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Sex Material Page 4

by Ashley, Victoria

  His movements are slow and sensual, and before I can force myself to look away, he pulls the side of his jeans down a bit, exposing the defined V of muscle that leads down to his groin.

  I’m unable to move away for a few moments, cemented to where I stand, but all it takes is him pulling his pants down farther and growling out as his movements speed up for me to finally get a handle on my body.

  “Oh, my God,” I whisper in panic, nearly tripping over my own feet as I move away from the window and slam my back against the house.

  I may not have been able to see his dick, but just the fact that I witnessed him pleasuring himself has my body heating with desire and need I shouldn’t feel. Especially right now.

  The temptation to get another glimpse of him touching himself is stronger the longer I stand here, fighting to catch my breath.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  I take one more quick breath, before pushing away from the siding and then turn to walk around the side of the house before anyone sees me. I stop dead in my tracks when I slam into a rock-hard body that almost sends me flying to my ass.

  “What the fuck are you doing back here?” He crosses his arms and looks down at me. The way his icy blues roam over my face before landing on my lips has me almost coming undone again. “Were you spying on me?”

  “No,” I say angrily, even though inside I am dying from embarrassment because it’s true. I’m a damn pervert who just watched my best friend’s landlord touch himself. “I was trying to see if you were working before barging in again. I…”

  “So, you weren’t watching me touch my dick…” He steps in close and whispers in my ear, “and enjoying it?”

  His breath caressing my ear and neck has my nipples hardening, forcing me to move my arms up to cover myself by crossing them over my chest.

  “No,” I say on a nervous swallow. “Now move so I can leave. I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit today. All I wanted was an application, but for whatever reason you clearly don’t plan to give me one.”

  “It seems to me you’d rather have a peep show. That I have no problem continuing if it helps you get over your ex.” Keeping his eyes on me, he slowly moves his hand down his stomach, before gripping his hard dick. “We’ve gotten this far, Cami. You might as well watch me come too.”

  “Wow! You’re an asshole.” I push on his chest in anger and walk past him. “Go fuck yourself.”

  “That’s what I was trying to do when you were watching me through the window.”

  I stop in my tracks and turn around to face him. “You knew I was there the whole time, didn’t you? Is that why you did it?”

  “I was horny and you showed up at the wrong time, or right, depending on how you want to look at it…” He looks me over, his lips curving up into a confident smirk when his gaze lands on my hard nipples. “The thought of you watching me get off had me ready to fucking blow my load. So, yes, I touched myself for you.”

  “You really are something else,” I say angrily. “I’m going inside.”

  “Me too. I’ll be in the shower finishing myself off. When you go inside and touch yourself, think about that. You’ll come in no time.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Never said I wasn’t.”

  I’m about to open the door to Veronica’s house to get away when he speaks again. “Check the mailbox for your application. I want it completed and back to me within a few hours.”

  I turn to look at him, but he’s already making his way up the porch and into the house.

  This guy makes me insane. In fact, he has me so crazy and caught up in hating him that Douglas doesn’t even cross my mind until he calls a few hours later.

  “Please tell me you’re still ignoring his calls,” Veronica says over my shoulder from where I’m sitting at the kitchen table.

  I look away from the application I have yet to fill out and flip my phone over, face down. “Surprisingly, this is the first time he’s called since Peter got back with my things.”

  Veronica laughs and takes a seat at the table. “Peter might’ve mentioned to him that if he called anytime soon he’d come back and break his arm.”

  A satisfied grin settles on my face when I picture Douglas’ scared expression. Peter is a pretty intimidating looking guy. He’s tall and muscular with tattoos and a beard. “I’ll have to remember to thank him by cooking my famous tacos before I leave. If I ever leave that is.”

  “Umm…” Her gaze lingers down to the paper in front of me. “Isn’t that an application for next door? It says Blake Rentals on the top.” She taps the paper and smiles. “Looks like he has a soft spot for you after all.”

  I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Are you still drunk, Veronica? I’m pretty positive he hates me just as much as I hate him.” I pick up the application and wave it around, before slamming it back down on the table. “He’s probably going to throw it in the trash. There’s no point in even filling it out.”

  “Welp, I guess you won’t know unless you try.” She stands up and reaches for a clean wine glass. “When does he want it back? He usually gives a timeframe, and trust me, you don’t want to be late.”

  I flip my phone over and shrug. “About twenty minutes ago.”

  “Cami! Oh hell… You’ll be needing one of these too.” She reaches for a second glass and fills it halfway up, before shrugging and filling it to the top. “Are you insane?” she asks, handing one of the glasses to me.

  “Sometimes. Everyone deserves a little respect. He needs to learn that he can’t just bark out orders and expect everyone to obey.”

  And that he can’t just use his body to get what he wants. But I leave that part out. I’ve barely recovered from that little show and I’d like nothing more than to forget it ever happened.

  “Are you trying to get me kicked out?” She tilts her glass back in panic, taking a huge gulp. “I don’t want to have to move. Do you know how long it took to get into one of his properties? They’re hard to get into, because everyone wants a Blake Rentals home. Blake Construction builds each and every one and they’re the best quality homes around.”

