Captive Films - Comlete 1 Season

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Captive Films - Comlete 1 Season Page 12

by Jillian Dodd

  That's all the encouragement I need. I wrap one arm around her waist and slide the other behind her neck. Just like I did more than ten years ago. Our lips touch.

  And then it's not about seeing if it's good.

  It's about need.

  She parts her lips and my tongue darts inside, exploring and intertwining with hers.

  She's pulling my tie off and unbuttoning my shirt while I kiss down her neck.

  I push away slightly as I untie the strings holding up the front of her dress then watch as the top slides down exposing her beautiful breasts. I immediately strike, taking one nipple into my mouth, kissing it and circling it with my tongue, while caressing the other with my fingers.

  And I'm harder than a fucking rock.

  When she makes a little moan, I move us to the bed, supporting my weight above her, while still kissing her and sliding the dress down further.

  Her hands are in my hair, my name on her breath, she's unzipping my pants, and sliding her hand inside.

  God, it feels so good.

  Her soft hand is running down my shaft.

  I push her dress up, strip off her panties, and remember I don't have a condom.

  All I want in this moment is to get inside her, but I stop.

  And stand up.

  Wondering what the hell I'm doing.

  Fucking someone I have to work with on my first day?

  Fucking someone, I think I could care about, because I'm horny as shit and it's been so long?

  "Uh, um, we better stop," I say, kicking myself the second the words leave my lips.

  But the damage is done.

  Beach - Malibu


  After a long late lunch with lots of drinks, Jennifer and I walk to the beach. It's starting to get dark and we're both a bit tipsy.

  She leads me in the opposite direction of her house and toward the pier.

  She runs through the water, under the pier, swinging around the supports. She's laughing and splashing water at me.

  It takes me back to a clear, warm summer night with Ariela.

  Jennifer waves her hand in front of my face.

  "What are you thinking about?"

  "Nothing," I lie.

  She leans in to kiss me and I back away slightly. "Am I too young?"

  "What? No. You know I like you. I've been kissing you all day."

  "Then what are you thinking about? Some girl break your heart?"

  I sigh and nod my head.

  "Ahh, now we're getting somewhere."

  She sits down in the sand cross-legged in front of me. "Tell me what happened."

  "We dated for two years in high school and were supposed to attend USC together. Her dad talked her out of it. She told me after our graduation ceremony. Then she left. That's the last I had heard from her until this week."

  "What happened this week?"

  "She came to dinner at Keatyn's house."

  "How old are you?"

  "Almost twenty nine."

  "So that all happened more than a decade ago? A third of your life ago?"

  "Yeah, I guess."

  "That's a long time to be sad, Riley. Have you had any relationships since then?"

  "I recently had four dates with a girl before I cut her loose. And that was three dates too many."

  "Wow, she must have done a number on you. You still love her?"

  I shake my head. "I don't think I could ever forgive her."

  "Stand up. Hold my hand. Run with me, Riley. Be free."

  She pulls my hand, but I pull back. "You remind me of Keatyn."

  She smiles at me. "That's a big compliment. She's kinda my idol. I've only met her once briefly at an awards show. I asked her to take a selfie with me. I'm so uncool. What made you say I remind you of her?"

  "She's positive, free spirited, creative. And she believes in luck, fate, and endless possibilities."

  "And you?"

  "I stopped believing in those things a long time ago."

  Jennifer holds my hand as we both stare out into the darkness over the water.

  "She came to L.A. with me the summer before our senior year." I mutter.

  "When you filmed A Day at the Lake 2? How fun was it making a movie with a bunch of your friends?"

  "It was a lot of fun. I learned a ton. We used to walk on this beach at night. She ran under the piers and would make me find her."

  "And when you did?"

  "She'd give me a kiss. We even had sex up against one of those piers late one night."

  "Oh, that sounds fun. And probably illegal. We need to get your ass off this beach. Too many memories. I heard you bought a new plane. Wanna go to Vegas tonight?"


