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Haven 2 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem

Page 5

by Misty Vixen

  “We’ll have to check those,” he said, playing his flashlight across it.

  “Yeah. Come on.”

  Cait set off, and he walked alongside her, trying not to tense up. The farther back they went into the building, the worse the smell got. They were maybe halfway across the big room when they both froze, because they both heard something. They waited, flashlight beams moving slowly across the back wall, hunting fervently, but nothing happened. Nothing emerged from the dark holes back there. David sighed softly.

  “So what the fuck was that?” Cait asked quietly.

  “Could be anything,” he muttered. “But we obviously both heard it.”

  She nodded. Slowly, they picked back up their walk. Their footsteps were ominously loud in the darkened structure. He could see now that someone had boarded up pretty much all of the windows. Someone had, at one point, even gone so far as to board up the skylights. Well, he could understand that. If they were broken, they’d let in the rain and the snow. Unfortunately, it made for a spectacularly darkened environment.

  The first place they were approaching was the far right, where a doorway awaited them. It had no actual door in it, it was just a dark gap in the wall. It seemed as good a place as any to begin their investigation.

  They stopped as they reached about ten feet away.

  “Okay, what’s the best way to do this?” David asked. He was feeling overly cautious and extremely paranoid right now.

  “One of us should approach the door, the other keeps watch from a short distance away,” Cait replied.

  “Okay. I’ll approach the door.”

  “I’ve got your back.”

  He began moving forward again, his shadow bobbing on the wall now that he was walking in front of Cait’s light. He kept expecting something to appear suddenly in the doorway, some wretched monster, some mutated undead thing. It was as silent as death, though. He kept walking. It seemed to take ages, but David finally came to stand before the doorway.

  Aiming his flashlight for maximum exposure, he peered into the room.

  Something moved.

  “What the f...” he whispered. And then a slender figure was charging at him. “Oh fuck me!” he screamed, backing away as fast as he could while opening fire. Something shrieked loudly, and although the shriek was somewhat familiar, it definitely wasn’t a stalker or a wildcat or a zombie. He wasn’t sure what the fuck he was dealing with here.

  Only that it scared the fucking shit out of him.

  One of his shots managed to connect and the thing really began to shriek. It was like a goddamned alarm going off! Suddenly, that shrieking was met by a hell of a lot more, seemingly coming from all over.

  “Oh fuck! Rippers! David run!” Cait screamed at the top of her lungs.

  There was suddenly a lot of activity all along the back wall. He saw dark shapes begin to emerge from the openings. Terror, pure, cold, mindless terror suddenly flooded his entire body and he was running before he’d even told his legs to do so. He twisted back around as he ran towards Cait, who was already sprinting to the exit, and fired practically blindly at the shapes. He knew what they were now, and just how bad the situation was.


  They were reps that had been taken and twisted by the virus. He hadn’t encountered many of them, but they traveled in packs and they were dangerous as fuck. They had sleek black scales, barbed tails, and claws like you wouldn’t fucking believe. They continued shrieking and screaming as the whole pack of them scrambled to get at the fresh meat that had stupidly walked right into their fucking lair. He could tell by the quality of the shrieking that at least a few of his shots had connected, but really this was just a delaying tactic. Anything to buy the precious few seconds he needed to get the fuck out of here.

  Cait was through the door. He saw her spin around the second she was back in safe daylight and aim the gun towards him. He cried out in shock, almost skidding to a halt. But he knew she wasn’t threatening him. Quite the opposite, she was saving his life. She fired a round that scorched past him, then another, and he could hear her connecting with the rippers as they scrabbled after him across the dirty tiling.

  He barely managed to make it out. The second he did, he spun around and emptied the rest of his pistol in through the open door. There were still several things coming for them. He hastily reloaded when his pistol ran dry, almost dropping the spare magazine. Once it was in, he steadied himself, then took more careful aim and began putting them down as fast as he could manage. Between the two of them, he and Cait managed to kill every last one of the monstrous fuckers. The last one’s shrieking cut off abruptly and it went limp, hit the floor, and skidded to a halt. Its head and neck stuck out of the doorway as it stopped.

