Baylahn: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War Of The Angels Book 3)

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Baylahn: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War Of The Angels Book 3) Page 12

by Michael Todd

  The demon thought about it for a second and furrowed his brow. “But what about when we die up there on Earth? Will we come back down to be rewarded or will we be gone forever?”

  Mania was annoyed by the question, so she smiled and lied through her teeth. “You’ll just go down a few levels, that’s it. You don’t have to worry. You will be back in no time, and when you arise, the king will be there to give you a reward for being such a brave and powerful demon. That sounds good, doesn’t it?”

  The demons looked at each other and nodded enthusiastically. Another scratched his head. “Will it hurt bad?”

  Mania gritted her teeth. “It depends on how many questions you fucking ask. The more you ask, the more it will hurt.”

  Baal and Beelzebub stood listening. They knew it was all a lie. If the demons didn’t die for good up there like when the angels killed them, they would be cast so far down in hell that they wouldn’t see the lava for centuries. Those poor bastards might be stuck down there forever, because some of them weren’t even smart enough to know how to climb back out of the lowest levels, much less make it to the surface. And if they thought for a second they would receive even a glance from Lucifer, they had another think coming. They were expendable. They meant nothing to him. There was no glory in Lucifer’s army.

  Baal carefully and discreetly grabbed Beelzebub by the arm and pulled him away from Mania. She was too preoccupied by keeping herself from whipping the imbeciles to notice they had moved away. Beelzebub looked back at her and then at Baal. “Are you crazy? We can’t be sneaking off. Lucifer will kill us, and she will lead us to the deepest part of hell…without our dicks.”

  Baal rolled his eyes. “Stop being so dramatic. This is important. I know that she is Lucifer’s right hand—”

  Beelzebub snorted. “Or hand holding his monster dick.”

  Baal blinked. “Whatever. The point is, I don’t know if she is a real leader in a war scenario. What if she takes these demons up there and botches the entire thing? What if they kill all of them? You know who will be left holding the bag, right? Not the precious crow queen over there, but us. We will.”

  Beelzebub chewed on the inside of his cheek. “I hadn’t thought about that. Of course, she is a terrible leader. She likes shiny things and gets distracted by large black birds. She is not the woman who should be sending our troops into battle. Then again, what the fuck are we supposed to do about that? Nothing.”

  Baal shook his head, putting up his hand. “I won’t let her shape my future. I am going to say something.”

  Beelzebub winced. “Oh, Lord. This is going to be bad.”

  Baal lifted his chin and walked over to Mania. He cleared his throat to get her attention, but she was busy staring at the crow on her shoulder. “Excuse me, Madam Mania.”

  She snapped her head toward him with a grimace. “What?”

  Baal paused but took a breath and continued. “Do you really have to be the one to do this? These are very tricky situations. Have you ever led forces before?”

  Mania’s eyes flashed and she pulled back her whip, snapping the leather thong against his chest. Baal winced and closed his eyes, waiting for the rebuttal. She walked forward and put her finger in his face. “I am the Lord of Hell’s counselor and concubine. I am the leader of the dead. I am the messenger of the crows. I am the mother of the spirit world. My list goes on and on, you stupid demon. I’ll do what I want. Now, open a portal to another fort. I will take care of this whole situation and have what you couldn’t do done in a heartbeat. Let Mother show you how to handle these snot-nosed fleshbags. Maybe then you can stop being such a fuckup.”

  Baal forced a grin and bowed his head. “Whatever you need, Mania.”

  She snorted and turned away from them, going back to speaking to her crows. Baal’s face turned into a snarl as he stomped away from her angrily. Beelzebub shrugged. “I told you that was a bad idea, dude. She is like Pandora, only ten times worse. She was never an angel, and never will be. Bitch knows what she wants, and she takes it. That’s why Lucifer is obsessed with her. That, and her rocking-ass body.”

  Baal snorted steam from his nose. “I think it’s time that bitch learned a little respect. I am not just some dumb demon being sent into war. I am a council member. I am Baal.”

