Haven 2 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem

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Haven 2 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem Page 16

by Misty Vixen

  “I think you’re a good person, Cait,” he said, reaching down and taking one of her hands.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, staring at him intently now. She squeezed his hand. “That actually means a lot. I think you’re a good person, too. A really good person. Like, a rarity. And I’m very glad that you’re in my life.”

  “I’m glad you’re in mine, Cait.”

  She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Duh.”

  “Not just because of the sex, or that you’re insanely hot. Or that you’re a very useful survivalist with amazing reflexes. I like you. A lot. I like being around you, I like it when you hold my hand when we walk together, I like having you in a room with me, even if we aren’t interacting. I like that I’m going to get to know you. I like how much there is to like about you.”

  She sighed suddenly and rolled over, now laying on her side, facing away from him.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she said, and sniffed. She shifted, and he realized she was wiping at her eyes.

  “Are you crying?” he asked.

  “No!” she replied, then sniffed again and sighed. “Maybe a little.”


  “I...haven’t had someone treat me well in a long time. Not like this. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ve met people who respect me, who look out for me. Ellie likes me and treats me well, but not like this. It’s been a long time since I’ve had someone I can call a boyfriend who I feel...very strongly about, and who is this good to me. And I guess I’m realizing that just now.” She sat up and wiped at her eyes, then turned to face him. “I’m crying because I’m happy, David.”

  “Well...okay then,” he said. “I guess that’s one instance in which I’m okay with making a woman cry.”

  She laughed and then hugged him and kissed him firmly on the mouth.

  “Okay, dinner’s ready,” Ellie said, coming into the room. She stopped, looking at Cait. “Are you...are you crying?”

  “No,” Cait replied immediately.

  “You are. You were, at least. Why?”

  Cait sighed. “Emotional moment. I’m just...David made me happy.”

  “What the fuck did he do, propose to you or something?” she asked.

  Cait laughed. “No, Ellie. He just...is a good person, and is very sweet. Stop asking questions.”

  “Hypocrite,” Ellie said, though she said it with a small smirk.

  “Oh fine, I’m a hypocrite. Let’s eat,” she said, standing.

  David stood as well and they joined her.


  As they ate dinner, which turned out to be very good, Jennifer seemed to warm up.

  He had the idea that at least part of her demeanor was a reaction to the fact that she had encountered a lot of people who were, on varying levels, not okay with her being a wraith. He imagined that she kind of steeled herself for it. But he really didn’t care.

  “So how’d you two meet?” Cait asked after a bit. “I’m not sure I’ve ever found out.”

  “We met a few years ago,” Ellie said, after glancing at Jennifer, who hesitated, then nodded. “It was a ways from here. Dozens of miles, maybe more. I don’t really know how far we traveled. I had just blown into this little shit town and was looking for work. Someone pointed me towards this wraith who was looking for parts in dangerous places and needed help.”

  “I wanted help, I didn’t need it,” Jennifer interjected.

  “She needed it,” Ellie whispered.

  “Oh fuck yourself,” Jennifer muttered, and Ellie giggled. “I...might have really wanted help,” she admitted finally.

  “Anyway. She was looking for parts to finish fixing this car’s engine for the town. She was trying to win them over, fuck knows why.”

  “Is it so fucking weird to want to belong, Ellie?” Jennifer asked pointedly.

  “I suppose not. Anyway, we did it over the course of a week or so, and despite some...tensions, Jennifer and I found out we liked each other.”

  “Could tolerate each other,” Jennifer muttered.

  “And so,” Ellie continued, “out of this an...acquaintanceship was born.”

  “Hmm. I guess that’s fair,” she murmured.

  “Eventually, we wound up here. And now I come out to check on her, see if she needs anything, spend some time together, share stories.”

  “Sounds like friends,” Cait said.

  “I...have a hard time calling anyone a friend,” Jennifer replied, a little curtly.

  “That’s understandable,” Cait said.