  It was the one that had got the closest.

  Both of them stood like that, stock still, for several more seconds, guns pointed, waiting to see if anything else was going to come out for them. All he could hear was the wind occasionally gusting and the two of them breathing heavily.

  “Fuck,” Cait whispered, finally lowering her pistol, her hands shaking. “God-fucking-fuck!” she snapped, her voice low, a harsh rasp. “That was bullshit!”

  “Y-yeah...are you okay?” David replied.

  “I’m fine,” she said. “I might puke, but I’m fine. Are you okay? Did they get you?”

  “No, nothing got me,” he replied, feeling a tremendous relief. When the situation got that bad, being prepared, armed, in shape, and with good reflexes, obviously helped, but honestly, it was kind of a throw of the dice whether or not you made it out.

  And they had made it out, unscathed.

  He was shaking badly though, and he was with her there on the potential puking. “I’m fine,” he repeated. “Fuck, that was way too close. Holy shit. I fucking hate rippers.”

  “I was just about to say that,” Cait growled. She took several deep breaths, then spat a few times and straightened up. “We should go back in there.”

  “Fuck, do we have to?” he groaned.

  “We came all this way, killed those rippers, and expended that ammo. We need to have something to show for it. And there might be like a treasure trove in there,” she replied.

  He nodded slowly. She had very valid points. “Yeah, okay, just...I need a minute.”

  “That’s fine,” she said, and then she hugged him.

  He hugged her back fiercely, clinging to her almost, and soon she kissed him on the mouth. He kissed her back, tasting her, feeling that thrill of lips meeting, of physical intimacy with a beautiful woman he cared about, he liked. And then she was slipping her tongue into his mouth, and they were passionately making out.

  This went on for several seconds before she stepped back, almost gasping. “Fuck. Okay. We should, um, we should focus. We need to get this, uh, the work stuff out of the way, before we can get to the fun stuff.”

  “Yeah,” he said, although honestly, if he had some place to safely fuck her, a place that wasn’t covered in goddamned blood, he would so be asking for that right now. There was definitely a weird connection between adrenaline and lust. But she was right. Work first, sex later. He took a few deep breaths and let them out slowly, getting himself fully back under control. Then they headed back into the building.

  They took it slow.

  The work was pretty gross, and miserable. It took almost an hour of combing through the back rooms of the train station. They tried to be both diligent and quick, and twice they had to take breaks, catching some fresh air back outside almost desperately. He did come close to vomiting, but managed to keep his breakfast.

  In the end, it was definitely worth it.

  They found evidence of a campsite, and a scattering of supplies strewn across the few rooms, as well as several corpses. Some food, a few bullets, nothing much. And then, finally, they uncovered a battered silver case that was about three feet long, one wide, and one deep. It had a good, solid lock on it, but Cait had some bolt cutters on her, and she snipped it off wit
hout a real problem. Once it was off, they pulled it open, and found their treasure trove. The thing was packed with magazines of ammunition, shotguns shells, a chopped-down, double-barrel shotgun, a compact submachine gun, and four pistols, one of which was a revolver that took some pretty powerful bullets. They gathered up everything, distributing it between them.

  And then, once they were done, the pair hurried back outside, into the cold gray light of the winter sun.

  “Told you it’d be worth it,” Cait said.

  “Yep,” David agreed. “You called it.” He saw that she was looking around rapidly with an anxious look on her face. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she murmured, clearly distracted. “Hey, come with me.”

  “I, uh-” She grabbed his wrist suddenly and began practically dragging him along the platform. “-uh, okay,” he said, going with her.

  She brought him around to the side of the building, where she stopped and then looked around again, checking out, first, the wall, then the space around them. David looked as well, seeing if he was missing something.

