One Week to Claim It All

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One Week to Claim It All Page 16

by Adriana Herrera

  “Te amo,” Esmeralda said, her eyes filling with happy tears as she let the man she loved wrap her in his arms.

  * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Fake Engagement, Nashville Style by Jules Bennett.


  Luxury, scandal, desire—welcome to the lives of the American elite.

  Be transported to the worlds of oil barons, family dynasties, moguls and celebrities. Get ready for juicy plot twists, delicious sensuality and intriguing scandal.


  Fake Engagement, Nashville Style

  by Jules Bennett


  “You’ve got another visitor.”

  Luke glanced up from his computer at the desk where he’d been hiding for most of the evening. “Tell her I’m busy,” Luke told his bodyguard.

  Normally he loved being out with his customers at his rooftop bar, The Cheshire, but not since that damn magazine article had thrust him into the spotlight.

  Meet Luke Sutherland: Tennessee’s Most Eligible Bachelor

  That term, along with a photo of him in a pair of jeans with his dress shirt completely unbuttoned, had attracted every woman in the state—and some men, too—like some type of magnet.

  Jake stepped farther into the room. “Uh, sir. It’s Cassandra Taylor.”

  Cassandra Taylor?

  That was a name he hadn’t heard in years, but one he’d certainly thought of often enough.

  All of that long black hair that he used to glide through his fingers and over his body. Her sweet smile that turned him on before she could even say a word. And the way he’d confided in her... He’d loved her once—she’d been his best friend.

  Unfortunately, marriage hadn’t been in the cards for him, not even to his best friend. Their paths had been destined for different directions and he’d let her go.

  It had been the right choice.

  So what was she doing back now after all this time? Surely she hadn’t seen the article and now thought they had another chance at being together? That shot had been ruined when she’d left town nearly eight years ago with barely a goodbye. Oh, his brothers had blamed him at the time, and perhaps a portion of the blame did fall on his shoulders—he hadn’t gone after her. But she hadn’t stuck around to see if things could be worked out, either.

  They’d both let go, and there was no going back after that.

  “Tell her I’m busy, then,” he repeated, almost wishing the uninvited guest had been a stranger.

  Jake, his bodyguard and a top bouncer who had been with Luke since the opening of his first bar, knew full well the impact Cassandra had had on Luke’s life. Luke continued to stare across his desk, but Jake didn’t move.

  “Is there a problem?” Luke asked.

  “Let her in. She came a long way after all this time.”

  Luke leaned back in his leather chair and rested his elbows on the chair’s arms. “When did you take her side?”

  Jake laughed. “Her side? Sir, it’s been years and I think you know where my loyalties lie, but you two have a history. She’s not like those other women who have seen the article and are vying for the role of Mrs. Luke Sutherland. I doubt Cassandra is looking for a ring on her finger from you.”

  Luke swallowed. Maybe she wasn’t, but he’d been prepared to put that ring on her finger when she left. Well, in theory. He’d had the ring, but somehow he’d never found the right moment to propose. And then she was gone. His brothers had ridiculed him—hell, he’d blasted himself on more than one occasion—but she hadn’t even given him a chance to tell his side or explain his motives. Obviously, a marriage between them would have been doomed from the start.

  If she’d been able to walk away so easily, then it was best he had never proposed. He’d been hurt, he’d been angry—maybe a part of him still was—but he wasn’t the same naive guy he’d once been. Now he was glad he hadn’t settled down. He loved the life he’d created and venturing back to his past wouldn’t do anyone any good.

  “Stop thinking so hard,” Jake growled. “You know if you turn her away you’re only going to be wracking your brain over what she might have wanted.”

  Damn it. Jake was right. That didn’t make the fact that she was back any easier to digest. Apparently, she could still get to him after all this time. Or, maybe if he saw her, perhaps she wouldn’t have any effect on him. She’d likely changed just as much as he had over such a long stretch of time.

  There was only one way to find out.

  Luke sat up and rested his arms on his desk. The decision volleyed back and forth in his mind. He had no clue what to expect. He hadn’t seen Cassandra in years, save for the time he’d looked her up on social media a couple of years ago. He’d found her still single and still just as sexy as ever.

  But his curiosity got the better of him.

  With a deep sigh and some serious concerns, Luke nodded. “Fine. Bring her in.”

  As Jake left the office, Luke wondered what the hell he’d just done. Why would he purposely agree to see her again? They’d parted ways and agreed that was it. Yet now she was back. He didn’t know why, but he had to assume her abrupt reappearance had to do with Country Beat’s article on him.

  He’d been doing just fine with his bars in Beaumont Bay and Nashville. He’d been contemplating expanding to other cities. Maybe Chicago or Atlanta. He wasn’t sure, but his life was always in forward motion. The only time he’d ever considered slowing down had been when he was with Cassandra, and look how that had turned out. Now, having any woman in his life would only hinder his career. He loved the country-music industry, loved the bar-and-restaurant lifestyle and loved combining the two. He didn’t want to change any of it, not for anyone.

