Haven 2 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem

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Haven 2 - A Post-Apocalyptic Harem Page 20

by Misty Vixen

  He took it and she shook firmly. “Thank you so much. You probably saved my life, and definitely offered a tremendous relief. And this opportunity you’ve given us for relocation...I promise, we won’t squander it. You’ll find us valuable assets.”

  “I’m just glad I could help,” David replied.

  Their daughter greatly resembled her mother and seemed hardly able to contain herself. He supposed he understood how she felt. He remembered how exciting it was to go to a new place when he was younger. Hell, that was still exciting.

  “Is this everything?” Evelyn asked. They all had backpacks heavy with gear, and the teenager, who finally introduced himself as Benjamin, had a suitcase that looked loaded down.

  “It’s all the most important stuff: guns, ammo, food, medicine, tools and parts. There’s stuff I want to come back and get, but it can wait,” Jim replied.

  “All right, let’s go then,” Evelyn said.

  And off they went.

  They walked along in relative silence for the first few minutes, moving up along the river until they could find a relatively hidden path that led roughly towards the campgrounds. After a bit, Amanda spoke up. “So, how exactly is this structured? I mean, who’s in charge, precisely?”

  “I guess we are,” David replied.

  “At present, there are three permanent residents, not including your group. We have another who is...semi-permanent,” Evelyn said.

  “What does that mean?” Jim murmured.

  “She has a room in the main office that is hers, but she’ll likely be gone half the time, out in the wilderness.”

  “Is it that redhead? What was her name...” Amanda replied.

  “Cait,” David said.

  “Yeah, her. She seemed...very capable.”

  “Oh, she is. She’s a, um, close friend,” David replied.

  “Uh-huh,” Amanda murmured. “And the other person?”

  “Her name is April. She has knowledge in medicine. I don’t think you’ll see much of her, she’s...shy.” He paused. “She’s also a rep.” He hesitated further. “I suppose I should have mentioned this before, although I really don’t think it will be an issue, but...if anyone has a problem living and working with inhumans, then I don’t think this is going to be sustainable.”

  “We don’t,” Jim said, and he sounded confident.

  “Okay, cool. We have another two families lined up that we’re going to ask after we get you settled in, and then we’re going to kind of let it ride for a bit, see how well it goes. We’re kind of new to this whole ‘running a village’ thing,” David replied.

  “So you do intend for it to be a new settlement?” Amanda asked.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Evelyn replied after a bit.

  They found the path and moved along it. It was, thankfully, an uneventful trip. That was probably one of the most valuable aspects of this part of the region: low zombie population. That could change, and it was winter now, which tended to have an effect on that, but it was valuable, and they were going to use it while they had it.

  They put down a few zombies on the way back, and as they approached the campgrounds, David suddenly wondered if Cait and April were going to be...audible. That might be something they were going to have to adjust, because the women could be very loud. Especially Cait. And given how amorous they all were, then that might cause some problems. Maybe they could find some way to soundproof one of the rooms a bit.

  “And this is it: home,” David said as they walked in through the front gate.

  “We still need to do some work on fixing up the fence surrounding us, but for the most part we’re fairly secure,” Evelyn said.

  “This place is amazing,” Amanda murmured, looking around.

  “Which one do you want? I would personally recommend one of those three,” she said, pointing to three of the larger cabins lined up to the right of the main office. “They’re the larger models and they still have furnishings, for the most part.”

  “Probably makes sense to live closer to you, in case of emergency,” Jim said after a bit, and the others seemed to agree.

  “Okay, closer it is,” David replied.

  They walked over to the cabin and opened it up. “At the moment, we admittedly do not have keys for any of these. We’re still looking,” David said. “And these bigger cabins only have two bedrooms.”

  “Does it have a basement?” Benjamin asked after a moment.


  “I wouldn’t mind living in the basement.”

  “What do you think?” Jim asked, glancing at David and Evelyn.

