Lost in the Jungle of Alien Lust

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Lost in the Jungle of Alien Lust Page 3

by Jay Aury

  Helpless, she could only lie there and stare in horror as Valith stepped out of the jungle. The pirate captain looked worse for the wear, his armour in pieces and charred in places. A bandage was wrapped around his head, yet the open gashes and disarray made him look only more savage. In one hand he held the still smoking blaster. In the other, a chain leash bound to the humming sado collar of the crawling blonde slave Tatia had seen on the vid screen.

  “Told you she’d come back here,” Valith said, holstering his pistol as other pirates slunk from the overgrowth. “And nice enough to bring out everything she’ll need to repair her ship! Good thing,” he said, squatting before her, smile cruel and hungry. “Because I’m going to need it. But don’t worry, you’ll be coming too.”

  “V…alith,” Tatia gasped, feeling the painful numbness begin to ease.

  “I told you,” the pirate said, producing a black collar, its interior lined with glowing red circuitry. Its edge, she noted with disgust, red with fresh blood. “You’d be mine before this was through. A small consolation for my ship and the sluts you cost me,” he said, swiping a keycard against the collar, opening the it with a snap. “But I’ll take it.”

  Tatia tried to pull away, but the numbness still held her as the pirate latched shut the collar on her throat.

  Immediately the humming of the collar rang through her body. She gasped, writhing. Her nipples hardened in helpless arousal and her quim moistened with desire. She banged her head on the ground, fingers clawing at the soil as she sought to resist the throbbing, animal need which spread hot through her.

  Shame made her blush; shame at how she pulled off her flightsuit to bare her flushed frame, and even greater shame at how the humiliation of herself made her yearn for the brutish men around her.

  “S-stars…” she gasped. “Ah, stars!”

  Valith laughed as Tatia plunged a hand into her sopping cunt. “See men?” he said, swinging about the his envious crew. “I told you she was always a slut.”

  “You did say that,” someone assented.

  “Shut up,” Valith barked. He grinned down at Tatia, and she hated that the sight of him filled her with a sudden pang of desire. How her skin warmed as he undid his pants and fetched out his thick cock.

  “C’mere,” he grinned. “Have a taste.”

  Everything she was screamed no. But the need. The sharp, desperate desire to obey raced down her skin like oh so clever fingers, knowing exactly where to touch. Where to thrill! How it promised more. She couldn’t help it. Couldn’t stop. Trembling, the humming of the collar buzzing through her body, urging her to obey, Tatia crawled to the pirate lord. She pulled herself up his front and gasped as she took his cock in her hands. Shaking, she parted her lips, before she took his shaft in her mouth.

  Valith groaned. “Good girl,” he grunted.

  How she hate the joy that bloomed through her at her master’s approval. No! Valith! A pirate! A slaver! A monster! Desperately Tatia clung to these facts, even as she bobbed at the end of his shaft, sucking him off, her tongue sliding along his glans in her need to pleasure him.

  “Boss, is this a good time?” a ragged pirate murmured, glancing nervously at the fronds of the jungle hanging over them. “Stig’s team never came back…”

  “Shut up,” Valith snarled, thrusting brutally into her mouth to accent his command. “She’ll lead us to her ship and we’ll install the core and get off this dirt ball. But I’ll have her broken nice and proper first. Cockslut!”

  “Mmmmaster?” the naked blonde leashed to him moaned.

  “Warm her up for me.”

  With a squeal of delight the slut scrambled behind Tatia. She gasped as the blonde slave parted her trembling ass, the slut eagerly leaning in and sliding her tongue against the dark star of Tatia’s rear.

  “Mmmmoooo!” Tatia moaned around Valith’s cock as the pirate’s slave drove her clever tongue into her clutching backdoor. “Mmnn-nnn!”

  With growing earnestness Tatia bobbed on Valith’s cock. “Nnnn!” she choked as the humming slave slipped a hand around her hip and dug her eager fingers into her cunt. “Mnnn!”

  Valith laughed cruelly, grabbing Tatia by her long red hair, roughly fucking her face. “This is where you always belonged, Tatia!” the pirate laughed. “On your knees with my cock in your mouth! And it’s where you’re going to spend the rest of your days. Maybe I’ll even have a splicer enlarge your tits a bit. Just the way I like ‘em!”

