Dandies, Inc

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Dandies, Inc Page 12

by G. R. Lyons

  “You almost done for the day?” Jayden asked, the heat in his tone clearly asking for only one thing.

  Fuck. “I wish,” Spencer told him with a grimace. “I've probably got another hour or so.” Try a whole night or so, he thought, but he kept that to himself.

  Jayden pouted. “I need you,” Jayden whispered. “And I'm sure you could use it, too.”

  Could he ever. Spencer's cock perked up at the thought, but he just didn't have time. He needed to finish up at the office, then get home to take care of Rey, then catch a power nap before getting up and doing all the things he hadn't had time to get to all day.

  “I was thinking,” Jayden went on, stepping around behind Spencer's desk and leaning back against it, spreading his stance suggestively, “that we could get Dirk on a video call. It wouldn't be the same as having him here, but at least he could be part of it.”

  “Fuck,” Spencer gasped, the word tearing out of him before he could stop it. His cock went fully hard inside his pants. But he didn't have time to mess around. He had work to do. Still, he could really use the release. Gods knew it would alleviate some tension.

  Then again, so would sleep, but the longer the moment stretched, the more he knew he was going to give up that power nap to have this instead.

  “Dirk's office,” he said, snatching up his mobile phone and heading that way.

  Jayden grinned and followed.

  They locked the door, and Spencer went over to Dirk's chair, dropping into it heavily as he chose Dirk's number from his speed dial contacts and started a video call.

  Dirk's smiling face came on the screen. “Hey.”

  “Hi, Dirk!” Jayden said, grinning and waving at him.

  “Hi. What are you two up to?” He paused, glancing around. “In my office, no less,” he said with a chuckle.

  Before Spencer could say anything, Jayden asked, “Are you busy?”

  Dirk shook his head. “Just got back from visiting Mom, and we're about to go make dinner. Why?”

  “Is there a room you can go to and lock the door?” Jayden asked.

  Dirk's eyes flashed. “Fuck,” he gasped. He looked all around. “Hang on.” He moved rapidly for several seconds, then they heard the distinct sound of a door clicking shut, followed by the thwack of a lock striking home. “Alright,” he said, his voice low and eager.

  Jayden grinned, then dropped down to his knees and crawled under Dirk's desk.

  “Fuck,” Spencer gasped. He held out the arm holding the phone so they could still see Dirk's face on the screen while giving Dirk a view of Spencer sitting in the chair with Jayden between his legs.

  Jayden unzipped Spencer's pants and fished out his cock.

  “Gods, Spence,” Dirk gasped. “Your cock. Mmmph. I can't wait to have that thing inside me again.”

  Spencer whimpered as Jayden teased the head of his cock with that wicked tongue. “And I can't wait to have you inside me again,” Spencer said.

  “Fuck.” Dirk fumbled with his phone, changing the view so that Spencer could see Dirk's reflection in a washroom mirror, holding up the phone with one hand while he stroked his cock with the other. “Look how hard you've got me,” Dirk murmured.

  Jayden moaned, eyeing the screen out of the corner of his eye as he took Spencer's cock into his mouth and sank all the way down.

  Spencer bit back a cry, then gasped as Jayden went to work. It was all he could do not to grab Jayden's head and fuck into his mouth hard and fast, needing to come so bad. “Jay…”

  “Let me see,” Dirk begged.

  Spencer scrambled to switch the cameras, keeping his view of Dirk on the screen while using the back camera to send Dirk a feed of Jayden sucking his cock, right up close as he held the phone over his lap.

  “That mouth,” Dirk moaned, Spencer's view of him getting shaky as Dirk stroked his cock faster. “Oh, Jay, you love that cock in your mouth, don't you?”

  Jayden moaned, bobbing his head faster.

  “I bet he's sucking you so good,” Dirk panted.

  “So good,” Spencer agreed breathlessly. He clutched the chair's armrest with his free hand, and when Jayden hummed around him, Spencer cried out, buckling in on himself as he came. It was almost embarrassingly fast, but he didn't care. The pleasure wiped everything out for a few seconds, leaving him boneless in the chair as Jayden slowly released him and licked him clean.

