Arena Book 6

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Arena Book 6 Page 7

by Logan Jacobs

  “I’m sorry?” I sputtered and almost spat out a mouthful of cherry ice.

  “Please, you are both sending off waves of desire like bad cologne,” he grinned at us. “Don’t worry, I’ll cover for you.”

  “Thanks buddy, you’re the best,” I patted him on the shoulder. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that he really didn’t need to cover for us. It was a forgone conclusion that Aurora and I were going to make the beast with two backs this fine evening.

  Chaz rolled off with his tray of disgusting but sort of mouth watering fried concession food.

  Aurora sipped up the last of her Slurpee and set the empty cup down. Her lips and tongue were stained bright red which was my cue for us to get the hell out of this joint, as fun as it was.

  “Let’s go,” I said low and full of desire.

  “Lead the way, sugar,” she responded.

  We rolled over to the cubbies, got our regular shoes back on, and soon were out in front of the roller rink. I hailed us a hover cab, and we hopped into the back.

  I really don’t recall much of the ride back to our apartment because we made out the entire ride. It was a blur of lips, tongues, and heavy petting. I was pretty sure the cab driver practically kicked us out when we set down on the sidewalk in front of the apartment building.

  Aurora and I rushed through the lobby and into the elevator. Once the doors closed, I pushed her up against the wall and held her hands over her head while I kissed her hard on the lips and pressed my crotch into her groin with slow, steady circles. She moaned, and her eyes flared bright purple with passion.

  We hit our floor and practically ran down the hallway until we burst through the apartment door. She grabbed my hand and guided me to her room.

  The sexy space vampire’s room was a goth girls dream decked out in black lace, blood red candles, and a big canopy, four poster bed along one wall.

  “Stay put,” Aurora said as she sat me down on the bed before she turned and walked over to a large armoire. She opened and pulled out a box of long stemmed matches. She struck the match and then one by one lit six of the candles so that the room was bathed in warm, flickering light. They must have been scented as well because soon the room was filled with the scent of an alien spice I was unfamiliar with but it was redolent and musky. The scent alone made my loins stir.

  Once the candles were lit, Aurora stood before me and let the light play over her opalescent skin which shimmered and almost seemed to glow. Her purple eyes locked on to mine, and the look on her face was one of pure animalistic desires.

  She reached behind her back with both arms and a second later her bikini top fell to the floor. Not that there was much support to begin with because her breasts bounced slightly as the fabric fell away and rose softly with her breath. Aurora then turned around completely so that her back faced me. She glanced seductively over her shoulder and then ran her fingers around the waistband of her shorts. She teased oh so slowly by tugging them inch by inch until just the top of her ass showed, then in one swift motion she slid them down her legs and bent over at the waist giving me one of the greatest sights I’d ever seen.

  Aurora stepped out of the shorts, turned and walked back to me on the bed.

  “I’m keeping the socks on,” she whispered, her voice dripping with sex.

  “Good,” I said back, my voice low and almost full of menace. She had me so revved up I thought I was going to burst if I didn’t get my hands on the curves of her body soon.

  Aurora reached up and literally ripped my shirt from my chest. I watched as her tattoos glowed as she let a bit of her Shriike loose to play, which gave her the strength to tear the fabric as if it were paper.

  Then her hands caressed my bare chest in long, slow, tantalizing strokes. I reached up, grabbed her by the hair at the back of her head, pulled her roughly towards me until our mouths met, and I kissed her long, slow, and deep.

  A moan escaped her lips just before I rose and practically tossed her onto the bed. She squealed in surprise and pleasure and bounced on the bed.

  Now it was my turn to strip. I mimicked her slow, deliberate movements as I undid my belt buckle, unbuttoned my jeans, then pulled my zipper down. I shirked out of the jeans and my boots and stood before her naked for a moment.

  Her eyes drank my body in, and the effect was as if she had just done a shot of strong liquor. For a second I thought she actually swooned before she pounced on me.

