The Starting Line: Friends To Lovers

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The Starting Line: Friends To Lovers Page 1

by Jennifer Hartley


  Jennifer Hartley


  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley

  @ Copyright 2019 by (Jennifer Hartley)

  This iѕ a wоrk оf fiction. Names, characters, places аnd inсidеntѕ аrе еithеr thе рrоduсt оf thе аuthоr’ѕ imаginаtiоn or are used fiсtitiоuѕlу, and аnу rеѕеmblаnсе to actual реrѕоnѕ, living оr dеаd, business establishments, еvеntѕ, оr locales iѕ entirely coincidental.

  All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.

  First edition 2019

  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley

  Second Chance Desires Boxset

  The Heart Of You

  Tangled Hearts

  Perchance To Dream

  Back To you


  The Miles Between Us

  You Are Mine

  Marine For Dinner

  The Starting Line

  A Distance Spark

  The Restless Heart- Coming Soon

  The Arrangement- Coming Soon

  The Strong Hold – Coming Soon

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  Chapter One

  It’s not that they love and lose. They don’t have an awful argument over something petty or incredibly important. They don’t go their separate ways, never to see each other again. They’re friends, what they’ve always claimed to be. Once they get home, they take a much-needed rest. They catch up on sleep and friends and nights out.

  Sure, Jude gets drunk on the weekends and acts stupid too frequently and she spends way too much money on shopping. But they’re young and just getting to fully experience the banalities and luxuries of young adulthood that their peers have long since deemed commonplace. Their friends and family know how to keep their heads on straight, and when it’s needed, a reality check is swiftly made.

  Jude’s buddies grill him and ask how much he’s scored since his breakup. He typically gives them a wicked smirk and takes a pull from his beer, leaving them guessing. He’s not hurting for attention; that’s for sure. On occasion, the brave ones even ask about his partner and what’s going on there. A flash frown precedes when Jude always shakes his head and says, “No. She’s not my type. We are just friends.”

  When Hailey goes out, it’s typically with one or two girlfriends and much more low-key. Her friends are less inquisitive, if only because they already know she won’t say anything. A new acquaintance asks about her relationship with Jude - Hailey simply shrugs at the inquiry and gives a sorry not sorry kind of response.

  They go to football games and social functions, give interviews and discuss what’s next. They provide non-answers and smiling contradictions while looking like the gorgeous ballroom dancers they are. They take pictures and rub elbows with the finest, then hop back on the plane or train or load into Jude’s car (he never lets Hailey drive) and head home. They travel all over the country.

  Closer to July, as they prepare for Dance China, they call up Jacob for some help with choreography. Though his trip is brief as he has his own show to prepare for, it’s packed with creativity and fun, leaving Hailey and Jude re-energized for their time abroad. The trip is fun, not as fun as some they’ve had, but they make the most of it and enjoy the time together, doing what they love. If one or the other sometimes holds on too long or stares too intently, neither one says a thing and just ignores the sense of missed opportunities as they continue on. And maybe sometimes he sits too close on the bus, the length of his leg pressed against hers, or maybe sometimes she drinks too much wine at dinner and laughs too loud when he cracks a joke. But that’s okay. It’s what they do.

  Once they return, they see each other, not as often, but it’s just like always: same story, different day - he acts like a goofball, she laughs; she says something, he grins. Their silences are no longer dominated by pre-World Dance tension and mercurial moods, just simple ebbs and flows in conversation.

  One afternoon after they’ve finished dancing for the day, they’re sitting at a local hole in the wall - the one they always frequent. They’ve ordered food and are waiting for it to arrive. Jude is chewing on his straw absently as Hailey plays with the edge of her spoon; both are deep in thought.

  “I think it’s a good idea,” Hailey offers, leaning forward to sip her water. “We could offer lessons twice a month and have free studio time. Win-win.”

  “So you like it?” Jude asks, a gentle inflection in his voice belying how much he valued her opinion of his sometimes crazy ideas. “It would also give us a chance to find anyone that stands out.”

  “Incognito scouting?” Hailey smirks at him. “I like it. Yeah, let’s do it. It’ll be rough once school resumes, but I think I can manage it.”

  “Yeah, I thought about that too. I mean… if we have to dial it back, we can. No big deal.”

  Hailey shakes her head. “I’d rather forgo sleep. Let’s talk to the studio manager tomorrow.”

  “Deal.” Jude holds out his hand, and Hailey slaps it in a practiced fashion, a secret handshake that has morphed over the years.

  Their food arrives, and as they dig in, Hailey changes the topic. “Have you decided what you’re going to do in the Fall yet?”

  Jude takes a giant bite and nods his head. Once he swallows, he glances up and sees the expectant look on her face. “All in due time. You’ll know soon enough.”

