Iron & Wine (The Iron World Series)

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Iron & Wine (The Iron World Series) Page 12

by Osmond, Candace

  "Avery, can you excuse us please?" she asked me with as much of a steady voice as she could. She clearly wasn't mad at me, thank goodness. I opened my mouth to speak but she shot me a look as if to say she needed me gone, now. I gazed once more at Jack but he wouldn’t look at me so I turned and headed back to the gallery. If Jack had a girlfriend why would he come to her gallery and hit on me? And I thought Celadine and I were good friends, why hasn’t she told me that she was seeing someone? It made no sense. As I was walking away I heard them arguing.

  "What are you thinking?" Celadine cried. "Is this what you have been doing while I am at work? Where did you find her?"

  "Celi, this is your fault as much as it is mine!" cried Jack angrily. "It's too late now. Stay out of this."

  Oh no! I'm caught in the middle of a big break up. And the woman involved is my boss! I'm going to lose my job, the job that I love so much. Max will never let me see the end of it; she’ll rub it in my face until the end of time. I began to cry.

  I couldn't go back in there looking like this, so I steered off of the path and down into the trees behind the gallery. I knew that there was a path back here somewhere that led to the park by my apartment; I just had to find it. I tramped through the thick sticks and bushes, not even caring that my new white pants were probably completely ruined. Just then, I heard someone coming behind me. At first I wasn't worried, but then I remembered that no one saw me come in here. Who was following me? All of a sudden I felt a rush of fear wash over me like an electric current. I began to panic again, like earlier in the gallery…when I saw that woman! I peered around for a creepy lady but I couldn't even see my own hand in front of my face.

  "You have every right to be afraid of me little one," said a menacing witch-like voice. "You are not safe, not as long as I am coming for you." It was real close to me, like maybe a couple of feet to my left.

  "Who are you? I think you have the wrong person lady. I don't even know who you are!" I cried helplessly. The air around me began to get colder as I could feel her nearing me.

  "Oh, but I know who you are my dear. Are you not the little one who painted The Kingdom?" she asked as if she already knew.

  I thought about what she was saying and had no idea what she was talking about.

  "Listen lady, I am an artist. But I’m sorry; I’ve never painted a picture of a kingdom before," I replied.

  "It is not possible that I am mistaken. You are the little one who painted the Old Kingdom," she hesitated thoughtfully, "But perhaps I should make sure. Of course, I could just tear you open and see what your insides tell me,” she seriously seemed to ponder on that for a moment. I felt a thin, claw-like finger trace a soft line down my arm. The fear I felt made bile rise in my throat. “But that would make for some problems indeed. Consider yourself lucky tonight. I will not come for you again, until I am certain."

  I couldn't see her but I could tell that she had turned to leave; the air began to warm from her absence. "Oh yes, and I would stay out of the woods if I were you. I may be one of the things you should fear, but I am not the scariest thing out there tonight," she called over her shoulder. The creepy woman didn't seem as if she was warning me for my own good, but only to make sure that I was around when she came back to get me.

  I could tell that she was completely gone now, but I just stood there frozen stiff in fear. What the hell was that?! Why did she think I was this weird painter girl? What was I going to do the next time she came to find me? I was seriously beginning to regret getting involved with fairies; I seem to be in constant peril these days.

  Tears rolled down my face and my make up was going with them. I couldn't let anyone at the gallery see me like this but I needed to get out of the woods. I didn't want to run into anything or anyone like her again. As I emerged from the bushes, Jack came running towards me.

  "Avery! I've been looking everywhere for you!" he exclaimed. Then he noticed the state I was in. "Avery, are you alright? What happened? Why were you in the woods?" He took his jacket off and wrapped it around me.

  "Nothing, I saw animal or something. I was just scared that’s all." There is no way I could tell him that some inhuman psychopath was trying to kidnap me because of some old painting. He would think I was nuts. I thought I was nuts. He began to wipe the makeup and tears from my face when I remembered what had happened only moments earlier.

