The Rulers of the Lakes: A Story of George and Champlain

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The Rulers of the Lakes: A Story of George and Champlain Page 10

by Joseph A. Altsheler



  In the dusk of the evening the whole force came to the crest of a hillfrom which through a cleft they caught a glimpse of the shimmeringwaters of the lake, called by the Iroquois Andiatarocte, by the French,St. Sacrement, and by the English, George. It was not Robert's firstview of it, but he always thrilled at the prospect.

  "Both Andiatarocte and Oneadatote must be ours," he said to Tayoga."They're too fine and beautiful to pass into possession of the French."

  "What about the Hodenosaunee? Do you too forget, Dagaeoga?"

  "I don't forget, Tayoga. When I said 'ours' I meant American,Hodenosaunee and English combined. You've good eyes, and so tell me ifI'm not right when I say I see a moving black dot on the lake."

  "You do see it, my friend, and also a second and a third. The segment ofthe lake that we can see from here is very narrow. At this distance itdoes not appear to be more than a few inches across, but I know assurely as Tododaho sits on his star watching over us, that those arecanoes, or perhaps long boats, and that they belong to our enemies."

  "A force on the water cooeperating with that on land?"

  "It seems so, Dagaeoga."

  "And they mean to become the rulers of the lakes! With their armypowerfully established at Crown Point, and their boats on bothAndiatarocte and Oneadatote, it looks as if they were getting a greatstart in that direction."

  "Aye, Dagaeoga. The French move faster than we. They seize what we bothwish, and then it will be for us to put them out, they being inpossession and intrenched. Look, Black Rifle comes out of the forest!And Haace is with him! They have something to tell!"

  It was the honor and pleasure of young Lennox and the Onondaga to bepresent at the councils, and though they said nothing to their eldersunless asked for an opinion, they always listened with eagerness toeverything. Now Willet, Rogers and Daganoweda drew together, and BlackRifle and Haace, their dark eyes gleaming, made report to them.

  "A strong force, at least one hundred and fifty men, lies about fivemiles to the north, on the shore of the lake," said Black Rifle. "Abouttwenty Frenchmen are with it, and it is commanded by St. Luc. I saw himfrom the bushes. He has with him the Canadian, Dubois. De Courcelles andJumonville are there also. At least a hundred warriors and Frenchmen areon the lake, in canoes and long boats. I saw Tandakora too."

  "A formidable force," said Willet. "Do you wish to turn back,Daganoweda?"

  The eyes of the Mohawk chieftain glittered and he seemed to swell bothin size and stature.

  "We are a hundred," he replied proudly. "What does it matter how manythey are? I am astonished that the Great Bear should ask me such aquestion."

  Willet laughed softly.

  "I asked it," he said, "because I knew what the answer would be. Noneother could come from a Mohawk chieftain."

  Again the eyes of Daganoweda glittered, but this time with pride.

  "Shall we advance and attack St. Luc's force tonight?" said Willet,turning to Rogers.

  "I think it would be best," replied the Mountain Wolf. "A surprise ispossible tonight only. Tomorrow his scouts are sure to find that we arenear. What say you, Daganoweda?"

  "Tonight," replied the Mohawk chief, sententiously.

  There was no further discussion, and the whole force, throwing outskirmishers, moved cautiously northward through the great, greenwilderness. It was a fair night for a march, not enough moonlight todisclose them at a distance, and yet enough to show the way. Robert keptclose to Tayoga, who was just behind Willet, and they bore in toward thelake, until they were continually catching glimpses of its watersthrough the vast curtain of the forest.

  Robert's brain once more formed pictures, swift, succeeding one anotherlike changes of light, but in high colors. The great lake set in themountains and glimmering under the moon had a wonderful effect upon hisimagination. It became for the time the core of all the mighty strugglethat was destined to rage so long in North America. The belief became aconviction that whoever possessed Andiatarocte and Oneadatote wasdestined to possess the continent.