  Tatia hummed her approval of her master’s idea. Valith! Valith’s! But it was so hard to focus. So hard to resist with that skillful tongue buried deep in her ass. The musky taste of maleness on her tongue. The thrusting fingers stroking her velvety cunt. Her vision wavered. The world seemed to spin and trees sway. Oh Stars…please…

  “Uh, captain?” a pirate said, watching the shuddering jungle.

  “Shut up!” Valith snarled. “So close. Almost…there…”

  Tatia whimpered as his grip tightened in her hair. He thrust with a grunt. “Swallow it whore!” he gasped. “Swallow every drop!”

  She groaned as he came, his thick seed choking her in its volume. But she swallowed it all, swallowed it with the skill of a Novorian pleasure whore. The dull heat of his cum sank deep into her stomach. She shuddered as the flicking tongue and thrusting fingers of the pirate’s slave forced her over the edge. “Mm-mmmoooo!” she cried our as she came, her juices spattering her thighs and the jungle floor.

  She choked, gasping as Valith pulled his cock from her mouth. His seed a heavy, dull weight of submission within her.

  Valith chuckled, stroking his drooping shaft. “Oh we’re not done yet Tatia. Not by a long shot.”


  Valith turned, a furious word on the tip of his tongue. It died in a choking gasp as a figure shambled out of the jungle. Tatia stared, blinking dully as the pirate she had seen in the corruptive glen staggered forward. Thick, cancerous growths of clutching yellow and brown crawled across his face. The man moaned, staggering towards the pirates.

  “Stig!” a shaking pirate screamed recognizing the face beneath the fungal growths. In answer his once compatriot opened his mouth, breathing out a cloud of spores. The pirate screamed, clutching at his face as the spores latched on, his veins bulging as their poison took root.

  “Holy shit!” Valith gaped. He grabbed his blaster whipping it out. As he did so, Tatia saw something flash from his belt. The keycard!

  As Valith fired into the shambling forms which surged from the jungle, Tatia forced her thoughts from the pleasure radiating from her collar. From her clenching cunt and heated core. She reached out a trembling hand, grabbing the dangling key. She yanked, the cord snapping from the pirate’s belt.

  Valith spun at the sensation. Fear was replaced by fury as he saw Tatia holding the key close to her naked breasts. “Give that here slut!” He held out his hand. Her collar pulsed, urging her to obey, promising pleasure that set her nerves on fire if she did. Trembling, it took all that Tatia could muster not to obey. Valith’s face grew red with anger. He took a step forward to snatch back the key, only to scream as one of the infected men grabbed him. He turned, throwing the infected man away like a rag doll, but not before the infected soul breathed a gout of spores. Valith screamed, clawing at his face.

  The battle swung about her as Tatia shakily brought the key to her throat. The collar beeped, snapping open. She gasped as the sensitivity and desire fell from her like an old coat. She hurled the metal ring aside and scrambled to her feet, recalling the pirate’s slave when the buxom blonde’s fingers came out of her cunt with a pop. She whipped about and swiped the card against Valith’s slave’s collar.

  The blonde gasped, blinking dully as her collar fell off. “Wha…what?”

  “No time!” Tatia cried, grabbing the naked woman by the waist and yanking her to the waiting speeder. She slung her leg over the humming bike, shivering as her engorged pussy was pressed against the hard seat of the vehicle, its vibrations thrumming
through her. She gripped her thighs around the seat, gritting her teeth against the thrumming pleasure and locked her feet into the pedals. The girl wrapped her arms around her, clinging to Tatia who cranked on the handlebars. The engine hummed, lifting them off the ground.


  Tatia paused, looked back. Valith crawled across the ground, his face a mask of swollen veins and clinging foliage. He raised a hand, his face desperate for a final mercy.

  Tatia spat on him. She swung the nose of the speeder around and kicked it into gear. The craft whirred as it sped away from the ruin of the pirate’s ship, speeding through the wild jungle. She accelerated, the speeder whining as she forced it faster. Away from the ship of horrors. Away from the planet. Her skin crawled with the thick humid air on her neck and back, her breasts tingling in the warm air. She dodged the trees with their heavy spotted fruit and vines which stirred and hissed despite the lack of wind.

  She fairly sobbed in relief as the Largo loomed into view. Her scoured ship with its rusted armour and faded paint seemed to gleam despite the oppressive air of the jungle. She drove the speeder straight into the cargo bay and hopped down.