  Hailey frowns. For as much as he hates surprises, he sure does love springing them on other people.

  A couple of days later, the pair comes to an agreement with the studio that in exchange for free dance time, they’ll offer free lessons twice a month. Of course, the studio gets the better end of the deal.

  Their first day is so popular that they have to offer multiple sessions to handle all the students. It becomes routine that when they leave for the day, they’ll grab dinner and discuss their lesson plans and laugh at each other… Did you see that? And how can you be so clumsy yet so graceful? It’s both gratifying and comforting, sharing the dance floor and their passion with a younger generation. They discuss roping in Perry and others to become guest teachers in hopes of bringing out more of the solo dancers.

  Sure, after school starts, Hailey gets busy, but they knew that would happen. There is still a brand to capitalize on and an intrinsic desire to dance together, always together. Their lessons often remain a highlight of their weeks. They dance around the topic of possibly expanding that area of their lives once Hailey graduates, but it’s nothing concrete. They still text, not daily, but often enough that their conversation is always fluid - no
hellos or goodbyes.

  Jude, true to form, dives in headfirst in about 70 different activities. He’s so busy that he doesn’t allow himself a chance to think about what he’s missing. He gets a rescue dog, part retriever-part husky who’s as earnest as her new owner, and names her Sunny. She follows him around everywhere and whines when he doesn’t let her into the bathroom. He joins the local football team, takes cooking classes, and starts fire-fighter training in Lakesville where his chances of getting success in his career are higher. He sleeps occasionally, but he can do that when he gets old.

  Hailey plows into her last year of school, devoting hours to studying in a corner coffee shop with stacks of notes, books, and her hair in a messy bun. As usual, she’s ignorant of the dusty-haired guy, with a crooked smile, from her abnormal psych class working the counter, casting surreptitious looks her way. As part of a work-study program, she works occasional nights and weekends at the library, the quiet and solitude a welcome change to her usual grind. She resumes ballet and yoga and takes up hip-hop because why not?

  Their agent contacts her one afternoon in September saying that one of the women’s sports and fitness magazines wants her for a photoshoot. Before the words ‘paid trip to Malibu and free workout clothes’ are out of his mouth, she’s sold. It opens the door to other avenues that she had vaguely considered before.

  Jude’s buddies text him obnoxiously when she ends up on the cover of the magazine, doing some insane yoga pose with the Pacific Ocean in the background. Even though he sends back his typical vulgar response, he drives to the nearest grocery store to buy a copy. For science. Obviously.

  In late September, Jude gets a call from a buddy at National Broadcasting asking if he wants to be a guest-host on a few sports shows. He agrees immediately because this seems like a piece of cake - getting paid to be passionate about sports? Yes, please. Hailey never misses an appearance when he’s on TV; firstly, to make sure the outfit she chose for him looks good on camera (he video chats with her beforehand, trying on different shirts and ties, getting increasingly exasperated until she gives a weak-ass wolf whistle and claps in delight at a combo that works), and secondly because she misses his face. His wit and charisma make him a perfect fit, as he delivers one-liners, quips, and comebacks like a pro. Of course, he is asked back for more. He has his sights set on Football Night, but that’s a five-year goal.

  On a remarkably blustery October afternoon after leaving the TV station in Corden, Jude steps on the train and takes a seat near the window. He’s texting the leggy blonde sports analyst who slipped her number into his coat pocket and gave him a wink with a lingering kiss on the cheek. She’s witty, and their banter is light and flirtatious.

  Jude dates often, but after all his earlier relationships that became intense so rapidly, he’s decided to enjoy surveying the scene. When he dates, he catches himself comparing the current woman to previous girlfriends, but not Hailey. Never Hailey. He doesn’t think about why he does that, except to acknowledge that comparing them to Hailey would indicate he’s thought about her as other than a friend and partner, which is dangerous territory for numerous reasons. Still, he’s not sure dating is for him, but he’s too young to settle, and when he meets the future Mrs. Jennings, he wants to be sure she’s the right fit. Or so he keeps telling himself.

  When the train pulls out of the station, he casts a glance outside and raises his eyebrows at what he sees. On a giant wall-sized ad is a remarkably attractive brunette posing in a long dress photo-shopped to make it look as though it melts into a floor of gold, pooling at her feet. A long leg on impossibly tall stilettos sticks out through the thigh-high slit of the dress, her skin glows, her hair is all large curls and shine, and her eyes are that clear green that still transfixes him when he lets himself sit still long enough. Her smile is what gets him though; it has a hint of mischief and mystery. He knows how much trouble that particular smile has gotten him into. Flawless. Before he can snap a picture with his phone, the billboard is gone, but her image is seared to his brain. The leggy blonde texts him back, but he ignores it, choosing to text Hailey instead.

