Mad Gold (Providence Gold Series Book 2)

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Mad Gold (Providence Gold Series Book 2) Page 15

by Mary B. Moore

  “My cousin Tom’s wife has a Munchkin,” she sighed, her head dropping back onto the couch. “I decided that I wanted one too, so I got one. It was kind of last second because it was the runt of the litter and the breeder was going to give it to a shelter so she didn’t have to vaccinate or worm it.”

  “A what?”

  “A Munchkin. They’ve got really short legs and are tiny,” Luna said, grinning at me. “Ariana likes little things,” she winked.

  “Ariana does not like little things,” she snapped, her head popping up so she could glare at her brother’s wife. “I like big cocks and animals with little legs.”

  This was true actually – she had wanted a Dachshund for years. Something which her brother Levi had bought Luna, his best friend, thinking it was her who wanted one. Ari was still holding a grudge against him for it and kept tormenting the guy by buying things he liked for her other brothers.

  “So, why is this upsetting?” I asked, because come on – a kitten that fits your likes isn’t a reason to scream. Unless… “Oh shit, is it sick? Is it evil?”

  “No, and no,” she mumbled, her cheeks going bright pink as she lifted her right butt cheek up off the couch and picked up the little squeaky giraffe she’d sat on.

  “The vet told her she had a pretty pussy,” Luna snickered, putting the dirty diaper in a bag and tying the top of it shut. “She thought he was being fresh…”

  “He was really hot,” Ariana interrupted in a sulky tone.

  “But he was talking about the kitten,” Luna finished, laughing as she passed Jamie to me – something which made me freeze on the outside, and panic on the inside.

  She continued laughing as she walked past me on the way to the kitchen.

  “Please don’t go,” I croaked, not daring to even blink in case the baby shot out of my arms and into the air. Realistically, I knew it couldn’t happen, but what if I had a muscle spasm? Or if I sneezed?

  Shit, don’t sneeze. Please, for the love of all things holy – Do. Not. Sneeze!

  Ariana sighing caught my attention, but I still refused to take my eyes off the sleeping baby. “He was all about the freaking kitten,” she sulked. “Ironic considering my pussy wouldn’t have minded him being all about it too.”

  “Should you talk like that around a baby?”

  “Anyway,” she ignored me as she continued. “I came home, decided to read a romance and do you know what happened in it?” I figured it was a rhetorical question, so I didn’t answer, not that she gave me a chance to. “He’s like pumping away, right? And then he tells her she has the best tasting and tightest pussy he’s ever had. While he’s inside her,” she reiterated. “Who wants to know that? It’s not like the chick said back to him, ‘oh, your penis ranks above any other cock I’ve sucked and fucked, you know. In fact, the last one I had inside me wasn’t nearly as big as yours and tasted like…’”

  “Okay, okay,” Luna growled, re-entering the room. “We get it.”

  Suffice it to say, she didn’t relieve me of her daughter as she made herself comfortable on a recliner five billion miles away from me.

  “It’s just shit,” Ariana mumbled, squeaking the giraffe.

  “Does this have anything to do with Parker?” Luna asked, finally seeing how uncomfortable I was and getting up to relieve me of the baby.

  “Who’s Parker?” I was certain I’d heard the name in passing, but I didn’t think I’d met him yet.

  “He’s the best friend of one of the cousins,” Luna told me as she put her daughter in her bassinet and then sat down. “He’s a doctor, and during a hospital visit where Sonya found out she was pregnant, it was decided that Ariana would make Parker’s life hell as payback for some comments he made.” I chanced a glance at the woman in question who was staring into space with a pissed off look on her face. “Anyway, fast forward and she’s been making good on that, however I think her feelings toward the good doctor may have changed slightly.”

  “He went on his fifth date with the same woman,” Ari whispered, sounding close to tears.

  “Does he know how you feel about him?” Luna asked as she walked over and hugged her.

  “How do you know?” I asked because it seemed cruel as hell to actually text someone you were going on a date with a woman, let alone date number five.