  The woods themselves, like the lake, were mystic and brooding. Theirheavy foliage was ruffled by no wind, and no birds sang. The wildanimals, knowing that man, fiercer than they, would soon join in mortalcombat, had all fled away. Robert heard only the faint crush ofmoccasins as the hundred, white and red, sped onward.

  An hour, and a dim light showed on a slope gentler than the rest,leading down to the lake. It was a spark so faint and vague that itmight have passed to the ordinary eye as a firefly, but rangers andMohawks knew well that it came from some portion of St. Luc's camp andthat the enemy was close at hand. Then the band stopped and the threeleaders talked together again for a few moments.

  "I think," said Willet, "that the force on land is in touch with the onein the boats, though a close union has not been effected. In my opinionwe must rush St. Luc."

  "There is no other way," said Rogers.

  "It is what I like best," said Daganoweda.

  They promptly spread out, the entire hundred in a half circle, coveringa length of several hundred yards, and the whole force advanced swiftly.Robert and Tayoga were in the center, and as they rushed forward withthe others, their moccasined feet making scarcely any sound, Robert sawthe fireflies in the forest increase, multiply and become fixed. If hehad felt any doubt that the camp of St. Luc was just ahead itdisappeared now. The brilliant French leader too, despite all his craft,and lore of the forest, was about to be surprised.

  Then he heard the sharp reports of rifles both to right and left. Thehorns of the advancing crescent were coming into contact with St. Luc'ssentinels. Then Daganoweda, knowing that the full alarm had been given,uttered a fierce and thrilling cry and all the Mohawks took it up. Itwas a tremendous shout, making the blood leap and inciting to battle.

  Robert, by nature kindly and merciful, felt the love of combat rising inhim, and when a bullet whistled past his ear a fury against the enemybegan to burn in his veins. More bullets came pattering upon the leaves,and one found its target in a ranger who was struck through the heart.Other rangers and Mohawks received wounds, but under the compellingorders of their leaders they held their fire until they were near thecamp, when nearly a hundred rifles spoke together in one fierce andtremendous report.

  St. Luc's sentinels and skirmishers were driven back in a minute or two,many of them falling, but his main force lay along a low ridge, timberedwell, and from its shelter his men, French and Indians, sent in a rapidfire. Although taken by surprise and suffering severely in the firstrush, they were able to stem the onset of the rangers and Mohawks, andsoon they were uttering fierce and defiant cries, while their bulletscame in showers. The rangers and Mohawks also took to cover, and thebattle of the night and the wilderness was on.

  Robert pulled Tayoga down, and the two lay behind a fallen log, wherethey listened to the whining of an occasional bullet over their heads.

  "We may win," said the Onondaga gravely, "but we will not win so easily.One cannot surprise Sharp Sword (St. Luc) wholly. You may attack when heis not expecting it, but even then he will make ready for you."

  "That's true," said Robert, and he felt a curious and contradictorythrill of pleasure as he listened to Tayoga. "It's not possible to takethe Chevalier in a trap."

  "No, Dagaeoga, it is not. I wish, for the sake of our success, that someother than he was the leader of the enemy, but Manitou has willed thatmy wish should not come true. Do you not think the dark shadow passingjust then on the ridge was Tandakora?"

  "The size indicated to me the Ojibway, and I was about to seize my rifleand fire, but it's too far for a shot with any certainty. I think ourmen on the horns of the crescent are driving them in somewhat."

  "The shifting of the firing would prove that it is so, Dagaeoga. Oursharpshooting is much better than theirs, and in time we will push themdown to the lake. But look at Black Rifle! See how he craves thebattle!"

  The swart ranger, lying almost flat on the gro
und, was creeping forward,inch by inch, and as Robert glanced at him he fired, a savage in theopposing force uttering his death yell. The ranger uttered a shout oftriumph, and, shifting his position, sought another shot, his dark bodydrawn among the leaves and grass like that of some fierce wild animal.He fired a second time, repeated his triumphant shout and then hissliding body passed out of sight among the bushes.

