Massively Taboo 50

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Massively Taboo 50 Page 66

by Izzy Slam


  I finished with the lettuce, then chopped up the carrots and cucumbers, growling to myself. I didn’t like salads, and daddy knew that. Why couldn’t he make something I liked my first night here?

  By the time we finished our boring grilled chicken and salads, I was ready for something tasty.

  “What’s for dessert, daddy?”

  “Any and every kind of pie you could ever want. It’s kind of our specialty at the diner.”

  Oh great. I had almost forgotten I had a “tour” lined up. But if it meant getting something sweet, I couldn’t really complain. Even though I should be avoiding junk food. I’d put on twenty pounds since my parents split up. Dad was the chef in the house, and since he left, Mom’s specialty was fast food and pepperoni pizzas. They were my favorites, but they really packed on the pounds.

  “Do you have chocolate chess pie?” I asked.

  Daddy wrapped his arms around my shoulder. “Chocolate chess pie, chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate ice cream. Our dessert menu is a chocolate lover’s dream.”

  He kissed me on the top of my head as we walked out to the car. I had to admit, some of my frustration was beginning to melt away. And daddy did seem like he was trying to make me happy. He sure was being affectionate—something that had never been his strong suit. Maybe I should try to be nice, have an open mind about this.

  On the way to the diner, he rested his hand on my thigh and flicked his blue eyes in my direction. “You look really pretty, Andrea. I meant to tell you that when I picked you up earlier.”

  I looked down at his hand on my leg, feeling little butterflies dance through my stomach. The same kind of butterflies I felt when Nick Stephens asked me to the football game last year. And the same kind of dance they did when he ran his hands up and down my back all through the game.

  “You don’t think I’ve put on too much weight?”

  He curled his eyes down to my belly and squeezed my leg. “I have noticed you’ve put on a few pounds, but it looks good. You were way too skinny before.”

  I held back a smile, and he reached up to tuck some hair behind my ear. Daddy sure knew how to make a girl feel good, I guess. He had never been this sweet to me before. But then again, we’d never spent that much time together.

  “I’m really glad we get some time together this summer, baby girl. Retiring from the marketing firm and running my own business has been good for me. And I hope you’ll have some fun, too.”

  He smiled at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back. And oddly enough, I felt a small pang of disappointment when his hand went back to the steering wheel instead of my thigh. But I just brushed it aside, thinking I was starved for affection from a man, any man.

  We got to his restaurant a few minutes later, and the sign could be seen from a half a mile away. Bikini Grill was lit up in alternating red, white, and blue letters that glowed brightly.

  “Bikini Grill?” I asked, my voice sounding cynical.

  Daddy chuckled as we pulled into the parking lot. “Your mom didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?” I could feel the blood draining from my face, knowing I was in for some kind of weird surprise.

  He parked the car and pulled the keys out of the ignition. “This isn’t a typical diner, Andrea. I asked her to prepare you so you wouldn’t be surprised. Not that it’s a big deal or anything.”

  “Prepare me for what?” I clutched my stomach, feeling sick all of a sudden.

  He looked in the rear-view mirror and waved at someone walking across the lot. One of the waitresses or a regular, I presumed. She was tall, curvy, and had bleach blond hair, and tight jean shorts showed her bubbly ass. She bit her lip when she saw my daddy, waving back and blowing him a kiss.

  Okay, weird…

  “It’s not a big deal, baby. My waitresses dress a little on the revealing side. They wear bikinis, hence the name Bikini Grill. I just thought you might want to know before you walked in the place.”

  That didn’t seem so bad. I guess. “I don’t know why you made a big deal of that, daddy. Lots of restaurants do that. Plus, we are at a lake resort, right?” I shrugged my shoulders and my dad seemed to relax a little.

  “You’re absolutely right, baby girl. We are at a resort. And all of my waitresses are well paid and get great tips. So there’s no need for anyone to get upset or anything.”

  “Especially when there’s chocolate pie involved.”