  “She tagged him in about thirty-three pictures on Facebook.”

  “What were they doing during the date?” I asked curiously. If it was something like bungee jumping, then I could understand posting some photos. It all depended on the context.

  “He was taking her out for dinner at the diner where they live and he got called into work,” she sniffled as she tapped on the screen of her phone before holding it up to show us. “This was what she posted.”

  On the screen was a pretty blonde holding a salad as she sat in a car. When Ari swiped, the photo changed to her taking a mouthful of the salad. As she continued to swipe the photos changed to her pouting, doing the peace sign, lying with the seat reclining and her arm over her head while she looked off camera dramatically, then she was nibbling her fingernail, then she was hugging what looked like a sweater…

  “Sweet Jesus,” Luna breathed. “Are those his shorts?”

  “Yeah,” Ariana nodded forlornly. “He wears them to the gym.”

  “Gross!” Luna gagged.

  “How do you know that?” I asked at the same time.

  “We’ve worked out together in the past,” Ari shrugged, still looking at the screen and swiping her thumb across it.

  When she turned it around, I couldn’t help the burst of laughter that came out of me. In it, the woman was wearing a man’s sweater and was lying down in the back of the car. In the corner of the photo was a pair of dirty socks – obviously dirty socks – and the sole of them was touching her hair.

  “Now that’s gross!” I chuckled. “Has he commented on them?”

  Frowning, Ari went back through the photos. “She’s tagged him in every single one of them,” she pointed out. “Oh shit, in this one, he says he’s sorry, but he’s stuck with a patient and he’ll call her another time.”

  “Was it on the same day?” Luna and I leaned forward to try to see the screen.

  “Yup, and… oh shit,” she started giggling, her previously depressed state now forgotten. “She posted the first photo at twelve-fifteen. His comment came at seven-eighteen!”

  Holy hell, she waited over seven hours for this guy?

  Taking the phone from her sister-in-law’s hand, Luna flicked the screen with her thumb and then grunted. “Yeah, she posted right after it she was going home because her ‘date’ – and yes she used quotation marks – had been a dud. Apparently Parker’s a workaholic…”

  “He’s a doctor!” Ari cut in. “He has to put his work first.”

  “You know,” I spoke up, certain I had some useful advice for her. “If you get a vibrator, you could call it Parker.”

  “Well now, that’s awful kind of you,” a deep voice sounded from behind us, making us all jump and scream.

  Spinning around with my asshole in my throat, because at this point we’d gone well past it being my heart that had jumped into it, I saw a tall man standing beside a group of guys I didn’t recognize. Well, until I managed to swallow and shift my asshole out of where it was lodged. With every swallow, it shifted further down until it was near enough to its original location. This had given me time to notice some similarities with a family I did know– apparently, I was face to face with some of the Townsends cousins.

  And Parker himself!

  “Gotta go,” Ari squeaked, and then ran out the door leaving us with a wall of Townsend.

  The big pussy!

  “So,” Sonya, Tom’s wife, snickered. “What do you call your vibrator?”

  “Tomb raider,” I deadpanned. I was lying, I just called it a vibrator, but if I had to name Madix’s cock, that’s what I’d call it.

  He had such an awesome dick…

�� Luna gagged, pointing at me. “That’s my brother!”

  Looking around, I saw the guys sitting looking uncomfortable, apart from Parker who hadn’t taken his eyes off Ariana after she’d been dragged back by Sonya. I’d give her credit, she hadn’t looked at him once and was acting like she didn’t have a care in the world as she played grape roulette with her cousin’s wife. Well, aside from her phone which kept pinging every couple of minutes.

  “Did I say that out loud?” I whispered, praying to every magical Disney character that I hadn’t.

  “No, but I know that look.”

  “It’s the same one you have on your face when you think of Noah’s wienis,” Sonya snorted, making all the men at the table groan.