  Luke got to his feet, then cursed himself. Should he be standing, as if he was anticipating her arrival? Or should he sit and try to appear relaxed? Sitting might be a jerk move, but he wanted her to know he wasn’t affected by this visit. He could be casual with her, just like he would be with any other visitor.

  Hell. She hadn’t even gotten through the door yet and he was already tied up in knots. How would he feel coming face-to-face with her? A chunk of time had settled between them and the weight of that firmly took root in his chest. There was a heaviness he couldn’t explain, but he didn’t have time to try to.

  All thoughts vanished as Cassandra Taylor stepped into the opening of his office and met his gaze. Luke realized he should’ve remained seated because she nearly knocked the breath out of him.

  There was something so familiar about her, and yet so new. That confidence, with the straight shoulders, the tipped chin and the determined eye contact, was certainly new. But the curves, the dark hair falling over her shoulders and the slight smirk on her lips brought memories rushing back.

  Despite her familiar beauty and new confidence, she was still the one who’d walked away and Luke had no desire to revisit the past. So he shoved away those emotions and memories. He’d gotten this far by living in the moment and taking control of his own destiny. Nobody and nothing would ever change that again.


  The door to the bar slid shut behind her and she jerked around to see that she’d been closed in.

  “An automatic door. That’s fancy,” she muttered as she turned back to face him. “I appreciate you seeing me without notice.”

  She took a step inside and then another until she stood just on the other side of his desk. He could reach out and touch her. He could see those navy flecks in her deep blue eyes.

  He’d only had a two-minute heads-up, but he certainly hadn’t expected this onslaught of emotions to come flooding to the forefront of his mind...and his body.


  Oh, damn. His name sliding through her lips had him recalling starry nights and heated m
oments. No matter why she was here, he’d get her in and out. No way could he get caught up in her like he had in the past. He was perfectly fine remaining single... Wait. Was that why she was here? She’d seen that article and now she wanted to come back and secure her original role as his woman?

  No way. That was a hard no.

  Agreeing to see Cassandra Taylor had been a mistake. Somehow, he knew this moment would no doubt change his life forever.

  * * *

  Nerves curled into spirals in Cassandra’s belly. She’d given herself a pep talk the entire drive here—all three hours. Luke was just a man and she was just a woman. There was no reason she couldn’t approach him about her critical need. They were different people now.

  When she’d left their relationship years ago, she’d done so because she’d had to guard her heart. Staying would only have caused more pain. Luke had been so set on moving ahead in his career and seemed perfectly content keeping her tucked in a corner, always assuming she’d be content to stay there. While she’d been proud of all he’d accomplished, she’d also wanted to be by his side. She’d wanted them to grow together...and she’d learned too late that they’d had two different visions of what they’d wanted out of life.

  So she’d walked away, made a successful career for herself and absolutely loved the life she’d created in Lexington, Kentucky.

  So why the hell was she so shaky now that she was back?

  When Luke’s intense stare became too much, Cassandra pulled together all her courage and forced herself not to turn and walk out. She stood her ground.

  Clearly, he wasn’t going to say anything, even though she’d called him by name to snap him out of whatever trance that had overtaken him. Although, he was likely waiting on her to explain why she’d shown up, out of the blue, after not a word in eight years.

  “Your bar is amazing and Jake seems...intimidating,” she began, not wanting to jump right into the real topic. “You’ve done really well for yourself.”

  “Jake does his job skillfully.” Luke shifted his stance and rested his hands on his narrow hips. “But did you come all the way here to tell me what I already know?”

  Okay, well, obviously his ego was still intact and he wasn’t in the mood for the small talk she had rehearsed to lead up to her real reason for coming back.

  Pulling in a deep breath, Cassandra jumped right in.

  “No,” she replied. “I came here to tell you I need a favor.”

  Luke stared another moment before that rich, familiar laugh filled the spacious office. Unable to stand still, Cassandra moved around and glanced at the black-and-white images on the walls. Pictures of Luke and his brothers. The Sutherland men were all handsome and powerful, and she had loved each of them like family...but none like Luke. Gavin, Cash, and Will had all been like her own brothers. She’d missed them when she’d left town without looking back.

  But Luke... He’d left her bitter and angry. He’d strung her along, allowing her to think they’d spend their lives together, when he only cared about the next bar he could open or how quickly he could book the next big star so he could have bragging rights.

  So she’d left.

  Cassandra had gathered up the pieces of her shattered heart and continued on with her own dreams. She’d gotten along just fine in her career as a wedding coordinator, despite being jealous with each “I do” she helped create. And now that she’d branched out and opened her own company, she needed something amazing to make her stand out in a saturated industry. She needed a celebrity wedding.

  And that’s where the favor she was after came in. That’s why she’d set aside her pride, and her carefully repaired heart, and driven the three hours to Beaumont Bay to put herself in front of Luke.

  “I know Will is getting married.” Cassandra turned from the images to face Luke once again. He still hadn’t moved, but those eyes remained on her. “That’s what I’m here about.”

  “Sorry, darlin’, but he’s already got a bride.”