  Beelzebub put up an eyebrow. “I don’t know what that means, but I want to go on record by saying I am not on board. I like my balls attached.”

  Stephanie jumped into the air, bringing her knees to her chest and thrusting them outward. She slammed her boots into two of the demons’ faces, knocking them back. She landed in a crouch and turned, slicing her dagger across the throat of a demon charging her. It screeched, grabbing its throat and falling to the ground in agony.

  Brock whirled, his sword out, slicing off the heads of three demons who had circled him to attack. He stopped and let out a deep breath as the snipers blasted bullets into the last three demons in the area.

  Stephanie stepped wearily over to Brock. “Good work. I think we got our exercise.”

  Brock rolled his shoulder. “Yeah, that was a crazy-ass fight. We definitely could use some more Damned on this base.”

  Stephanie turned in a circle. “Do you see any open portals anywhere? Even in the dark, we should be able to see them.”

  Brock looked around but shook his head. “I don’t see any, but let’s check with Eddie. He’s high enough to see for a good distance.”

  Stephanie and Brock jogged back to the center of the base and yelled up to Eddie. He stood and looked around, checking the entire perimeter as far as he could see. He waved his arms. “Nothing. I see nothing!”

  Timothy and Sean emerged from the safety of the building. Sean grunted as he moved his chair through the sand, so Timothy got behind him and pushed. Sean looked up. “Thanks, bro.”

  Timothy smirked. “If this becomes a regular thing, we are definitely going to get you a couture set of wheels. This old-lady-medical thing is a little too last year for me.”

  Sean chuckled as they rolled up to the others. He knew Timothy was using humor to mask how freaked out he was, but he wasn’t going to say anything until it was needed. He had information to relay to Stephanie and was trying to hold it together.

  Stephanie let out a deep breath and looked at them. “Please give me good news. Tell me you have reconnected with one of the forts or the general or the mail woman, or shit, the gas station. Anyone.”

  Timothy looked down and shook his head. “We’ve lost all connection to the other forts. The power took everything down with it. I don’t have any way to get them a signal at this point. They are on their own unless and until we can get things back up and running.”

  Sean cleared his throat. “We are trying everything. I’m hoping the notice we sent them that they are shut down will be a red flag.”

  Stephanie shook her head. “It’s like living in caveman days. I can’t believe we can’t relay messages to them. We are out here under attack, and they may be sitting there completely wide open. All the work Korbin and the others have been doing to protect these places could have all been for nothing. Seriously, for nothing.”

  Sean shook his head. “You have to remember that they are watching for signs too. We will do what we can to get the systems back fast. When they’re up, the first thing we will do is send word and arm ourselves in case there is another flood of demons here.”

  Stephanie patted Sean on the shoulder. “Thanks.”

  The rest of them walked away and Sean turned his wheelchair toward Timothy, who rubbed his face. His hands began to shake, and Timothy shook his head, broken. “I am lost. I am frozen here, Sean. I am completely and totally unplugged. I mean, I haven’t been disconnected like this since the blackout in New York years ago. And even then, the aunt I was staying with had a rich building with back-up generators. It only took an hour to have a connection to the real world again.”

  Sean reached up and grabbed his wrist. “I need you to take a really big, really long b
reath. You have to rally here. It’s no time to lose it. Electricity or not, you still have the same knowledge. We need you to put it into action.”

  Timothy looked at him and nodded. His eyes shifted back and forth, and he tilted his head from side to side. “All right. We replace the fuses and reset circuit breakers where we can. That might work. If we can get the main power back online, then the real work begins. We need to test every piece of electronic equipment. Everything with a circuit needs to be checked. Then we hope and pray that all the work that we’ve done hasn’t been wiped out.”

  Sean smiled. “Perfect. Get me out of this fucking sand and let’s get to it.”

  Timothy looked at him with a grin. “You are getting snappy. I love it. Let’s go, bitch!”