  She took off her backpack and set it aside.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “This is gonna have to do,” she muttered, and unzipped her jacket, then began pulling up the shirt she was wearing beneath it.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be able to survive the walk back to your place. I’m just too fucking horny right now. Like, I’m gonna claw my eyes out or something if I don’t get fucked. So I need you to fuck me.”

  “Right here?!” he cried.

  “Uh-huh,” she said. She finished pulling up her shirt, and then her bra, freeing her big, pale tits. They dropped and bounced and immediately got his attention.

  “Well...I mean, I guess we could,” he muttered, staring intently at them.

  She smiled. “I knew you’d understand.”

  Then she was pressing him against the wall, kissing him passionately again, shoving her tongue into his mouth. He began groping her big tits, immediately becoming alight with intense, almost overwhelmingly powerful desire as he grasped them. It derailed every single thought in his head other than, I need to fuck the fuck out of this woman. Her lips were so hot and her tongue so desperate as it twisted and danced with his own. He tasted her again, and he was reminded of their extremely passionate and pleasurable night together.

  Suddenly, she broke the kiss, then dropped to her knees and began getting his pants undone. “I’ll suck you for a bit, then you can do me doggystyle. But bust in my mouth, okay? I want you to bust in my mouth.”

  “I can do that,” David replied, panting now.

  She giggled and pulled his dick out. “Yeah, I bet you can.”

  Then she put his cock in her mouth and began rapidly bobbing her head, getting her saliva all over it. That hot, wet pleasure hit him like a drug and he groaned, putting his hand on the back of her head and leaning against the wall of the train station.

  “Fuck, Cait, you are so insanely fucking hot,” he panted as he watched her work.

  A few seconds later, she pulled his dick out of her mouth. “You’re really hot, too,” she said, and then quickly got her belt and her pants undone. As soon as the task was complete, she dropped to her hands and her knees. David took a quick look around again to reconfirm that they were alone, then got down on his knees behind her. He pulled her pants and her panties down, revealing her thick, smooth, pale ass, and her glistening vagina, and then he got up against her and slipped right into her.

  “Oh fuck, Cait...” he moaned as he penetrated her.

  “That’s it baby, fuck me,” she whispered back as he pushed his way into her.

  David immediately began humping her, grasping her big, firm hips, sliding rapidly in and out of her pussy. She was insanely wet and so hot. And tight. Cait was in such amazing shape. They fucked furiously and David found himself absolutely in love with how goddamned feral their sex was. They were like mindless, horny, screwing animals. It was like they were both in heat, completely consumed by their carnal desires.

  She was so hot for him that she couldn’t even wait to get inside, and that was just a great fucking feeling.

  And her vagina!

  Feeling it clenched tight around his cock as he pounded the fuck out of her, staring down at her thick ass and the way his dick was disappearing into her again and again and again, the sound of their skin slapping together…

  “Fuck that pussy, David! Fuck my pussy!” she screamed.

  He lasted about two minutes.

  He wanted to keep going, but this was way too hot of a situation.

  “Gonna bust!” he cried.

  She immediately moved forward and spun around, then took his cock into her mouth without missing a beat. He moaned loudly as he started letting off, blowing a huge load into her mouth, and he heard her moan as well as she began to suck.

  “Oh fuck! Oh Cait! Oh fuck, yes!” he moaned in desperate, impassioned pleasure.

  It was bursting within him, his entire body pulsing in time with the orgasm as he spurted his seed into her sucking mouth. The rapturous ecstasy was nearly blinding, wiping out all other senses as he came so hard into this beautiful redhead’s mouth. She moaned loudly as she kept sucking him off, draining his cock, taking his whole load.

  She sucked him completely dry.

