Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0)

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Morgan Sisters Duo: Saving Stella & Sloan's Surrender (Attraction #0) Page 1

by J B Heller





  Saving Stella & Sloan’s Surrender

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  ©JB Heller 2016

  Published: JB Heller

  [email protected]


  Cover Design: JeB Designs



  JB Heller


  “I hate seeing her like this. There’s just no colour in her life you know? Just her pant suits and her frigin numbers.”

  “Pant suits can be hot.”

  “Ha, not the ones Stella wears. Trust me Bray she needs something to liven her up. I’m sick of seeing her looking so, I don’t know, dreary?”

  “Maybe she likes dreary? Is she happy?”

  “She thinks she is. I know better though. I need to do something to shake her up a little, show her there’s so much more to life than sitting in her apartment with that weird little dog of hers. I just don’t know what? I’ve tried getting her to hit the town with me, even a bar but nope, says she can’t do it. Sometimes I think she just doesn’t want to get anything on her ridiculously expensive sensible heels. What God loving woman spends that kind of money on sensible heels? Really?”

  I let out a huff as my frustration built. I really had to do something about Stella. I had to bring my sister back. That bastard took so much from her; all that’s left is a shell. I miss my sister. Six long year’s I’ve waited for her to come back to me, it’s time to give her a shove in the right direction. But how?

  “Why not set her up?” Bray asks.

  “Pfft, as if any of the guys I know would be good enough for my baby sister.”

  “Hey now! I take offense to that.”

  True, if I were to set Stella up with anyone, Bray would probably be at the top of my list of candidates. He’s attractive, ha who am I kidding? Bray is HOT. He’s successful, motivated and an all-round good guy. Apart from being kinda slutty, he’d be perfect for her.

  I leaned back from the piece on his left bicep I was working on, coming together nicely. There wasn’t much of Bray that I hadn’t sunk my needle into. I sized him up, it had been a while since I fully checked him out. Friends don’t ogle friends, unless of course they’re scoping them out for their sister.

  Bray raised his eye brow at me as if to say, ‘What the Fuck’.

  Laughing I explained myself, “Dude, chill. I was just assessing the goods. You might be right about setting Stella up. In fact, I think you’re the right guy for the job.”

  He paled instantly, “Wait, what? That’s not where I was going with this.”

  “No no, you planted the seed my friend. It’s as good as done. You said you can’t manage the books on your own anymore. Here’s the perfect solution.”

  He raised a brow, “What, start sleeping with your sister so she’ll do my books for me? That’s a little sleazy don’t ya think?”

  “Geez, not what I meant. Stella is an accountant. Some crap about numbers making sense, always adding up, yada yada, yada. Anyway, I’ll get you an appointment, she can go through your books, you can invite her for coffee, next thing ya know I’ll be wearing a hideously ordinary maid of honour dress at your wedding.”

  From the look on Bray’s face he hadn’t picked up on that last part being a joke. Well, kinda. He definitely wasn’t as down with my plan as I’d hoped. His eyes were popping out of his head and a sweat had broken out across his forehead.

  “Jumping the fucking gun there a little aren’t ya Sloan! I haven’t even met the chic, and you’re already plannin’ our wedding. You’re frigin crazy! I’m not the marrying kind. You know that.”

  I knew it wasn’t anything personal but this is my baby sister we’re talking about. I tend to get a little defensive where she’s concerned, perhaps even a little irrational. I pushed my seat away from Bray and got to my feet, hands fisted on my hips. “You sayin’ my sister isn’t good enough for you arsehole! Well I got news for you, you’d be lucky if Stella spared you a glance, and if she wants to marry you, you’ll God damn do it! You hear me!”

  “I knew it, bat shit crazy! You’re off your rocker if you think I’m going to go out with your sister now.” He huffed in annoyance.

  “What? Why not? She’s an angel.” I fumed.