  "Yeah, seriously. Why the fuck not?"

  "I have to work tomorrow. I have meetings. You have a meeting with Keatyn."

  "Shit, that's right," she says. "Let's go back to my house, get high, and play video games."

  I smile at her and take off running. Then I tell her, "You might just be the best date I've ever had."

  Vanessa's Estate - Holmby Hills


  Dawson drives me home, gives me an awkward goodbye, then pulls off in that fucking red Ferrari.

  What is it with a red Ferrari that makes a man . . .

  No, bad example.

  What the hell?

  I mean what the fucking hell?

  Why did he stop?

  I stomp in the house, feeling like crap. I ate too much, drank too much, almost had sex with my new co-worker and got stone cold shut down. Now, I'm horny and alone.

  Thank god for vibrators.

  My butler, Bernard, is waiting for me. "Ms. Flanning, may I get you anything before you retire?"

  "No, thank you. Actually, do you know if Ariela is still awake?"

  "She had a rough day. I just took her down a pint of ice cream."

  "I think I'll have one of those too. I'm going to change."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  I throw on a cashmere loungewear set, grab my ice cream, and walk down to the guest house.

  Ariela answers with spoon in hand.

  "Rough day, I heard?"

  "Yeah, dealing with my ex. I'm emotionally drained."

  "What happened?"

  "We talked on the phone tonight. I told him I'm filing for a divorce. He freaked out and hung up. Then he called me back, crying. Making promises he won't keep. Begging me not to tell my parents. That we'll work it out. That I just need to come home. Hung up again, then called back. That happened about ten times."

  "Typical," I say. "Wait, why is he so worried about your parents?"

  "He's about to become a partner in my dad's firm." She tilts her head at me. "Do you think that's the real reason why he's so upset? He's more worried about the partnership than our relationship?"

  "I don't know him," I say, carefully. "What do you think?"

  "I think . . ." She takes a bite of ice cream, lets it melt in her mouth, and then says. "I think he might be."

  "There's one way to find out," I tell her.


  "Has he been seeing the secretary while you've been gone?"

  She sits up straighter. "He said he'd never see her again. But . . . I bet you anything he still is."

  "I happen to know a private detective. He's very good at getting photos of asshole husbands and their mistresses. Those photos are often quite helpful in divorce proceedings."

  "So everyone can see them?"

  "Well, depending on the man, sometimes that isn't necessary. Sometimes it just helps them realize that you're on to their bullshit game and aren't going to stand for it. And, for a man, particularly one who is married to the boss's daughter, I would think that would mean you would have him by the balls."

  "I just want out."

  "I'll call first thing in the morning and put the two of you in touch. He'll need a lot of information. Where he works, the girl's name, things like that."

  "Okay. Thanks, I apprecia
te it."

  "Anything happening on the Riley front?"

  "No. There was an article in the paper about him and that actress from the party. Apparently, they're an item."

  "Don't believe everything you read, Ariela. This town is built on gossip and rumors."

  "Just up your alley. How was work? Are you just getting home?"

  I roll my eyes. "Yes. Keatyn hired Riley's brother to work for the company and asked me to help him get acquainted with their projects."

  "Ohhh, which brother?"


  "I have to admit, I had a bit of a crush on Dawson when I was younger. All the girls at Eastbrooke crushed on the Johnson brothers."

  "How many are there?"

  "Four. Camden is the oldest. He was a senior when I was a sophomore. He had partying down to an art form and a body that girls swooned over. Dawson was next. He was a junior. Riley, who's a year younger than Dawson, got kicked out of school his Freshman year, got sent to military school, and came back our junior year looking like a man. That's when we started dating. And their younger brother, Braxton, is three years younger than Riley."

  "Tell me more about Dawson."

  "Well, he dated a girl named Whitney for most of high school. They broke up the end of their junior year. He looked even hotter when he came back for his senior year. Had spent the summer doing what Johnson boys do."