  Daddy chuckled and squeezed my leg again. I never knew my dad was so open about these sorts of things. I mean, I don’t know too many men who would turn down spending time at a diner where the wait staff walked around in bikinis, but daddy had always seemed to be more on the conservative side. He was actually pretty cool. And I was feeling better and better about spending the summer here with him.

  Until we walked in the diner and I saw how the women who worked here really looked. Pictures of them adorned the walls, and they were wearing bikinis alright. But they all seemed to be on the small side. One woman’s top was so tiny it barely covered her nipples. You could see the swell of her D-cup breasts as she took an order from three men seated at a booth. In another photo, a waitress was walking to the kitchen, the string from her thong bottoms pressed into the slit of her ass. Her very round, bouncy, curvy ass.

  I glanced around the room, noticing that the male gender seemed to be dominating this place. There was only one other woman, and she was seated alone, staring into a tablet as she sipped some coffee. I slowly turned my head to look at my dad when I saw a waitress appear from the back, a look of anguish on her face as she headed our way. A pair of navy blue triangles covered her breasts, and she was wearing skin-tight jean shorts. I immediately recognized her as the blond from the parking lot.

  “Pete, thank god you’re here.”

  “What is it, Miranda?” daddy asked, pulling her to an empty table several feet away. I hovered nearby, listening to their conversation.

  “Katie walked out on her shift a few minutes ago, saying she was done with this place. And Diana’s shift ends in fifteen minutes, which means I’ll be alone. I can’t handle this whole place by myself.”

  Daddy shook his head and cast a look my way for a brief second before returning his attention to her. “Don’t worry about it, Miranda. I won’t leave you alone. Why don’t you come to the back with me and help me figure this out.”

  She nodded and flicked her gaze in my direction before walking past me. Daddy approached me, running his fingers through his hair again.

  “Look, sweetie, I’ve got a minor problem to take care of right now. Do you mind sitting here and hanging out for a few minutes?” He nodded at the empty table, and I shook my head.

  “No, it’s fine, daddy.”

  Running an appreciative hand up my arm, he gave me a wink before walking to the back of the restaurant. I wasn’t sure how he would handle being short staffed, but I had the feeling he would end up jumping in himself. That’s what owners and managers did.

  Meanwhile, Diana, the only other waitress here, was running back and forth between every table, wiping her brow with the back of her hand and obviously struggling to keep up with coffee refills and taking orders. I started feeling sorry for her, especially since she was half naked and most of the men in here were gawking at her while a select few were borderline harassing her for their checks.

  Jesus. Poor girl. I really hoped my dad came out soon to help her.

  And the moment I thought it, he popped through the double doors, peering over the bar and curling a finger at me. I pulled a face, wondering why he wanted me to come to the back. I stood up and made my way to him, feeling as though I were about to get an earful. When he had me alone, away from the customers, he pulled me further aside. Behind him, I noticed an entire rack of bikinis, all still with the tags on as they hung from the metal bars.

  “Baby girl, I need your help. One of my waitresses quit, and I don’t have anyone available to take her place.”

okay, what do you want me to do?”

  He couldn’t be saying what I thought he was saying, could he? I suddenly remembered the casual suggestion in his car earlier that I might want to work here and earn some cash. I had almost forgotten. Until now.

  He tossed a thumb over his shoulder. “Put one of those on and get out there, take some orders.”

  My jaw dropped to the floor. It was one thing to suggest I help out. But if he thought I would prance around here with my ass hanging out and my tits barely covered, he was dead wrong. “Uh-uh. No way. I’m not working here. I have no idea what’s on the menu, and I’ve never waited tables before. I’ll screw up for sure.”

  “Baby,” he pleaded, wrapping his fingers around my upper arm. “I’m desperate. You won’t screw up. All you have to do is write down what people want to eat, tear off the sheet of paper, and slide it in the order wheel for the cook. Easy peasy.”