  “He builds the houses too?” I ask in shock. “When does this guy ever have time to rest?”

  “He doesn’t,” she says quickly. “It’s probably why he’s such an asshole when it comes to his properties, and I don’t want to provoke him in any way.”

  “He’s not going to kick you out because he’s pissed at me, Veronica. Surely, he’s not that big of an asshole.”

  She nods, spilling wine down the front of her shirt as she continues to drink. “Yes. Definitely. He’s that big of an asshole. Fill that out ASAP and get it back to him. I mean it. Don’t fuck me over on this.” She stands up, completely on edge. “I’ll be in my room trying not to hyperventilate. Holy fuck, Cami! Holy…”

  She disappears down the hall, not finishing her sentence. I’ve never seen her so nervous in the entire six years that I’ve known her. I can’t deny that it has me somewhat nervous now too.

  Her reaction and Douglas calling, mixed with the fact that the guy I’m trying to convince to rent me his property is a complete asshole who touched himself hours ago, knowing I was watching, has my nerves shot.

  Thank God for wine. I’m definitely feeling the need to drink it all now…

  FUCK, I SHOULDN’T HAVE DONE that in front of her, but the fact that she showed no interest in me the other night had me wanting to do something to change her mind when I saw her watching me through the window.

  As sick as I am of all these fucking women wanting me for my body, when it comes to Cami, for some reason I want her to want me for the same damn thing.

  Talk about being fucked in the head.

  Had she stood outside that window for two seconds longer she would’ve gotten a view of my very hard dick as I stroked it while looking her right in the eyes until I came. And I would’ve had no problem in doing so.

  It’s been four hours since I told her to bring
me the application, so I’m beginning to think she’s changed her mind about living here after the little show I put on.

  Maybe that’s a good thing, because I’m not sure how many more times I can look at her without using my body for what I do best these days—fucking good and hard and forgetting it ever happened.

  After I finished the final coat of paint in the spare bedroom, I moved on to do some work in the kitchen. I can only handle so much painting at once without thinking too much and getting lost in my head.

  In the middle of tearing up some of the damaged floor tile, I hear a throat clear from somewhere close by.

  When I look up Cami is standing barefoot in a little white summer dress with her long blonde hair pulled up into a lose bun.

  The sight of her sun-kissed skin and long legs has my dick instantly hardening beneath my jeans, and the moment my gaze moves up to her scowling lips, it manages to harden even more.

  “Is this even a real application?” She holds the paper up and points at one of the extra questions I added before printing it. “How many times a week did Douglas make you come? Really?"

  “It’s definitely a real application.” I stand, wiping my hands down my jeans. “Did you answer every question?”

  She shakes her head and lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Did I… did I answer every question? Of course I didn’t, because there’s at least three that are irrelevant to me living here. You’re insane if you think I’m going to give you that kind of information.”

  Shaking my head in disappointment, I move toward Cami, stopping once I’m standing right in front of her. “Then you didn’t listen.” I point out. “I told you to complete the application and bring it back to me within a few hours, and here you are four fucking hours later standing in my kitchen with an incomplete form.”

  She swallows nervously, her gaze roaming over my half-naked body as I take another step closer to her, my arms now on either side of her waist, her back against the counter. “Now answer the fucking question, Cami.”

  “Who said he made me come weekly?” she questions stiffly. “Maybe I can’t answer that question.”

  “What a shame,” I say against her neck, before moving my lips up it, stopping just beneath her ear. “Want to know how many times a week I would make you come?” When she doesn’t say anything, I lick my lips and continue. “Fourteen.”

  “You do realize there’s only seven days in a week, right?” Her voice is weak, and I can’t help but hope it’s from my body being so close.

  “Exactly,” I whisper in her ear. “But that’s just the number of times I would, not the number that I could.”

  “You’re full of it.” She places her hands on my chest, causing me to take a slight step back.

  “Am I?” I grip her waist with both hands. “I could prove right now that I’m not.” With that, I pick her up and set her on the counter, spreading her thighs for me to step in between them.

  “What the hell are you doing?” She shoves my chest, but I stand firm, barely moving. “I’m not going to have sex with you, Jensen. Firstly, I can’t stand you, and secondly, I just got cheated on by my ex of five years. Sex is the last thing on my mind.”

  “Who said anything about sex?” I remove my hands from her waist to place them on her thighs. When she doesn’t push me away, I slowly move them up her dress to grip the thin strings of her panties. “I’m only interested in making you come, since your ex clearly wasn’t doing the job. My tongue will do the job just fine and you can continue to hate me after.”

  I wrap my fists around her panties and give them a slight tug to test her. When a small gasp leaves her lips instead of a no, I know she wants me to taste her pussy just as much as I want to.

  Spreading her thighs wider for me, my lips curve into a slight smirk as I get a look at her wet panties. “Fuck, Cami. I haven’t even touched you and you’re already wet for me. You really think I wouldn’t give you multiple orgasms a day?”

  She yanks her dress down and closes her legs. “I hate your mouth,” she grumbles.

  “You won’t for long.”

  “You’re an asshole.” She pushes my chest hard enough to make me take a step back and give her room to jump down to her feet. “I’m out of here. I don’t have time for your games.”