  "Get away from me!" I said and pushed him away. "I don't want to be in the middle of whatever is going on with you guys."

  He looked confused. "What are you talking about? You mean Celadine?"

  "Yes I mean Celadine! Who else would I mean? Just stop whatever it is you are doing and leave me alone!"

  I can't believe that he was acting so cool and 'whatever' about her. "You obviously don't see what a great person she is!” I stated.

  He looked even more confused now. "Avery, you have no idea what you are talking about. Don't be an idiot." He opened his mouth to say something else, but Celadine was coming towards us then.

  "Jack! What did I tell you?! Stay away from her!" she yelled as she neared us from across the lawn. She still looked so angry; I had never seen Celadine express any intense emotions before.

  I desperately jumped in her path. "Celadine, I’m so sorry. If I had known anything at all I never would have talked to him," I pleaded.

  She stopped in her tracks and looked from me to Jack. She too looked just as confused now.

  "What exactly do you think is going on Avery?" Jack asked.

  "Well, you and Celadine are obviously a 'thing' and I’ve become caught in the middle of your breakup," I explained. "Celadine, I’m really sorry. I don't want to lose my job over this, please! I love my job, and I love you and the gallery," I begged her. They both started to laugh hysterically at the same time. I was the one confused now. Why were they laughing at me?

  "Avery darling," she started. "Jack is not my lover or anything of the matter." She came and gently held my face in both of her chilly hands. "He is my brother."

  I felt horribly sick and embarrassed. Where was that rock I always wanted to crawl under? Now was a great time.

  "," I confirmed slowly, letting it sink in. "Then why were you so mad at him for talking to me?"

  "Celadine sometimes thinks she can still boss me around, even though we are not children anymore," Jack chipped in. "She thinks that I may be a...bad influence on you, so to speak." He shot her a triumphant glance.

  "Avery sweetheart, I am not your mother, so I cannot tell you what to do. But my brother can be careless and selfish sometimes. I just think that you can find someone much more...suited to you," she explained. I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something they weren't telling me. But my head was so overwhelmed by tonight’s events that I didn't bother to bring it up.

  "Jack, can you bring me home?" I asked him. He nodded and put his arm around me as he began to lead me away. "Can you tell Julie and Will that I left, Celadine? They're probably wondering where I am already."

  "Of course darling, go home. Get some rest. You did a wonderful job with the gallery this week, I am very proud of you." She squeezed my arm gently and gave me a warm smile. Then she glared at Jack as if to give him a warning, and he returned a similar look back at her. I would touch on that subject at a later time, right now I just wanted to get home and out of my dirty clothes.

  Once home, Jack sat on my couch and waited while I went and cleaned up. I emerged from my room in jeans and a t-shirt and a clean face. He got up and walked towards me, looking like a runway model as he did.

  "I just wanted to stay and make sure that you were going to be okay. Celadine called while you were in the shower to inform me that Julie is on her way home."

  "Thanks Jack, for bringing me home," I said without looking directly at his face. I was still embarrassed from earlier. He gently lifted my chin so that my eyes woul
d meet his.

  "Anytime, I'm sorry that tonight didn't turn out to be the wonderful night you anticipated."

  "The showing was a hit, that's all that I wanted. I get to keep my job, so I think it was a pretty good night," I said jokingly.

  He smiled, his soft pink lips curving more to the left in a crooked grin. "Avery, I don't think that there is anything in the world you could do that would cause the loss of that job. Celadine values you far too much," he replied. "And I am beginning to see why," he added and then placed a kiss on my forehead. I looked up into his face as he pulled away, waiting for another. But he just smiled again. "I'll be on my way now. Julie should be here soon." He began to turn towards the door but I didn't want him to leave. I was aching inside with every inch he put between us. How is it possibly that I feel so drawn to him already? I barely know him.

  "Wait!" I cried. What was I doing? I couldn't tell him how I felt; he would think that I was crazy. He looked back, waiting for me to continue.

  "Um, what are you doing next weekend?" I asked. I wanted to slap myself.