  I had forgotten how fast she could move when the Shriike force flowed through her. Before I knew what had happened she was wrapped around my torso with her legs clasped behind my back, and we kissed over and over as if trying to devour one another.

  My hands took hold of her incredible ass and maneuvered her so that just the tip of my cock rubbed up against the moist skin of her labia. She gasped and moaned in my ear which sent my manhood throbbing in time to our heartbeats.

  “God, I want you so bad,” she whispered to me.

  “Not yet,” I whispered back and threw her down on the bed again.

  Aurora whimpered as the loss of contact but it quickly turned into a gasp of pleasure as I lowered my head in between her legs. I didn’t mess around with any kind of teasing and took her clit right into my mouth and began to flick the tip of my tongue over the hard nub of flesh.

  Aurora wiggled and squirmed in time with the flicks of my tongue and then I felt her hand grab my head as her hips bucked furiously. She cried out in pleasure as an orgasm ripped through her.

  I smiled big even though she couldn’t see me. I knew how good I was at this.

  “I need your cock inside me now,” Aurora gasped and pulled me up toward her. As I got closer, she reached down between us and guided me into her as she wrapped her legs around me and pulled until I sank all the way into her.

  “Like that,” I growled.

  “Yes, just like that,” she purred. “Now fuck me hard.”

  Again, not one to disappoint, I slowly began to move my hips up and down so that I almost came all the way out until thrusting hard into her. Aurora's fingers scratched hard down my back and would leave long red marks for sure. The pain mixed with pleasure and spurred me on until we bucked in the bed and made the headboard bang against the wall.




  Again and again and again I pounded into her incredible pussy until both of our breathing was in ragged gasps and I couldn’t tell who was moaning louder.

  “Now, Marc, fill me now!” Aurora cried out as I could feel her walls clench with the beginnings of a body rocking orgasm.

  Her demand for my sperm put me well over the edge, and with one last thrust I let go, and my own climax tore through every nerve of my body like a hedonistic hurricane as I pumped a flood of my cum into her.

  I thought for a moment that I might pass out because my climax was so intense, but my balls emptied before that, and then I collapsed on top of her.

  “That was well worth the wait, sugar,” she panted in my ear as she nuzzled into me. “Please don’t make me wait that long again.”

  “You got it, princess,” I whispered to her as I lay on my back and cradled her in my arms.

  “I haven’t been called that in a long time,” she said and giggled lightly. “I like the way it sounds coming from your lips.”

  “Well, princess, then I’ll just have to make a habit out of it,” I replied, my voice slurred with oncoming sleep and drunk from sex.

  “I’d like that,” she said just as she drifted off to sleep.

  I took a deep, satisfied, breath and watched the candle light dance and flicker across the ceiling until it all melded into shadow, and the night stole me away.

  Chapter Six

  The light streamed into the room and woke me from a very pleasant dream about cotton candy waifs amid a land of gumdrops dragons. The dawn was early, and I found that for whatever reason my internal clock liked to get up as soon as light started to shine over the horizon. Which was a decided dep
arture from a few months ago. I had to drag my ass out of bed kicking and screaming most mornings. Literally. Some morning I had to scream myself awake to get out of bed. Or set three alarms, and even then half the time I’d snooze so much I’d have to rush in order to prevent being late. Now though, I just seemed to wake up on my own, usually refreshed and ready for the day. Artie had explained a while ago that our rooms were equipped with molecular accelerators and deep theta wave transmitters that helped us sleep deeper and speed recovery from whatever damage we’d done to our bodies the day before.

  Aurora was curled into a half fetal position on the other side of the bed with the covers kicked at her feet. I’d discovered that she slept hot and, after a bit of post-sex cuddling, liked to get a little space so that she could cool off. The way she was laying, with her back to me, her legs slightly curled made her soft, vulnerable, and somehow sexy at the same time.

  After a few moments of just drinking in the sight of her in the golden morning light my stomach rumbled and reminded me that I was very, very hungry. That was another new development for me. Before becoming Earth’s champion I hardly ever ate breakfast, usually because I was running so late, but also because I just typically wasn’t hungry in the morning. Probably because I’d eaten myself to sleep the night before at like, two in the morning.

