Dark Swan

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Dark Swan Page 18

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “You are so sexy,” he said in a throaty whisper.

  I arched my back and did my best to keep my leg at an angle that wouldn’t invite further injury, but much to my relief Ayden didn’t seem to notice. I could see the ecstasy swirling in his eyes.

  I knew I was going to reach the point of no return soon. I could feel the internal tingle as it began to develop in my belly and spread across my body.

  “Do you want me to cum all over your giant cock?” I asked him in a sexy voice and pouted out my bottom lip.

  I knew how to enjoy sex. I was good at it. I’d had a lot of practice, even if it had been against my will. In some ways, I could thank Thom that I had experience, but now it was as if a Pandora’s box had been opened to me and I was able to view the world with a new pair of eyes. The cage had been unlocked and I was finally able to explore my wild and animalistic side.

  I wasn’t in danger, and I had the freedom to stop at any time I wanted to. The best part of this situation was, I didn’t want to stop.

  I craved more and more. The little dose of independence I had been given had caused me to go crazy with passion and it was as if I was afraid it was all going to disappear or be ripped right out from under me. I had to enjoy the intimate moments while they lasted.

  “Yes,” Ayden begged. “Cum all over my cock.”

  I pressed my hands to Ayden’s shoulders and began thrusting harder and faster. I rammed his cock into my g-spot as his shaft rubbed against my clitoris. I never wanted the ecstasy to come to an end. I wanted to bottle it up and seal it for my own personal use. The pleasure ravaged me until I couldn’t see straight and was blinded by sexual euphoria.

  I was moaning loudly now, and Ayden had a rapt expression on his face.

  “I’m going to cum,” I proclaimed like a prayer.

  “Do it,” Ayden coaxed with animation and encouragement flickering in his eyes. He was groaning along with me.

  I tensed my body and then released the sexual pressure. Euphoria pulsed through my body and ecstasy shook me to the core. I moaned out as I came and squeezed his chest with my fingers.

  I could feel Ayden exploding at the same time. He groaned and tensed his thighs, wrapping them tightly around my waist. I felt the hot load of his semen fill the condom that was sheathed over his cock.

  As soon as we had climaxed in unison, I collapsed onto his chest. We were naked and intertwined, a sweaty mess of two bodies. We had conquered the sexual tension and ripped right through it. Everything had happened so fast that it had been like a frenzy.

  I leaned over and kissed Ayden on the lips. “That was incredible,” I said in a shaky voice.

  “I know.” Ayden’s face was lit up like a candle. His eyes were radiantly beaming more intensely blue than I’d thought possible. “You seem incredibly seasoned, and I mean that as a major compliment.”

  I smiled. “Thank you.”

  “You can unhook me now,” Ayden said.

  I fought with my quivering fingers to take the handcuffs off his wrists. When I was finished with that task, I sighed with contentment and rested my back against the headboard, sitting beside him. His cock was still big, but it was starting to shrinking down.

  I knew I could have him back up and running in no time.

  “I’m sorry that I had to be tied up,” he said.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I smiled at him. In my eyes, it was just another challenge to overcome. I was up for the fun along the way and it was going to be a wild ride. I could get used to all of these incredible orgasms with men who actually seemed to care about me. I would still take care of myself, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy the pleasure along the way.

  “I know what you are thinking,” Ayden said after a few minutes where we enjoyed comfortable silence between us.

  I had laid back down and rested my head on his chest. My ear had been pressed up against his skin so that I could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat. The sound was soothing to me. I was intoxicated, love drunk on the sexual bliss that we had just shared together.

  “What am I thinking?” I asked him in a gentle voice and propped my head in my hand.

  Ayden rolled his eyes. “That I’m a complete mess of a person. You probably think that I’m beyond helping, that it’s not even worth it to try.”

  I pressed my lips to his to prevent him from saying anything else destructive about himself.

  “Don’t talk like that,” I told him. “You were amazing. That was one of the most intense orgasms I’ve ever had.”

  Ayden’s eyes brightened slightly. “Do you really mean it?”

  I chuckled. “Of course.”

  He seemed satisfied with my answer. For someone who seemed so smugly confident before we got naked and explored each other’s bodies, his demeanor had shifted significantly. I guessed I had proved my own intuition right, that Ayden’s cocky person was all an act. I knew exactly how he felt. It was important to shield your emotions sometimes to prevent yourself from getting hurt even more than you already were.

  “I have my own baggage,” I reassured him. “Maybe I’m just better at working on my issues in a productive manner.”

  “You’ll have to teach me how you do it so well,” Ayden said with a sigh and shifted his weight.

  “I can teach you anything you want,” I said and gave him a passionate smile.

  Ayden beamed. “Thanks.”

  “We have a lot to learn from each other,” I said.

  “I’m glad you came into our lives,” he admitted.

  “It was fate.” I planted another kiss on his lips.

  “I feel like our relationship has definitely changed course now,” Ayden mentioned in an optimistic tone.

  I traced a line down his chest to his navel. I relished the way goose bumps of pleasure began to gradually rise on his skin in response.