  Stephanie walked toward the guard station, stretching her arms over her head. She needed to get the word out in some way. Not being able to contact the other forts or anyone else who could help was driving her nuts. She didn’t realize how much they depended on technology. The EMP demons were the smartest things hell could have come up with. It knocked them right off their feet.

  Stephanie looked at a bicycle propped against the guard station and stopped, grabbing one of the soldiers. “Is that your bike?”

  The soldier looked over. “It’s all of ours. We use it for endurance training in the sand.”

  Stephanie nodded. “Okay, that will work. Here is what I need you to do: get on the bike and go to the nearest gas station, hotel, meth house, or brothel and call this number.”

  She ran over to the shack, wrote down a number on a small piece of paper, and handed it to him. “Don’t let that number get out to anyone else. Tell them who you are and that it’s a message from Katie’s Killers. Tell them attacks are coming. All are in danger.”

  The soldier nodded and shoved the paper into his pocket. He put his gun down and jumped on the bicycle, pedaling as fast as he could. Stephanie hoped it would be fast enough.


  Katie, Juntto, and Pandora walked cautiously behind the group of beings, who whispered loudly around them. None of them spoke a language they could understand, and the three of them were more than nervous about what might be in front of them. The older inhabitant walked up to a crumbling archway and stepped to the side, putting out his arm.

  Katie nodded in thanks, and the three walked into the crumbling throne-room filled with people. Straight ahead of them was an open area in front of a raised dais where several older inhabitants sat, dressed in robes, eyeing them cautiously.

  The first inhabitant, who was dressed in dark red robes, stood and put his arm behind his back. “Kedu onye ị ga - abịa Atlantis dị ike ma weta agha?”

  The three of them looked at each other and back at the man. Katie shook her head, letting them know they didn’t understand. He nodded and sat. The next, dressed in dark blue robes, stood in the same position. “Nork Atlantis aberatsa eta gerra ekarri nahi al duzu?”

  Katie sighed and looked at Pandora. Pandora cleared her throat. “We do not understand.”

  All of the inhabitants looked at one another and whispered. Finally, another came forward, wearing a dark green cape. He looked at Katie, Pandora, Juntto, and back at Katie. Several of the inhabitants leaned forward, whispering into his ear, but he kept his eyes sharply fixed on the three in front of him. Katie swallowed hard, feeling the tension in the room building.

  The caped inhabitant raised his hand, stopping the whispering. “I speak English. My name is Ormund the Atlantean, a great warrior of the land.”

  Katie’s eyes opened wide. “I’m sorry, did you say Atlantean?”

  Ormund smiled. “You are quick. I did say that. But my question for you is much more pressing. Who are you to come to mighty Atlantis and bring war? We have been at peace for centuries. We have not seen violent death for many years. Until you or your kind show up, break through our gates, and move through our lands as if you are natives here.”

  Katie let out a deep sigh. She knew exactly what had happened, and now they were facing the brunt of it. “And this is Atlantis?”

  Ormund nodded, his hands clasped in front of him. “It is the lost city of Atlantis. Forgive me if I do not rush to welcome you to our home. Several Atlanteans were found dead earlier today, then you and your friends show up and use your gun to injure another. Surely you did not expect them to be welcoming and not defend themselves after you killed several of their kin?”

  Katie shook her head. “There has been a misunderstanding. We just got here. We did not kill any of your people, but we know the name of the man who most likely is the culprit.”

  Katie stepped forward and sheathed her sword. She looked around as the inhabitants behind her stepped back with a gasp. She put her hands together in front of her. “The man who is responsible for this is named Wilson. We came here to track him down. We want to take him out before he does something terrible. We mean your people no harm.”

  Ormund put his hand up as they all whispered. “You have to understand that this council has a hard time taking the word of someone who looks and acts like the one you speak of. They struggle to believe you when you stand at arms against our people. When we have Atlantean bodies lying in state waiting for a proper burning. These are not things that can be taken lightly. They are crimes against our civilization.”

