Scars (Map of Scars Book 1)

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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1) Page 14

by A. S. Koutso

  With Orla out of the site the beast returned to human form.

  “I hate being a vehicle for people.”

  “Well your toll was paid, and I am nice enough to continue feeding you on our journey. Is that not enough?”

  “Yes. Though I much prefer my serpent form.”

  “Unfortunately, a water snake would not be of much help to me at the moment.”

  I began unbuttoning my blouse as I walked toward her.

  “No, I’m much too tired to play with my food. Please just the neck.” She requested, plopping down on the ground cross legged.

  “You really are a youngling.” I chuckled

  “I’ll have you know I am a second generation in my river. That makes me one hundred and fifty years old.”

  “Tsk tsk, so young.” I shook my head in amusement.

  “Just get over here, I’m starving.”

  I sat in front of her tilting my head. She grabbed me by the neck and pulled me closer, shifting her teeth into fangs. I closed my eyes and waited in anticipation for the pain to sting my neck. A loud shriek pierced my ears. Startling me I jumped up, opening my eyes to see Orla standing over the kelpie with my blade plunged through her back.

  “She was going to eat you. I don’t know what she is but she seduced you and was trying to eat you.” Orla rambled on in shock

  “What have you done!” I shouted

  “I saved your life Ash.”

  “Orla that was our horse! You murdered a Fae.”

  “No, that’s not possible. I couldn’t detect her energy. That thing was a demon, not a Fae.”

  “That thing was a kelpie, a shapeshifter. She was helping us and you murdered her.”

  “I thought she was going to eat you. Why didn’t you tell me? I was coming back with food and saw her sitting there naked about to bite out your throat. Your sword was resting against the tree, so I grabbed it and attacked. I thought I was saving you.”

  “Quickly we need to throw her body in the lake.”

  “What? Why?”

  “When a kelpie dies her spawn is reborn inside of her. The egg needs water to survive.” I explained picking up the corpse.

  I removed my blade from her back, the blood spilling onto my boots, I waited for Orlas help.

  Without a word she picked up her legs and helped me lay the body into the lake. The water around her body began to glow.

  “The egg will survive.” I muttered in relief

  “I don’t understand, how did I not know she was Fae? There was no sign, not even a trace.”

  “Kelpies are water creatures; they don’t have the same type of energy as a land Fae.”

  “I’m so sorry, I really thought it was some sort of demon.”

  “Theres something I don’t quite understand, you claim your father trained you to detect Fae and to know about our species, yet you only seem to know about the fairies. In the castle there were tapestries of sprites and spriggans dancing in the forest yet that’s impossible. Spriggan are dark Fae, they feed off the energy of light Fae. A sprite would die in its presence. Kelpies are in almost everybody of water in the Éire, so how is it you didn’t know they existed?”

  Orla looked for her words

  “My father is a wise man, he must have told me, but I probably wasn’t paying attention.”

  “That doesn’t explain the tapestry.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, I learnt everything I know from my father whether my brain retained the information or not is another thing and as for the art hung at the castle they were there long before I was born and I don’t know the history behind them.”

  Something was off about this situation, now that some of my memories returned, I saw flaws in the king’s stories.

  “Alright then, for now let’s get some rest. The kelpie took us this far, but the rest is up to us now.” I said sitting down, resting my back against a tree.

  “It should only take us about a day from here. The horse ran so fast we probably would have made it to Shanaglish within the next few hours had we not stopped.”

  “Unfortunately, we did. Now get some rest please. I’d like to start walking before the sunsets on us.” I replied shutting my eyes.

  I heard her drop down crunching the leaves beneath her. I decided it would be best to let her pout and not intervene. She was still a child and killing was never easy. My soul drifted and my mind was shutting down. Then a thought brought me back, why would she think demons exist? That’s something the church had imbedded in the citizens minds to control them. Everything was starting to make sense. The reason she had me perform a blood oath with her was to ensure her safety had I regained my memories. I can’t harm her or allow any harm to come to her. She must be working with the church, it’s the only explanation. She feared me when she learnt of my scripts, she thought I could only inherit one from the gods.

  The only Fae that inherit scripts are fairies and changelings. The fairies use them as a way of life, meanwhile the changelings use them to disguise themselves as humans. It would make sense if she wasn’t actually learning from the king,

  but a changeling was teaching her the way of the Fae. I’m still not sure if the king can be trusted, but I do recall when I first saw Orla, she was walking into the courtyard with Odhran. She claims he disgusts her, yet they seemed to be close. For now, I will play along with her scheme and see where she leads me. When I get my wings, the oath will be broken, there will be no saving her then. The thing that confuses me about her betrayal is why train me? She had to know I would catch on to her plan. Whatever that may be. I would never lead her to the Fae if that’s what she was thinking.

  I let myself fall asleep, knowing she couldn’t harm me I was safe for now. There were no dreams, only rest. My body was to exhausted to activate the script. I woke up not long after, feeling fully rested. Looking around to see Orla was nowhere in sight, I decided it would be best to wait around and see if maybe she went off to find more food.

