Scars (Map of Scars Book 1)

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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1) Page 4

by A. S. Koutso

  “What is an auro?”

  “No child. Aura. It is the energy emitting from your spirit.”

  “And the colors, violet and white? Those are good colors?”

  “Violet shows how magical you are, there is great power behind your script. You must learn how to use it properly.”

  “And the white.”

  “Ah, yes the white is quite amazing, you are the first I’ve ever met that has made me see this color. It is the color of divinity. You are royalty.” he said bowing his head.

  Blushing, I wondered how this creature could know so much about me by seeing colors. Before I had a chance to ask, he fled

  “I’m sorry. I must be on my way. Please forgive me!” He exclaimed as he hopped off.

  Odd creature I thought to myself.

  I sat in silence for a moment running through what just happened in my head when I felt the ground start to shake. Is this why he ran? Is there something heading my way? Whatever it is, it must be huge.

  The earth beneath my feet rumbled. I shut my eyes and felt the air around me grow thin. With great resistance I opened my eyes to find myself high off the ground. I was almost level to the canopy of leaves. I turned quickly to see a giant face staring at me.

  “My child. You have come back.” A low voice shook my ear drums.

  This must be the druid I saw.

  “Ye… Yes sir.”

  “I’ve come to you before I started my journey. I have questions if you have the time to spare for me.”

  The ground beneath me began to shake as the tree started to laugh.

  “Oh, you haven’t lost your humor youngling. Time is all I have left. What can I help you with?”

  “Well, I’m off to find the man who stole my wings from me. Though it may be a great adventure I fear there may be some challenges on the way. I’ve never been out in the world before. Especially not on my own, I was hoping you could teach me a spell or a remedy to help if I get hurt or come across any danger.”

  I explained the best I could.

  “Well of course, my purpose is to help any stray Tuatha de Danann that may be left in this world.”

  “Amazing! Thank you.” I said with excitement.

  “I will teach you three things youngling. The rest will be up to you to discover. The first will be the easiest, it will be a form of communication. You will be able to send short messages to your loved ones. Assuming you have any, whether it be in this world or the otherworld.”

  “The otherworld?” I asked rudely interrupting

  “Yes, you may know it as the Fae realm.”

  “Oh. Ok, sorry you may continue.”

  With a smile he explained.

  “You will use the birds around you. Crows will allow you to send longer messages as they have better memories. All you have to do is call for one and they will rest on your finger. Speak slowly into their ears and tell them who they are to seek out and what your message is. Remember you cannot send them to speak to humans. Only Fae folk will understand them.”

  “Ok, got it. Uhm wait, how do I call them?”

  A low caw sound came from the tree. Not even a minute later hundreds of birds rose from the trees and landed on the druid. Giggling the great oak responded

  “Like that.”

  “Ok, but how do I get only one?”

  “Oh, hold out only one finger and the birds will know you request the aid of only one. Secondly, I will teach you how to mend a minor cut. For this you will need to enchant a fern leaf, do you know what that looks like?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “Perfect, pick the leaf from the plant. Please remember, you want the plant to have a chance to grow the leaf back so don’t tear it, simply take your knife and cut at the base of the limb, then you will chant the words as follows

  In the name of the great goddess Airmend, lend me the power to heal. The power to mend this wound. The power to stitch together what is torn apart.

  The goddess will bless the plant and in doing so the wound will be healed. Remember this will only work if it is not too deep.”

  “Thank you, I will remember the words.” I hope.

  “Now the third spell will be one of protection. Do you recall when you met the jackalope? You were frightened and I shielded you with my roots.”

  “That was you?”

  “Yes, I felt your fear, so I acted without hesitation. It is my duty to protect you and all of the Fae in this forest. Once I noticed there was no threat I pulled back and allowed you to converse with the creature. I will teach you how to cast a shield of roots. It is rather complex so please practise it on your journey. There is no such thing as mastering this technique as there will always be holes in your shield.”

  “Oh cool! Please show me.” I said as he was lowering me toward the forest floor.

  “Make your way to the maple tree and I will explain.”

  I followed his instructions and walked down toward the tiny tree, it must be about a year or two old.

  “Why did you choose such a young tree?”

  “The older ones are sometimes more reluctant. They are stubborn. Remember everything around you has a life of its own, meaning even the trees have personalities.”

  “Oh I get it, so the young saplings are eager and excited to help.”

  “Yes, precisely. Well usually anyway. Now, back to work. I need you to close your eyes and concentrate on the soil beneath your feet. You should be able to feel an energy, it may not be very strong but it's there.”

  I did as I was told. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. I forced my mind to concentrate on my heels. I felt a tingling sensation, almost like an electrical current zapping away very lightly. This must be it.

  “Now when you start to feel it, breath deep and pull it up toward you. You can use your hands to do this. Transfer all the power you feel in your feet into your fingertips and pull the energy up.”

  I took a deep breath and felt my fingers go numb. I moved my hands from my kneecaps up in front of my face in a fast motion. I felt the ground quake, so I opened my eyes.