  “As far as we’re concerned, as long as you aren’t doing anything messed up, this cabin is yours. You can pretty much do as you see fit. Rearrange furniture, live where you want, how you want, make changes, additions, whatever. I guess we’d ask that you keep it intact,” Evelyn replied.

  “Okay, great. Amanda?” he asked.

  “Yeah, if you want to, sure. Jim and I can have a room, and Wendy can have her own room, and you can have the basement,” she replied.

  “Yes!” Wendy whispered, which made her parents chuckle.

  “All right then. We’re going to go check in with our friends, then we’ll check in with you, then we’re going to go and recruit the others,” David said.

  “Sounds good. And thank you again for this, it’s...this is a really good thing you’re doing for us,” Jim said. “It means a lot.”

  “We’re happy to help,” Evelyn replied.

  They watched the family go into their cabin and begin setting up their new life, and then they went to track down Cait and April.


  “David! Oh fuck, what happened to your eye!?”

  “Hello, Ashley,” David replied, smiling.

  Everything had gone well. Cait and April had been cozied up together, nude and freshly fucked, in April’s room, and they were glad to help the new family get settled in. After checking in briefly with Jim and the others once more, they’d made the quick jaunt over to Ashley’s house.

  She stepped outside and closed the door behind her. “What happened?” she whispered.

  “You want the truth?” he replied.

  She looked...excited, almost. “Yes! That is a bad black eye.”

  Evelyn giggled. He sighed. “I...met a woman-”

  “A woman gave you that!?”

  “Will you please let me finish?” he asked. She nodded. “I met a woman yesterday. We...hooked up. We were in her bathtub, and she was in my lap, facing away from me, and I was pleasuring her. She was hard to get off, she’s a wraith, and-”

  “You fucked a wraith?” she whispered harshly, looking more excited than ever.

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “Did you get her off?”

  “Yes. And-”

  “Way to go, man. I’ve heard they’re really hard to get off.”


  “Sorry. Continue.”

  “Thank you. When she came, she slammed her head into my face on accident.” Ashley winced, but was still smiling broadly. “And that’s how it happened...how are you?”

  “Uh, I’m fine,” she replied. Then she laughed. “I can’t believe that. That’s crazy, man. Also, hot. Uh...so how are you? I’m sorry I haven’t stopped by like I said I would, it’s just been a little nuts lately.”

  “Why? What’s been up?” David asked.

  “Well, I’ve been trying to search a lot of buildings I’ve found out in the wilderness, that takes a lot of time. Three times we got attacked by some stalkers, and then some fucking assholes showed up and tried to take us down.”

  “Goddamnit,” David snapped. “If it’s the same fuckers I think it is, they’ve been causing problems all over the region recently. They’re the ones who fucking burned down River View.”

  “I’m pretty sure it was them.”

  “How’d you deal with them?” Evelyn asked.

  “Successfully intimidated them. Some zombies were closing in an
d I convinced them there were more guns trained on them than there really were,” Ashley replied.

  “Wow, nice,” David said.

  “Yeah. And now we’re living in fear because they promised to come back with more of their asshole friends.”

  “When did this happen?” Evelyn asked.


  “Well, I guess it’s timely that we showed up then. We have an offer for you,” David said.

  “What’s that?”

  “Come live with us.”

  Ashley didn’t speak for a moment, clearly thinking that over. “Like...me? Or...my family?”

  “Everyone in your house. We have the room,” David replied.

  “Shit.” She paused again, looking down, thinking about it more. Finally, she looked back up. “I need to talk to my family about this.”

  “We’ll be out here,” David replied.

  “Okay. Um...thanks.”

  She went back inside. Evelyn laughed after a few seconds. “Another girl who would be interested in fucking you regularly,” she said.

  “We just had a fling,” David replied.

  “And she said she wanted more. What, you think she won’t be hopping on your dick if she’s living with you? Also, I saw Amanda checking you out.”

