The Auction Block

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The Auction Block Page 9

by Courtney Lynn Rose

  "Of course not, and I won't. I promise."

  "My ass you won't. She's only twenty-seven! Are you kidding me?" Dresden snaps.

  "It's none of your business, Dresden." The anger floods my veins.

  "The fuck it ain't. Twenty-seven, huh? We've been with you for ten years, Lily. We trained together for a year before our first assignment. That means I helped put a seventeen year old in an auction. The hell it isn't my business!" Dresden says, his voice rising.

  I open my eyes, raking my fingers in my hair. I glance around the room, praying for something to calm me. Blake's hand gently squeezes my shoulder. My body calms.

  What the hell is he doing to me?

  "My life and how I came to Interpol is no one's business but mine. Yes, I was young, but Jax lying for me saved my life. If he hadn't, I would've killed myself the first chance I got. That's all you need to know," I say with finality.

  "Does Hyde know?" Vlad asks, stepping forward, glaring at Jax.

  "Of course not. Don't be stupid. Interpol never would've approved had they known the truth," Jax says, rolling his eyes. “As far as they know, she was twenty when I recruited her and twenty-one when the team became active.”

  Dresden gets in Jax's face, and they stand nose-to-nose. "You should be in jail. What kind of man does that to a fucking kid?"

  "The kind who's trying to make a difference. Lily understands this world better than any of you ever will."

  "I'm calling Hyde." Dresden spins around and moves toward Sammi's desk.

  I grab his arm, fear taking over. "Dresden, please, don't."

  "Are you kidding me right now?"

  "You won't just ruin his career. You'll ruin mine. Please."

  "Lily, this isn't right."

  I sigh, squeezing his arm. "Please. I'm begging you. Let this go. What's done is done."

  He growls low in his throat, clenching his fists at his sides. "Fine."

  My team stares at me, each face showing confusion and horror at the admission of part of my past. I'm not ready for them to know, not yet. Reaching up, I pull Blake's hand from my shoulder, but entwine my fingers with his, my hand shaking slightly.

  "Do you want to go finish this event, or would you prefer to go home?" I ask as nicely as I can manage.

  "I think my apartment would be the safer bet at this point," he says tightening his grip on my hand.

  I nod. Walking toward the exit, I stop next to Jax. He glances down at my hand, still firmly in Blake's grip. "Ten years . . . I've done everything you've ever asked. This is what I get for it? You're unbelievable and you lied to me."

  Jax's mouth drops open, taking a sharp breath. I shake my head, and glide from the room, Blake right on my heels. Halfway across the lawn, Blake pulls on my hand and I spin around to face him. I stare down at the grass, trying to still my anger.

  "Look at me." His voice melts all my tension.

  I glance up through my eyelashes and he steps forward, putting his body flush against mine. My heart pounds in my ears.

  "Twenty-seven, huh?"

  "It’s only a 4 year difference than what you originally thought."

  He reaches up and cups the side of my face and leans down to press his lips to mine. My body ignites, and tremors shoot through me. He leans back, his lips barely touching mine.

  "It doesn't change anything," he whispers with a voice full of need.

  My age doesn't, but the rest of the truth might.



  After changing out of my gown, I come down to the training room. Training with Rhett for the last hour helps relieve some of the anger, but not all of it. He stands in front of me, pads attached to his hands as I bounce between punching each one . I hit harder than I should, but he doesn’t complain.

  “Lily,” he finally says as I land a jab into his right pad. “Stop for a second.”

  I’m out of breath, and stand straight, hands on my hips while he undoes the Velcro and takes the pads off, throwing them across the room.

  “Rhett, don’t.” My tone is harsher than I want, but the look in his eyes confirms he knows it’s not personal.

  “I’m not going to ask you any questions. I just want you to listen.”

  I nod, and he takes a deep breath, shoving his hands into his back pockets. It’s a nervous gesture he only does when he’s trying hard to find the right words to say. Rhett was Army Special Forces, so his tells are minimum. Ten years with him and this is the only one I’ve picked up on in that time.