  They finished their meal after that. By then, a little over an hour had passed since they had arrived, and the storm showed no sign of abating. David began to think of another time this had happened, when he’d been pretty much trapped in a place with Ellie. He seriously hoped something similar occurred this time.

  Jennifer was absolutely beautiful, and he was very interested in making love with her.

  “I guess it’s still going on,” Jennifer muttered as she got up and walked over to the kitchen window. She pulled aside a heavy blanket she had placed over it and sighed. “Well, my offer does stand, there’s enough places to sleep for you three. I’m...going to go downstairs for a bit.”

  “You mind if I come?” Ellie asked.

  Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Oh I guess not.”


  As the two walked out of the room, Ellie looked at David with a smirk and gave him a wink, then they were gone.


  “So that was interesting,” Cait said as they got up and began the process of cleaning up the kitchen. It seemed the right thing to do, since the other two had been the ones to make dinner. They started washing the dishes.

  “Yeah,” David murmured.

  “So you into her?”

  “Oh yeah, big time. Good lord, she’s hot.”

  “So you’d really fuck her? You’d really fuck a wraith?”

  “Yeah...what, are you suddenly reversing your position?”

  “No! Not at all. Fuck away, if the opportunity presents itself. I want to watch. Hell, I want to fuck her. It’s just...people consider it very perverse to have that desire, let alone actually act on it. Even people who are okay with other interracial interactions...”

  “You know what? Fuck those people. They can go fuck themselves. Wraiths didn’t ask for this shit. No one asks to be a wraith. There’s literally no reason to treat them any differently than anyone else. They just look different. We all look different. Wraiths don’t deserve the way they’re treated and I’ll say that to anyone,” he said.

  Cait looked at him for several seconds, then smiled. “That was hot.”

  He laughed. “Seriously? Is there anything I do you don’t think is hot?”

  “I dunno, yeah, some stuff. But more in that it just isn’t hot, not that it’s specifically not hot.” She set aside the plate she was washing suddenly and hugged him. “This is what I was talking about: you’re a great person. Also, brave.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m just sick of fuckheads, you know?”

  “I think most of us are,” Cait replied.

  They went back to washing dishes after that, and when that was done, they went back to the living room and sat down on the couch. They sat there for awhile, listening to the wind blow, cuddling together and just relaxing. David was actually nodding into a doze when he realized that he was hearing footsteps approaching.

  Ellie appeared in the doorway, smirking at both of them. “Well David, you won yourself another admirer,” she said.

  “How so?” he asked. “Did you...talk her into it?”

  “I didn’t have to, really. Turns out, there’s a vent that goes from the kitchen to the basement and it makes sound carry really well. We heard what you said pretty clearly, and that...she liked that. After that we just talked about my experiences with you, if she can trust you, shit like that. I vouched for you, obviously. So...she’s willing to have sex with you, and Cait, you perverted little slu
t, yes, she’s willing to let you watch...and maybe even join in if she’s feeling comfortable enough.”

  “Oh fuck yes,” Cait whispered.

  “Wow. Okay...awesome. Uh, when?”

  “Now,” Ellie said. “Come on.”

  David and Cait stood and followed her through the house, and then back to the stairs that led down to the basement. David felt his heart thumping in excitement. He was going to have sex. He was going to have sex with another woman. Another inhuman. Not just a new person, but a new type of inhuman.

  He had never made love with a wraith before.

  As he came downstairs, David became much more impressed with the house. Upstairs was tidy and cozy, but the basement was decked out. This was clearly where she lived. There was a good sized bed, a full bookshelf packed with more books, another fireplace built directly below the one in the living room, a lounge area with two comfortable looking loveseats, and even a fucking giant tub, built into the floor.

  “Wow,” he said.

  Jennifer was sitting near the tub, which was filling with hot, steaming water.

  “Yeah,” she murmured, looking vaguely embarrassed and a little anxious, “I’ve got a hot water heater, reservoir, and filtration system. I lost some things when I became a wraith, but I still love soaking in hot water.”

