Dalian Crystals

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Dalian Crystals Page 10

by Barbara Robertson



  Negotiations between two warring, hostile Rebel leaders were not her usual assignment. But Imperial Planetary Governor Lem had personally requested emergency Imperial assistance. The Governor managed to postpone the Rebel negotiations for several days, in anticipation of the Imperial Negotiator’s arrival. Javette received her full briefing regarding the dangerous situation on Ban’Ti the day before she landed her ES warbird on its space port, one of the few areas cleared from the planet’s thick jungle. Her track record of successful negotiations for the Emperor during the last twenty years was without equal. Javette was the top Imperial Negotiator.

  A Space Cadre destroyer group nearest Ban’Ti was ordered in immediately after her departure from K’Halon Prime, but the Imperial ships needed two and a half more hours to get into firing range of the orbiting Rebel ships. Javette had to negotiate for Governor Lem’s release, and stall the quarreling Rebels at least three hours. An Army security shuttle picked her up and flew her to the Ban’Ti Governor’s mansion in H’Lel, the little planet’s capital.

  The Imperial Army had surrounded the mansion with every type of land assault craft in its arsenal. Rebels had the mansion wired to blow top to bottom. Their old, dilapidated vehicles were parked right next to the mansion. The Rebels held the Planetary Governor hostage, with his family and staff—the reason the experienced Shi’Lon Ranger was sent in to negotiate.

  “Sure you want to me land, Master Commander, ma’am?” The Army pilot asked Javette, looking at the beautiful woman in her black cloak. “Not a very nice place for a lady like you,” he observed quietly. She smiled and touched his hand, and thanked him as she stepped out of the shuttle. Javette walked through the open front door, knowing fifty or more Rebel laser rifles were pointing at her.

  She stopped inside the mansion foyer, looked at the armed Rebels pointing their laser rifles at her, and raised her hands, showing she carried no rifle. She announced, “I am Master Commander Javette, Shi’Lon Ranger and Emissary of the Great Emperor P’Lau. I have come in peace, and you will let me pass.” The Rebels were ordered to show Javette to her room by Colonel Vas, where she could freshen up and wait to be called.

  The Rebel Colonel Vas knocked on Javette’s door in ten minutes, and escorted her to the large dining room, where “negotiations” were taking place. Laser rifles and pistols were piled in a corner. Imperial Planetary Governor Lem sat in a chair, bound and gagged, and shaking. The Rebels were not going to let him get another emergency message off to the Emperor. At one end of the long table was a Rebel General. His face was hard and rough, with a scar running from his scalp through his now-blind left eye, down his cheek. Javette could smell him even from the doorway.

  At the other end of the table, Colonel Vas politely signaled for her to sit in the middle, between the men. Vas was a former Imperial Army officer, defector to the Rebellion, and loyal to Duma Wat. He was the second-in-command for the Rebellion, and Duma Wat’s right-hand man. Opposing factions within the Rebel forces both claimed the upcoming Ban’Ti harvest profits. The only real trades Ban’Ti had going for the entire planet were fresh vegetables, sweet, highly prized delectable fruits, and natural gas. Snakeskin for making shoes and fashion accessories was also important. Plenty of snakes here, Javette thought to herself.

  Colonel Vas spoke first: “We landed here as one force, to take food and harvest profits for our comrades. We took Governor Lem hostage without incident, and all was going according to plan. No one was threatened, or hurt. Then, this animal arrived with his criminals, and began killing off the field workers, demanding credits, and women for his men to ravage!”

  Other officers at the table began shouting, making threats, and starting to fight. General Int stood and bellowed, “Shut the hell up!” He fired one shot of his laser pistol into the ceiling, and the men quieted down. The ceiling was full of holes. Javette held out her gloved hand and quietly took his pistol from him.

  “Duma Wat has not shared his spoils of war and good fortune with us for sixteen months. My men are hungry as wolves, for both food and comfort,” General Int said, licking his lips at Javette. “Duma Wat owes us. We are not leaving without the harvest and its credits, and the women of Ban’Ti!” The General yelled, pounding his dirty fist on the table, and his men agreed. The arguing and shouting then continued.

  Javette arbitrated the “Negotiations” for more than three hours, asking strategic questions of each man, to keep the conversation alive. Vas was asking for only the harvest profits; Int wanted to rape, pillage and plunder everything on Ban’Ti, including taking the harvest profits. Emperor P’Lau sent her there to convince both groups of Rebels to surrender Governor Lem to her, and leave Ban’Ti peacefully. The Governor was terrified, full of fear for his wife and four daughters, and his female staff members. He had good reason to be afraid for them. The women were locked in the basement by Colonel Vas for their protection when General Int and his Rebels arrived, and kept under constant guard—a wise move in his favor. The man still had honor, Javette noted.

  It was a true test of Javette’s skills to set aside her disgust of General Int and his filthy men, all of them murderers, thieves, and rapists. Not one of them displayed any shred of decency. Duma Wat had cut these despicable men free, hoping they would break off from the main Rebellion, dry up and blow away. But they followed Duma Wat’s Rebel fleet to little Ban’Ti, with its harvest at hand. Shrewd move.