  “We all know you’ve been hiding stuff. The shaking, the nightmares— “

  “How the hell do you know about those?”

  He smiles sadly. “You had them when you stayed with Jameson and I that summer. We used to take turns sitting in the hallway at night. We know it didn’t help, but we figured if you ever came out of that room and wanted to talk about them, well, we just wanted to be there for you.”

  “You and Jameson can be a real pain in my ass, you know that?” I roll my eyes and pace in a small line.

  “We love you, Lily. All of us. Dresden, Vlad, Hayato, Sammi. They love you too. We know you love us too, even if you never say it. So, I just want you to know that whatever it is you’re hiding, you can tell us. We’re your family, woman. Doesn’t matter what hell you’re stuck in inside that head of yours, we’ll help get you out.”

  I stop moving and stare at him, tears burning in my eyes. Rhett goes to walk past me, and gently reaches out, touching my shoulder before heading out of the training room.

  I appreciate that man more than he knows.

  After’s he gone, I sit on the weight bench, and run through tonight's events again.

  In the end, my feelings won't matter. Blake is attractive and sweet, but there's no future with him. His touch may not send me into a full-blown seizure, but I'm no less broken. No man wants a shattered woman, and that's all I can give him.

  The training room door clicks open. Sammi stands just inside with her arms behind her back. The softness in her eyes is back, and I smile weakly. All this time, I thought only Jax knew, but here she is keeping my secrets too.

  "Can we talk?" She walks toward me.

  I nod as she stops in front of me and sinks to the floor. I gaze down at her, my insides twisting and pulling, a lump forming in my throat.

  "There's a lot of information missing from your files. You know I won't say anything, but I need to know the truth."

  "Sammi . . . I can't . . . I've never— "

  "Lily, I know it's hard, but please, just answer a few questions, and I promise I'll never bring it up again."

  “You can’t just pull a Rhett and not ask me shit?”

  She chuckles. “I’m not Rhett, and he’s too nice for his own good, especially with you. Just a few questions, Lily, I promise.”


  She slides closer, picking at her nail polish. "How long had you been in when Jax found you?"

  I run my hands over my face. "Nine years."

  "Dear god," she whispers. I lift my head and meet her gaze. "Why would you agree to do this?"

  I smile sardonically. "Revenge."

  "How's that working for you?"

  "It was working just fine. Until . . . "

  "Until, what?"

  "Until this case," I whisper.

  "Mason." A small smile plays on her lips.

  I shrug. "I've never felt the way I do when he's around."

  "How do you feel?"

  "I don't know. Being around him tonight, I was calm until all hell broke loose. That may have been the alcohol though."

  "Yeah, that was the only stupid thing you did tonight," she says raising her eyebrow.

  "I know. I just don’t know how to deal with this."

  "Oh, Lily. Jax did more harm then he realizes by recruiting you."

  "No, Sammi. He saved my life."

  "No, mate. You should be able to love freely and you can't. I see the physical pain in your eyes when someone touches you. You needed help
as a kid, not an assignment." Her voice is soft, cajoling.

  "Sammi, I don't expect you to understand."

  "I understand better than you think."

  "This is the only thing I can do. It's what I'm made for."

  "No, Lily. People aren't put on this Earth to feel pain. We're put here to love. It's in our DNA."

  "Then explain all the men I've met in the last nineteen years. The ones we spend our time trying to stop."

  "I can't. Some people, at some point in their life, turn dark. You're not dark though, Lily."

  "Yes, I am."

  "No. You’re light and beauty. You're just hurt. I see it— Blake sees it . . . Dresden, Vlad, Rhett . . . we all see it. Why can't you?" She rises to her feet and walks to the door. Pulling it open, she glances back at me. "Don't smother your feelings for Mason. This may be the only chance you get."


  By the time I leave the training facility it's after 3:00 AM, and I'm exhausted. I unlock the door to the apartment and step inside, freezing as I come to face Jax and Hyde standing in the living room. I grind my teeth together.