  So did they let you keep that dress? Or was that just for the photoshoot? Wow.

  They spend the rest of his train ride texting. When he lies in bed that night, he feels a warmth in his chest that radiates to his toes. He doesn’t ponder much why, just remembers the image of Hailey and that wicked smile, and he grins to himself.

  Then Sunny hops on his bed and farts in his face. So much for a good night’s sleep.

  Chapter Two

  On occasion, they meet up when it’s not a Saturday. Sometimes it’s a family event; sometimes a rare mutual friend is having a gathering. This night is the latter. Jude offers to drive because he’s in her neck of the woods and can’t see why she should drive when it’s not a hassle. He parks in front of her place and knocks, waiting a few moments for her to open the front door.

  He’s been to her new apartment a few times, but never for an extended period. When she lets him in, she’s only partially ready and talking on the phone, mouthing ‘sorry’ and rolling her eyes at whoever is talking on the other end. Based on the phone conversation it sounds like whoever is on the other line got dumped and is crying and he can’t help but laugh because for as sensitive as Hailey can be, she does not take tears well. She reaches a certain point where the other person needs to suck it up and get over it. You don’t become a champion by wallowing in self-pity. Grinning, he shuts the door behind him and follows where she points into the living room for him to take a seat.

  Jude chooses to look around, wanting to get a better feel for her place. Matted black and white photos line the walls, dark wood, light furniture with bright accent pillows, and soft touches that scream Hailey are all over the place. It’s very classy and understated. Her coffee table is littered with notes and books and what looks to be a very detailed revised draft of a paper. He catches sight of a couple of pamphlets beside a notebook that has the names of several universities, and he can’t help but be curious where they are and what it all means.

  Straightening, he spots a picture of the both of them among many family photos on her bookcase. It’s not one from when they were dancing; they’re actually at another event, and he’s got his arm wrapped around her, and they’re both laughing, her head tossed back while he’s leaning forward and looking back at her. He feels like he’s spent half his life looking at her. Before he can draw closer, Hailey emerges from her room looking beautiful as usual and mildly irritated.

  “You look nice,” Jude says quickly because he knows she’s about to go on a rant. She beams at him brightly, handing him her coat so she can slide into it.

  “Thanks. You look good too. I like that color.”

  “I know.” He’s not wearing anything special, but for some odd reason, he chose this particular button-up, just to see what she’d say. As predicted, his clothing selection is what she prefers, something he takes an odd sense of pleasure in knowing. Not that he would ever admit it.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she sighs knowingly, preoccupied. He waits for her to lock the front door then starts walking to the car. “So I need your perspective for a moment. When a guy says, ‘I need space,’ that’s really code for: ‘this is my attempt at screwing around with someone else without having to break up completely because I like what we have but don’t want to miss out on anything.’ Right?”

  “Oh, slow down there.” Jude unlocks the doors and takes a moment to process while she gets buckled in. “Is she clingy?”

  “Mmm, a little bit. She’s a beautiful girl, smart, funny. I’m not quite sure why else he’d want a break unless he just wants to get laid by someone that isn’t her.”

  “Maybe she steals food off his plate; maybe she bugs him during football games, maybe she’s the jealous type, maybe she’s awful in bed. The point is, you’re never going to know unless you get both sides of the story.”

  He hopes his wisdom is enough until she turns at him, her eyebrow
s raised expectantly. “I guess we’re in luck then because Bill’s going to be there tonight.”

  “Oh, no.”

  Her grin is entirely diabolical. “Oh, yes.”

  “Hailey,” Jude intones, not liking where this is going. “Remember last time you tried to matchmake? It did not end well.”

  Huffing from her passenger seat, Hailey crosses her arms petulantly. “First off, it worked out fine. They got married. didn’t they?”

  Jude gives her a side-eye and shakes his head. “Through no help from you. This was after you’d bombed the entire situation and they met up a month later at a funeral or something.”

  “It was a play, and you’re exaggerating.”

  “Am I? He thought instead of her, you were in love with him!”

  “Well, that was a minor issue, and I cleared that up quickly.”

  “He still can’t look you in the eyes.”

  “I don’t see why; it’s not like he did anything wrong.”

  “Except make a jackass out of himself. Don’t mess with a man’s pride. This is a bad idea.” Jude sighs as they turn on the main road heading to their location. Hailey is silent, which indicates either plotting or pouting. He was going for the former.

  “Okay fine. If you’re going to do this, I might as well keep my eye on you to keep it from getting out of hand.”

  She smiles wide and claps her hands. “Excellent. So here’s the plan…”

  Jude is currently seeing three of everyone. How’d that happen so fast? “How am I already drunk?”


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