  “Gods,” Dirk gasped. “Jay, drop your pants and bend over the desk. I wanna see.”

  Jayden moaned and hurried to do just that, standing up between Spencer's legs and shoving his pants to his ankles as he turned around and draped himself across Dirk's desk, showing off his perfect ass. Still holding the phone in one hand so Dirk could get a good look, Spencer used the other to reach out and grab a cheek, giving it a squeeze.

  “Oh, yes,” Dirk moaned, and when Spencer ran a thumb along Jayden's crease and teased over the boy's hole, Dirk gasped. “Gods. Just like that.”

  Jayden moaned, grabbing his own cock and stroking hard and fast, so Spencer did it again, teasing Jayden with light touches while teasing Dirk with a view of everything he was missing.

  “Oh my gods,” Dirk panted, his eyes wide and focused as he stared at his own phone in the reflection. “I'm gonna fuck you both so good when I get home.”

  Jayden hissed in a breath. “Dirk…Fuck…Daddy!” His hips jerked and he choked out a cry.

  A moment later, Dirk cursed, and Spencer watched as Dirk came all over his own hand.

  Spencer squirmed at the sight, wishing he could touch Dirk, could be part of that release in a more direct way. He needed to touch both his boys, take care of them, ease them down. But Dirk was so far away.

  “Holy shit, that was hot,” Dirk gasped as he turned on the sink to rinse off his hand.

  “Mmmm,” Jayden agreed, slowly standing up. He looked down and laughed. “I got it all over the floor.”

  Dirk chuckled. “I'd say leave it, but I'm not sure the janitors would appreciate it.”

  Laughing, Jayden fastened his pants and hurried off to Dirk's washroom, coming back with a damp paper towel, diving back under the desk to clean up the floor.

  Before Spencer could even move, Jayden knelt between his feet and got him tucked back into his pants, zipping them up slowly with a teasing look on his face.

  “Brat,” Spencer said with a laugh, then pulled Jayden into his lap as soon as he stood, arranging him so they could both see Dirk on the screen as he switched the camera back. “How are you doing?”

  “Better,” Dirk said, turning around to lean back against the washroom counter. “They're keeping Mom closely monitored but they said she's doing really well.”

  “Thank gods,” Spencer murmured.

  “It's probably still gonna be a few days at least before I can come home,” Dirk said apologetically.

  “That's fine,” Spencer told him even as he wondered how he'd last another few days without crashing. “Take your time. There's nothing more important than for you to be with them right now.”

  Dirk gave him a grateful smile, but it turned bittersweet. “But I miss you guys so much.”

  “We miss you, too,” Jayden said, biting his lip and resting his head on Spencer's shoulder.

  Dirk's smile brightened again. “Are you being good for Daddy, Baby Jay?”

  Jayden scowled, but there was no real heat in the look, and he wound up chuckling a moment later.

  “He's being so good,” Spencer assured him.

  Jayden nodded. “I started my classes today. And I made a new friend.”

  “You did? That's awesome, Jay. I'm so proud of you.”

  Jayden beamed.

  Dirk looked away from the camera, then called out, “Be right there!” He laughed and shook his head. “Sorry, I've gotta run.”

  “That's fine,” Spencer assured him. “I should get back to work myself.”

  “How's the–” Dirk started to ask.

  “Nope, you don't get to ask,” Spencer insisted, n
udging Jayden off his lap. “Everything's fine. You just worry about your mom.”

  Dirk smiled. “You're amazing. You know that? Always taking such good care of me.”

  Spencer smiled back, a fresh wave of energy surging through him at those words.

  They finished the call, and Spencer sent Jayden home. His own home, not Spencer's. Jayden had homework that needed doing, and Spencer needed time to focus on finishing things up for the day so he could get home to his brother.

  And the last thing he needed was for Jayden to have a chance to see Spencer staying up all night, trying to get caught up on work. There was no way he was getting that nap he wanted. That was for sure.