  “Here,” she said, shoving the glowing Light Core into the stunned girl’s hands. “Load this into the engine. Now! We’re getting out of here!”

  The girl nodded, rallying around her task as she staggered into the vessel. Tatia watched her go then stepped out of the ship. She scanned the jungle, frowning. “Bia!” she called. “Steff! We’re going! Come on!”

  The jungle seemed to stir at her voice. Tatia frowned, stepping down. Something cracked. She lifted her foot and stared at Steff’s eyepiece, lens broken by her weight, and a foot away, her engineer’s shed clothes. Her eyes snapped back up and swept the jungle.

  The trees formed a wall of darkness. Leaves trembled, vines hanging low like grasping arms. The deep, susurrations of things moving beyond her eyes hissed from the forest in a sudden air of quiet menace.

  Tatia stepped back with horror. Warily she backed up. She didn’t stop until she was in the protective walls of the cargo bay. She slammed her hand against the activator pad, and with a whine of hydraulics the ramp rose, obscuring the view of the lurking forest by inches until at last it banged shut.

  Tatia shuddered, arms wrapped around herself. She swallowed convulsively, then turned sharply and hurried back to the cockpit. She arrived just as the girl did, looking wide eyed but triumphant. “Done! It’s all in place,” she said, quivering in her nakedness

  “Good!” Tatia said, sliding into her chair. She tapped the keys on the arm rest and brought up the jump route on the screen. She winced at the sight of Bia’s precise calculations. “Take a seat,” she called to the other woman. “It’s going to be rough!”

  The blonde nodded and strapped herself into Steff’s seat as the engines whirred to life. The hand of gravity pushed down on Tatia’s naked form as the craft lifted, rising out of the jungle. Tatia tapped the panel and the screen flickered, bringing up the view of the sky of Lanaar. She turned the nose to the heavens and punched the engines. The ship vibrated, the roar of power racing through the Largo as they shot out of the atmosphere and beyond its gravitational grip. The blue of the sky peeled away and the darkness of space opened beyond. The pin prick of stars across the vast dark canvas glowing in the viewport.

  “Initiating jump,” Tatia called. The ship whirred as it aligned itself. “Course set. Station SS9. Jumping!”

  There was a brief moment of speed. She shuddered in her seat as the light drive activated. The stars drawn into bars of light, running together into a vast corridor of white. Then the shock of acceleration, and they were gone.


  Condensation clung to the glass like diamonds, red in the neon glow of the sign behind the bar. Tatia grabbed the glass and threw it back, drinking it down in a single go. The brew here was foul and thick but she didn’t care. She’d gotten a taste for it. She put down the glass with a clink and scanned the bar. Neon lights flickered across the dance floor, illuminating the revellers as they gyrated and swung to the music.

  “Hey captain!”

  Tatia turned, her normally stern features melting into a fond expression as the girl bounced towards her. Time had been good to Jaina. Despite her trials and time in Valith’s pleasure harem, she had recovered much of her zeal. The trim zipsuit the navigator now wore did little to hide the curves which Valith had first taken an interest in, but she didn’t seem to mind. The blonde stopped at the bar and slid into the seat beside Tatia, beaming all the while. “Any luck?”

  Tatia chuckled. “As a matter of fact, yes,” she said, sliding a data pad across to Jaina. “A simple cargo hauler. Good for runs between stations. Nothing terrible glamorous.”

  Jaina laughed softly. “I can get behind that. But did you really have to junk the Largo?”

  Tatia smiled, her expression tight and tinged with sadness. “Yeah,” she said as the droid behind the bar refilled her glass. “I did.” She tossed back her drink again, relishing the burn as it coursed down her throat.

  Jaina saw it and her own face softened. She leaned forward, touching Tatia’s hand. “Still thinking about them?”

  Tatia quirked a lip sheepishly. “Sometimes,” she admitted.

  Jaina nodded. Squeezed Tati’s hand. “There was no way we could have found them.”

  Tatia sighed. “I know,” she said. “But it doesn’t make it any easier.”

  Jaina nodded. She slid closer. “Captain,” she said softly. “I think I might know a way to…take your mind off it.”

  Tatia raised a brow, then grinned as Jaina’s hand slid along the tight-fitting fabric of her leggings. She laughed. “You do have your ways I admit.”

  Jaina grinned. “Well, I could always use more practice.”