  “Well it's a start.” The oak giggled

  I looked down and saw four little roots popped out of the ground in front of me. Wow. That's it. Four tiny roots. How is that supposed to help me?

  “Don’t fret youngling. That was only your first attempt. You must practice it a few times. I’m sure you will achieve a great shield before you need it.”

  “I will practice. Thank you for all of your help. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. Is there anything I can do in return?”

  “Save the Fae.”

  That wouldn't be hard at all. Well he has high hopes for me that's for sure.

  With those three new techniques I was off to find the man who stole from me. Cara had drawn the directions on a map.

  From the forest I was to head east, inland. I was hoping to be there by month's end.

  Let's see just how fast I can walk.

  Chapter 6

  Night was drawing near, and it looked like I was nowhere close to the next town. Cara had packed me a blanket and some flint, looks like a romantic night under the stars for me.

  I found flat land at the tip of a forest, not too far off the path.

  I guess this is as good a place as any. I thought as I pulled my bag off my back and began to unpack. I should probably find some firewood before I get comfy. Maybe there are some berries near by that I can pick at the same time. Pfft look at me, the perfect traveller. Oswald would be so proud. I thought as I walked deeper into the woods to fetch some essentials.

  Getting back to the campsite with a bundle of dry-is wood I began to start the fire. I wonder what goodies Cara packed for me. Maybe some roast beef, or lamb chops. Those are my favorite. I set the wood in a triangular formation like we did at home under the cooking pot. It stood pretty well but what should I put in the middle to catch the flame? Perhaps some twigs and leaves!

  I jumped up to go look. I’m sure there should be some
around here.

  Finally got the fire started. The leaves were pretty wet too, so it was mostly smoke, but at least it kept the bugs away.

  By the time I got the fire going and my blanket all set up I was exhausted. I lay my head down and passed out.

  I could hear my heart beating faster and harder, my breath quickening as I ran. Sword raised high above my head I shouted.

  “We fight for freedom!”

  Darkness overcame my vision as I felt water dripping down my forehead. I wiped the liquid from my face, the back of my hand turned red. There was no time to think. I jumped back on my feet; in the heat of battle I raised a wall guarding myself from the arrows flying overhead. Behind me I heard the clanking of metal. Anger growing inside, I stretched out my back and rolled my neck. “Hold my brothers! We will prevail.” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I began to levitate. “Watch out!” I heard from a distance. Looking up there was a ball of fire hurtling toward me. Soaring side to side, dodging left to right, I flew higher and higher. I spotted a man at the far end of the battlefield sitting atop his horse smirking as if he'd won. My wings flapped heavily behind me as I picked up as much speed as I could, holding my sword out in front of me with both hands gripped firmly around the ivory hilt, I plunged it through the bastard's heart. Screams of victory overwhelmed the air as I stood proud on top of his fallen corpse. A bright light blocked my vision.

  I jumped up sweating.

  What happened? Where am I? I thought to myself as I began to feel around my face. Yes, it was wet but checking my hands it looks like it was only sweat. Was that a dream? It felt so real, so lifelike. I can remember everything about it. This has never happened before. Was it one of those dreams Cara warned me about? Like a vision from my past life perhaps? I thought about this for a while. Shaking my head to snap back to reality, it doesn't matter.

  “What matters now is breakfast.” I said aloud as my stomach began to growl ferociously.

  The day went on and my mind grew bored. The path I walked was long, but I couldn't stop now, if I did, I would never reach my destination. It was only day two of my journey, I had to learn to entertain myself on the road. I contemplated singing like Oswald, but I knew no stories to tell, perhaps thinking of jokes could be my thing? No, I'm no jester, Harland always said I had a dry sense of humor. My mind drifted as I started to see Cara "don't forget to practice on the road."

  Well she wasn't wrong I didn't even know the powers I could wield, I started to imagine the different possibilities. If I can use the elements at my will maybe I could create a flame with my hand. That could come in handy. Haha get it… handy. See Harland I am funny. I laughed aloud, luckily no one was around to hear.

  Right, back to practicing. Where to begin? Whenever someone taught me magic they always told me to calm my mind and focus on my breathing, for the spirit door Cara taught me to use my imagination to make it appear, maybe that will work with this? Still walking, I closed my eyes and calmed my mind, trying to focus on my breathing but I kept hearing the little rocks squishing under my feet. This isn't going to work. I pulled to the side of the path and sat on a large boulder, closed my eyes once more and steadied my mind, imagining a flame on the tip of my finger I concentrated all of my energy to my right hand. I could feel my palm tingling, I opened my eyes slowly. AHHH! I screamed at the top of my lungs. There was a spider crawling in the middle of my hand. Gross. I shook it off and bolted back to the path. Perhaps I'll give this another shot, but not now I'm way too freaked out.