  "And what's that?"

  "Partying in the Hamptons. Working out. Screwing every girl in sight."

  "He looks like he still works out. That Whitney girl from high school. That's who he was married to."

  "Was married to?"

  "She left him two years ago."

  "She tried to commit suicide during her senior year, which really shocked all of us. She was the school's Queen B, The Alpha, Mean Girl, whatever you want to call her. Things changed when Keatyn came. Keatyn didn't give a shit what Whitney thought. I feel bad saying this, but I was glad Whitney went to some sort of counseling facility instead of coming back to school. I was a cheerleader and kind of popular, but it didn't matter. She could belittle you and make you feel like shit with one sentence. I kinda felt like whatever bad she got in life, she deserved."

  "Well, he must have loved her. He hasn't worked for two years."

  "Dawson is, or was, really sweet. He and Keatyn dated for a while, before she and Aiden got together."

  "They dated? Why didn't she tell me?"

  "I don't know. Because it was a long time ago?"

  "Or she's trying to play matchmaker! Oh, my gosh. Do you think that's why she told me to spend the day with him? Was she hoping I'd sleep with him? I mean, I would have, but just when things started to get hot and heavy in the hotel room . . ."

  "Wait! You were in a hotel room with him?"

  I wave my hand at her. "It's a long story." I hold up my phone. "I know it's late but I'm calling her."

  "Hey, Vanessa," Keatyn answers in a really chipper voice. "How did your meeting with Dawson go?"

  "Did you set me up with him? Are you trying to play matchmaker?"

  "What? No! . . . Ohmigawd! Did you sleep with him? I told you to have a meeting with him, not sleep with him. Although, it wouldn't be a bad thing, Dawson is hot and you like hot guys."

  "Is that why you leased him a red Ferrari? Because you thought I'd like it?"

  "A what?! No! Is that what he got? I told Tyler to pick out an exotic car that wasn't too flashy."

  "Well, compared to Riley, that probably isn't flashy," I mutter.

  "Shit, Vanessa, I'm sorry. I didn't know. Really. Are you just now getting home?"


  "From meeting with Dawson?"


  "That was a very long business meeting."

  "Fine. He complimented my lipstick, asked about my life, and next thing I knew we were getting a poolside suite so we could have lunch."

  "That was twelve hours ago."

  "Yes, I know exactly how long ago it was. We talked. I flirted with him. He sorta flirted back. What's his deal anyway? Why hasn't he worked for the last two years? And why was he living at home? And why did he bail when he had me naked and hornier than hell?"

  "Oh . . . So, thing's did happen."

  "Fuck. I knew it. You knew I'd like him."

  "No, I didn't. I mean, I sorta maybe hoped. But I didn't think it'd happen that fast. Dawson's charm is more subtle."

  "His charm? What did this Whitney do to him? Did he love her so much that it broke him when she left?"

  "Yeah, Vanessa. And you of all people should understand that. Give him some time. Dawson's one of the nicest people I've ever met."

  "If it weren't for the fact he and Riley look alike, I wouldn't believe they were related. He doesn't ooze sex appeal like Riley. Except, sometimes it slips out, I don't think he can help it."

  "All the Johnson brothers ooze sex appeal. It's in their genes. Dawson is just more thoughtful and sweet. He's the kind of guy who sneaks up on you."

  "Why didn't you tell me you dated him?"

  "It was for like a month, in high school."

  "And? Did you sleep with him?"


  "Was it good?"

  "I used to describe his kisses as molten lava hot and neither one of us were very experienced at that point."

  "His kisses were hotter than that," I mutter.

  "See, that's what happens when you grow up. You get better at everything. Obviously, if he had you naked. Wait, did you put the room on your credit card?"

  "No, he said he would take care of it."

  "Shit. He doesn't have a corporate card yet. It's supposed to be here tomorrow."

  "Maybe he put it on a personal one."

  "But he, uh, never mind, I'll call and take care of it."