  Katie nodded. “I understand how you feel, but as humans, we understand that the actions of one do not define all.”

  Ormund tilted his head to the side, keeping calm. “But there are others here. It is just the three of you, and I know two of you have human blood, but the third has no connection.”

  Katie glanced at Juntto. “He is with us on this mission in friendship.”

  The council began to talk in a different language behind Ormund. He stood perfectly still, staring at the three of them. When the council was done speaking, he looked down and then back up at Katie. “The council has to consider whether you will be executed for the crimes that this Wilson committed. Someone must pay for the blood spilled on this day.”

  Katie stepped back next to Pandora and Juntto, knowing that further words might cause more harm than good. Juntto gritted his teeth but kept his composure. Katie could tell from the faces of the council that they feared him but would not back down because of that.

  Pandora turned to Katie and pursed her lips. “I have to say, this was not one of your better ideas.”

  Katie breathed deeply through her nose. “We still don’t know what will come of it.”

  Pandora scoffed. “You said they might help us? How full of shit are you? These people are hurt and angry and are looking for retribution for the deaths of their people. Wilson has caught us in a trap he didn’t even realize he set.”

  Ormund cleared his throat, bringing their attention back to the front. “We will not be putting you into the dungeons, as a favor from the Atlanteans to the humans. However, you will be kept in the city while the Atlanteans decide your fate. We will escort you everywhere, and you will be under constant watch. This is not a joke or a game, humans. Lives were taken, and retribution must be swift. Hopefully, if you tell the truth, it will not be paid with your blood.”

  The fog had cleared from the beautiful mountains in the background of Taipei. The sun was shining brightly overhead, and the sky was crystal blue. At the base of the mountains, a wind began to swirl, violently lifting the leaves and grasses from the ground. Crackling rang out as the portal began to open wide.

  Mania stepped through carefully, holding her staff, a crow perched on her shoulder. She snarled at the beautiful scenery as she walked forward, leading an army of demons from hell. The beasts scrambled through the portal and across the plains toward the base. They passed beneath humming power lines.

  Mania pulled her whip far back and cracked it hard, slamming it against the back of a large snarling demon. He paused for a moment before exploding, sending an EMP wave flashing across the land. The humming power lines above swayed before going silent. Mania smiled and s
topped in front of the demons.

  She held her staff toward the base and nodded. “You know where to go. Take every life you can and spare no one, else your punishment will be far worse than the depths of hell.”

  Baal and Beelzebub stood inside the portal looking out as the demons took off toward the base. Beelzebub wrinkled his nose and glanced at Baal. “Should we fight with them?”

  Baal lifted an eyebrow. “Why don’t we see how well this works first?”

  Calvin was on his phone, dialing and redialing the comm room at the main base. He was hoping that even if they had lost cell signal, they would eventually be able to get through to the main line. Korbin did the same, standing at the comm desk and using the landline to call Stephanie’s cell over and over. They figured that one of them eventually had to come back, and they wanted to cover all bases. Meanwhile, the soldier working the system used the comm to try to connect to them.

  Every time, though, there was nothing but silence.

  Korbin groaned as he hung up the phone. “What the hell happened, that we can’t get through to anyone? This is ridiculous. There is no sign of explosions or anything on the satellites.”

  Calvin sighed as he redialed the landline at the base. “All we can do is keep trying.”

  Overhead, the lights began to flicker and suddenly everything shut off. Calvin pulled the cell from his ear and wrinkled his forehead. “The connection is gone. I have no service.”

  Korbin carefully set the phone down on the cradle and looked at Calvin. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  Suddenly the sounds of battle rang out from outside. Screaming and gunshots echoed through the building. Korbin pulled his twin swords from his back and Calvin began readying his guns. Before anything could be said, Calvin and Korbin took off through the building.

  As they ran through the halls, they called, preparing everyone for what had arrived, “BATTLE STATIONS! BATTLE STATIONS!”


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