  My heart began to pound again. I felt wetness between my legs and my pulse swooshed through my clitoris. I was incredibly turned on by Ayden. He didn’t even have to necessarily do anything. I became aroused by him every time he met my gaze.

  I took his hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. “I would have to concur with you on that. But for now, I’m just enjoying spending this quality time with you after sex. It’s comforting to be here with you and get to know you.”

  “That makes me feel good,” Ayden said with an endearing smile.

  I took a deep breath and hiked my one good leg over his waist. I wanted to feel my naked body pressed up against him, our hearts beating in unison. There was something magical about the intimate moments after sex that made the act itself even more exhilarating.

  “I could lay here beside you forever,” I whispered.

  Ayden chuckled. “Forever has no limits or schedule. I would love to pretend that we have no boundaries too.”

  I smiled.

  I could get on board with that.



  It was late evening in the bunker.

  The world on this side of the mountain was settling in for a restful night, and most of the refugee residents had gone to bed. Or, if they hadn’t, then they were reading in the library or preparing for bed.

  The bunker was mostly silent. I was still in my own room in the medical quarters until I got cleared by the menders.

  I wandered out into the corridor, thirsty for a warm glass of milk from the kitchen. I passed a few shifters on my way, but most of them either just nodded in acknowledgement of my presence or didn’t look at me at all.

  “It’s okay.” I heard the sound of James’s voice. I turned around just as he was walking up behind me. “The shifters who live here will warm up to you. You just need to give them some time to get used to you being around.”

  I jumped a little in response.

  “Sorry,” he stated apologetically. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  I took a deep breath and placed my hand to my chest. “It’s fine, I just wasn’t expecting you, that’s all.”
/>   His smile was gentle. He was toned and muscular, built like a solid rock. I admired the way he looked at me as if I were a princess or something. I certainly didn’t view myself as such, but it was nice to be given glances that made me feel welcomed.

  “I was just heading to the kitchen for some milk,” I said and pointed in that general direction.

  “What a coincidence,” James grinned. “I was just on my way there too.”

  “For some warm milk?” I asked.

  “No.” James shook his head and chuckled. “A nightcap of sorts.”

  “What do you mean?” I frowned.

  He exhaled as if he were embarrassed to admit it. “I can’t fall asleep without a little glass of whiskey.”

  “Whiskey?” I wrinkled my nose. I’d never acquired a taste for liquor. I didn’t want to be inebriated because I never felt like I could let my guard down around anyone.

  “Just a splash.” James winked and pinched his index finger and thumb together.

  “Oh, I see.” I gave him a smile of understanding as we continued to walk along beside each other.

  “I wind myself up during the day. I need the stress relief of a nice shot of the good ole stuff to help me settle down.”

  Now James was talking my language. “I know what you mean. About feeling tense out all the time.”

  “Maybe you could use a little yourself,” he mentioned with lighthearted casualness.

  “I don’t know…” I trailed off. “I think for tonight I’ll just stick with milk.”

  The truth was, I didn’t know who I could trust yet. I felt like I needed to sleep with one eye open. Being intoxicated wouldn’t do me any favors.

  James laughed. I enjoyed the sound of his voice. “To each his own, I guess. Do you mind if I accompany you there?”

  “Of course not,” I said and gave him an affectionate smile.

  We walked into the kitchen together. James went to the refrigerator and plucked out the milk, then crouched down to retrieve the bottle of whiskey from under the counter.

  He poured himself a small shot of the amber liquid and then twisted the cap off the milk.

  “Say when,” he told me.

  “When,” I said as soon as he had filled the glass halfway.

  “Here you go.” He gave me a handsome smile as he slid the cup across the countertop to me.

  “Thank you.” I guzzled it down, completely forgetting that I had wanted it warmed up.

  It didn’t matter now. It was just as refreshing and tasted just as good nice and cold, straight from the fridge.

  “How are you settling in?” James asked after a moment or two.

  I chuckled and glanced down at my milk. “I’m getting there, I guess.”

  “Whatever you need from us to be accommodating, we would love to help you feel at home.”

  I lifted my chin and noticed a twinkle in his eye.

  “Thank you. That is very kind of you,” I said.

  “You’re welcome.” He beamed as he lifted his shot glass and sipped the warm liquor.

  “Ahh…” he said and smacked his lips. “Now that is some good stuff.”

  He crouched down to put the bottle back under the cabinet and then he washed the shot glass out.

  I looked at him with a little puzzlement. “You aren’t going to have anymore?”

  James shrugged. “That’s all I need, really.”

  He glanced at his watch. “It’s time for me to go do my crunches in my room,” he said.

  I grinned. “No wonder you look so fit.”

  “It doesn’t come for free,” he said with a devilishly handsome smile.

  “Well, your hard work is paying off,” I said, wondering to myself if we were flirting. My heartbeat was a little faster than normal.

  “Would you like me to escort you back to your room?” James asked.

  I shook my head and took another gulp of my milk. “Not yet, but thank you.”

  “All right, well if you need anything at all…” he trailed off and reached across the counter to cup his hand over mine. “Please don’t hesitate to ask.”