  “Jesus Sloan, you just told me I have to marry the chic if she takes a fancy to me, and let’s be honest here—”Oh here it comes, he was gesturing up and down his body, and I knew where this was going. “Who wouldn’t want all this?” He had that smug look on his face, like he’s the shit and everybody knows it, including himself.

  “Way to be modest Bray.” Rolling my eyes, I started walking away, slipped my phone from my pocket and flicked Stella a text.

  ~Need a favour baby sister, boss man needs an accountant. You got time?~

  I knew I wouldn’t have to wait long for a response, Stella was glued to her phone like it was a lifeline. Plus she was super-efficient, she’d know off the top of her head what appointments were free without having to check with that airhead receptionist of hers.

  ~1.45 tomorrow. Name? Not a baby!~

  A grin spread across my face, she hates it when I call her that. But older is older, even if it is only by 4 minutes.

  ~Brayden Brooks, 4mins is 4mins baby sister. Xx~

  “It’s done Bray; I’ll text you the address. 1:45 Tomorrow.”

  I heard him groan as I started clearing my work station. The shop was empty apart from us. We’d hung back so I could get started on his latest piece. It would probably take another session or two before it was done. Mean ass phoenix rising from the ashes. It’ll be beautiful when I’m finished.

  “Sloan. Really? I’m not a relationship kinda guy, you know that. I don’t want to screw our friendship over this shit. She’ll want me, I’ll humour her for your benefit but then I’ll get bored and move on, you’ll get pissed and quit. You’re the best I’ve got; I can’t afford to lose you.”

  I ignored him, he’d be good for Stella, just the right amount of colour to brighten up her life. Ignoring his bitching I finished cleaning up my station.

  “Are you listening to me Sloan? Sloan! Damn it! You’re a stubborn little thing, you know that? I’ll do it, but if things go south, you can’t walk. Deal?”

  I rolled my eyes, again. “Deal boss man. Now, beers at Freddie’s?”

  “Need you ask?”

  We closed up the shop and started the short walk up to our local haunt. Freddie’s was my kinda place. Plenty of beer, hot dudes with hot tats and they had a live band in on Friday and Saturday nights.


  Agh my neck is killing me. Time to call it a day I think. Bianca left an hour ago. Ugh I should have left when she did. I hate walking out to my car alone. I know I’m in a safe enough neighbourhood but still. A woman walking around at night, alone is just asking for trouble. I only meant to stay an extra fifteen minutes but as usual I got carried away in the delightful numbness that my numbers bring. I love the way they calm my mind, I can just drift off and know that everything will add up perfectly, if not I can always find the solution.

  I shut down
my computer and put my laptop in my satchel. Slipping my feet back into my shoes I felt around in my bag for my gun, I had never used it, but I felt better knowing I had it. Then I grabbed the can of pepper spray I kept in there and my keys. Armed with one in each hand I headed for the lift down to the lobby.

  “Goodnight Tyler.” I called as I exited the building.

  “Goodnight Ms Morgan.”

  Tyler had been the doorman since I leased my office 2 years ago. He was a nice older gentleman, with greying hair around the edges. I knew if I asked he’d walk me to my car, but I also knew he would probably get in trouble for leaving his post.

  Time to pull up those big girl panties Stella. Walk straight to your car, get in, and go. Simple enough right? Sad thing was I had to give myself the same little pep talk every time I stayed late, which was happening more and more lately. I need to get a life.

  I slipped into my little Prius without any crazies trying to attack me. All the same, I flipped the lock switch straight away. You can’t be too careful.

  Pulling into my apartment complex a few minutes later I could feel my tense muscles beginning to relax, I was home.

  Once inside, I called out to Fergus who was probably sleeping on the fresh towels on the rack in the bathroom. But sure enough he came running when he heard my voice. I had grown up with big dogs, but I couldn’t exactly keep a Great Dane in my tiny apartment. So it was just me and Fergus my long haired, miniature dachshund for now, until I found the courage to move to a bigger place. He was a good little dog. He kept me company, never once wizzed inside and had the decency to look ashamed when he let one rip.