  Both Rogers and Willet soon joined Robert and Tayoga behind the logswhere they had a good position from which to direct the battle, butDaganoweda on the right, with all of his Mohawks, was pushing forwardsteadily and would soon be able to pour a flanking fire into St. Luc'slittle army. The forest resounded now with the sharp reports of therifles and the shouts and yells of the combatants. Bullets cut leavesand twigs, but the rangers and the Mohawks were advancing.

  "Do you know how many men we have lost, Rogers?" asked Willet.

  "Three of the white men and four of the Mohawks have been slain, Dave,but we're winning a success, and it's not too high a price to pay inwar. If Daganoweda can get far enough around on their left flank we'lldrive 'em into the lake, sure. Ah, there go the rifles of the Mohawksand they're farther forward than ever. That Mohawk chief is a boldfighter, crafty and full of fire."

  "None better than he. I think they're well around the flank, Rogers.Listen to their shouts. Now, we'll make a fresh rush of our own."

  They sprang from the shelter of the log, and, leading their men, rushedin a hundred yards until they dropped down behind another one. Robertand Tayoga went with them, firing as they ran, borne on by the thrill ofcombat, but Robert felt relief nevertheless when he settled again in theshelter of the second log and for the time being was secure frombullets.

  "I think," said Willet to Rogers, "that I'll go around toward the left,where the flanking force is composed mostly of rangers, and press inthere with all our might. If the two horns of the crescent are able toenclose St. Luc, and you charge at the center, we should win the victorysoon."

  "It's the right idea, Dave," said Rogers. "When we hear your shots and ashout or two we'll drive our hardest."

  "I'd like to take Tayoga and Robert with me."

  "They're yours. They're good and brave lads, and I'll need 'em, butyou'll need 'em too. How many more of the men here will you want?"

  "About ten."

  "Then take them too."

  Willet, with Robert, Tayoga and the ten, began a cautious circuit in thedarkness toward the western horn of the crescent, and for a few minutesleft the battle in the distance. As they crept through the bushes,Robert heard the shouts and shots of both sides and saw the pink flashesof flame as the rifles were fired. In the darkness it seemed confusedand vague, but he knew that it was guided by order and precision. Nowand then a spent bullet pattered upon the leaves, and one touched himupon the wrist, stinging for a moment or two, but doing no harm.

  But as they passed farther and farther to the west the noise of thebattle behind them gradually sank, while that on the left horn of thecrescent grew.

  In a few more minutes they would be with the rangers who were pressingforward so strenuously at that point, and as Robert saw dusky figuresrise from the bushes in front of them he believed they were already intouch. Instead a dozen rifles flashed in their faces. One of the rangerswent down, shot through the head, dead before he touched the ground,three more sustained slight wounds, including Robert who was grazed onthe shoulder, and all of them gave back in surprise and consternation.But Willet, shrewd veteran of the forest, recovered himself quickly.

  "Down, men! Down and give it back to 'em!" he cried. "They've sent out aflanking force of their own! It was clever of St. Luc!"

  All the rangers dropped on their faces instantly, but as they went downthey gave back the fire of the flanking party. Robert caught a glimpseof De Courcelles, who evidently was leading it, and pulled trigger onhim, but the Frenchman turned aside at that instant, and his bulletstruck a St. Regis Indian who was just behind him. Now the return volleyof the rangers was very deadly. Two Frenchmen were slain here and fourwarriors, and De Courcelles, who had not expected on his circlingmovement to meet with a new force, was compelled to give back. He andhis warriors quickly disappeared in the forest, leaving their deadbehind them, and Willet with his own little force moved on triumphantly,soon joining his strength to that of the rangers on the left.