  He hesitated for a moment. "Not anything as of yet," he answered. "Why do you ask?"

  "Well, Julie is throwing a big Halloween party here on Friday night, and I was wondering if you wanted to come? You have to dress up though.”

  He looked amused by the idea of dressing up for Halloween; maybe he thought it was childish. Maybe he thought that I was childish now.

  "Actually, that sounds like a lot of fun, I think I’ll take you up on that offer." He paused for a second and looked at me funny. "What are you dressing up as?"

  I actually hadn't even thought about it yet. "Um, I don't know yet," I admitted. "Maybe I’ll go shopping for an outfit this week."

  "May I come?" he asked. "I could help you pick out something."

  "Ah, sure, I guess. Meet me tomorrow?" I suggested.

  "Sure, but I have...prior engagements during the day." There it was! The hesitant voice that they were using earlier, I had to figure out what was behind that.

  "May we go after dinner?"

  "Sure, I’ll be in the coffee shop around six. Meet me there?" I proposed. I was giddy at the thought of spending more time with him.

  "It's a date." He chuckled lightly and kissed my head once more. "See you tomorrow, Avery, sleep well," he whispered in my ear, sending a warm shiver down my neck. And then he was gone.

  Chapter Nineteen-All That Glitters

  "So, what did she look like?" Julie asked as she made breakfast and I sat with my head on the table.

  "I don't know, I can't really recall much, just being terrified. She had these menacing eyes, I remember that for sure. I think she can make you feel scared or something just by looking at you." My head hurt so much, laying it on the cool granite top felt nice. Lattie was sitting beside my face, smoothing my cheek.

  "Should we go to the cops?" Julie suggested.

  I popped my head up and gave her the eyebrow. "And say what exactly? That there is a crazy lady who I think might be a monster of some kind and she is out to get me because of some painting?" I asked sarcastically. "Jules, she's not human. I know for sure. She said something about kingdoms and evil things in the woods, humans don't talk like that." She brought me a coffee and sat across the table.

  "Well, what do we do?"

  "Nothing, we do nothing. She said she was going to make sure that I really was the one she was looking for. When she realizes that I’m not, she won't come for me. I mean, why would she?"

  "I guess so, if you think that's the best way to deal with this," she replied.

  "Yes, I just want to forget about it," I insisted. And I did. I had other things to worry about. Like Jack. He was meeting me in the coffee shop tonight. I felt like I should tell my friends about him, but wasn't ready yet. I hadn't digested everything myself, so I would wait until I knew what this was between us before I told anyone.

  "Are we going to the beach today?" Lattie asked with hopeful eyes.

  "Sure sweetie. After breakfast we'll get ready and go," I replied. "Jules, are you coming?"

  "No, not today, I have a shift at the library, sorry girls."

  "It's okay, next time?" Lattie asked. "They have a man who gives you delicious hot dogs and iced cream!" She twirled around in the air in front of us. Junk food made her go crazy, she loved it.

  After spending the day at the beach, Lattie and I headed back to the apartment. She was so tuckered out that she was napping in my purse. The sun was going down as I climbed the stairs in the coffee shop up to my apartment door. I put Lattie on my bed and covered her up with a pillowcase. I quickly changed my clothes and ran back downstairs.

  "Hey Avery, what's up?" Will asked. I didn't see him when I came in before, shoot. Now he'll see Jack and tell Julie.

  "Um, not much just heading out to get a costume for the party, coffee to go?"

  "You don't have one already?" he asked as he handed me my usual.

  I threw some change in the tip jar. "No, honestly I never even thought about it until last night."

  "Cuttin' it pretty close, I'm telling Julie on you," he teased.

  "I’ll have one tonight, promise. What are you going as?"

  "See, that’s one of the joys of having a girlfriend. Julie is picking one out for me."

  "Hmm, be careful you don't end up as the back end of a horse or something," I joked.

  His cute brown eyes were wide with worry. "You think she'd make me wear something stupid?"