  I latched his lead and we set out to the grassy area downstairs for him to do his business.

  Half an hour later when Fergus was done and we had returned upstairs I prepared dinner, seared marinated chicken breast with a fresh salad and crisp glass of wine. I positioned myself on the couch with my Kindle, dinner and wine. This is my idea of a good night.


  Why am I doing this shit? Oh yea, cause Sloan will go ape-shit on my arse if I don’t show up to this appointment. Frigin Sloan and her damn ideas. I suppose if I’m honest with myself, I am a little curious to see what Sloan’s baby sister is like. Sloan is smoken hot. I can only imagine what her sister must be like. Going off what little Sloan’s told me I’m picturing the librarian type.

  The elevator dinged and I felt nervous all of a sudden. I never got nervous. Maybe it was the thought of losing the best artist I had if this thing with her sister didn’t work out? I rolled my shoulders a few time, loosening the tension that had built up.

  I strolled into the office number Sloan had given me. It was 1.30. Ha, I’m early for a change. I gave the receptionist my name and took a seat on the lounge across from her desk. After a minute of silence I glanced up wondering if she was going to tell this Stella chic that I was here. But she was just staring at me.

  I knew that look, she wanted me. Well get in line baby. I gave her my signature smirk. “Hey sugar, you wanna let the boss lady know I’m here?” My words pulled her out of her daze and she scrambled out of her seat to the adjoining office door.


  Bianca came bursting through my door like a bat out of hell. She was flushed and fanning herself with her hand. I started to reach for the gun I had stashed on the underside of my desk.

  “Oh my GOD Stella! The most gorgeous man I have ever, and I mean EVER laid eyes on just walked in. He’s sex on a stick!”

  My hand froze just before I reached the gun. I was confused. I knew all my clients, and none of them fit that description. Bianca had been working for me since I opened my doors for business she knew everyone too. Oh wait, I’d made space for Sloan’s boss today.

  “Brayden Brooks?” I asked.

  “Yea, that’s the name he gave me, I think? I kinda zoned out for a minute there just taking it all in you know?” she said in a dreamy voice.

  I furrowed my brows, “Umm, no, I don’t know. I haven’t met him before. Sloan texted me yesterday asking me to fit him in. He’s her boss. You can send him in. I’m just finishing up.”

  “Just give me a second. I need to prepare myself.” She said before taking a few deep breaths and straightening her blouse.

  Wow, Bianca had always leaned towards the dramatic but this was peculiar even for her. I raised my eyebrow at her, letting her know her time was up. She got the hint and returned to her desk.

  A moment later there was a quiet knock at my door.

  “Come in.” I called without taking my eyes from the file I was just finishing with.

  The door opened, and then slammed shut. I jumped in my seat. What the hell! I looked up and there standing before me was without a doubt in my mind the sexiest man I had ever seen, and he was glaring at me? Again, what the hell?


  Are you fucking kidding me!?! What is this shit? “What the fuck Sloan?”

  “E... Eh... Excuse me?” she stuttered back.

  “This!” I gestured to her body, clad in what appeared to be a pant suit. She’s screwing with me!

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you mean?” she said with a slight tilt of her head.

  Shaking my head, I had to admit, she had me. That wig looked pretty damn realistic. And the blouse she was wearing covered all the tats on her arms and breast bone.

  “And to think, I was actually a bit nervous about meeting the illusive Stella. You went above and beyond for this one, Sloan. You really look the part too. Shit I never thought you would be able to pull off a pant suit and all that classic lookin shit, but damn you look fine.”

  She was pulling off the stunned mullet look pretty well. Who knew Sloan was such a good actress? Right now her lips were pursed and her eye brows were scrunched up like she was sucking on something sour.

  She slowly started to stand, placing her hands palm flat on her desk leaning forward, she cocked her head to the side. “You’re Sloan’s boss?”