  I stand back with a smirk, watching as she walks toward the living room as if she can’t wait to get away from me.

  “The place will be ready in three weeks. You’re going to need Eighteen hundred up front to move in. That’s first month’s rent and deposit.”

  She stops right before reaching the door and turns back around to face me. “Are you messing with me right now? Because I can’t take this being some big joke to you. Don’t get my hopes up and then let me down.”

  “I never let people down, Miss Reynolds. Once I give my word, I keep it. If I say the place is yours, then it is.” I flex my jaw as she looks me over, most likely trying to figure out if I’m being serious. “I’ll have a contract printed up by Monday. Come back with the first payment and it’s yours.”

  She swallows, before finally speaking. “How did you know my last name? You didn’t even look at my application.”

  “I’ve done my research. There’s not many teachers around here with the name Camille.” I run a hand through my sweaty hair and turn away, before I have a chance to do anything else stupid tonight. “Now, I have shit to do. You can let yourself out.”

  The moment I hear the door shut, I throw myself back into work, needing the distraction just as I do every fucking night.

  I could have any of my guys on this project, yet I choose to take care of all renovations myself, because it’s the only thing that keeps me going.

  The idea of being at home alone gives me the same sick feeling in my stomach that it’s been giving me for almost the last two years. So, I do my best to avoid it at all costs.

  Even if that means spending my nights working until every muscle in my body aches to the point I can no longer keep going.

  It’s late by the time I arrive home, so I’m surprised when I pull up to Kelly Moore sitting on my porch waiting for me.

  The moment I pull my helmet off, she stands and walks toward me, as if she can’t wait for me to get to her.

  “I’ve been sitting here for hours, Jensen. It’s been a rough night for me.” She places her hands on my chest and immediately moves in to kiss my neck, speaking against it. “I need you to fuck me.”

  “That’s not happening again.” I grab her arms and push her back a bit, allowing space for me to look down at her. “It’s been a long night and I can’t do this shit right now. Go the fuck home.”

  I move past her to get to my porch, but she grabs my arm and begins pulling me back. “He married her today. He went through with it and it’s only been seven months. I need this.” She sounds desperate now. “I can’t think about him any more tonight. I won’t, and you’re the only thing that will stop that from happening.”

  She moves around me and goes for my belt, unbuckling it as if she’s ready for me to take her right here in the open.

  “That’s shitty…” I grab her hands to stop her right before she has the chance to pull my cock out. “But this is not happening. I gave you what you needed months ago when he left you. It was a onetime deal.”

  Ignoring me, she goes right back to working my dick out of my jeans. I let her grope it for a few seconds while I work on sending a quick text to Austin to get his ass here.

  He lives right around the corner, so he’s the fastest option to get her off my dick and back home where she belongs.

  As soon as I toss my phone into the grass, I grab my dick and shove it back into my jeans before she gets too far. “Like I said, it’s time for you to go.”

  I pick her up and nod at Austin when he pulls up a few minutes later and steps out to open the backdoor of the car.

  “What are you doing?” She squeaks.

  “Getting you home.” I place her on the backseat and shut the door be
fore she can try to get out. “Sleep it off and don’t show up at my house again.”

  “What the hell, Jensen! You’re such as asshole!”

  Austin laughs and shakes his head. “You’re lucky I live so close, because this is becoming a regular thing with you and women.”

  “Tell me about it.” I cross my arms and back up, watching as he jumps into his car and drives off.

  “Shit,” I grunt, running my hands through my hair. I stand here for a few moments staring out into the darkness, before I call it a night and head to bed.

  I lie here, naked, my chest aching and my mind stuck in the past as I down half a bottle of whiskey, before passing out.

  MY NERVES ARE SHOT, MY hands shaky and unsteady as I reach to pull my hair into a ponytail. I’ve been working on my breathing since I woke up early this morning, but my anxiety over seeing Douglas soon is getting the best of me.

  The idea of seeing him, or Susan for that matter, has the walls feeling like they’re closing in on me. Regardless of which way I turn, I can’t escape, and it’s crushing me.

  I managed to avoid his calls and texts the entire weekend with the help of Veronica and Peter, but the moment I get to the school, ignoring him will be close to impossible.

  The school is only so big. We’re bound to bump into each other at one time or another today, whether it be in the hallway, lunch room, or after school, and truthfully, I’m not sure what my reaction will be.

  The tears haven’t hit yet this morning, and that scares the crap out of me. I stayed up most of the night worried I’ll have a mental breakdown in front of him and everyone at school, making a fool of myself.

  The last thing I need is for all of our colleagues to look at me with pity in their eyes while they tell me that everything will be okay. I don’t want or need their judgment, and I for sure don’t want to talk about the situation with anyone other than Veronica.

  I turn around when I hear a tap on the bedroom door. “Morning, babe.” Veronica offers me a smile and a glazed donut. “Stay strong today. Remember, Douglas is a loser and you can do so much better. Just keep reminding yourself that and you should be good. He’s not even that good looking anyway. He’s mediocre at best, babe. You’re much more attractive than him and Susan put together.”


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