  “And sex,” Ellie murmured.

  “Shut up!” Jennifer said, and he thought that if she could still blush, she would be.

  “There’s nothing wrong with loving sex,” Cait said. “It’s awesome.”

  “It’s...complicated, for me,” Jennifer replied. “I did used to like it a lot. But, you know, it’s...far, far fewer people are willing to have sex with you if you’re...like me.”

  “I understand,” Cait said. “Don’t worry, David’s the real deal.”

  “Well, Ellie sure thinks highly of him. You’ve been talking him up enough,” Jennifer murmured.

  David looked at Ellie, who crossed her arms. “Don’t give me that look, I told you I like you,” she said, her tail beginning to twitch.

  “Fair enough. Um...how do you want to do this, Jennifer?” he asked.

  “I thought we could take our clothes off, and get in the tub, which needs to happen anyway, because I need to, um...warm up, you know. I don’t really hold heat anymore. And we could get to know each other while that happens. I like sex, and I’m used to...or I was used to casual encounters, so it’s not like I need to go on a date or anything, but I am a lot more anxious than I used to be, so it’d be nice to get to warm up to you a bit.”

  “That’s fine,” David said, taking off his boots, “we can take as long as you want.”

  She gave him a small smile. “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  He took off his clothes, feeling uncomfortable again as he stripped naked in front of another attractive woman he hadn’t met before now. He saw as much as felt her eyes on him, and he hoped he wasn’t coming up short. Finally, he stood naked before her, and sat down beside her at the edge of the tub, which was almost full now.

  “You’re in good shape,” she murmured.

  “I travel a lot,” David replied.

  “I used to travel. But at some point, I just...got tired of it. Ellie and I found this place and it seemed nice enough to set up shop. So I did.”

  “You’ve done an excellent job,” David said, looking around. “I mean really, this place looks fantastic.”

  “Thanks,” she said quietly.

  The tub finished filling up and she turned the water off, then she stood and slowly began taking her clothes off. David watched intently. Seeing a woman get naked for the first time was also an extremely exhilarating and satisfying experience. She was wearing a button-down shirt and she unbuttoned it slowly. As she got to the last one, she hesitated, looking at him, then at Ellie and Cait, who were both also watching.

  “This is so nerve-wracking,” she said after a moment.

  “Sorry,” David replied.

  “No, it’s okay. It’s just that, you know, my body changed a lot when I became a wraith, and it’s become extremely difficult to show people. It’s very...exposing.”

  “I understand...if you want to stop-”

  “No,” she said, “I don’t. I just need to face the music.” She finished with the last button and shrugged out of the shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra, he saw, just a thin tanktop underneath it. She hesitated a few more seconds, then took that off, revealing high, firm breasts. She was skinny, he saw. Not as skinny as April was, but almost. After another moment, she reached down and slipped her thumbs into her waistband, then slowly began to pull her pants down. He saw that she was not wearing any panties or undershorts of any kind.

  Her vagina was very smooth.

  All her skin was snow white in color, and her veins were very clearly visible beneath it, dark against the light. Her pants pooled around her ankles, and she stepped out of them, then she clasped her hands together in front of her, looking surprisingly vulnerable.

  “So, uh...this is what I look like naked,” she said, clearing her throat halfway through.

  “You are really hot,” David replied.

  She laughed nervously. “Thanks. So are you,” she murmured. “Uh, let’s get in the tub.”


  She turned off the water, as the tub had filled up enough of the way, and the pair of them slipped slowly into the steaming water.

  “Oh my fucking God, Cait...we are getting one of these,” he groaned as he got into the water up to his neck.

  “Hey, no argument from me,” she replied. “I fully intend to use it before we leave.”

  “You two can get in now, if you’d like. I don’t mind,” Jennifer said as she settled in.

  “Fucking sweet,” Cait said, and immediately began stripping.