  "Oh, Will, no. Julie wouldn't do that. Maybe as a joke, but she wouldn't make you wear it. Don't worry; knowing her she'll have something pretty awesome." I gave him a reassuring smile and glanced around anxiously for Jack.

  "Are you waiting for someone?" Will asked. He was probably thinking who on earth would I be meeting? I spend all of my time with him and Julie; I don't really hang out with anyone else.

  "Um, sort of, I mean, yes. Yes I am," I stammered. Suddenly, the thought of explaining to Will about Jack was horribly awkward. I mean, all he knew of Jack was that he was this arrogant guy that I couldn't stand, or get rid of. I hadn't had a chance to explain the whole brother sister incident to anyone yet. And how would I introduce him when he got here? 'Will, this is Jack, the guy that I no longer loath because I realize that I like him. Oh yeah, and he's Celadines brother.' I let out a frustrated sigh.

  "You don't sound too thrilled about meeting this person," Will pointed out as he wiped down the counter in front of me. No, I just was so confused. I wasn't even dating him or anything. "Anyone I know?"

  "Kind of, remember the guy I told you about from the bus, and the pool hall?" I asked. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

  "The creepy stalker guy, why the hell are you meeting him?" he asked, concerned now. Then he whispered and leaned in close, "Is everything okay?"

  "So I’m a creepy stalker guy?" asked someone from behind me. I turned to find Jack standing right there, I didn't even hear him approach us. He was wearing that coy smile that he always wore paired with his strikingly beautiful blue eyes. They were exactly like Celadines violet ones, with their dark lashes and eyebrows.

  "Sorry, no," I apologized. "Um, that's just...uh...what my friends and I called you before...ah before I found out who you were." I hate how my mind wouldn't cooperate with my mouth when I was around him. I saw that Will was totally confused.

  "Will, this is Jack, Celadines brother." I said, emphasizing on the word brother. "Jack, this is my friend Will." I motioned to each of them.

  Jack held his hand out across the counter to shake. "Hey, it’s nice to meet you."

  Will hesitantly shook it and looked back and forth from me to Jack. "Yeah, nice to meet you too, so what exactly are you guys up to tonight, anyways?"

  I eyed him, trying to figure out just what his opinion was on this whole thing. I wish I could just read his mind
or something, the way I could with Julie. I could definitely tell that he was unsettled about me spending time with Jack, and since I didn't seem to be able to form words, Jack answered for me.

  "We’re going to go hunting for some last minute costumes."

  "Oh, you're coming to the party?" Will asked. I couldn't tell if he was genuinely surprised or just disappointed by that.

  "Yes, Avery invited my sister and I, guess we'll see you there," he replied. They both just stared at each other for a moment, exchanging hostile glares. I felt the need to break up this silent display of testosterone.

  "Hmm okay, as much fun as this is, I think we should probably get going," I suggested sarcastically and I slightly pushed on Jacks arm to guide him towards the door. He looked at me and his face quickly softened up.

  "Yes, of course. We only have a couple of hours before the mall closes." He turned and pretended to tip an invisible hat to Will. "Pleasure."

  I glanced back at Will who was turning pretty red. He gave me the 'I can't believe you’re hanging out with this guy' look. I shrugged and mouthed the words I’m sorry, as I followed Jack out the door. Once outside, I turned to Jack and slapped him on the shoulder. He looked both shocked and amused.

  "Hey, what was that for?"

  "Will is one of my best friends, which is more than I can say for you. You could have at least dropped the sarcastic attitude."

  "What do you mean? What sarcastic attitude?"

  "Oh you know what I mean! The way you were talking to him back there." I dropped my eyes to the ground. "And the way you sometimes talk to me, as if I’m a big joke or something."

  Jack approached me and took my hands in his. I loved how he was slightly chilly. I always ran a little too warm; the feel of his cool hands on mine was refreshing.

  "I'm very sorry Avery. I didn't mean to offend your friend and I certainly didn't mean to make you feel that way." He was very close to me now, our faces inches away from one another’s. He was peering into my eyes as if searching for something.


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