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Dandies, Inc

Page 6

by G. R. Lyons

  “I should–” Spencer began, pointing over his shoulder, then hurried out of the room. He was already behind for the day, but maybe the rapid pace would be just what he needed to get his mind off the past thirty-six hours.

  He dove into work, answering phone calls and emails, reviewing reports, monitoring Dirk's calendar, scheduling appointments, heading off problems that he could handle so Dirk wouldn't have to. There was no room to breathe until well past lunch hour. Thank gods for food delivery.

  There was finally a lull in phone calls when Spencer heard Dirk's mobile ring, the sound coming through the spell he had on Dirk's office.

  “Hey, Baby Jay,” Dirk answered.

  Spencer tensed. He reached up and touched his ear, tempted to switch off the spell for a few minutes, but curiosity won out.

  Jayden groaned. “You've been talking to Mason again, haven't you?”

  Spencer narrowed his eyes in thought. Mason was Jayden's best friend, he was pretty sure. He'd picked that up from overhearing Dirk's conversations before.

  Dirk chuckled. “I know, you don't like the nickname.”

  “Now however did you get that idea?” Jayden deadpanned.

  “And what if Spencer called you that?”

  Jayden hissed, and Spencer strained to listen while a beat of silence passed before Jayden excitedly blurted out, “Did he say yes?”

  “He said he'd think about it,” Dirk replied, his tone laced with uncertainty and disappointment.

  “Hmmm,” Jayden said, managing to pack way too much mischief into one little sound. “I bet we could persuade him.”

  “Oh yeah?” Dirk asked with a sexy chuckle. “Have anything particular in mind?”

  Jayden whined. “I'm not sure yet. All I know is that last fuck was epic and I need it to be real.”

  Dirk hummed low in his throat. “Make the fantasy reality, you mean? Have him there with us?”

  “Telling us what to do–”

  Spencer yelped and switched off the spell, grabbing onto the edge of his desk to steady himself as his eyes went wide and his chest heaved. Father's love. They'd fantasized about him? In bed?

  Fuck. Spencer pressed a hand to his crotch, willing his cock to go down.

  His desk phone rang. Perfect timing, as usual. Spencer took a deep breath and snatched it up, trying to focus on the HR manager's question.

  And wondering all the while how in all seven hells he was going to resist those two men.

  Chapter 7

  JAYDEN RACED out of the elevator the moment the doors opened. Butterflies swarmed about inside his stomach as he made his way toward Spencer's desk. Good gods. How had he not realized it before? Spencer was exactly what he and Dirk had been missing, and Jayden couldn't wait to see how things would develop.

  He came to a stop at Spencer's desk, clutching the counter that topped the short wall, fighting the urge to dart around behind the desk and throw himself into Spencer's lap.

  “Hey,” Jayden breathed.

  Spencer blushed. “Mr. Wyatt. Good evening.”

  Jayden rolled his eyes. “Call me Jayden. Please?”

  Spencer's eyes darted all around. “Not here,” he insisted.

  “Fine,” Jayden agreed with a sigh. Dirk had said that Spencer wasn't sure about the whole thing yet, so Jayden would restrain himself. For now. He nodded at Dirk's door. “Is he about done for the day?”

  Spencer glanced at his desk phone, then checked something on his computer while rubbing at his right ear. “He's just finishing up a call, and then he should be done.”

  “Great. Thanks.” Jayden flashed him a grin and started to turn away, then whirled back. “Oh! Were you able to get that watch you told me about?”

  Spencer paused, some emotion flickering across his face so fast, Jayden couldn't quite make it out. “Oh. Right.” He turned away and bent over a low drawer, digging into the back of it.

  A weird shadow flickered inside the drawer. Jayden blinked, then rubbed his eyes. Maybe it was a trick of the light—something reflecting off of something else inside the drawer—but it hadn't looked quite natural for some reason that he couldn't define.

  But Jayden forgot all about it as soon as Spencer turned around with a box in his hands.