  I slammed my hands on my hips. “You mean to tell me you’re alright with all these pervs in here drooling over your daughter? You actually want me to be treated like a sexual object?” This was unbelievable.

  He pulled in a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I’m not thrilled about it, no. But I’m not in the position to be choosy. I need a waitress, and you’re available. It’s not hard to do. Just … here…” Daddy spun around, pulled a bikini off the rack, and passed it my way. “Put this on and smile pretty. You’ll save my business, and you’ll make good tips. Trust me.”

  I shoved the bikini aside, feeling my face heat. This was too fucking weird. “No. I said I wouldn’t do it, and I meant it.”

  Watching his jaw tick and his face turn red, I was feeling about as angry as my dad was at the moment. He was worried about his diner and losing more employees. But how could he ask this of me? Even without the revealing bathing suit I wouldn’t be comfortable waiting tables without any training whatsoever.

  “Andrea, this isn’t up for discussion. You’re my daughter, and you will do what I say.” Daddy pressed the bikini to my chest, making this whole situation feel that much more forced upon me. And as the bile rose in my throat, I wanted to puke right there on the spot.

  “And what if I do refuse?” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Then I’ll make you work here every day this summer. Help me out now, and I won’t ask you to do it again. Period.”

  I clenched my fists, knowing I should just get this over with. The last thing I wanted was to be imprisoned in this place for the next three months. Even though daddy couldn’t technically force me to do this, I knew he would make my life a living hell if I refused. So, I would just suck it up and get this over with.

  “Whatever,” I grumbled, snatching the bikini from his grip. “Where’s the bathroom in this place?”

  Relief washed over daddy’s face and he nodded toward a door in the corner. “Use my office. I’ll be there in a few minutes to give you a crash course in our menu.”

  I barged past him with the bathing suit in hand and a huge chip on my shoulder. I walked into his office and slammed the door, immediately regretting the outburst. Just because I was bitter didn’t mean I should make an ass out of myself.

  I took a few deep breaths and tossed the bikini on his desk before getting undressed. I then yanked the tags off the top, wishing daddy didn’t keep his restaurant stocked with new bathing suits for his employees. At least then I wouldn’t have to dress like a damn stripper. But, it was what it was, I told myself.

  I stepped into the bottoms and pulled the soft material over my wide hips, shivering as I felt the string ride up the crack of my ass. God, it was so disgusting. I glanced in the mirror daddy kept in his office, grimacing at my ass. It resembled a bowl of rice pudding, and I had never been more horrified to show my body.

  Next up was the top, and it wasn’t any better. The small swatches of fabric somehow managed to cover the lower swell of my large double-D breasts, sweeping up to the top in a little V. But the sides of my mounds were spilling out around the dark green satin material, making me feel more self-conscious than ever.

  Shit, why bother wearing anything? I started at my reflection, shaking my head as I realized the only thing this suit did cover was my most appealing assets: cherry red nipples and smooth, hairless pussy. Those were two things I knew would get me some seriously good tips. Not that I had the courage to show them, or really wanted to, especially around daddy.

  And when he walked in his office without warning, I was suddenly glad I had gotten this thing on so quickly. He didn’t even knock or anything. But when he saw me standing in front of the mirror, he froze in his tracks, letting his eyes wander up and down my body, covering every inch and making me flush.

  I should have been embarrassed to see my own dad look me over like that, despite the fact that he was only my stepdad. But for whatever reason, it wasn’t embarrassment I felt, but rather something stirring inside of me.

  I bit my lip and turned around to face him, the tension between us nearly palpable. He was holding a menu and he dropped his arms to his sides, and he seemed to be at a loss for words.

  “Wow,” he said, dropping his gaze about halfway down my body.

  “Is something the matter?”

  He quickly pulled his eyes up to meet mine and shook his head, as if he were snapping back to attention. “No, not at all, baby. I, uh, have the menu here. Just want to go over it with you so you can answer common questions.”