  Spencer sighed and got back to work.

  He wasn't quite finished when he left, but he needed to get back to the house and relieve Irene. Grabbing the files and reports he hadn't finished with, he stuffed them into his bag and transported himself home by magic. At least he'd be able to access his and Dirk's company emails remotely, and if there was anything he'd forgotten, he could always jump back to the office and grab it, then return to the house before Rey even knew he was gone.

  Spencer transported himself right into his bedroom, not even bothering with the tedious charade of arriving outside and letting himself in the front door. He dropped his things on his desk, loosened his tie, and headed down the hallway.

  “I'm home!” he called.

  Irene appeared at the end of the hallway, her phone in her hand and a worried look on her face. “Thank gods,” she said, shifting from foot to foot.

  Spencer's eyes went wide. “What's wrong? Where's Rey? Did something–”

  “Rey's fine,” she insisted, holding out a hand. “But–” She glanced down at her phone, then looked at him again. “I'm so sorry. I was gonna call you earlier but I didn't want to bother you at work–”

  “What's wrong?” he asked again.

  Irene glanced at her phone again. “My sister called this afternoon. Her husband just died unexpectedly.”

  Spencer tensed, caught between sympathy and a sense of dread. “I'm so sorry.”

  “She's really ill and has three kids,” Irene went on. “And she's got no one else. I'm so sorry, Spencer, but I have to go be with her. I've–” She looked at him apologetically. “I've got a flight out tomorrow, and I have no idea when I'll be back.”

  Spencer forced on a supportive smile. “Whatever you need,” he assured her. “We'll make it work.”

  “It's just I know Rey's had a hard time keeping nurses before me–”

  That was the understatement of the century. Rey had driven every single one of them out of the house until Irene came along and wouldn't put up with his shit.

  “We'll find a way to manage,” Spencer said.

  Irene looked at him skeptically but thanked him all the same, quickly saying goodnight and hurrying out the door.

  Spencer watched the door click shut between them and let out a sigh. Father's love. How in the gods' names was he going to keep up with his job and Dirk's and take care of Rey full-time for the next few days?

  Not that he had a choice. Life went on, and people had needs. He forced on another smile and went about his routine with Rey, making sure his brother was fed and bathed and tucked into bed. As soon as Rey was settled, Spencer went to the kitchen, tossed a pinch of daevaak crystals straight into his mouth, and went to his desk to finish up the work he hadn't been able to get to that day.

  He had to push his leather tooling supplies out of the way, leaving him room to spread out the reports and files he had to go over. Gods only knew when he might ever be able to think about making something again. His fingers itched to grab a punch or a groover, but it would probably be months before he could touch any of them.

  Burying the disappointment as deeply as he could, Spencer focused on his work.

  He caught an hour of sleep right before his alarm went off, then got back up and went through his morning routine: getting Rey out of bed and fed, then getting himself ready for work while trying to figure out how he was going to juggle the workload and coming home every half hour or so to check on his brother. Rey could reach some snacks in the kitchen, but he couldn't really cook anything, and he still needed his meds closely monitored. Considering his addiction history, Rey wasn't allowed to even reach his own pill bottles, let alone administer the doses himself. Spencer was going to have to do it for him.

  So Spencer made it work, transporting himself by magic back and forth all day long, then stayed up all night to get caught up on all the work he missed because of all his trips home. It was more of the same the next day. And the one after that. There was simply no time to call the nursing service to interview a replacement for Irene. Not until Dirk got back, anyway. At least then all the hard decisions would be back on Dirk's shoulders rather than his own. Trying to take decisive action without being able to run it by Dirk first was driving him mad. Dirk was the boss. He had the final say. But Spencer had no choice but to do the best he could and hope that he was making the same choices that Dirk would if he were there.

  And once Dirk was back home, Spencer might have some semblance of free time again.

  But three straight days without sleep left him barely functional. Even with the extra doses of his crystals, he wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this up.

  Yet he pushed on. He had to keep going. It was probably just a few more days. He could make it a few more days.