  “Okay, I guess two of you here have seen me naked, so why not a third?” Ellie murmured, and started taking off her clothes as well.

  “Is it weird, with the fur?” Cait asked.

  “A little, but not as much as you’d think. It’s like, well, shit, I don’t know. I was born this way. But I guess I imagine it’s like when you dry your hair on your head, you know? Just all over,” Ellie replied. “I like the feeling of being submerged in water.”

  “It is very pleasant,” Cait said.

  “Wow,” Jennifer said, and stared at the two women almost bug-eyed. “You two are, uh, holy shit. You are both really hot. Like...oh my God, you’re so hot,” she whispered. She looked over at David. “You’ve fucked both of them?”

  “Yep,” he replied.

  “I’m his girlfriend,” Cait said as she climbed into the water. “Well, one of them.”

  “One of them?” Jennifer asked. He was glad to see that the nudity seemed to be shocking her out of her natural anxiety and apprehension. “I know that some of the species are pretty good about polyamorous relationships, but in my experience, humans are not. I mean, it’s not impossible, it’s not unheard of, it’s just...rare.”

  “Well, David’s a rare breed,” Cait replied.

  “My other two girlfriends are a rep and a goliath. I have to admit, it’s...different, than what I’m used to. I haven’t had much success with women or relationships before coming here.”

  “What the fuck changed?” Jennifer asked.

  “I have no idea. My luck, I guess.”

  Ellie slipped in and for several minutes, the four of them simply soaked and relaxed. Finally, Cait began to get impatient.

  “Come on...do something you two,” she murmured. “I want to watch.”

  “She likes to watch, like a lot,” Ellie said.

  “Oh.” Jennifer smiled suddenly. “I used to have audiences...before I turned, I was a stripper for awhile, actually.”

  “I believe it. You’re very fit,” David said.

  “Thanks. And yeah, this is me after becoming half-undead. I was even fitter before. But it was temporary and easy employment while I studied what I really gave a shit about, which
was engineering...but I do kind of like performing,” she said, and then she drifted across the tub over to David, and stood before him.

  He looked up at her, and she looked down at him for several seconds, then, finally, she sat down in his lap and looped her arms loosely around his neck.

  “I’m going to kiss you now,” she said.

  “Okay,” he replied.

  She slowly leaned in, her hauntingly beautiful face getting closer, and then her lips touched his. She was still a little cold, but that didn’t bother him too much. It was a little like kissing a woman who had just drank a cold drink. Her lips connected firmly with his, and she leaned in more, tilting her head slightly.

  Jennifer let out a small moan, then pulled back.

  “My,” she whispered.

  “Good?” he asked.

  “Great,” she replied, and immediately resumed kissing him. He held her as she began to make out with him, kissing him more passionately, and he groped one of her breasts, feeling it beneath the water. It had a pleasant shape and firmness in his grasp, her nipple obvious against his palm. Jennifer slowly pushed her tongue into his mouth, still moaning, slowly getting louder as they continued passionately making out.

  After close to a minute, she pulled back, and David found himself almost gasping for air. “Oh fuck, I’m sorry. I forgot. You need to breathe...fuck,” she whispered.

  “It’s fine. It’s fine,” he replied, then laughed. “That was great, obviously you aren’t that shy.”

  She offered a small smirk. “I do remember how to do this,” she said quietly.

  “I can tell,” he said, looking into her eyes. He shifted slightly. “Here, turn around. Sit that sweet ass of yours down in my lap,” he said.

  “We’ll need lube if we’re gonna have sex...” she replied uncertainly.

  “I know. We’re not to the sex yet,” he said.

  “Oh, okay.”

  She turned around and sat down in his lap.

  “He’s good at this,” Cait murmured.

  David settled his hands on her thighs, then began to rub them slowly up and down. At the same time, he started to kiss the side of her neck.

  “Oh,” she whispered, shuddering at the attention. “Oh wow. I...haven’t been touched like this in a long time. Oh my...oh yes.”


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