  I crossed my arms behind me as he approached me. Nervousness flooded me, but I couldn’t tell if I was nervous about going out there, or nervous about being this close to my dad with hardly any clothes on. He stood next to me, holding the folded menu in front of us. I could feel all this sexual energy between us, but I was trying to ignore it.

  “So, our special today is the grilled halibut, but they can get it fried or broiled if they want, no extra charge.”

  He glanced at my chest and licked his lips. Heat emanated from between my legs.

  “They can also choose two sides with any of the entrees, and they’re all listed here.” He pointed to the bottom of the menu, but I was suddenly finding it hard to focus with the string riding up my ass. I reached behind me to tug it out, and daddy saw me.

  “I know it feels weird. You’ll get used to it.”

  “I don’t know if I will get used to it that fast,” I argued.

  Daddy gulped and glanced at my rear. “Well, even if you don’t, you look amazing. My customers are going to love you.”

  “I feel so fat and disgusting,” I muttered, not really sure why I was vocalizing my lack of self-esteem to my dad.

  He tossed the menu on his desk and gripped me by the shoulders to look me in the eyes. “You are not fat and you are not disgusting. I don’t ever want to hear you talk like that about yourself.”

  Hearing my daddy stick up for me like that completely changed my mood and my perspective. I felt his love for me just then, and it caused all my anger to melt away.

  “You really think so?”

  He let out this soft laugh and stared at my breasts, big and pillowy as they were. “I’m a man, and I know what men like. And yes, I know for a fact they will love the way you look, baby girl.”

  “Is that because you love the way I look, daddy?” I couldn’t believe I said it, but there it was.

  He ran his hands down my arms, using the backs of his fingers to blaze a trail. Then those same fingers went over my hips, gripping the soft flesh there tightly as he squeezed his eyes closed. “Yes, baby. I love the way you look. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve had a hard time keeping my hands off you since picking you up today.”

  My heart hammered inside my chest. Feeling my daddy touch me like this, it was overwhelming. Overwhelming and hot. God, what was happening to me? I’d gone from being furious to being incredibly aroused in mere seconds. And aroused by my own stepdad.

  This was insane.

  Daddy tucked some stray hair behind my ears and looked me in the eyes as he took a step closer to
me. “Have you noticed, baby?”

  I nodded numbly. “Yeah, I have kinda noticed.”

  “The way you look in this bikini, damn me for saying it, but it’s making me hard.”

  His thumbs swept along the underside of my breasts, forcing my nipples to tingle and pucker against the soft fabric. I felt heady with desire, a sudden longing coursing through my body. I wanted him to take me right here, and the moment those thoughts entered my head, I was overcome with guilt. This was wrong, I had to stop it.

  I grabbed him by the wrists and tried to gently push him away. “Daddy, don’t I need to get out there and start taking orders or something?”

  “Do you want to go out there?” With my fingers still wrapped around his wrists, he peeled down the tiny pieces of fabric that were covering my breasts, exposing my hard nipples.

  I gasped and look down, watched as his thumbs slightly brushed over my hard buds. My legs started trembling and my pussy ached.

  “You were the one who made a big deal out of it. I thought that’s what you wanted me to do.”

  “Well, now this is what I want to do.”

  Daddy leaned down and flicked his tongue over my nipple then pulled it between his lips, sucking on it gently. I bit my lip and ran my fingers through his hair, overcome with lust. The fact that his need to have me outweighed his desire to keep the restaurant afloat for the time being was so hot. Doing the right thing didn’t matter anymore.

  He untied the strings of the bikini top and pulled it off me, then grabbed my breasts and pushed them together. He took his time, kissing every inch of them, going back and forth between the two with his tongue and giving them equal attention. His lips sent pulses of electricity between my legs, making me so fucking wet.

  “Oh, daddy,” I groaned.

  He moved a hand down to cup my pussy, letting his fingers slide underneath the material and into my wet, swollen slit. I moaned loudly and thrust my hips forward, which forced his fingers inside of me. Daddy growled and shoved his fingers deeper, making me feel like I might cum right there on the spot.


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