  Spencer downed another pinch of daevaak and got back to work.

  Chapter 15

  DIRK LOOKED at his watch to check the time, then smiled as he wound up admiring the band instead. Gods, he missed Spencer. And Jayden. He couldn't wait to get home to his men.

  Not that he regretted the extra time with his family. He could have done without the hours of panic that first day, but once he knew Mom was going to recover, he'd gotten to enjoy a few days of relaxation that he hadn't counted on. His brothers had to work during the day, of course, but Dirk got to see them at night, as well as spending time with his Dad and all his nieces and nephews, something he usually only got to enjoy once a year.

  But maybe Mom had been right. He needed to visit home more often. Family was important.

  For the time being, though, he couldn't wait to get back to Briston and his men. He checked his watch again, finally noting the time. His flight was due to board in about twenty minutes. Dirk pulled out his phone and brought up Spencer's number, then Jayden's, but he put his phone away without calling or texting either of them. Maybe he'd just surprise them.

  When his flight got called, Dirk couldn't help grinning as he boarded the plane and took his seat, settling in for the two-hour trip. He pulled out his phone again and opened the app that gave him remote access to his work email. Going through the messages, he saw a lot fewer that needed attention than he'd expected. It looked like Spencer had been responding to them on his behalf, sending updates to investors and clients and making decisions for the various departments. Dirk smiled again. That man took such good care of him.

  The flight seemed to take forever, but they finally landed at Briston Airport. Dirk called his driver as he headed for the baggage claim area, and by the time he got out to the curb, the man was there waiting for him, holding the door open and giving him a smile.

  “Welcome home, Mr. Cameron.”

  “Thank you.” Dirk tossed his suitcase into the trunk, then slid into the back seat.

  The driver shut his door, then hurried around to the front. “Home, sir?”

  “No, the office first, please,” Dirk asked.

  “Very good, sir.”

  They pulled out onto the road and made their way across town. Dirk could go home and unpack later. First, he wanted to see Spencer. Then figure out where Jayden was. The rest could wait.

  They pulled up in front of the building that housed the offices of Dandy Magazine, and the driver got out to open Dirk's door.

  “I won't be too long,” Dirk told the man.

bsp; His driver tipped his hat, and Dirk gave him a smile as he turned away and strode into the building.

  He got bombarded along the way to his office, everyone stopping to greet him and ask after his family. It felt like ages before he finally made it near his own office, then he grinned when he spotted Spencer at his desk.

  Spencer looked up, almost dropping the phone, his eyes wide with surprise. And maybe relief. And, as Dirk got closer, some obvious exhaustion as well. Those were definitely dark circles under his eyes.

  Dirk frowned. Things hadn't been that bad, had they?

  Spencer quickly finished his call and stood up. “You're here! Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?”

  “I wanted to surprise you.”

  Spencer smiled as he let out a sigh, then gave a squeak of surprise when Dirk hauled him into his arms. The man was almost trembling with tension, but when Dirk tried to kiss him, Spencer actually kissed him back without hesitation despite being in the office and in full view of anyone who walked by.

  “Gods, I missed you,” Dirk murmured.

  “I missed you, too,” Spencer whispered. “How's your mom?”

  “She's at home, everyone fussing over her.”

  Spencer chuckled. “Did you just get in?”

  “Came straight from the airport,” Dirk said with a nod, then checked his watch again. “You almost done for the day?”

  Spencer blew out a heavy breath. “I've got another hour or two at least. And I need to go check on Rey again.”

  “Oh? What happened? Is he alright?”

  Spencer sighed. “Irene had a family emergency, so I've been jumping from here to home and back, taking care of him.”

  “Spence–” Dirk started to complain.

  “I'm not leaving the phones unattended for more than a few minutes at a time, I promise.”

  “That's not what I was gonna say.” Dirk brushed his fingers lightly under Spencer's eyes. “You look exhausted.”

  Spencer shrugged, but even that action seemed weary.

  Dirk swept his hands apart. “Leave anything that can be left until tomorrow.”


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