Never Too Far

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Never Too Far Page 15

by Abbi Glines

  “I can never tell you how sorry I am. The fact I forgot about today’s appointment is unforgivable. I keep having to apologize to you. I wish I could stop fucking everything up.”

  “You weren’t going to have lunch with your family?” she asked.

  “My family? What? No!”

  The rigid stance of her posture relaxed. “Oh,” she said in a sigh.

  “Why did you think I’d go to lunch with them? I wouldn’t hang up on you to go spend time with them.”

  “Nan,” she replied with a sad smile.

  “Nan? When the hell did you talk to Nan?” I’d been with Nan all morning.

  “When I called you back. Nan answered and said you didn’t have time for me because you were going to eat with your family.”

  My lying little sister better be glad her ass was headed back to the east coast because I’d go ring her neck if I could get my hands on her.

  “You went to that appointment thinking I’d blown you and our baby off for them? Fuck!” I pushed past Bethy and pulled Blaire into my arms. “You’re my family, Blaire. You and this baby. Do you understand me? I missed something today I will never forgive myself for. I wanted to be there and hear the heartbeat. I wanted to be holding your hand when you saw him for the first time.”

  Blaire tilted her head back and smiled up at me. “You know it could be a girl.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Then stop calling our baby a ‘him’,” she replied.

  I was calling the baby a him. Smiling, I kissed her forehead. “Can we go back to your room and you tell me about the appointment. I want to know everything.”

  She nodded and glanced over at Bethy. “Are you going to continue scowling at him or are you going to forgive him?”

  Bethy shrugged. “Not sure yet.”


  School was back in session. Vacationers and summer people had gone home. The club had a lot less traffic and because of this tips were down. The biggest thing was that Rush hadn’t mentioned the proposing thing again since the night at the condo when he’d said that was what he’d told his mother and sister and my father. He never even mentioned them again. I wondered sometimes if he’d changed his mind or if I’d imagined it.

  If it wasn’t for Bethy asking me weekly if Rush had brought it up again I would think it had been a figment of my imagination. Every time I told her no he hadn’t she got more and more agitated. Not to mention my heart hurt a little more. I was afraid he’d thought it through and decided it was a mistake. Before he’d mentioned it that night I hadn’t even let myself believe he’d want to marry me. I figured we’d raise the baby from two different homes. If my thoughts went to the future I would block it out. It wasn’t something I wanted to hope for.

  My hours were being cut back due to the slower season and I wondered if I needed to get a second job. There wasn’t a lot to choose from around here. Then it was very likely that Rush wouldn’t take it well.

  When I stepped into my bedroom there were two things that caught my attention. There were rose petals on my bed and in the center of them was an envelope with my name written neatly across the front. I picked it up and opened it. The stationery was expensive feeling and Finlay was embossed at the top.

  Meet me down at the beach.



  His abnormally perfect handwriting made me smile. I went to my closet and pulled out a white sundress that had two black stripes across the hem. If he had planned a romantic something at the beach I wasn’t going to wear my work clothes.

  After brushing my hair and touching up my makeup I headed out the French doors that faced the gulf and made my way down to the beach. Rush was dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a button up shirt. I was glad I’d changed. His back was to me and his hands were in his pockets as he stood there staring out at the water. I wanted to stop and admire him admiring the water but I was also anxious to see him. He’d been gone when I woke up this morning.

  I stepped off the walkway and onto the sand. It was oddly deserted except for the two of us. Even though the crowds were down it was still eighty-eight degrees and sunny outside. Glancing down I noticed something in the sand. Someone had written in it. There was a stick lying off to the side.

  I stopped and read aloud, “Blaire Wynn, will you marry me?” As the words sunk in Rush walked across the words and knelt down on one knee in front of me.

  A small box appeared in his hand and he opened it slowly as a diamond ring caught the fading sun.It appeared to come alive as it sparkled. It was happening. Did I want this? Yes. Did I trust him? …. Yes.

  Was he ready? I wasn’t sure. I didn’t want this to be something he was doing because he felt pressured to. It would be easy to reach down and put the ring on my finger. But was it what Rush really wanted?

  “You don’t have to do this,” I forced myself to say staring down at him. He hadn’t spoken to his sister or his mother in weeks. As much as I disliked them… no hated them, I didn’t want to be what came between him and his family.

  Rush shook his head. “No, I don’t have to do anything. But I want to spend the rest of my life with you. No one but you.”

  His words were the right words. I still felt like something was wrong. He couldn’t truly want this. He was young, rich, and gorgeous. I had nothing to offer him. I’d tie him down. Change his world. “I can’t do this to you. I can’t hinder your future. You can go do anything. I promised you I’d let you be a part of our baby’s life. That won’t change when you feel like you’re ready to leave. I’ll always let you.”

  “Don’t say another word. I swear Blaire, I am seconds away from throwing your ass in that ocean.” He stood up and his steady gaze held mine. “No man has ever loved a woman as much as I love you. Nothing will ever come before you. I don’t know what else I have to do to prove to you that I won’t let you down again. I won’t hurt you. You don’t have to be alone anymore. I need you.”