  Now that her voice wasn’t so shaky she sounded slightly different. More sing songy? Is that even a word? The Sloan I know and love has a rough almost husky voice. Hmm, strange. Well if she wanted to play a game, I’d humour her. I was here now, may as well roll with it. “Alright, I’ll play along. You’ve obviously gone to a bit of effort to pull this off. Yes, I’m Sloan’s boss.”

  “Who did Sloan tell you she was sending you to meet today?” she asked almost casually.

  “Her baby sister, Stella.”

  “Aha,” she nodded slowly, “and what did she tell you about Stella?”

  “That she’s an accountant, where are we going with this?” I was losing my patience with this game.

  “Did Sloan tell you what her sister looked like by any chance?”

  This is getting weird. I sighed but answered her anyway. “No, Sloan did not tell me what her sister looked like. Are you going somewhere with this?”

  She walked around her desk, came to a stop in front of me and held out her hand. I took hold of it as she began to shake my hand. Like I said, weird.

  “Good afternoon Mr Brooks, I’m Stella Morgan. Sloan is my twin sister, identical twin. But you seem to have already noticed that.” She said with a polite smile.

  Yea right, I’ve known Sloan for years. I would have known if her sister was her twin. Wouldn’t I? “Look Sloan, I got shit to do, I don’t have time for your weird arse sense of humour, now I actually have to find an accountant. I’ll see you later.” I released her hand and turned to leave the room. Just as I reached the door, there it was, a framed picture of two women embracing. One, very clearly Sloan, and one very similar, yet not.

  Oh shit.

  I turned around slowly to see Stella hadn’t yet moved. I cleared my throat while rubbing the back of my neck. “Umm right, you see Sloan said Stella was her baby sister, she never said anythin’ about being twins or any of that identical shit.” I said gesturing up and down her body with my outstretched hand.

  “Yes well, I’m
used to that. She’s been lording those four minutes over me since we were old enough to understand that it meant she was marginally older than me.”

  “That sounds like something Sloan would do.” I remarked.

  I don’t embarrass easy, but right now I wish I could dig myself into a hole and stay there for a while. I ran my hands through my hair. I’d just made a complete arse out of myself. “I’m so fuckin’ sorry. Sloan didn’t tell me any of that. You’re not what I was expecting walking in here. And I just automatically assumed Sloan was screwing with me in her weird way.”

  She tilted her head again. Shit that’s cute. Now that she was standing closer to me, and I was looking at her, really looking at her, I could see that her hair was as real as it could be. Straight shiny black locks fell half way down her back. My fingers itched to slide through it. I wondered if it was as soft as it looked. She smelled good too, damn, like fresh rain and sweet roses. Just fuckin’ pure, you know?

  The Fuck?

  What’s with the sappy shit? Since when do I care how soft a chic’s hair is? Or how she smells? And those eyes, the way she’s looking at me is trippin’ me out, it’s not the hungry stare I’m used to. It’s like she’s taking me all in, analysing me. She searched my face, looking for God knows what. Whatever it was she was looking for, I hope she found it. This chic had me all up in knots with just a look.


  I couldn’t take my eyes off him. It felt like I could see into his soul through his clear icy blue eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. I’ve never reacted to a man so strongly. My pulse jumped the moment I laid eyes on him, and it still hadn’t slowed. Not even during our short exchange. He clearly thought I was Sloan pulling one of her weird pranks. We may be twins but sometimes not even I get her sense of humour.

  My gaze slid over him slowly. As if I could tell what kind of man he was, just by looking at him. He had kind eyes, strong jaw, and full kissable lips. Wait, what? Kissable lips, I’ve never thought that before. Moving my eyes back to his lips I have to admit, if the urge to kiss a man ever did strike me, those are lips I’d like to taste. Oh God, taste? Really Stella? Why not just start licking the man! Ha, not a bad idea.


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