  Cassandra sighed. “Obviously. I’m aware his bride is Hannah Banks. I want to be their wedding coordinator and you’re going to get that job for me.”

  Silence settled between them and her heart pounded so loud, she could hear the rhythmic thump in her ears.

  “You came all the way here to make that demand?” Luke circled the desk to stand right in front of her. “You could have called.”

  Oh, mercy. He smelled too damn good and seemed broader, stronger, sexier than ever. Maybe a phone call would have been better.

  No matter. She was immune to his charms now. She’d known when she’d decided to ask for this favor that Luke would be handsome and successful. He’d been both of those things when she’d left. The hurt he’d left her with had trumped any physical attraction.

  “Would you have taken my call?” she asked.

  Luke shrugged. “Sure, why not? We’ve both moved on.”

  His eyes dropped to her lips and that flair of arousal shot up again. She’d only been in the office for all of two minutes and already she wanted him. Maybe it was the memories creeping up. She had to keep reminding herself to stay in the present and focus on the real reason for her visit back to the Bay. Luke owed her for the years she’d spent with him, when she’d waited on him to commit, and all the hurt he’d caused in the end. Cassandra was ready to cash in his debt.

  And yet, who could blame her for getting sidetracked by Luke Sutherland? Even if they hadn’t had an intimate past, the man would have demanded attention, with his dark gaze, his strong jawline, and those broad shoulders. When he crossed his arms and widened his stance, Cassandra swallowed the lump of arousal in her throat.

  The man knew exactly what he was doing to her. How dare he stand there and look so, so...

  Ugh. Frustration was taking hold of her.

  A shrink would have a field day in her head, considering her past heartbreak when it came to a man who’d refused to marry her, along with her current line of work helping happy couples walk down the aisle. Maybe she was just a hopeless romantic who still believed in the miracle of happy endings.

  Just because things hadn’t worked out for her didn’t mean she didn’t believe in love. She saw the reality of it every day as a wedding coordinator. Maybe one day she would find the man she was meant to be with.

  Once upon a time, she’d thought for sure that man was Luke. Now she was glad she hadn’t hung around any longer waiting for him. She’d seen that Country Beat article. Apparently, he still wasn’t in the market for a wife.

  “What makes you think I have any pull with Hannah?” he asked, jerking her attention to his low, gravelly tone. “She’s a superstar. She’s got her own entourage of people. I’m sure she has found her own wedding coordinator since they want to do something quick and small.”

  Cassandra smiled. “Do you think I would have come all this way if I hadn’t done my research? She has no coordinator as of yesterday, which is why you need to get on the phone now and make an appointment with her for me.”

  The muscles in Luke’s jaw clenched as he continued to stare at her. Cassandra really didn’t want to pull the past into this moment, but she would do it if she needed to. She wasn’t leaving this office without an appointment.

  “What makes you think you’ll get the job?” he asked.

  “You get me the in-person meeting and I’ll get the job.”

  Luke rested his hip on the edge of his desk and seemed to study her...and he also seemed to be considering her idea.

  “Why is this job so important for you?” he asked.

  “I started my own company,” she told him. “It’s only six months old. I worked for Brides and Belles for almost eight years and it was time to go out on my own. I need a celebrity wedding to push my business and put my name at the top of other celebrity lists.”

  Even if that meant swallowing her pride and begging.

  Again, Luke landed that intense stare on her and she forced herself to remain calm and not fidget. He had to agree to this. He absolutely had to. Launching her own service, Be My Guest, had taken most of her savings and every ounce of her courage. She would fight with everything in her being to make this next career move a huge success...even if that meant putting her heart and sanity on the line once again and facing Luke Sutherland.

  “I’ll help you.”

  Cassandra nearly threw her arms around him, but then remembered touching him would be a terrible idea. Still, she couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face.

  She’d always believed in love, always wanted to see other couples be happy and help them create the most perfect day. She’d even envisioned her own perfect day with Luke way back when. But now...well, now she wouldn’t allow herself to even mentally walk down the aisle—not until she found a man worthy of her. Now, all her energy was on making Be My Guest a success. And Luke was helping her do it.

  “Luke, you don’t even—”

  “On one condition,” he added, straightening and leveling his gaze on her.

  Her excitement was short-lived as she heard his stern tone. “A condition?”

  “You will help me in return.”

  He circled around the other side of the desk and pulled a magazine from a drawer. He slapped the magazine on the desktop, the harsh sound echoing throughout the office, and angled the article for her to see.

  “That is ruining my life.” He pointed to the open pages. “I’ll get you that appointment if you pretend to be my very doting, very public fiancée until Will’s wedding is over.”

  Cassandra waited for the punch line of this sick joke. She’d waited so long for him to ask her to marry him. He’d been working toward opening his first bar, and she’d been trying to break in to planning weddings. But the longer she’d waited, the more he’d become involved in his work. One bar turned into another and he’d reached a point where he’d been too busy for her. Between bar openings, hiring of employees, and finding bands and artists to keep the stages full and the customers coming back, a solid wedge had formed between them. And, one day, Cassandra had realized she would never be able to compete for his affection.


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