  The combined force hurled itself upon St. Luc's flank and crumpled itup, at the same time uttering triumphant shouts which were answered fromthe right and center, rangers and Mohawks on all fronts now pressingforward, and sending in their bullets from every covert. So fierce wastheir attack that they created the effect of double or triple theirnumbers, and St. Luc's French and Indians were driven down the slope tothe edge of the lake, where the survivors were saved by the second bandin the canoes and great boats.

  The defeated men embarked quickly, but not so quickly that several moredid not fall in the water. At this moment Robert saw St. Luc, and henever admired him more. He, too, was in forest green, but it was of thefinest cloth, trimmed with green yet darker. A cap of silky fur was onhis head, and his hair was clubbed in a queue behind. March and forestbattle had not dimmed the cleanliness and neatness of his attire, and,even in defeat, he looked the gallant chevalier, without fear andwithout reproach.

  St. Luc was in the act of stepping into one of the long boats when aranger beside Robert raised his rifle and took aim squarely at theFrenchman's heart. It was not a long shot and the ranger would not havemissed, but young Lennox at that moment stumbled and fell against him,causing the muzzle of his weapon to be deflected so much that his bulletstruck the uncomplaining water. Robert's heart leaped up as he saw thechevalier spring into the boat, which the stalwart Indians paddledswiftly away.

  The entire Indian fleet now drew together, and it was obviously makingfor one of the little islands, so numerous in Andiatarocte, where itwould be safe until the English and Americans built or brought boats oftheir own and disputed the rulership of the lake. But the rangers andthe Mohawks, eager to push the victory, rushed down to the water's edgeand sent after the flying fleet bullets which merely dropped vainly inthe water. Then they ceased, and, standing there, uttered long thrillingshouts of triumph.

  Robert had never beheld a more ferocious scene but he felt in it, too, asort of fierce and shuddering attraction. His veins were still warm withthe fire of battle, and his head throbbed wildly. Everything took onstrange and fantastic shapes, and colors became glaring and violent. Themoonlight, pouring down on the lake, made it a vast sea of crumblingsilver, the mountains on the farther shores rose to twice or thricetheir height, and the forests on the slopes and crests were an immenseand unbroken curtain, black against the sky.

  Five or six hundred yards away hovered the Indian fleet, the canoes andboats dark splotches upon the silver surface of the water. The islandupon which they intended to land was just beyond them, but knowing thatthey were out of rifle range they had paused to look at the victoriousforce, or as much of it as showed itself, and to send back the defiantyells of a defeated, but undaunted band.

  Robert clearly saw St. Luc again, standing up in his boat, andapparently giving orders to the fleet, using his small sword, as aconductor wields a baton, though the moonlight seemed to flash in firealong the blade as he pointed it here and there. He beheld somethingfierce and unconquerable in the man's attitude and manner. He evenimagined that he could see his face, and he knew that the eye was calm,despite defeat and loss. St Luc, driven from the field, would be nonethe less dangerous than if he had been victor upon it.

  The whole Indian fleet formed in a half circle and the Chevalier ceasedto wave orders with his sword. Then he drew himself up, stood rigidlyerect, despite his unstable footing, faced the land, and, using thesword once more, gave a soldier's salute to the foe. The act was sogallant, so redolent of knightly romance that despite themselves therangers burst into a mighty cheer, and the Mohawks, having the Indianheart that always honored a brave foe, uttered a long and thrillingwhoop
of approval.

  Robert, carried away by an impulse, sprang upon a rock and whirled hisrifle around his head in an answering salute. St. Luc evidently saw, andevidently, too, he recognized Robert, as he lifted his sword inrejoinder. Then the Indians, bent to their paddles, and the fleet,hanging together, swept around the island and out of sight. But theyknew that the French and Indian force landed there, as fires soon blazedupon its heavily-wooded crest, and they saw dusky figures passing andrepassing before the flames.

  "The victory has been given to us tonight," said Tayoga gravely toRobert, "but Manitou has not allowed us to complete it. Few triumph overSt. Luc, and, though his manner may have been gay and careless, hisheart burns to win back what he has lost."