  “I’ll be sure to do that,” I said and grinned at him.

  Where did he get all this swagger? It was definitely working in his favor. He was charming and charismatic, and I couldn’t wait to get to know him better. He seemed like he had a lot of fun to bring to the table.

  “Goodnight,” James said and exited the kitchen, leaving me by myself.

  “Goodnight,” I chimed from behind him.

  I didn’t mind being left alone in the kitchen, or anywhere in the bunker, for that matter. I still had my cane to help me walk by myself. I felt safe here, for the most part. Nobody had bothered me so far, so I had no reason to assume that would happen now.

  I finished my glass of milk and washed the cup out. Then I wandered over to the window and glanced outside, peering up at the light of the milky moon.

  I was thankful that I was in a community of shifter ex-slaves who all came from a generally similar background as myself. Everyone had their own hurdles of pain and struggle to overcome.

  For the first time in my life since I was a little innocent girl living at home with my parents, I didn’t feel like an outcast just waiting to be ostracized by everyone I came into contact with.

  It was a liberating feeling knowing that I was free to come and go as I pleased. There were no prisoners here. Everyone had the luxury of going about their own business and on their own schedules and routines without being chastised for it or reprimanded for venturing somewhere that was off limits. I hoped I would never have to encounter the vicious anger of Thom ever again in my life. I was moving past the darkness and following a the illuminating light of free will.

  There was only one rule that the bunker dwellers fully enforced, and I knew that it was probably part of the reason why people weren’t taking too kindly to me at once.

  A shifter was not allowed to bring in any outsiders to the bunker without approval from the rest first. My case had been an exception to the rule because I had nearly drowned in the river and Blaze had come to my rescue.

  He had made me shut my eyes while he opened the bunker doors and let me in. I still didn’t know how to get in or out, so he had been careful, thus giving him permission to grant me admittance.

  I peered outside and thought I saw a shadow moving around in the darkness, lurking behind a canopy of trees. I narrowed my eyes and inspected the area. I noticed after a few seconds that I recognized the stirring object to be Cameron. He was one of James’s best friends.

  What was he doing outside alone so close to midnight?

  Something didn’t seem right. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled. His behavior was bizarre to say the very least. I didn’t know much about him, but from what I had observed so far, he seemed a little on the reserved and quiet side in comparison to the other guys that I had been hanging out with since my arrival here at the bunker.

  I was curious about him. I found myself propping my elbows on the counter next to the sink in order to inspect him further. I leaned in and pressed my forehead against the window above the sink.

  There were hardly any windows in the bunker because most of it was underground, but the kitchen was on the top floor and there were tiny, narrow windows to offer better food preparation in the event of a power outage. I preferred to hang out on the top floor so that I could enjoy as much natural light as possible.

  Cameron had his head tucked down. I couldn’t really tell, but it looked as if he might have been talking to himself. It was hard to make out because most of his face was shrouded in shadows.

  Every now and then, a sliver of light cascaded across his features as the stunning shine of the moon played hide and seek among the fluffy, leaf-clad treetops.

  I wasn’t able to gain an good view of him from this angle, but I wanted to know what he was doing out there. Most of the other shifters were already in bed, and if they weren’t, they were preparing to go to sleep.

>   It wasn’t safe outside. Most responsible shifters knew that they couldn’t risk being seen by a Master or a guard, and neither one of those types ever wandered around in the woods alone.

  If something were to happen, Cameron would be faced with an ambush. There would undoubtedly be more of them than him. He would be outnumbered. My heart pounded. I needed to get to him and warn him.

  I halted my spying, grateful that I was already on the top floor so I wouldn’t have to worry about a bunch of stairs leading out of the bunker. I didn’t know my way around well yet, and I was going to have to pull from memory where the main stairwell was that led out of the bunker. It was going to be tricky.

  What if Cameron was already back inside by then? I was putting myself in danger too, but I couldn’t help but look out for his needs as well as mine.

  I would just have to hope for the best, and I would make sure I didn’t venture too far away from the bunker itself.

  I didn’t want to make any careless mistakes and find myself locked out in the middle of the night either. There were a lot of factors at play. I was just going off my instincts because they were all I trusted.

  I was going to be cautious, especially because of Cameron’s current behavior. I didn’t know him or whether he was going to try to hurt me if he saw me, but I had to make sure he was going to be all right out there all alone with only the cloak of darkness to keep him company.

  I followed emergency exit signs leading to the main stairwell of the building. I tried to keep my demeanor casual and light so that no one would become suspicious of me.

  I also kept my head down as I walked past any other shifters so that I wouldn’t worry about one of them trying to strike up a conversation with me either.

  It was stretch that would happen, but it wasn’t worth the chance. As long as I kept my chin tucked down, I would seem distant and unapproachable.

  I edged my way up one flight of stairs that would lead to the outside wilderness and the world beyond. I used careful strides and concentrated on my steps. The last thing I needed was to further injure myself and become stuck in here without anyone to help me or know that I was even in here. I was sure in time that the guys would come searching for me, but I didn’t want to put myself in that predicament in the first place.


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