  “What?” he asked, honestly surprised.


  “She’s married. Even if she was, I can’t imagine it’s anything more than...just looking. And even if it’s not, I’m not interested.”

  “Really? You don’t think she’s attractive?”

  “No, obviously she’s attractive. I’m not interested in helping someone cheat.”

  “Why does it have to be cheating?”

  He looked at her, confused. “Because that’s how...cheating...works?”

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. “They could be in an open marriage, dork.”

  “Oh...I guess so. I mean, yeah, if they were in an open marriage and if she was actually interested, then yeah, obviously I’d like to have sex with her.”

  “I want to watch. I also want to watch with Ashley. She is...very pretty.”

  The door opened back up and Ashley stepped out. “Okay. We talked about it, and yeah, everyone’s down for this. Now, having seen your campgrounds, I can already say that we’re going to need two of those cabins. There’s me and my parents and brother, and then the older couple I mentioned, and the kid they basically adopted.”

  “That’s fine,” Evelyn replied. “I’m sure we can work it out.”

  “Good! Well, uh, my parents and the older couple will want to talk with you, but for now we’ll get packed and come out.”

  “That seemed a little fast. I thought your parents were...overly cautious?” David asked.

  “At the moment, they’re more afraid of the assholes coming back and shooting the place up. It’s clouding their judgment a little. Normally I wouldn’t let that happen, but I’m reasonably sure I can trust that you and your offer are genuine, and you’ll be good neighbors.”

  “Well, good heads of the neighborhood, technically,” Evelyn said.

  “Yeah, that. So that’s what’s up.”

  “All right. We’ll be waiting here to make sure you get there safe.”

  “Thank you so much for this,” Ashley said, and she gave David a hug and a kiss, then hesitated. “Oh, I guess...that’s cool, right? I mean, you know we fucked.”

  “I do. It’s cool,” Evelyn replied. “I wouldn’t mind a hug.”

  Ashley hugged Evelyn, putting her head between her huge breasts. “I also wouldn’t mind a kiss, either,” Evelyn murmured. “But no pressure.”

  “Oh,” Ashley said, looking up. “No, I don’t mind. You are a very pretty lady,” she replied, and Evelyn smiled and leaned down and pressed her lips to Ashley’s. David watched as their lips met, and the kiss began to linger, and Ashley closed her eyes and moaned softly. Then he saw a bit of tongue action, and then Evelyn pulled back.

  “I wasn’t done,” Ashley murmured, smiling.

  “I know, but I was worried about a member of your family seeing this or something.”

  “I don’t care...but I should get back in there,” she said. “Later?”

  “We can do a whole lot more later if you’re down for it.”

  “I go all the way down,” Ashley replied with a smirk, and then slipped back into her house.

  “I really like her,” Evelyn murmured.

  “Me too,” David said.

  “We should so fucking double-team her soon.”

  “Yes, we really should.”

  David began trying to ignore the erection that had formed as he waited for Ashley and her family to get their things together.


  It took a little longer with Ashley’s group than with Jim’s, probably because there were more of them, they had more stuff, and two of them were almost elderly. Both he and Evelyn took on a fair portion of the cargo, given Evelyn’s carrying capacity. After they had grabbed the most important items and began making their way back to the campgrounds, he and Evelyn and the group chatted about largely the same things that they had with Jim’s group. Despite Ashley’s assessment of her parents, they did seem a little tense about the whole thing, but they slowly relaxed over the course of the walk, especially when David promised protection.

  “So, if those people show up again?” Ashley’s mother asked reluctantly.

  “Then we will handle them,” David replied firmly. “Evelyn and I are rather proficient at fighting, and one of the other women we have with us, Cait, is even better.”

  “Okay,” she murmured, sounding relieved.

  A few minutes later, they were making their way in through the front gates again. “And this is home,” he said.