  Tatia needed no more encouragement. She flashed her credit chit on the bar’s screen, left her half-finished drink on the bar and took Jaina away. A short time later they stumbled onto their new ship, arms locked round each other. Lips crushed together. Gasping, clawing at each other’s bodies. They stumbled through the corridor, leaving a trail of clothes in their wake. They found their way to Tatia’s quarters. In the spartan room, Tatia tossed Jaina onto the bed.

  The girl hit the mattress, breath gusting out. Red faced, laughing, she looked up at the firm bodied captain as she crawled onto the bed. Tatia kissed Jaina’s breasts, making the younger woman writhe and moan. “Mmm. Oh yes. C-captain.”

  Chuckling, Tatia kissed her way up the curve of Jaina’s breast. Across her collarbone and up her neck, at last meeting her lips and kissing the other woman fiercely once more. Jaina moaned, shuddering against her hungry lips. When Tatia broke the kiss Jaina gave a whine of annoyance. “No fair,” she said. “I was supposed to be rewarding you for saving me.”

  Tatia chuckled. “Sorry.” She kissed Jaina’s nose. “I suggest you get to it, then.”

  Pulling herself up along the other woman’s body, Tatia straddled Jaina’s chest. Her ass rested against Jaina’s heaving breasts, her cunt inches from her lips. Grinning lustily down at the flush faced woman, Tatia scooted forward and buried Jaina beneath her cunt.

  “Ah!” Tatia moaned, bracing herself against the headboard as Jaina’s tongue expertly lashed her folds. Teasing the bead of her clit from its hood. Eagerly the smaller woman slipped her tongue into her captain’s slit, tasting the sweetness of her saviour’s sex.

  “Yess,” Tatia moaned, grinding her cunt on Jaina’s face. “That’s it. Oh you’re good.”

  “Mmmm,” Jaina moaned.

  Tatia gasped, arching, thrusting her cunt against the eager mouth. She trembled. “Ahhh. J-just like that. I…ah…oh s-stars!” Her orgasm was quick in coming. Moaning, Tatia shuddered in the peak of pleasure, her juices soaking the other woman’s face. Chest heaving, Tatia slid back, revealing Jaina’s glistening face.

  “Stars,” Tatia grunted. “I might just have to keep you around after all.”

giggled. “Glad to hear it,” she said, kissing Tatia’s quim once more. “Captain.”

  Tatia chuckled. She slid open a side drawer and reached inside. Grinning, she wiggled a strapon before Jaina’s face. “Now, I think you deserve a proper reward for your services.”

  Jaina glowed with delight. Tatia fitted the rubber dildo inside of her, moaning as the responsive plastic filled her cunt. Jaina turned over, thrusting her pert bum into the air. The brand from the pirate slaver was little more than a slight mar of pink on her flesh, effaced thanks to a prompt visit to a medic on return. Tatia grinned at her eagerness, delivering a playful slap to Jaina’s bum. The other woman moaned, casting a heated look over her shoulder.

  “Please captain. I need you to fuck me so bad.”

  Tatia shook her head in exasperation. “Honestly. So needy.”

  Grabbing Jaina’s rear, Tatia aligned her rubbery cock and thrust inside. Jaina rocked forward, eyes shooting open, a lusty moan trembling from her throat. Tatia gasped, throwing back her head as the dildo responded, electrical impulses in the device shooting pulses of pleasure through her body.

  “Mmm,” Jaina moaned, burying her cheek into the blankets, fisting the fabric as she trembled about Tatia’s faux cock. “Y-yes. F-fuck me, Captain. Please.”

  Tatia needed little more encouragement. Panting, she gripped Jaina’s shapely hips harder and began to eagerly ream the young woman’s cunt. The wet slap of flesh on flesh as her hips met Jaina’s plump bum echoed through the cold steel of the ship. Tatia moaned as the rubbery cock sent pulses of pleasure running through her core with every thrust. Jaina keened eagerly beneath her. For that moment, joined, the world outside was forgotten. The trials and losses of their journey swept aside in a swell of pleasure. The warmth of one another, a shared experience and pain.

  For hours they lost themselves in each other’s bodies. But it ended. Lingered as they lay among the blankets, sweat gleaming across the curves of their naked bodies and enjoyed the afterglow. But as Tatia recovered her breath, she stared long at the darkness of the ceiling. Her breathing calmed, quieted.


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