  "I take it you're right, Tayoga," said Robert. "His is a soul that willnot rest under defeat, and I fancy St. Luc on the island is a greatdanger. He can get at us and we can't get at him."

  "It is true, Dagaeoga. If we strike we must strike quickly and then beoff. This, for the time being, is the enemy's country, yet I think ourleaders will not be willing to withdraw. Daganoweda, I know, will wantto push the battle and to attack on the island."

  The Onondaga's surmise was correct. The triumph of the rangers and theMohawks, although not complete, was large, as at least one-third of St.Luc's force was slain, and the three leaders alike were eager to make ityet larger, having in mind that in some way they could yet reach theFrench and Indian force on the island. So they built their own fires onthe slope and the Mohawks began to sing songs of triumph, knowing thatthey would infuriate the foe, and perhaps tempt him to some deed ofrashness.

  "Did you see anything of Tandakora?" asked Robert of Tayoga. "I knowit's no crime to wish that he fell."

  "No, it's no crime, Dagaeoga," replied the Onondaga soberly, "and mywish is the same as yours, but this time we cannot have it. I saw him inone of the boats as they passed around the island."

  The two then sat by one of the fires and ate venison, thankful that theyhad escaped with only slight wounds, and as there was no immediate callfor their services they wrapped themselves in their blankets, by and by,and went to sleep. When Robert awoke, the morning was about half goneand the day was bright and beautiful beyond compare.

  Although the hostile forces still confronted each other there was noother evidence of war, and Robert's first feelings were less for man andmore for the magnificence of nature. He had never seen Andiatarocte,the matchless gem of the mountains, more imposing and beautiful. Itswaters, rippling gently under the wind, stretched far away, silver orgold, as the sunlight fell. The trees and undergrowth on the islandsshowed deepest green, and the waving leaves shifted and changed in colorwith the changing sky. Far over all was a deep velvet blue arch, tingedalong the edges with red or gold.

  Keenly sensitive to nature, it was a full minute before young Lennoxcame back to earth, and the struggles of men. Then he found Tayogalooking at him curiously.

  "It is good!" said the Onondaga, flinging out his hand. "In the whiteman's Bible it is said that Manitou created the world in six days andrested on the seventh, but in the unwritten book of the Hodenosaunee itis said that he created Andiatarocte and Oneadatote, and then reposed abit, and enjoyed his work before he went on with his task."

  "I can well believe you, Tayoga. If I had created a lake like George andanother like Champlain I should have stopped work, and gloried quite awhile over my achievement. Has the enemy made any movement while weslept?"

  "None, so far as our people can tell. They have brought part of theirfleet around to the side of the island facing us. I count six largeboats and twenty canoes there. I also see five fires, and I have nodoubt that many of the warriors are sleeping before them. Despitelosses, his force is still larger than ours, but I do not think St. Luc,brave as he is, would come back to the mainland and risk a battle withus."

  "Then we must get at him somehow, Tayoga. We must make our blow soheavy that it will check Dieskau for a while and give Colonel Johnson'sarmy time to march."

  "Even so, Dagaeoga. Look at the Mountain Wolf. He has a pair of fieldglasses and he is studying the island."

  Rogers stood on a knoll, and he was making diligent use of his glasses,excellent for the time. He took them from his eyes presently, and walkeddown to Robert and Tayoga.

  "Would you care to have a look?" he said to Robert.

  "Thank you, I'd like it very much," replied young Lennox eagerly.

  The powerful lenses at once brought the island very near, and trees andbushes became detached from the general mass, until he saw between themthe French and Indian camp. As Tayoga had asserted, many of the warriorswere asleep on the grass. When nothing was to be done, the Indian coulddo it with a perfection seldom attained by anybody else. Tandakora wassitting on a fallen log, looking at the mainland. As usual, he was bareto the waist, and painted frightfully. Not far away a Frenchman wassleeping on a cloak, and Robert was quite sure that it was DeCourcelles. St. Luc himself was visible toward the center of the island.He, too, stood upon a knoll, and he, too, had glasses with which he wasstudying his foe.