  We’d been waiting for the other Townsends to arrive for over an hour, so when they walked in at that moment, I eyeballed the door behind them and calculated how I could get out of it with no one noticing.

  “Dahlia,” Levi chuckled, keeping the door open with his foot. “You gotta come and see this.”

  Following behind him, I looked in the direction he was pointing in and saw my little Toyota coming toward us. Squinting slightly, I saw something sticking out of the sunroof, but I couldn’t make out exactly what it was. Well, that was until it got nearer and then I realized that it was the top of Madix’s head as he sat hunched over in the driver’s seat.

  “What the hell?”

  I’d given Archer the keys this morning so he could go and check on it for me after I’d been ordered not to leave the safety of the Townsend’s property. I also needed my purse from the front of it, so he’d assured me he’d pick that up too. How this had resulted in a giant driving it with his knees up against his nostrils, I didn’t know.

  By the time he pulled up in front of Luna and Noah’s house, all the Townsends had come out onto the porch to see what Levi was laughing at. I was sure most of them were recording it or taking photos, but I was still stuck on how he’d managed to fit behind the wheel.

  “How the fuck did he get in there?”

  “Is he driving with his toes?”

  “Is that a bird in his hair?” I squinted harder at this question from the crowd, and sure enough there was a feather in his hair.

  The look on his face as he cut off the engine and opened the door had everyone’s mouth snapping shut at once. He looked pissed! I wasn’t sure if it was driving my car, pain, or if something had happened, but if he’d used that expression when he was in the po-po, I was certain that the criminals would have shit themselves.

  One leg came out awkwardly followed by the other, and then he unfolded himself – yes, unfolded – from the car and stood up with a grimace on his face. Archer, who’d been driving his truck behind Madix with Tate, walked up beside him and shook his head with a chuckle.

  That was until they turned to face us all and we saw identical expressions of fury on their faces.

  Oh shit!



  I was so far beyond pissed off that it was now a distant relation to the anger I was feeling. Someone had cut the hydraulics in vital machinery, almost ending up with a man being crushed. Then, when we’d been driving back, my vehicle had gone to shit almost as soon as we left the site. Tate had taken a quick look and had seen brake fluid leaking out from underneath it from a nice cut in the hose. As he’d discovered this, I’d opened up the gas tank and shone my torch in it on a hunch, and if I had to hazard a guess – some fucker had put water in there.

  Fortunately, the guy who the Townsends trusted to oversee the sites, Richard Suave, had been driving with us, so he’d given us a ride back to Gonzales County, while my truck got towed to Dahlia’s garage.

  The whole way back I’d had to listen to Tate telling us how sugar did jack shit to a car unless it blocked the filter, but if it was water, then my vehicle would be kinda fucked.

  As we were driving past Dahlia’s house, I’d seen Archer coming out, so we’d stopped and told him what had happened. That’s when the assholes drove off leaving me to drive Dahlia’s tiny little car back to my house.

  Half way there, a bird had swooped and skimmed the top of my head which I’d had no option but to stick out the sunroof, otherwise I could hardly see out the windshield. Then, to add a bit more to the shittastic drive of my life, I’d driven through a swarm of flies and had gotten a Charlie horse about three minutes away from my home.

  Now, I was facing the extended Townsend family when all I wanted to do was take my woman home, have a shower, get the feeling back in my legs, divest myself of the wildlife in my hair, and then make love to Dahlia. Not all in that order, obviously.

  So, that’s what I was going to do. Tate could fill them in on the site problems and what we’d found, including Dahlia’s name written right next to one of the cut hydraulic lines, and I was going to fill Dahlia – literally!

  Then I needed to ask her some questions. I could afford to do things in the order I was going to do them in because so long as I could see her, she was safe. We’d also shut down the site that had been vandalized which would cost the company a lot of money, but safety came first. The other two sites had added security and measures in place to monitor who went where.

  I was going to catch the son of a bitch.

  After I touched Dahlia’s naked body.

  “I missed you,” I whispered, lying in bed with Dahlia’s soft, naked body pressed up against my side.