  “It looks very nice,” Ashley’s mother said.

  “Thank you,” David replied as they walked towards the main road, “we still need to-”

  “Hold it!”

  David whirled around, hand falling to the pistol on his hip, and found himself staring at over a dozen men in grubby clothes, most of them armed. His heart immediately began to hammer faster. Speaking low and fast, without taking his eyes from the slowly advancing group, he said, “Everyone, go to the main building and go into the basement as fast as you can. Stay there until one of us comes to get you. Ashley, find Cait, she’s in the main building, and tell her what’s happening. Tell her we need help. And someone please stop by the cabin to the immediate right of the main building, and warn the family there to get into their basement right now.”

  “David, I can help-” Ashley began.

  “Ashley, fucking go right now,” he snapped.

  “What do you want!?” Evelyn called as the group began moving away.

  “I want everyone to stay fucking still!” the man apparently in charge, a large man with long, greasy black hair and a big leather jacket said. He was holding a machine gun.

  “Don’t you worry about them,” David said. “Keep going, guys. Now. Do not stop for anything.”

  “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are-”

  “What do you want?” Evelyn demanded, stepping forward. All eyes turned to her, and David stepped forward with her.

  “I wanted to see the fucking pricks who keep interfering with my operations,” the man replied, his voice low and angry.

  “If by operations you mean, like, being complete fuckheads who shake people down because they’re too spineless to get their own supplies? Yeah, I’ve killed several of you shit-fucking idiots,” David replied.

  “That stops now,” the man growled, visibly becoming even more enraged. Good. David could hear the others moving and they should be at the very least behind another building by now, and this idiot was too focused on them to fully appreciate this fact. Now, just he and Evelyn needed to not die. Hopefully she had something up her sleeve.

  The man raised the rifle he was carrying sharply.

  “I wouldn’t,” Evelyn said. “Unless you want a bul
let through your head.”

  “You aren’t fast enough, and you’ll be dead even if you do get your gun out,” he snarled, but he did hesitate.

  “Not from me,” Evelyn said. “You think we wouldn’t protect this place? You think we don’t already have a dozen sniper spots picked out that cover the entrance to this place? You think we haven’t managed to get our hands on some rifles?” She stepped forward, and although he didn’t take a step back, he almost did. “And I still fucking owe you, you worthless piece of shit,” she growled. “I saw you, at River View. I saw you as you burned that place down. Do you know how many fucking people died there you spineless little bitch?”

  His face twisted into fury again and he raised his assault rifle once more.

  “Boss! High left!” someone screamed and then a shot rang out right as the leader of the thieves began shifting. He screamed as a round punched through his shoulder in a spray of blood. David and Evelyn reacted immediately, each one breaking in a different direction as they pulled out their pistols and opened fire while running for cover. Cait was fast. David managed to make it to the nearest cabin as bullets began flying, sailing around him, and several landed in the building, barely missing him. He kept running the length of the building and hooked a hard left, moving along the next wall, in between two of the cabins now.

  No way he was going to hang around there, everyone had seen him go. Much better to appear somewhere else. David got to the edge and leaned carefully out, pistol in hand. Three of them were down already, and at least two more were injured. They were falling back to the trees, firing at Cait and Evelyn. David sighted one and put a bullet right through his head. He shifted aim and shot another man in the neck. Where was that bastard who’d been threatening them? He couldn’t see the leader. He popped off another few shots and fired two rounds into a man’s chest, sending him to the ground in a screaming spray of blood.

  A spray of automatic fire came back his way, blowing wood out of the wall right next to him. He cursed and pulled back. From somewhere overhead, he heard another several gunshots pop off and someone screamed. He waited, then leaned out and fired again, emptying the magazine. He pulled back quickly, expecting another spray of gunfire, but none came. In fact, all the rest of the gunfire suddenly fell silent. He reloaded and leaned around again. There were no more figures moving out there, just a lot of dead bodies.


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