  Hours passed and Orla was still missing. I thought of going after her, maybe she was taken. Maybe I was blaming her for a crime she didn’t commit, but who would kidnap her out here? If she had even the slightest suspicion that I was on to her she would flee, but she couldn’t have gone far. Now the choice was mine, do I go after her or continue on to get my wings? Technically by leaving myside she puts both of us at risk of breaking the oath, but would Dagda see it that way? Would he still poison one of us even though she left, or would the oath void out as an incomplete journey?

  Weighting my options, I came to a conclusion. My wings are more important to both the Tuatha de Danann and the humans than saving Orla, if she’s even in any trouble. Before leaving I checked to make sure the egg was still glowing. The blood stained the ground where the kelpie died, eventually the rain will wash away the evidence, but the scent of death will remain. I made my way back to the path, having lost most of the sunlight waiting on Orla I decided to walk through the night. Assuming I can reattach my wings, this will be my last day of walking. That would be a blessing, though I’m part human I honestly hate how mundane they can be.

  Walking alone grew boring, but as the night passed, I realized I missed being by myself. When I started this journey, I had no idea what I was or who I would become, but I was excited. I was on my own for the first time in my life and I had the chance to decide who I wanted to be. Regaining my memories does not create a hinderance on that, it will simply open my eyes to what the world around me sees. I will still live this life as Ash, Aisling is who I was and who the Fae need me to be, but I refuse to give up on a new beginning. I was created to bring the humans and Fae together, I failed that once but this time I will make it right. I will make Cara proud of who I have become, and I will free Cillian. A cursed life is not a life to live. He is bound to me so I will never be able to love another, but he is human. He knows nothing of the past and can live his life as a free man. To love a woman and start his own family. That is what I wish for him.

  A w
ooden sign was placed at the fork in the road, it was too dark to see the full thing, but the moonlight hit just enough for me to make out Shanaglish was to the left. That must mean I’m close. I kept walking until I saw streetlamps lit at the entrance of the town. Guards patrolled the streets but there were no walls around the village. I lit a large branch on fire to act as a light to read the map. Cara marked the spot where she believed the doctor resides, it was in the far-right side of the town. I could sneak around through the forest and enter from the back. It would be much easier than slaughtering the guardsmen, and the last thing I need is another town to fear me.

  I made my way through the forest and around the town. The building was in sight and lucky for my it there was a lamp lit in the window. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. I could hear rustling inside, so I opened the door. I found a man in his undergarments tied to a chair with a cloth in his mouth. He stared at me wide-eyed, pointing with his head to the next room. Someone got to him first. Quietly I reached for my dagger and crept around the room. I heard footsteps rushing around the floor. I walked in to see Orla holding a butcher knife out toward me.

  “You can’t harm me Ash. You swore a blood oath remember?”

  “Yes, but that also means that you can’t attack me.”

  “That was never the plan. If you got to close to uncovering who I was I have strict instructions to injure myself, consequently poisoning you.” She grinned

  “This was the end of our journey was it not?” I asked

  “Yes, but that means nothing to me. You were simply a means to an end. Killing you was my soul objective; the doctor was simply a bonus.”

  A burning sensation stung my palm as the sigil I carved in reappeared.

  “The oath is broken Orla. Your plan failed, by you admitting to the journey being over you ended it.”

  “That impossible. You don’t have your wings.”

  “They may not be attached to me, but they are here. I can feel them.”

  She looked around, still holding the knife out toward me.

  “You have no where to go Orla. Give up and I won’t hurt you.”

  “Don’t lie to me demon. My father was right about you, you are a disgrace to this world, to the gods. You must all be extinguished before you tarnish out beautiful land.”

  “The king too is against the Fae?”

  Madness enveloped her

  “The king! My father is not the king!” She shouted

  “We used the king to gain information. My mother would never love a heretic. She was a woman of the gods.”


  She clapped

  “You finally figured it out. Congratulations, too bad your too late.” She said charging at me with the blade in hand.

  I jumped to the side and slammed her into the wall behind me. The knife lodged into the wood.

  “You lost your weapon Orla. Give up.”

  “No, I will see you die. Father will be proud of me, then he will slay the king and I will take over the throne. Laois will be mine and I alone will bring it out of the dark ages.”

  “Your messing with forces you don’t understand. I don’t want to hurt you, but if you continue, I will have no choice.”

  A noise came from the front of the house, we both jumped to attention.

  I peeked through the door to see what was going on, still cautious of Orla. The chair was empty, the cloth sat in the doctor’s place.

  “What was that noise?” Orla asked

  “I’m not sure, it could have been a mouse. They are common in these homes.” I explained

  While my back was turned Orla managed to pry the knife from the wall, once again holding it out in front of her.

  “I wont miss this time.” She said, lunging forward mumbling something under her breath.

  The ground shifted beneath me locking me in place.