  I’d ended up deviating from my plan. I’d come home, had a shower during which Dahlia had gotten down on her knees in front of me and sucked my cock until I was begging for mercy. Her response was that she didn’t know someone called Mercy and then she’d continued driving me crazy with the ball on the end of piercing in her tongue. Every suck and skim of her tongue along the sensitive underside of my dick had made my toes curl, and all too soon I was holding onto the side of the shower as I came in her mouth.

  Women are lucky, they can orgasm multiple times. Men have to wait for the general to have a nap, make a battle plan, call the soldiers to order, organize the weaponry and then march into war. Unless you took a little blue pill, the likelihood you could come and stay hard to keep going was slim to none. Some men had to wait until the following day to recharge their penis batteries, some took hours, and some could go again within half an hour. After the two days of hell I’d had to contend with, alongside Tate’s undivided attention, I was now nearing thirty-six minutes since blast off and Dahlia’s naked body was like an Energizer battery for my libido.

  I was hard!

  “I missed you too,” she mumbled as she kissed my chest, licking a line across to my nipple before taking it in her mouth. Giving it a hard flick with her tongue, she gently nipped it with her teeth and trailed her hand down the center of my stomach toward where my cock was making a tent under the sheet. “Do you think you could attach a vibrator to a car battery?” she surprised me by asking just as her hand reached where she was headed.

  “Huh?” If she’d asked me the question when she wasn’t stroking the base of my penis with the tip of her finger, I might have had a better response, but at that moment I was lucky that I’d been able to even say that.

  “You know, to power it,” she pressed, raising her head so that her chin was resting on my chest with her sparkling eyes looking at me.

  Fuck me, she was beautiful!

  Then it sank in through the fog that had been taking over my brain, meaning I reached out to still her hand before she could distract me completely.

  “You want to power a vibrator with a car battery?” I asked, making sure I had this right.

  “Uh huh,” she nodded, like it wasn’t one of the most random questions in the history of man.

  “No, you can’t.”

  “That’s a shame,” she mumbled, her eyes looking away from me toward the other side of the bedroom. “I thought it would work.”

  “You have a vibrator?” I asked next, a feeling of irritation creeping into me.

know I do,” she tilted her head as she looked back at me questioningly.

  I’d forgotten about the battery-powered cock imposter I’d accidentally found one night at her house. Now, it felt like I had to remind her that my dick was the only one she needed.

  Flipping her onto her back, I lay between her splayed thighs and balanced my weight on one arm while the other hand went straight to her beautiful, wet pussy and skimmed down to her center.

  “You don’t need it,” I growled, serious as fuck, pushing my index and middle fingers into her wet core, making her gasp.

  “It…,” she swallowed and licked her lips. “It’s only when you go away.”

  Removing my fingers, I replaced it with the tip of my dick and slowly, but firmly, pushed into her.

  “The only cock you’ll ever need is mine,” I groaned, unable to hold back as her tight wetness engulfed me, sending all of my nerve endings into overdrive. “The only one that will ever be inside you again is mine.” I pressed harder into her and then moved my hand under her ass so that I could lift her up into my thrusts. “Do you understand?”

  Her head tilted back and she let out a loud moan which I took as a yes.

  Grinding my pelvis against hers once I was all the way inside her, I moved my arm so that my hand was behind her head and lifted her so I could see her eyes.

  And then a thought hit me…

  “Unless I use it on you,” I grinned, liking the idea. Her pupils dilating even more showed she felt the same way. “We’ll get around to that,” I reassured her, and then resumed thrusting.

  I had a point to make, but I also had a reconnection that I needed more than I needed oxygen.

  Just as she was tightening around my cock as I moved in and out of her, I leaned down and rested my forehead on hers and whispered, “I love you!”

  Her coming around me was always beautiful on both the inside and out. The way she gasped, the way her stomach tensed, the way it felt as her tight pussy grew impossibly tighter. But at that moment, I’d never seen beauty like it.


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