  "The command of the water," said Rogers, "is heavily against us. If wehad only been quick enough to build big boats of our own, the tale tobe told would have been very different."

  "And if by any means," said Willet, "we contrive to drive them from theisland, they can easily retreat in their fleet to another, and theycould repeat the process indefinitely. George has many islands."

  "Then why not capture their fleet?" said Robert in a moment ofinspiration.

  Rogers and Willet looked at each other.

  "It's queer we didn't think of that before," said the hunter.

  "'Twill be an attempt heavy with danger," said Rogers.

  "So it will, my friend, but have we shirked dangers? Don't we live andsleep with danger?"

  "I was merely stating the price, Dave. I was making no excuse forshirking."

  "I know it, old friend. Whoever heard of Robert Rogers shunning danger?We'll have a talk with Daganoweda, and you, Robert, since you suggestedthe plan, and you, Tayoga, since you've a head full of wisdom, shall bepresent at the conference."

  The Mohawk chieftain came, and, when the scheme was laid before him, hewas full of eagerness for it.

  "Every one of my warriors will be glad to go," he said, "and I, asbecomes my place, will lead them. It will be a rare deed, and the newsof it will be heard with wonder and admiration in all our castles."

  He spoke in the language of the Ganeagaono, which all the othersunderstood perfectly, and the two white leaders knew they could relyupon the courage and enthusiasm of the Mohawks.

  "It depends upon the sun whether we shall succeed tonight or not," saidTayoga, glancing up at the heavens, "and at present he gives no promiseof favoring us. The sun, as you know, Dagaeoga, is with us the Sun God,also, whom we call Areskoui, or now and then Aieroski, and who issometimes almost the same as Manitou."

  "I know," said Robert, who had an intimate acquaintance with the complexPantheon of the Hodenosaunee, which was yet not so complex after all,and which also had in its way the elements of the Christian religion inall their beauty and majesty.

  Tayoga gazed out upon Andiatarocte.

  Robert's eyes followed the Onondaga's.

  "It's true," he said, "that the Sun God, your Areskoui, and mine, too,for that matter, makes no promise to us. The warriors of theHodenosaunee have looked upon Andiatarocte for many centuries, butdoubtless there has never been a day before when any one of them saw itmore beautiful and more gleaming than it is now."

  "Yes, Dagaeoga, the waters slide and ripple before the wind, and theyare blue and green, and silver and gold, and all the shades between, asthe sunlight shifts and falls, but it is many hours until night andAreskoui may be of another mind by then."

  "I know it, Tayoga. I remember the two storms on Champlain, and I don'tforget how quickly they can come on either lake. I'm not praying for anystorm, but I do want a dark and cloudy night."

  "Dagaeoga should n
ot be too particular," said Tayoga, his eyestwinkling. "He has told Areskoui exactly what kind of a night hewishes, but I think he will have to take just the kind of a night thatAreskoui may send."

  "I don't dispute it, Tayoga, but when you're praying to the Sun God it'sas well to pray for everything you want."

  "We'll watch Areskoui with more than common interest today, you and I,Dagaeoga, but the warriors of the Ganeagaono, even as the Hurons, theAbenakis and the Ojibways, will go to sleep. Behold, Daganoweda even nowlies down upon his blanket!"

  The Mohawk chief, as if sure that nothing more of importance was goingto happen that day, spread his fine green blanket upon some leaves, andthen settling himself in an easy posture upon it, fell asleep, whilemany of his warriors, and some of the rangers too, imitated his example.But Robert and Tayoga had slept enough, and, though they moved about butlittle, they were all eyes and ears.