  When she was finished, he fell against the wall, panting, almost gasping for breath. He forced himself to look around again, to make sure nothing had snuck up on them in the meantime. Nothing had, but he realized how stupid and risky this had been. Goddamn, sex made him dumb. Carefully, he tucked his cock away. Cait looked up at him with her beautiful blue eyes, looking smug and satisfied. She wiped her mouth on the back of her hands.

  “I can get such a rise out of you,” she said. “You sounded so satisfied there.”

  “Yeah. I was. Oh fuck,” he panted. Finally, he took a deep breath and let it out slowly, shakily, and got himself under control again.

  Cait laughed and pulled her pants back up. She quickly put her tits and her pussy away, getting everything back into place, then easily slipped her backpack on again. “I would’ve liked to come, but that was kind of out of the question. Too much cleanup. But I’m better now. Just give me good orgasms when we get back to your place.”

  “Definitely,” he said. “Definitely, I can do that.”

  She offered him a hand. “Come on, lover boy, let’s go.”

  He took it and she pulled him to his feet, and they started walking to his home.


  “You know, I’m a little curious,” David said as they walked through the dead, frozen forest.

  “Yeah?” Cait replied. She had been calm ever since they’d fucked, but during the tail end of the twenty minute walk back home, she’d gotten fidgety again.

  “Why do you want to fuck me in front of Evelyn and April so much? You were kind of like, specific about that,” he asked.

  She smirked. “Oh. Well...” She considered it, then shrugged. “I mean, I like an audience. From both ends. Watching and being watched, you know? But also, I guess if I’m being completely honest, and I’d really appreciate it if you kept this to yourself, but I guess it’s kind of like...a display of dominance? Like, not a real one, if that makes sense? I would never, like fuck someone’s boyfriend, or girlfriend, and rub their face in it if I knew it bugged them. But I guess, like, if in my own head I’m kind of framing it that way, it really helps get me off. If you must know.”

  “I can understand that,” he replied after a bit. “It makes enough sense. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Evelyn or April.”

  “Good. I want to stay on their good sides.”

  “Any reason?” he asked.

  She didn’t say anything at first. “I...might be looking to, you know, stick around awhile.”

  He looked over at her, surprised. “Really? with us?”

  “Not exactly.
I don’t really live anywhere, per say, but I mean, if you’ll all have me, I would like kind of a, I guess, permanent room? A place I could call my own...or at least only share with one other person, maybe Ellie, since I imagine that despite how...closed-off she is, she’ll want a similar setup...what was I saying? Uh, yeah, I’d like a room. Just a little one. So I could pop by every now and then, give some supplies, share a few meals, have some sex, and know, have a place where I could be around people I like, people I trust.”

  “I mean, I’d love that, if you were around more often. And I’m pretty sure Evelyn and April will like the idea, too. But we’ll talk about it today over a meal, if you want.”

  “That sounds wonderful, David. Thank you.”

  Before long, he saw the campgrounds appear through the trees. He found himself listening for shouts or gunshots or moans, but there was nothing. Just the wind whispering among the dead trees and their boots crunching in what was left of the snow. A decent amount of it had melted into slush recently. They walked in through the main entrance, headed down the little road to the central area, and strolled over to the main office.

  “This is a nice place,” Cait murmured, looking around. “What are you planning on doing with it?”

  “We’re still figuring that out,” he replied. “We haven’t even finished actually searching it for useful supplies yet. But there’s room to grow, obviously.”


  He heard movement from upstairs and called up to the women that it was him and Cait. Once they got the confirmation response, they headed upstairs and found April in her room, tidying up, and Evelyn was doing the same.

  “Good trip?” she asked as they walked into the master bedroom.

  “Well...yes and no. Primarily yes,” David replied.

  “What happened?”

  “We ran into a pack of fucking rippers,” Cait said.

  A look of genuine worry crossed Evelyn’s pale face. “Are you okay?”

  “We’re fine. We got lucky, got away without a scratch. And we managed to snag a cache of guns and ammo, and a few other things.”


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