  “Oooh.” Jayden took the box and lifted the lid, then gasped. “Holy shit, this is fabulous!” He took the watch out of the box, carefully handling it as he admired the antique face and tooled leather band. “If he doesn't love this, there's something wrong with him. I've never seen anything like it–” He turned the watch around and gasped. “This is a Knudsen?”

  Spencer nodded, then tilted his head. “You've heard of them?”

  “Holy shit, yes. Grandpa loves their watches, but they're so hard to find anymore. He's gonna be so jealous! Where did you get it?”

  “Just got lucky and stumbled across it,” Spencer said, though there was something in his tone that hinted there was more to it than that.

  “This is incredible,” Jayden said, carefully returning the watch to the box. “Thank you. What do I owe you for this?”

  Spencer paused. “Oh. Um…I don't remember, and I don't have the receipt on me.”

  “That's fine. You can let me know.” He flashed Spencer a grin and lowered his voice. “You know I'm not going anywhere.”

  Spencer blushed, exactly as Jayden hoped he might.

  Dirk's office door opened, and the man himself paused in the doorway, a smile slowly spreading across his face as he looked from Jayden to Spencer and back. “Gods,” he murmured. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to see you two in the same space.”

  Jayden grinned, the butterflies taking up again, while Spencer got a shy smile on his face as he turned away and made himself look busy.

  “Did you need anything before you go, Mr. Cameron?” Spencer asked.

  “Hmmm, I can think of one thing I need,” Dirk murmured, making Spencer blush again, then added, “And I really wish you'd call me Dirk.”

  Spencer glanced down the hall and shook his head.

  “Well, we'll work on it,” Dirk said, giving Jayden a conspiratorial smirk, then said, “No, thank you, Spence. Unless you want to come home with us?”

  Spencer blushed afresh. “I don't think that's a good idea.” He cleared his throat. “And I need to get home to Rey, anyway.”

  “Rey?” Jayden asked.

  “His brother,” Dirk answered.

  “Why–” Jayden began, but Dirk cut him off.

  “All in good time,” Dirk said, putting an arm around Jayden's shoulders. “You ready?”

  Jayden nodded, tucking the box to his side. He'd have to stash it somewhere once he got home and hope that Dirk didn't ask too many questions.

  “See you tomorrow,” Dirk told Spencer.

  “Goodnight, Mr. Cameron,” Spencer replied.

  Dirk narrowed his eyes, his lips twitching as he fought a smile, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he gave Spencer a parting nod, tucked Jayden closer to his side, and steered them toward the elevators. “My place or yours tonight?”

  “Mine,” Jayden answered, watching as Dirk pressed the button to call the elevator. “But can we stop somewhere first?”

  “Dinner?” Dirk asked just as the elevator dinged, announcing its arrival. They stepped into the car, and Dirk selected the ground floor.

  “Hmmm, that, too, actually,” Jayden said as the doors slid shut, “but I had something else in mind.”


  “Yeah.” He tilted his head. “How do you feel about needles?”

  Dirk's eyebrows shot up, but when he asked what Jayden meant by that, Jayden refused to explain.

  They walked out to the curb, Dirk's driver already there and waiting for them. Jayden unlocked his phone, the screen still displaying the address he'd looked up in the taxi earlier while on his way to Dirk's office, and read it off to the driver as their destination. After a short drive, the car pulled up in front of a nondescript building, and it wasn't until they were i
nside the reception area that the place became recognizable as a clinic that catered to anonymous walk-ins.

  Jayden took two numbers from the counter and steered Dirk over to a couple of empty seats.

  Dirk cocked an eyebrow at him. “Needles, huh?”

  Jayden bit his lip. “I just want to show him how serious we are, you know? I mean–” He leaned closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. “I've been wanting you bare like crazy, anyway.” Dirk's eyes flashed with heat, and Jayden went on: “But now it's like…I need that. I need him to be with us. I need all of us to be all-in.”

  One side of Dirk's mouth turned up in a knowing smile. “Yeah,” he whispered. “I do, too.”

  “So I'm not crazy?”

  “Why would you say that?”

  Jayden worried his lip again. “Because I barely know the guy, but he just felt so right the other night, you know?”

  “Oh, I know,” Dirk agreed. “Believe me.”