  Scouts had been sent far up and down the shores of the lake, and theyreported that no other band was near, chance leaving the issue wholly tothe two forces that now faced each other. Yet the morning, whileremaining of undimmed beauty, had all the appearance of ease, even oflaziness. Several of the rangers went down to the edge of the lake, and,removing their clothing, bathed in the cool waters. Then they lay on theslope until their bodies dried, dressed themselves, and waited patientlyfor the night.

  The French and Indians, seeing them engaged in a pleasant task, found itwell to do likewise. The waters close to the island were filled withFrenchmen, Canadians and Indians, wading, swimming and splashing water,the effect in the distance being that of boys on a picnic and enjoyingit to the utmost.

  Robert took a little swim himself, though he kept close to the shore,and felt much refreshed by it. When he had been dried by the sun and wasbade in his clothes, he stretched himself luxuriously near the rangerson the slope, taking an occasional glance at the sun from under hissheltering hand.

  "There is a little mist in the southwest," he said, after a long time,to Tayoga. "Do you think it possible that Areskoui will change his mindand cease to flood the world with beams?"

  "I see the vapor," replied Tayoga, looking keenly. "It is just a wisp,no larger than a feather from the wing of an eagle, but it seems togrow. Areskoui changes his mind as he pleases. Who are we to questionthe purposes of the Sun God? Yet I take it, Dagaeoga, that the chance ofa night favorable to our purpose has increased."

  "I begin to think, Tayoga, that Areskoui does, in truth, favor us,through no merit of ours, but perhaps because of a lack of merit inTandakora and De Courcelles. Yet, as I live, you're right when you saythe cloud of mist or vapor is growing. Far in the southwest, so it seemsto me, the air becomes dim. I know it, because I can't see the foreststhere as distinctly as I did a half hour ago, and I hold that the changein Areskoui's heart is propitious to our plan."

  "A long speech, but your tongue always moves easily, Dagaeoga, and whatyou say is true. The mist increases fast, and before he goes down on theother side of the world the Sun God will be veiled in it. Then thenight will come full of clouds, and dark. Look at Andiatarocte, and youwill see that it is so."

  The far shores of the lake were almost lost in the vapors, only spots offorest green appearing now and then, a veil of silver being over theeastern waters. The island on which St. Luc lay encamped was growingindistinct, and the fires there shone through a white mist.

  Tayoga stood up and gazed intently at the sun, before which a veil hadbeen drawn, permitting his eyes to dwell on its splendors, now coming ina softened and subdued light.

  "All the omens are favorable," he said. "The heart of Areskoui hassoftened toward us, knowing that we are about to go on a great andperilous venture. Tonight Tododaho on his star will also look downkindly on us. He will be beyond the curtain of the clouds, and we willnot see him, but I know that it will be so, because I feel in my heartthat it must be so. You and I, Dagaeoga, are only two, and among themany on this earth two can count for little, but the air is full ofspirits, and it may be that they have heard our prayers. With the unseenpowers the prayers of the humble and the lowly avail as much as those ofthe great and mighty."

  His eyes bore the rapt and distant expression of the seer, as hecontinued to gaze steadily at the great silver robe that hung before theface of Areskoui's golden home. Splendid young warrior that he was,always valiant and skillful in battle, there was a spiritual quality inTayoga that often showed. The Onondagas were the priestly nation of theHodenosaunee and upon him had descended a mantle that was, in a way, themantle of a prophet. Robert, so strongly permeated by Indian lore andfaith, really believed, for a moment, that his comrade saw into thefuture.

  But not the white youth and the red youth alone bore witness to thegreat change, the phenomenon even, that Areskoui was creating. BothRogers and Willet had looked curiously at the sun, and then had lookedagain. Daganoweda, awaking, stood up and gazed in the intent andreverential manner that Tayoga had shown. The soul of the Mohawkchieftain was fierce. He existed for the chase and war, and had no lovebeyond them. There was nothing spiritual in his nature, but none theless he was imbued with the religion of his race, and believed that thewhole world, the air, the forests, the mountains, and the lakes werepeopled with spirits, good or bad. Now he saw one of the greatest ofthem all, Areskoui, the Sun God himself, in action and working amiracle.