  Maybe this wasn’t right and maybe I was making a mistake but his words tugged at corners of my heart he had somehow not managed to reach until that moment. I took the box from his hand and lifted the ring free. “It’s beautiful,” I told him. Because it was. It wasn’t too flashy or overdone. It was perfectly simple.

  “Nothing less would be worthy of your finger,” he replied and took the ring from my hand. Then he went back down on his knee and his eyes met mine.

  “Please, Blaire Wynn, will you be my wife?”

  I wanted this. Him.

  “Yes,” I said and he slipped the ring on my finger.

  “Thank god,” he whispered then stood back up and captured my mouth in a hungry kiss. This was real and maybe it wouldn’t be forever but it was mine for now. I’d find a way to let him go if he wanted to. But I loved him. That would never change.

  “Move in with me,” he begged.

  “I can’t. I have to pay my half of the lease,” I reminded him.

  “I paid your lease in full for a year. Every dime you’ve given Woods has gone into a savings account with your name on it. Same for Bethy. Now, please move in with me.”

  I wanted to get mad at him but right now I couldn’t. I pressed another kiss to his lips and then nodded.

  “And please stop working,” he added.

  “No,” I replied. I wasn’t doing that.

  “You’re my fiancé now. You’re going to be my wife. Why do you want to work at a country club? Don’t you want to do something else? What about college? Do you want to do that? Is there a degree you want? I’m not trying to take away your choices; I want to give you more.”

  I was going to be his wife. Those words sunk in as I gazed up at him. I didn’t have to give up college like I had high school. I could get a degree and have a profession.

  “I want that. It’s just… let me soak this in. Too much, too fast,” I said, wrapping my arms around him.


  Blaire was determined to work out a two weeks notice with Woods. I wasn’t goi
ng to argue with her. She’d agreed to everything I asked. I wasn’t about to push my luck. I sat at the table with my laptop and a cup of coffee waiting on her to get off her shift.

  Woods had stopped by to talk to me for a few minutes but other than that it had been a quiet evening. Most everyone had left town. Jace was hanging around because of Bethy but I wasn’t sure he was going to make it much longer. I’d seen the restless look in his eyes the other day when we’d played a round of golf. He wasn’t used to staying in this town longer than a summer.

  “This seat taken?” I looked up to see Meg take the seat across from me. I hadn’t seen her much since the golf tournament. I glanced back to see Blaire refilling someone’s water but her eyes were on me.

  “Yeah, it is,” I replied without looking back at Meg.

  “I know you’re engaged to the blonde. Everyone knows it. I’m not here to hit on you,” she replied.

  Blaire smiled at me and then turned to walk back to the kitchen. Shit. What did that smile mean?

  “She has a big ass diamond on her hand. She has nothing to be worried about and she knows it. Calm down, dude. You’re freaking out over nothing.”

  I shifted my attention to Meg. “She knows you were my first. It bothers her.”

  Meg chuckled. “I can assure you the memories I have from our experience and the reality she is living in are completely different. I got the horny virgin. She has the seasoned pro.”

  I glanced back to see if Blaire was back out here. I didn’t want her hearing this. “Just go sit somewhere else. She’s emotional right now. I don’t want her upset.”

  No one knew she was pregnant yet. I was letting Blaire decide when to tell people.

  “She’s not made of china. She will not break. Does she know you treat her like a damn doll?”

  “Yes, I do. We’re working on that,” Blaire replied as she approached our table and poured more coffee into my cup. “I don’t believe we have officially been introduced. I’m Blaire Wynn.”

  Meg took a quick startled peek at me then turned back to Blaire. “Meg Carter.”

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Meg. Can I get you something to drink?”

  This was not what I’d been expecting. Not that I didn’t like it, because I did. It meant I was making her feel more secure with me.

  “If I ask for a Diet Coke is he going to take a swing at me?” Meg asked.

  Blaire laughed and shook her head. “No. He’ll be a good boy. I promise.” Then she looked down at me. “You hungry?”

  “I’m good,” I assured her.

  She nodded and headed back to the kitchen.

  “I might just be in love with her a little bit. She’s smoking hot. But then if someone is going to tie you down they’d have to be a complete package.”

  Smiling I took a sip of my coffee. Then looked back at the doorway waiting on Blaire to walk back through. I couldn’t wait to get her sexy little ass home.

  Blaire kept leaning over the seat pressing kisses down my neck and nibbling my ear. It was real damn hard to stay focused on driving back to the house.

  “I’m about ready to pull over and fuck my horny little fiancé if she doesn’t stop,” I warned taking a nip at her bottom lip when she kissed too close to my mouth.

  “That sounds like more of a promise than a threat,” she teased, slipping her

  hand between my legs and cupping my erection.

  “Fuck baby, you’re driving me crazy,” I growled, pressing into her hand.

  “If I suck it can you concentrate enough to drive?” she asked as she started

  unbuttoning my jeans.