  “An incantation. Smart.” I said aloud, dropping my body to the ground.

  “So, you believe we are evil yet resort to our magic?”

  “It is not your magic; it was the powers blessed upon me by the gods. Now die already.” She responded swinging the knife to my face.

  With nowhere to go I let her slash across my cheek., as my blood dripped down onto the floor, I looked up at her.

  “Go on then, finish me, but might I remind you I will be reborn again and again. You cannot take down the Fae, we are unkillable.”

  “No, you’re not. The high priest knows a spell to destroy your soul.” She replied sliding the knife down my chest.

  Crying out in pain, I watched my skin unfold.

  “Finish me then. I’m done playing this game with you Orla.”

  “That’s fine, because I’m enjoying myself. I know for a fact you are too weak to activate your scripts so you cannot save yourself.”

  She was right, I will die here. Hoping the incantation will fade before she has done away with me, I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. She slashed away at my body avoiding all vital organs, I grew weaker by the minute. I could no longer see straight, as my surroundings grew darker, I saw a figure approach from behind Orla. I heard a loud clunk and saw her body fall to the floor. Losing consciousness, the last thing I felt was someone lifting me.

  I woke up to find myself asleep on a bed, soaking wet. The blankets were stained red, I sat up to see where I was when a man walked into the room. It was the doctor, now thankfully fully dressed.

  “Thank you for saving me.” I said with a weak voice

  “Oh dear, I wish I could say it was me. The man saved both of us. I simply sewed you back together and asked the gods for a little help of course.” He replied with a smile

  “The man?” I asked confused

  “Rest now my dear I will send him in to see you once you have recovered a little more, he is very worried about you and will be happy to hear that you woke up.”

  “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Well over three days now.”

  “What? Three days!” I exclaimed jumping out of the bed, as soon as my feet touched the floor I fell to the ground.

  “Oh my, you are far too weak for such excitement. Please back into bed.” he said rushing over to help me up

  “Where is Orla?”

  “All in do time my dear, please shut your eyes now.”

  I did as I was told and fell back into a trance.

  A creaking sound woke me, but I couldn’t quite open my eyes yet. Still weak I waited for another sound to justify what was going on. Instead I felt someone sitting on the bed beside me. A hand brushed the hair from my face, and I fluttered my eye lids in response. I couldn’t make out who it was but from what I saw it almost looked like Cillian. Soft lips graced my forehead and a splash of water fell from their cheek.

  “Who’s there?” I whispered

  “Sleep. Please, I did not mean to wake you.” A soft voice replied, the bed shifted as the man stood

  “Please don’t leave me. I don’t wish to be alone.”

  I heard a sniffle and he sat back down, I let out a sigh as I felt their energy.

  “Cillian.” I whispered

  His head lay on my chest as he wept. My top drenched in tears I tried to open my eyes but could not. I moved my arm up to pet his hair.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked

  “This is all my fault, if only I had remembered sooner, I could have saved you.” He cried out

  Adrenaline rushed through me; my eyes burst open.

  “Remember?” I said sitting up

  His head now laying in my lap.

  “What do you remember Cillian?”

  “Everything. Hundreds of years, countless lives. All of them spent loving you.”

  Chapter 18

  “When did you get those memories back?”

  “Only a few days ago, I was tracking you since you left the castle. I knew something was wrong when you never returned to the party. The next day I went in search for you and Orla, but the king informed me you were missing. I
searched everywhere when finally, I heard of a fire spreading across a village that miraculously disappeared. I knew it had to be you. There was a young girl there who helped me. She had overheard you speaking of a doctor. I sent word to a friend of mine and he explained the only doctor he knew of was here in Shanaglish, so I rode as fast as I could.”

  Processing his story brought up more questions than answers.

  “Why would you work for the church if you believed in the Fae? Were those tales simply to get me closer to the portal to see if I was Fae?”

  “Working for the church? Why would I do that? They would kill me.”

  “She lied?” I mumbled shaking my head.

  “Wait, why would they kill you?”

  He held my hands together in front of his face kissing them softly before answering my question.

  “My mother was a selkie. She traded her pelt to be with my father, who was unfortunately set to marry a woman he did not love. My father tried to keep me a secret for years, while keeping my mother and I safe. When I was about nine my mother died of unnatural causes. I ran away for an awfully long time.”

  “Your Fae?” I interrupted

  “Technically I’m a half blood, but due to my father’s deal with the Tuatha de Danann elders I am able to live my life as a human until the time is right to fight against the church, then they will grant me my full powers.”

  “So, the curse the high priest put on your soul?”

  “It’s still there but cursed or not Aisling I would always come back for you. Until the day I know you are safe.”

  “Once I’m safe you’ll finally be able to rest in peace?”

  “No, I’ll finally be able to hold you without a sword at my side. I will not leave you Aisling. It was not this stupid curse that made me find you. Our souls may be bound to each other but that is not what I would call a curse, it’s a blessing.”


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