  “And you said he wasn't sure, so maybe this'll convince him just how much we mean it. That we want him, I mean.”

  Dirk smiled again, then leaned in to kiss him. Just a simple press of lips, not letting it go beyond that while there were other people around. “Sounds perfect.”

  Jayden grinned, then settled in to wait. It was only a few minutes before they were each called back, and then it was just a matter of letting the phlebotomist draw blood and run it through the analyzer. In no time at all, they were both walking out to the car with negative test results in their hands.

  “I suppose we can't dig up his address somehow and head straight over to his place?” Jayden asked.

  Dirk threw his head back and laughed. “Impatient, much?”

  Jayden whined. “I've been horny all day just thinking about that kiss. Can you imagine the sex?”

  Dirk cocked an eyebrow at him. “Try being horny for someone for six years,” he muttered.

  Jayden grimaced and slumped back in his seat. “Fine,” he grumbled. He shifted the box out of the way so he could buckle on his restraint while Dirk instructed his driver to take them to Jayden's apartment.

  “Do I get to ask what's in the box?” Dirk asked with a smirk.

  “Nope! Not a chance. And no peeking, either. It's for your birthday.”

  Dirk gave him a stern look. “You didn't need to get me anything.”

  “Of course I did. It's your birthday,” he repeated, emphasizing the word.

  Dirk snorted a laugh. “Get to my age, and birthday's just don't matter like they used to.”

  “Please,” Jayden scoffed. “'My age.' You say that like you're old or something.”

  Dirk cocked his eyebrow again. “I am the same age as your mom, remember? Whom I have yet to meet, by the way.”

  Jayden raised his eyebrows. “You want to meet my family? But you've met my dad, right?”

  “Only through the industry, but yeah.” Dirk paused and gave him a smirk. “Your grandfather, too.”

  Jayden snorted. “Yeah,” he said, dragging out the word. “At least he doesn't hate you for no good reason anymore.”

  “Oh, he doesn't? This is news to me.”

  Jayden tilted his head. “I didn't tell you about that? It's a whole…thing. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself.”


  Jayden shook his head, not wanting to get into his own family drama right then. “But you'd really like to meet them all? Outside work, I mean.”

  “Why not? Let's have them over. Spencer and his brother, too. We can make a night of it.”

  Jayden got a sly smile on his face. “For your birthday?”

  Dirk rolled his eyes. “Walked right into that one, didn't I?”


  Dirk chuckled and leaned over to press a kiss to Jayden's temple as the car came to a stop in front of his building. “I'll think about it. Come on.”

  Jayden followed Dirk out of the car, then led the way up to his apartment. He ducked into his craft room and stashed the box behind a basket full of fabric scraps, then found Dirk in the kitchen, scrolling through his phone.

  “Pizza?” Dirk asked. “Something spicy?”

  “How about burgers?” Jayden suggested.

  Dirk grinned. “You got it.” He scrolled again, tapped on something, and put the phone to his ear, calling in a delivery order for burgers and fries.

  With that done, they both headed for the shower to unwind while they waited for the food to arrive. By some unspoken agreement, neither of them tried to start anything. Which was weird. They were both confirmed negative now. Any other time, Jayden would have jumped at the chance to have Dirk fuck his brains out without a condom between them, but now that Spencer was in the picture—he hoped, anyway—he felt a sudden need to wait until they were all together.

  Dirk must have felt the same, his cock hard as they washed each other but not even trying to make the moment into something more.

  Jayden groaned. “Are you sure we can't go kidnap him and drag him into bed right now?”

  Dirk barked a laugh. “Down, boy,” he teased.

  Jayden shot him a look from under his eyelashes and pointed at his hard dick.

  Dirk chuckled, then told him seriously, “He said he needs to think about it. We can give him that.”

  “Ugh, fine,” Jayden whined. Then he brightened as an idea hit him. “Oooh, what if we take him to lunch this weekend? Just the three of us. For your birthday,” he added with emphasis.

  “You're really not letting this go, are you?” Dirk asked with a laugh.

  “Nope.” Jayden grinned. “And then maybe, in a week or two, we can set a date and have everyone get together. How's that sound?”