  My sedentary day job, sitting in the cab of a truck for eight to ten hours a day, meant that I’d start eating usually after noon, and typically garbage. When I got home at night my hunger would really kick in, and I’d eat a whole pizza, or a super size combo meal, or food from the pub that was below my apartment and wash it down with a six pack or five Cokes. My metabolism had been like an engine with mud for oil. Barring the occasional meal out where I’d binge on shitty Earth food, my eating had gotten surprisingly clean. I just found I didn’t crave the crap like I used to.

  With one exception: Donuts.

  I had been on a goddamn quest for a good donut for a few weeks but every time I went to go get one I was thwarted. I pulled the covers from my body and slid as quietly as I could out of the bed.

  Not today, donut Satan. Not today. As cruller Jesus was my witness, I would not rest until deep fat fried sugary dough passed through these lips.

  Each of us had a bathroom attached to our bedrooms, which was awesome. To be honest, I had no clue how many rooms my apartment had at this point. When I’d first gotten to Valiance City as a new champion, I’d been given a starting one-bedroom apartment in this building, which seemed to be in a mid-range neighborhood. It was nice, but fairly simple and small. And by simple, I mean it still had all kinds of fucking cool gadgets, like an entertainment center that could pull up any Earth movie I wanted and play it on a screen that would materialize out of a wall and was easily eighty inches wide. My AV-phile buddies back home would have been so fucking jealous. Another of my cool techno upgrades had been my robotic butler, Woodhouse. He, and yes, he was most definitely a he, looked like an old cylindrical canister vacuum stood on end with eight spindly arms that could whip up anything I could dream of in the kitchen. He spoke with a clipped, comforting British accent, and I’d definitely come to think of him as family.

  Here’s where the apartment thing got super-duper freaking cool. After I won a match in the arena, part of my winnings, aside from powerups, upgrades, and stuff like that, was that my apartment would somehow expand. I now had enough space for all six of my sexy teammates to live with me and everyone had their own room and bathroom. And our communal living quarters were beyond spacious. There was a living room with plenty of couches and said entertainment system, a big den which had been stocked with my favorite books, comics, and magazines, and a state-of-the-art kitchen that would have blown Guy Fieri’s blond spikey mind.

  I walked as quietly as I could into Aurora’s bathroom. Unlike mine, she had gotten large, almost floor to ceiling windows that faced east out over the city, and I stood there for a moment and gazed out to watch the dawn break over the tall spires of the metropolis.

  Valiance City was like someone threw New York, London, Hong Kong, and Coruscant into a blender, hit puree, and then poured the mixture onto a planet beyond far, far away.

  Hover-cars and small spaceships zoomed through the airways like streams of ants moving the mound. The buildings reached for the heavens hundreds of stories high. I watched as the twin moons that signaled dawn crested the far horizon. Whatever planet we were on had night for day, with moons that shone as bright as any sun, and day for night, where the lone sun was perpetually eclipsed. Strange, and not conforming to any rules of physics or astronomy that I’d ever known, but then again, there was a lot about the universe that I hadn’t known. It was definitely less Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson and more Edgar Rice Burroughs and Jack Kirby. Which was just alright with me.

  I took a quick shower in Aurora’s Spiff-O-Matic 2000 and ninety short seconds later I was clean as a whistle, teeth brushed, and hair perfectly styled in a messy, dashing, derring-do style.

  When I walked, still naked as a jaybird, out of the bathroom I found Aurora very much awake and staring at me with a sweet and naughty smile.

  “Now that is a sight that would get me out of bed any morning,” she purred. “Where are you off too?”

  “Wanted to hit JoJo’s and try to get some donuts,” I answered and started to collect my clothes from the night before.

  “Oh, yes, those are almost as delicious as you are,” she said and winked at me.

  “Well, I would actually like to have one for a change, so hopefully there won’t be any entanglements this morning,” I explained as I started to put on my pants.