  The untamable soul of Daganoweda was filled with wonder and admiration.Not spiritual, he was nevertheless imaginative to a high degree. Throughthe silver veil which softened the light of the sun more and more,permitting his eyes to remain fixed upon it, he saw a mighty figure inthe very center of that vast globe of light, a figure that grew and grewuntil he knew it was Areskoui, the Sun God himself.

  A shiver swept over the powerful frame of Daganoweda. The Mohawkchieftain, whose nerves never quivered before the enemy, felt as alittle child in the presence of the mighty Sun God. But his confidencereturned. Although the figure of Areskoui continued to grow, his facebecame benevolent. He looked down from his hundred million miles in thevoid, beheld the tiny figure of Daganoweda standing upon the earth, andsmiled. Daganoweda knew that it was so, because he saw the smile withhis own eyes, and, however perilous the venture might be, he knew thenit could not fail, because Areskoui himself had smiled upon it.

  The great veil of mist deepened and thickened and was drawn slowlyacross all the heavens. Robert felt a strange thrill of awe. It was, invery truth, to him a phenomenon, more than an eclipse, not a merepassage of the moon before the sun for which science gave a naturalaccount, but a sudden combination of light and air that had in it atinge of the supernatural.

  All the Mohawks were awake now, everybody was awake and everybodywatched the sun, but perhaps it was Daganoweda who saw most. No tinctureof the white man's religion had ever entered his mind to question any ofhis Iroquois beliefs. There was Areskoui, in the very center of the sun,mighty and shining beyond belief, and still smiling across his hundredmillion miles at the earth upon which Daganoweda stood. But, all thewhile he was drawing his silver robe, fold on fold, thicker and tighterabout himself, and his figure grew dim.

  One after another the distant islands in the lake sank out of sight, andthe fires were merely a faint red glow on the one occupied by St. Luc.Over the waters the vapors swept in great billows and columns.Daganoweda drew a great breath. The sun itself was fading. Areskoui hadshown his face long enough and now he meant to make the veil betweenhimself and man impenetrable. He became a mere shadow, the mists andvapors rolled up wave on wave, and he was gone entirely. Then night camedown over mountains, forest and Andiatarocte. The last fire on St Luc'sisland had been permitted to die out, and it, too, sank into the mistsand vapors with the others, and was invisible to the watchers on themainland slope.

  But little could be seen of Andiatarocte itself, save occasionalglimmers of silver under the floating clouds. Not a star was able tocome out, and all the lake and country about it were wrapped in a heavygrayish mist which seemed to Robert to be surcharged with some kind
ofexciting solution. But the three leaders, Rogers, Willet and Daganoweda,gathered in a close council, did not yet give any order save that plentyof food be served to rangers and Mohawks alike.

  Thus a long time was permitted to pass and the mists and vapors overAndiatarocte deepened steadily. No sound came from St. Luc's island, norwas any fire lighted there. For all the darkness showed, it had sunkfrom sight forever. It was an hour till midnight when the three leadersgave their orders and the chosen band began to prepare. Robert hadbegged to be of the perilous number. He could never endure it if Tayogawent and not he, and Willet, though reluctant, was compelled to consent.Willet himself was going also, and so was Daganoweda, of course, andBlack Rifle, but Rogers was to remain behind, in command of the force onthe slope.

  Thirty rangers and thirty Mohawks, all powerful swimmers, were chosen,and every man stripped to the skin. Firearms, of necessity, were leftbehind with the clothes, but everyone buckled a belt around his barebody, and put in it his hatchet and hunting knife. The plan was to swimsilently for the island and then trust to courage, skill and fortune.Buoyed up by the favor of Areskoui, who had worked a miracle for them,the sixty dropped into the water, and began their night of extremehazard.


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