  “I’ll more than likely run us into a palm tree but I don’t give a shit at the moment,” I replied as her hand slipped down the front of my underwear.

  Luckily, we wouldn’t have to find out. I pulled into the driveway and slammed the car in park just as Blaire got my pants unzipped. My phone went off for the third time. I’d had it on vibrate and private so it wouldn’t disturb us by flashing up on the screen. My mother had called me earlier while I’d been waiting on Blaire and I wasn’t in the mood to answer it. Once it stopped it started back again. Damn.

  I was going to have to either turn it off or deal with her. Blaire had my cock in her hands so I was thinking that off would work best. Glancing down I noticed an out of town number flashing across my screen. The area code was familiar but I couldn’t place it.

  “Who is it?” Blaire asked.

  “Not sure but they’re determined.”

  Blaire stopped touching me. “Answer it. I’ll be good for a few minutes.”

  I pressed answer. I needed to get rid of them and get my girl inside. But before I could say hello my mother started talking and my world was jerked out from under my feet.


  Rush’s face went pale. I grabbed his hand but he didn’t react. He sat there listening to the person on the other line without speaking. The more they talked the whiter he got. My heart was racing. Something terrible had happened. I kept waiting for him to say something. Anything. But he didn’t.

  “I’m on my way,” he said in a flat voice before dropping his phone to his lap and moving his hand from my grasp to grip the steering wheel.

  “What’s wrong, Rush?” I asked more scared now than I had been while he was on the phone.

  “Go inside the house, Blaire. I have to go. Nan’s been in an accident. Some damn sailboat.” He closed his eyes tightly and muttered a curse. “I just need you to get out of the car and go inside. I’ll call you when I can but I have to go, now.”

  “Is she hurt? Can’t I go with you?”

  “NO!” he roared, still looking straight ahead. “You can’t go with me. Why would you even ask that? My sister is in ICU and unresponsive. I need to go to her and I need you to get out of the car.”

  He was hurting and scared. I understood that. But I wanted to be there for him. I loved him and I didn’t want him hurting alone. “Rush, please let me go with you—”

  “GET OUT OF THE CAR!” he yelled so loudly my ears stung. I fumbled for the door handle and grabbed my purse.

  He revved the engine and continued to stare straight ahead while his knuckles turned as white as his face from gripping the steering wheel so tightly. I wanted to say more but he was so upset I was scared of what he would do. He didn’t want to hear me speak nor did he want to look at me.

  I didn’t want to cry in front of him. That wasn’t what he needed right now. I got out of the car as quickly as I could. Before I could get the door fully closed he threw the car in reverse and spun out of the drive. I just stood there and watched as he drove away. I couldn’t help him. I wasn’t wanted.

  Tears ran down my face freely now. He was hurting. My heart broke for him. Once he got there and saw her he would call me. I had to believe that. I wanted to call him and make him talk to me but my ears still rang and my heart still hurt from his words.

  I finally turned to look back at the house. It was large, sprawling and dark. Nothing was welcoming about it without Rush. I didn’t want to stay here alone but I didn’t have a car to drive to Bethy’s either. I shouldn’t have moved from Bethy’s. It had been too soon. Everything with Rush had moved so fast. Now, it was all about to be tested. I wasn’t sure I was ready for that test. Not yet.

  Calling Bethy and telling her I needed a ride to work and that Rush had left wasn’t something I was up for tonight. She would find something wrong with this and make me feel even worse. I understood Rush’s fear and the way he reacted and left but Bethy wouldn’t. At least I didn’t think she would. Rush had won some points in his favor when he put the ring on my finger in her eyes and I wanted to keep it that way.

  I opened my purse to get out the keys when I realized I hadn’t brought them. Rush had taken me to work. I hadn’t thought I needed them. Looking back up at the dark house I was almost relieved I wouldn’t have to be staying there alone tonight.

  The club was only three miles from here. I could walk
that. Then Bethy’s was just a short walk from the club. The evening breeze had cooled things down and it wasn’t so bad. I slipped my purse back over my shoulder and started walking down the brick paved driveway toward the road.

  It took about an hour and fifteen minutes to get to Bethy’s. Her car wasn’t in the parking lot. There was a good chance she was staying with Jace tonight. I guess I should have thought about that. I stopped and looked at the door to the condo. I didn’t have the energy to walk back. My stubbornness not to call for a ride was biting me in the butt.

  I bent down and lifted the mat. There on the cement slab was the spare key. She must have put it back out after I moved. She’d only stopped hiding it there because I had asked her to. Tonight it came in extremely handy. I doubted she was coming home until tomorrow anyway. I didn’t have to tell her about all this tonight.

  I carried the key inside with me and then headed back to my bathroom to take a shower. Rush had insisted she keep the bed he’d bought in the second bedroom instead of taking it when I moved out. Something else I could be thankful for tonight.

  I managed to get to work without Bethy ever knowing I’d needed to crash at her place last night. It wasn’t that I thought she’d care but I wasn’t ready to answer her questions or hear her opinions.


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