  A couple of hours went by and I kept practicing my makeshift technique while walking, a few times I think there may have been some smoke, but it also could have been wishful thinking. Stopping to take a look at the map and tracing down the path I had to follow I knew there was a turn coming up. I just had to look for the right one. Cara wrote on the map that there was this big boulder in the split of the road and I was to take the path that leads west, I don't think I passed that yet but then again I haven't really been paying much attention. Time to put magic training on pause and pay more attention to my surroundings.

  Eventually I found the boulder and took the right path, I hoped. On this course I should reach the next town by daybreak tomorrow, I'll keep walking until the sun begins to set then I'll find a nice area for the night.

  The next day went by quicker than I thought. I started off nice and early and made it to the town just before nightfall. When I arrived, I was in shock to see just how big it really was. As usual there were guards stationed at the entrance, I wonder why that is anyway? Was the country at war or something? I really knew nothing about the world. It was rare that world travelers came through my village, yes, we were right off the ocean, but it was so small that I'm sure most people had no interest in it. I made my way past the guards and finally got into the city. It was beautiful, as I entered there was a market set up with jewelry, food and blacksmiths lined up and down the streets. I had some coin to spend so I decided to take a look around, it wouldn't be a bad idea to buy a sword, or a dagger. Nothing fancy just something to use for protection. I browsed around for a while checking different stands and comparing prices, being a responsible adult. I came across two or three different weapons that caught my eye but nothing worth buying, I may not be a professional but I know how to handle a sword thanks to the farmer I worked for a while back, he was a retired guard and thought it would be fun one day when the rain was to heavy to get any actual work done so he showed me a few things.

  By the time I reached the end of the market there were only two blacksmiths that I hadn’t visited yet. I figured the best one to go to would be the one right beside the tavern so after that I could get some food.

  “Good evening, welcome to my shop. How can I help you today Miss?” The shop keep asked

  “Oh, hello Sir. I’m not looking for anything in particular, but perhaps a lightweight weapon. Something I can keep at my waist or strapped to my leg.” I explained

  “I have many short swords, but only a few daggers. The ones I made are there on your right, and the trade-ins are to your left. Keep in mind I won't be able to vouch for the quality of the trade-ins.” he said as I lifted a few different swords feeling their weight.

  An old rusty dagger caught my attention from the pile on the left. I was drawn to it as if it were calling my name. I reached down to grab the ivory hilt…

  Darkness consumed the market until my new scenery came into view.

  What's going on? I thought to myself.

  I could hear the crackling of a fire behind me, I turned to see a group of people sitting in a forest beside a fire with a boar roasting over top. Laughter and singing came from the site. I started to walk over until my path was blocked. It was like walking into a wall.

  I couldn't go any closer. A woman with a white and gold breast plate stood up from the fire and began to walk toward me. Can she see me? As she walked closer, I backed up, something was wrong. She stood directly in front of me, her long white hair blew in the wind. Her face was my face. Is this a vision from the future? Or past?

  “Aisling! Speech!” A man called out.

  She stared at me for a moment and winked.

  “Men! Women!” she shouted

  “We are the Tuatha de Danann warriors! This battle was long and hard! We lost many loved ones.” She spoke so proud

  “We will not let them die in vain! They will rise again, and their new lives will not be stained in bloodshed! We have fought this war for far too long! The Tuatha de Danann must be free! We Fae do not belong in cages! We are not the demons the high priest claims us to be! We will show the world that we shall not hide! We belong here and will not return to Tír na nÓg!”

  With that the entire camp roared.

  The woman turned to face me once more.

  “Do not forget.” she said as she turned to walk back to the camp. I noticed a dagger strapped to her leg. The hilt was ivory, and the blade was engraved in scripts.

  The darkness around began to fade and th
e market came back into sight.

  “Miss?” The shop keeps called out.

  “Oh. I’m sorry” I stuttered in response, how long was I standing there?

  “Will that be the one for you? I can polish it up and sharpen it.”

  “Yes please, How much for it?”

  “I’ve had it forever; I'll take six coppers for it. Just for the whetstone and polish.”

  “Oh wow that's amazing thank you!” I handed over the dagger with a smile on my face.

  The words “Do not forget” played over in my head for the rest of the night. I had so many questions.

  The next morning, I woke up and decided to explore the city a little more before continuing on. I noticed the night before that there was a huge church in the middle of town, maybe I should go check it out. I know they’re my “enemy” or whatever, but they can't be all bad,

  I grew up not knowing I was Fae and never had a problem with them before. Plus, they know everything about the gods, and I have some questions about Goddess Danu.

  After finding a decent tavern to have breakfast I made my way to the church. It wasn't too hard to find, you can see the bell tower from anywhere in town, I just followed that. I had known idea it was so massive. There was a giant metal Celtic cross attached to the front of the building, it must be at least 6 meters long. That thing must weigh a ton. I made my way up the stairs and through the heavy wooden doors. The smelling of burning candles filled the room. There was no one in sight so I just walked right in and sat on a pew admiring the many gods painted on the high ceilings. I recognised some. I saw Brigid the Goddess of health, and Dagda the god of life and death, but there were many I didn’t know. I never really paid much attention to the gods.


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