  “Oh, wait, wait, wait, do that slower,” Aurora drawled seductively. “I want to watch you for as long as I can.”

  “Is your libido ever not turned up to eleven?” I asked and chuckled while I did indeed slowly pull up my pants. Just as a bonus I left them unbuttoned while I pulled on the rest of my outfit.

  “Starfall was a very, how should I put this, sensual planet,” she explained. “Sex was always something that was celebrated and encouraged, once you were of consenting age, of course. So, to me, the rest of you are repressed prudes.”

  “How dare you,” I said in mock shock and offense.

  “Well, maybe not you so much,” she smiled at me. “You would have fit right in… On Starfall that is.”

  “Okay, okay,” I held up my hands in surrender. If she kept talking like that I was going to bust out of my jeans and never even start on trying to get donuts, and dammit, I wanted donuts. “Mercy.”

  “Ohh, I like that,” Aurora drawled evilly, and then smiled at me. Her sexy seductress demeanor faded and there was just a beautiful woman lying in bed, looking at me with affection. “Go, Marc. Get your donuts. Last night was incredible.”

  “It was,” I replied and moved over to kiss her. Either she had secretly brushed her teeth or her physiology prevented morning breath because she tasted like currant and vanilla pipe tobacco. “See you in a bit.”

  She patted me on the butt as I turned around, which was flirty and endearing, before I walked out of the room.

  I made my way quietly to my room and threw on some clothes. The day after a match was an off day for us, so I forwent my usual combat training jumpsuit and went with a pair of jeans, and a navy blue t-shirt, with my trusty Fitzroy Doc Martens.

  As I walked through the living room, I noticed Grizz’s holographic form just waking up on our couch.

  “Oh, hey, Grizz,” I said, a little surprised. “I didn’t know you crashed here last night.”

  “Ugh, I did not intend to, Marc,” he said and sat up. I also had no idea how the hologram tech worked because his hair wall mussed and he looked a little hung over. Months ago Artemis had figured out a highly complex algorithm that allowed Grizz to enjoy the food and drink he had in real life. “I may have indulged in too much, what was it called, light beer, last night. It was deceptive. Tasted like bubbly water.”

  “How many did you have?
” I asked.

  “Thirty seven twenty-four ounce cups,” he answered and rubbed his head.

  “Jesus Christ!” I blurted out.

  “What? Is that a tremendous amount?” Grizz asked and then shook his head vigorously from side to side. When he was finished he actually looked back to normal. “That was only a mild, how do you say, hangover. See, it is gone, and I am back to my magnificent condition.”

  “In that case, you want to come with me to go get donuts?” I asked. Grizz and I didn’t get to hang out that much on our own, and it seemed like a good morning to do that very thing.

  “Ha! Yes!” He bellowed.

  “Shh, everyone is still sleeping,” I shushed him.

  “Oh, yes, right,” he said with a much quieter tone. “Let me change and we can go.”

  “Okay, but hurry--” I stopped mid-sentence because his hologram shimmered in front of me, got blurry for a second, and then he was back in his normal space barbarian attire which consisted of tan leggings, fancy black boots, a chrome loin cloth, completely bare chest, and a 300 Leonidas-like red cloak that fell to the ground behind him. “Alrighty then.”

  “I am prepared for your mighty quest for the dough of nuts,” Grizz grinned widely at me. “Let us sally forth into the great morning and lay waste to any who stand in our way.”

  “Sounds good to me, big guy,” I chuckled.

  Grizz and I made our way through my building and out into the street. It was what was the equivalent of a Saturday morning so there was very little pedestrian traffic this early. We walked in a not uncomfortable silence for a while until we reached JoJo’s Donuts and Earth Emporium.

  “After you, big man,” I said and opened the door of the seemingly innocuous donut shop/Earth museum for him. We both walked in, and it was like being slapped with all things Earth right in the face.

  Along one side of the shop was a standard donut counter with trays of the delicious confectionary treat laid out under a class counter. JoJo had added a few coffee makers and an espresso machine since the last time I’d been in which made my inner caffeine junky rejoice.


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