick and everything will be as it should be,” he called as he continued to swing his sword trying to end the match.

  Trance ignored him and concentrated on trying to run around him and get back to his sword. It didn’t take long for Rex to figure out what Trance was up to. Rex did his best to keep between Trance and his sword. Finally Trance turned and sprinted down the field, and Rex, thinking that this might be his shot at finally catching him and winning, sped up.

  Trance ran as fast as he could and started to feel a burning in his side. He had never been a very fast runner, and in his armor he knew he was a little slower than normal. Rex he knew was a good runner and was quite used to running in armor. This wasn’t a race, yet he saw it that way.

  He needed to get to his sword before Rex caught up to him. With a quick glance Trance saw Rex right behind him and closing with glee in his eyes thinking that their match was near its end. In one instant Trance saw his opportunity as Rex took a wild swing at him.

  Trance took his one chance and turned away from Rex’s swing and bolted back down the field. The move gained him a slight lead. Rex had to turn around when he realized that he had missed and that Trance was now running back the other way.

  “You gafarthing coward!” Rex screamed. “When I get my sword on you everyone will know that I’m the best knight here!”

  “Yeah right,” Trance blurted as he concentrated on getting back to his sword. There it was lying there on the field just twenty yards away. He was closing on it fast now, and he could still sense Rex behind him. It was coming up and he knew that he’d have only one shot at this and reached down ready to sweep the sword up as he passed. There, just another couple of feet. He reached and felt his fingers touch the hilt and then in one fumbling moment the sword flopped out of his hand. It would be over any moment.

  Rex yelled with glee as he saw Trance’s failed attempt to retrieve his sword. Now he could take his time and enjoy his victory. However, Trance wouldn’t go down quite that easily. Trance kept running down the field. Why doesn’t he just accept defeat and get this over with. Well, it’ll be over in just a moment anyway.

  Trance was frustrated with himself. He took some very deep breaths in an effort to calm his nerves and focus on one more attempt to get his sword. This was it; he’d get the sword or lose to Rex. He didn’t run as far this time before swerving and dodging Rex’s increasingly wild swings. At last he had his chance and raced back toward the sword.

  This time he focused completely on the sword. In a way time seemed to be moving faster than normal and in another way it seemed that time had slowed for him. He was almost there and reached out with deliberate purpose and in one swift motion swept his hand down and this time felt instant relief as his hand closed on the familiar feel of his sword’s hilt. In one flashing move he swung the sword up as he spun to a stop and just caught Rex’s sword coming down at him.

  Rex couldn’t believe that Trance had gotten his sword again. No matter, he thought. I’ll finish him now. Their battle continued just as fierce as before. Both boys were profusely sweating as they clashed and slashed at each other. Trance deflected all of Rex’s attacks and instantly swept his sword in an offensive swing at Rex.

  Exhaustion was now starting to affect both boys, yet neither one would relent and concede. Once again
their swords clashed as they both strove to beat the other. Here the differences really started to show. Rex was being ruthless and brutal in order to demonstrate his dominance with the sword. Trance on the other hand seemed to have a natural talent for the sword and a more innovative style. He transitioned so well from defense to offense that he surprised many of his opponents.

  Trance blocked four more wild attacks from Rex and then in one sure swing flipped Rex’s sword from his hand. Now they were in opposite positions. Trance stayed his position though, and strangely Rex stood still and smiled a rather distrustful smile.

  “Now here’s your shot! You can win now. Just swing and it’s over,” taunted Rex as he stood perfectly still with that unusual smile on his face.

  Trance stood his ground and in a moment had a flash of what was going on. In a weird way he just wondered if Rex really knew. This rule was set up to see who was truly un-chivalrous. If he struck down Rex unarmed it would show that he was un-chivalrous. What should he do? Rex seemed rather eager to attack him when he was unarmed. Didn’t Rex think that he would have been declared un-chivalrous if he struck Trance down when he was unarmed? In an instant he made up his mind.

  “Pick up your sword,” Trance said calmly and stood his ground.

  Rex suddenly looked surprised and stood to his full six feet, two inch frame, and with his arms out and stated, “Here’s your chance. Take it.”

  Trance took a step back and still holding his sword in readiness replied, “Take up your sword.”

  Rex’s smile changed and he started to realize the trap he himself had fallen into. He shook his head and glared at Trance and dared him to strike him. “It’s over, you’ve won now, strike me down and this’ll be over.”

  “No, take up your sword and we’ll finish this fair and square,” Trance declared and even took another step back and sheathed his sword.


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