  That mother fucker.

  I walk forward, squaring my shoulders, defiant and pissed. "Evening, sir."

  "Good evening, Agent Williams. Where’ve you been?"

  "The training room."

  "How do you like it?" Hyde says stepping toward me.

  "It's good, sir."

  "Glad to hear it. I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here."

  "I know why you're here." I hold my head high.

  I refuse to give anyone the satisfaction of cowering. I might be wrong for liking Blake, but Jax never should've lied to me.

  "You know relationships with clients of any kind are against protocol, and warrants immediate removal from the assignment."

  I take a deep breath. "I do, sir. May I speak plainly?"

  "Of course."

  "I never planned on having feelings for anyone. Check my psychiatric evaluations if you must, but this isn't something I thought possible. That aside, regardless of my feelings or relationship with Mr. Mason, I'm still one of the top agents Interpol has, and can do my job under any and all circumstances, including these. If you remove me from this assignment, then I’ll put in my resignation and bring my time with Interpol, and this team, to an end."

  Hyde sighs, and Jax's mouth drops open.

  "You'd throw your entire career away for . . . for . . . for him?" Jax says astonished.

  I force myself not to look at him. Lying about the Taurus' involvement is something I can't get over, not right now. He glares at me, waiting for an answer, and I turn my face away.

  "Agent Unnami, I won't be dismissing her from the team tonight. Why don't you turn in and let me speak to her alone." Hyde gives Jax a pointed stare.

  Jax's nostrils flare and he turns on his heel, quickly leaving the room. I take several deep breaths, calming my nerves.

  "Interpol can’t afford to lose you as an agent, and I can’t afford to pull you off this case," Hyde says in a quiet but stern voice.

  I stare at him, waiting. "So, what happens now, sir?"

  "If you're going to pursue a relationship with a client, you need to be able to separate your feelings from your job. That's easier said than done."

  "You did just fine," I say.

  Hyde chuckles. "Hardly. My feelings interfered greatly with that case, but I made a decision and saw it through. In the end, it worked out, and I've been with my wife a very long time. I just want you to know, that if you follow this path, it could end up hurting you and him. If your feelings get in the way or cloud your judgment, I need to know you can walk away and let someone else do the job."

  "If my feelings get in the way, you'll be the first to know," I say trying to believe the conviction in my voice.

  "Well, I'll leave you to think about things then, Agent. Goodnight."

  Hyde walks from the apartment, my eyes closing once the door clicks shut. I've already made a mess of things, at least for myself. I'm defending my feelings for Blake when I don't even understand them. I've spent the last three weeks trying to push them aside, but everyday I'm with him, it gets harder.

  "You think you're something special don't you?" a female voice says behind me.

  I whip around as Miranda comes down the stairs.

  What the fuck?

  "Not at all," I say icily.

  "Blake is a total mess about you. You'll never be able to hold him. You're nothing but some stupid cop who wants to have a little fun on the job."

  Between the charity event, Jax, and Hyde— dealing with this stupid bitch is the last thing on my to-do list.

  "And you're nothing but a gold-digging whore."

  "Excuse me? You're just jealous."

  "Of what?"

  "That you can't touch him. Don't think I didn't notice. You shake like an epileptic whenever someone gets near you." She takes a few steps closer. "I, on the other hand, can touch him, and have on many occasions. Friends-with-benefits, and oh, the benefits are exquisite, in and out of the bedroom."

  Red clouds my vision, hate boiling in my veins. If this bitch keeps talking, I swear to God, I'm going to make her eat her teeth.

  "If you're so damn good, why aren't you his girlfriend? Oh wait, because even Blake has enough sense to realize a woman like you is only good on her back . . . or her knees." I sneer.

  "What the fuck did you just say to me," she yells. "Let me tell you something, you no account piece of trash. If you think you're going to come in here and take him from me, you've got another fucking thing coming. I will fucking beat your ass like the stupid bitch you are!"