  "Keatyn, what the hell aren't you telling me?"

  She sighs. "Look, Vanessa, this isn't my story to tell. Suffice it to say that Whitney did a number on him, and he's had a rough two years. Be nice to him. He doesn't need drama in his life. That's part of why I wanted him to come here."

  "Fine," I say, hanging up the phone, more confused than I was when I started.

  Dawson's beach house - Malibu


  My phone rings, just as I'm drying off from taking a cold shower.

  "Hey, I know it's late," Keatyn says. "But I just wondered how your first day went. Sorry I didn't have more time to spend with you."

  "My first day--" How do I even describe it? "--was interesting."

  "Is everything okay? Do you like the house? I heard Tyler leased you a red Ferrari. I know that's not your style. I should've been more specific when I said low key. Compared to your brother . . ."

  "It is low key," I laugh. "It's hard being here without the girls."

  "They're coming out this weekend, right? Would you want to bring them to the vineyard? Dallas is bringing his four kids, the girls would have a blast, and if you move them here, they will already have friends. You could relax a little too. Drink some wine."

  "That sounds really nice. I'm a little worried about them flying by themselves, but Ava is ten going on twenty and she told me she can handle it. Thank you for getting them set up with a charter flight."

  "You're welcome. Why don't we change it and send them into Sonoma? You can fly up with me Friday afternoon and we'll meet them there."

  "That would be great. Thanks, Keatyn."

  "You're welcome, Dawson."

  "And thanks for not telling Riley you hired me. I realize now that probably wasn't easy for you. Was he mad?"

  "He was thrilled. I mean, how many times has he tried to hire you over the years?"

  "Yeah, I guess you're right."

  "I heard that you liked Vanessa's lipstick."

  I chuckle, a little embarrassed. "I take it you talked to her."


  "Is she mad?"

  "Frustrated might be a better word."

  "I haven't slept with anyone . . . since . . ."

"I know, Dawson. You came here for a fresh start. I'm not saying it needs to be Vanessa, but you probably need to, you know, again."

  "I've never forgotten her."


  "Yeah, we kissed at your birthday party. It may have been the best kiss of my life."


  "Yeah. And that scares me a little. She's smart. Bold. Why the hell isn't she married?"

  "Well, she was."

  "Guy was an idiot if you ask me."

  "I agree, but there's more to her story, just like there is to yours. Don't be quick to assume you have her figured out."

  "Now, I'm intrigued."

  "I think you were intrigued before, when you had her naked."

  "Shit. She did tell you everything."

  "Not everything, just that you left her hot and horny. Just a warning, when she's that way, she's hard to resist."

  "I feel guilty. I just can't get over the guilt."

  "You have to let it go, Dawson."

  "I know. Keatyn?"


  "Tell Aiden I said thanks. He and my mom are really the ones who talked me into all this."

  "You can tell him yourself this weekend."

  "I will. Night."

  Thursday, October 2nd Captive Films - Santa Monica


  I wake up to the sun streaming in the windows.

  Holy shit what time is it?

  I lift my face up off Jennifer's couch and find her passed out next to me.

  When was the last time I spent the night at a girl's house who wasn't a relative or Keatyn?

  College! Now I rarely go to a girl's place. I've heard too many stories about getting robbed or beat up. I always take them to my place. An environment I can control. I can also bring them downstairs, put them in a cab, thank them for a nice night and say goodbye. Sure, sometimes they try to come back, but other than a recent lapse in judgement regarding Shelby, the doormen never let them get past their post.

  I push Jen with my finger. "Hey, we need to get up. I'm usually in the office by now."

  "Last night was fun," she states.

  "Yeah, it was. Although, are you ever going to let me do more than kiss you?"

  "I don't know, we'll see how things go. I like you, Riley."

  "I like you too."

  We get to the office and I introduce Keatyn to Jennifer and say, "I'm gonna let you girls talk."

  "Okay," they both say back in happy unison.


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