  “Hmmm.” Dirk hooked an arm around Jayden's waist and pulled him close. Jayden hissed as their hard cocks bumped together, biting his lip as his hips gave an involuntary thrust. “Just you and me and Spence for lunch on my birthday? Sounds perfect.”

  Jayden grinned again. “It's a date.”

  “Assuming he agrees,” Dirk reminded him.

  “Ugh. Spoil sport.”

  They got out of the shower, dried off, and dressed just in time for the food to arrive. It was almost a shame that they'd started leaving clothes at one another's apartments. Jayden would rather have Dirk naked.

  Then he thought of Spencer having a few things in his closet, too, and he couldn't help but grin.

  “What are you deviously plotting now?” Dirk asked between bites.

  “Oh, you know: world domination, or you and Spencer naked, taking turns fucking me. It's a tossup.” He took another bite of his burger, chewed, swallowed, and sighed. “It's gonna be a long week, isn't it?”

  Dirk patted his knee. “You'll live.”

  Jayden wasn't so sure about that.

  He called Dirk around lunch time every day that week, asking if Spencer had agreed. The first day, Dirk said he'd extended the lunch invitation, but Spencer had to think about it. The next day, the excuse was that Spencer needed to make sure his brother was looked after in his absence, because apparently the man was house-bound and in a wheelchair. The day after that, Spencer still wasn't sure it was a good idea to mix relationships and the workplace.

  Finally, the following day, Dirk somehow managed to wear him down and got him to agree. They settled on a restaurant, agreeing to meet there at one the next day.

  Jayden couldn't wait. It was just a lunch, but if it helped ease Spencer into the idea of being with them, it would be the best lunch ever.

  Dirk wasn't coming over that night—they hadn't spent the night together all the rest of that week—so Jayden busied himself wrapping Dirk's present so it would be ready for tomorrow. He also had both his and Dirk's test results, so he tucked them into an envelope, sealed it, and wrote Spencer's name across the front.

  Then he spent the rest of the night sketching in his notebook, trying to distract himself from his impatience.

  Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

  Chapter 8

  SPENCER RAPIDLY buttoned his shirt, looked in the mirror, then took the shirt right back off and tossed it aside, reaching for another. It was already the fourth shirt he'd tried, and nothing looked right.

  Father's love. Why was he so nervous? It was just lunch, for gods' sakes.

  But with Dirk. And Jayden.

  Why had he agreed to this? The whole week had been awkward enough without Dirk's repeated invitations. Working so closely with the man when all he wanted to do was kiss him again was wreaking havoc on his self-control. He'd tried to make himself tell Dirk that they needed to forget about that kiss—that mind-blowing, incredible kiss—and keep their relationship strictly professional, but when could Spencer ever resist when Dirk needed something?

  And Dirk apparently needed more from Spencer. It was everything Spencer had been dreaming about for six years, but now that it was finally coming true, he wasn't convinced it was a good idea. What if it all fell apart? What if he lost everything?

  He yanked off the fifth shirt, wadded it up, and tossed it on the growing pile on the bed, then went for another.

  “Alright, seriously–”

  Spencer gave a start at the sound of Rey's voice and whirled around to find his brother sitting in the doorway, an amused look on his face.

  “What?” Spencer asked, continuing toward the closet so he could grab another shirt.

  Rey waved a hand at the bed. “This looks worse than when Dylan Bradshaw asked me out to the movies when I was fourteen,” he teased. “You're thirty-three years old! And a dom, for gods' sakes. Get your shit together.”

  “Not a dom,” Spencer muttered, yanking another shirt off a hanger and trying it on.

  “Daddy, dom, whatever,” Rey said, and Spencer rolled his eyes. “Guy who's supposed to be in charge. Not a frantic mess.”

  Spencer stopped with the shirt only buttoned halfway and dropped his arms to his sides with a heavy sigh. “I shouldn't be doing this.” He stretched up and looked down the hallway over Rey's head. “Irene might not even be able to come, after all. I should just stay–”

  “Irene's already here,” Rey said. “She's in the kitchen, getting my meds organized.”


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