  My hand flashes out and grabs her throat as footsteps echo behind me.

  "Lily, don't!" Dresden's voice is panicked.

  Miranda grabs my wrist with both her hands, a gurgle barely escaping her lips.

  "He deserves better than some slut who only wants him for his money," I say, my face only inches from hers. "And if you make another comment about me and him, I'll snap your neck."

  "Lily, let her go," Blake whispers.

  His voice pulls me back to reality and I drop her. She goes down to her knees gasping for air.

  "See, I told you the only place you're good is on your knees."

  Blake runs his hand up my back sending tremors through my body. I take a breath and walk to the stairs, wishing I could go back and do things differently tonight. My nerves can't take much more of this shit.

  "Caleb, get Miranda out of here and don't bring her back again," Blake says.

  A smile forms on my lips as I open my bedroom door.


  I avoid Blake and Jax for two days, trying to make sense of things— Sammi's words ringing in my ears every moment I'm awake.

  This may be the only chance you get.

  Sitting on the bed, I run my fingers through my hair and sigh. Staying in this room isn't going to make the issues go away.

  I shrug into a pair of sweatpants and long sleeve shirt, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. The sun isn't fully up, but I can't stay in bed any longer. The apartment is quiet as I make my way to the kitchen. Blake's live-in housekeeper is coming back today, so another person is joining this circus.

  A tapping startles me, and my head snaps up. Jax stands in the kitchen, leaning against the island, sipping a cup of coffee. I stop and narrow my eyes at him. He's deadpan and unmoving. I shuffle to the coffee pot and make a cup.

  "So . . . we on speaking terms yet?"

  I set my cup on the counter, running my fingers around the edge. "What do you want me to say, Jax?"

  "I don't know, Lily. You've never ignored me for this long."

  "Well, you pissed me off. Calling Monroe was bullshit and you know it."

  "Blake Mason is nothing but a power-player, Lily. He'll use you, and when he gets bored, he'll replace you. How's that any different from all the other men you've ever been around?"

  "At least it’s my choice."

wouldn't assume you know my intentions, Agent Unnami," Blake says, his voice deadly.

  Jax's nostrils flare, fists clenching as he twists his head, cracking his neck. He strolls over, stopping nose-to-nose with Blake. "If you hurt her, I'll make you disappear."

  "What she and I do is none of your business. You need to let her make her own decisions for once," Blake says.

  Jax glares, turns on his heels, and walks toward his room. I sag onto one of the barstools, pressing my forehead against the countertop, my chest tight. I've never fought with Jax, not on a personal level.

  Blake places his hand on the center of my back, sending a low roll of shakes through my body. Breathing deep, I try to control them, will them to stop. They aren't as strong, but still noticeable.

  Gently, he moves his hand up and down my spine. "Are you okay, Lily?"

  "Of course."

  "Would you like some breakfast?" He moves around to face me.

  I sit up and stare at him. I've seen little of him in two days, but any time we’re in the same room he tries to make small talk. He left flowers on my table again, which I kept this time.

  "Buenos dias, Mr. Mason," says a cheery voice behind me.

  I cock my head, taking in the short, exuberant Mexican woman as she hurries into the kitchen.

  "Oh, Mr. Mason, who da pretty lady? Muy Hermosa. You two want breakfass? I make waffles, eggs, bacon. Whatever you want," she says stopping between us, smiling from ear-to-ear.

  This must be the housekeeper.

  "Teresa, this is Lily Williams, part of the Interpol team helping us."

  She turns to me, her eyes shining with appreciation. "Oh, you’re god sent, mi hija, I've been so worried. All these threats and nonsense— loco. I make you extra special breakfass."

  "I don't usually eat breakfast unless I'm forced to," I say, shooting Blake a sideways glance.

  "You like Mexican food?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

  An amused grin stretches across my face. "I've never had much Mexican food, Mrs. Teresa."

  "What you mean you never had much Mexican food? ¡Orale! We fix this, mi hija. You like sausage and potatoes?"

  "Yes, ma'am."


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