  The negotiations reached a lull. Neither side would budge an inch, or allow Governor Lem and his family to be released. The men appeared tired from screaming at each other, and answering Javette’s endless questions. They took a short break and returned to the dining table. Sandwiches made from undisclosed meat were served. There were no large mammals on Ban’Ti. No deer, hogs, sheep, or cows were raised there, so the meat in the sandwiches was probably snake or rat meat. Javette politely declined any food. General Int and his men gobbled up the food with their filthy hands. Colonel Vas grimaced in disgust of the men’s total lack of manners.

  Javette checked her incoming comm link text from C.S. Bette, and it confirmed the Space Cadre destroyer attack group was in position. Her stalling techniques worked. Imperial Negotiator Javette opened the final session: “We have reached a stalemate, gentlemen. Unless either Colonel Vas or General Int have any other pertinent information to be considered, it is time for a resolution to this matter.” She waited patiently, but no one else spoke.

  “The Great Emperor P’Lau has sworn protection for each Imperial Governor and his or her family, including Governor Lem. Any hostile action taken by either of you against Imperial Planetary Governor Lem or any of his family members will result in the swift retaliation from Imperial forces.” Javette swept her arm and said, “This entire compound is surrounded by the Imperial Army, its well-trained troops and their weapons.”

  “We have them in our sights!” General Int bragged, and his officers at the table laughed.

  She looked at the greasy villain intensely, and said, “That is true, General Int. But, consider this, if you would: for each ‘lean wolf’ with a laser rifle, there are a hundred Imperial troops with him in their sights. Your vehicles will be demolished in seconds by Imperial Army missiles. A Space Cadre destroyer attack group is now in orbit around Ban’Ti, waiting for my signal, or lack thereof. They will obliterate your orbiting vessels. But the two of you, Colonel Vas and General Int: you will be captured alive, to stand trial before the High Court Tribunal, after many months in solitary confinement in the prison under ground, with only porridge to eat.” She let that image sink in for a few seconds.

  “There is nothing to be gained here now. No harvest profits will be given to either of you. You have reached an impasse. Your forces are completely surrounded, both here in this mansion, and in Ban’Ti’s orbit. This has become a suicide mission for your men. It is too late. If even one of your Rebels takes it upon himself to fire his weapon, all will die—except you, General Int, and Colonel Vas,�
� Javette calmly assessed, staring each man in his eyes.

  Realizing he had been expertly played by Javette, Colonel Vas asked, “Then, what is to be done? You did not come here empty handed, I’m certain of it, Shi’Lon Ranger. What does your Emperor offer us?”

  “He offers us only death!” Int yelled, and pounded the table again. His men were silent, looking at Javette.

  Javette stood and said, “The Great Emperor P’Lau is offering to let all Rebels retreat from Ban’Ti without threat of Space Cadre pursuit for twenty-four hours. This is your only chance. Shoulder your arms, and withdraw. Board your ships and leave now, and live. The word of the Emperor is true. Leave now, and live.” She subtly crossed her arms, targeting Colonel Vas and General Int with the hidden stun darts in her arm bands.

  Several moments of silence passed. “The loyal followers of Duma Wat accept your offer. We leave in peace. We leave now, Ranger,” Colonel Vas said. He stood and said to his officers, “Order our men to shoulder arms, withdraw without fire, and shuttle to our ships in orbit. Full retreat. Everyone. Right now!”

  M.C. Javette reported the information to C.S. Bette. The Imperial Army was ordered to let the Rebels retreat, and leave in peace. General Int’s officers peered out of the windows. “It’s true, sir. The Army is letting them board their shuttles. Colonel Vas’s men are lifting off now. We can go,” an officer said.

  “You should all leave in peace now,” Javette calmly advised. “Leave now, and live.”

  “I’m not leaving until Ban’Ti is mine; her credits, and her women! And you will be my personal pet, Ranger!” The General shouted. But his officers ran outside, ordering their men to shoulder their weapons and run to the shuttles. More Rebels boarded their beat-up shuttles and lifted off. Javette was alone with the General, and the terrified, bound Governor Lem.

  “Cowards!” General Int yelled through the open window, watching his Rebels run to their shuttles. He ordered his men to fire, screaming at his retreating Rebels. Not one shot was fired. The furious General reached for a hidden laser pistol from his boot and pointed it at Governor Lem. Javette drew her plasma sword and cut off his hand holding the pistol in one quick move. The General screamed in agony, and bellowed a stream of profanities.

  “Your pain is just beginning, Rebel,” Javette said. She touched a particular place on her breastplate, and a sedative dart was shot into the General’s chest. He collapsed on the floor. She removed the governor’s gag and bindings, and he was reunited with his grateful wife and family. Javette reported the situation to C.S. Bette. Then, the Imperial Army Captain and his security squad secured the Governor’s mansion, and successfully removed all the Rebel-installed incendiaries. Army troops and drones patrolled the compound, the surrounding buildings in H’Lel, and the jungle perimeter of H’Lel for hours, and found not one Rebel.

  M.C. Javette watched the Imperial troops take the sedated body of the criminal General Int to their transport. Thank the Creator she didn’t have to haul his disgusting, smelly body back in her ship for five days. Now—where was her Son, Dan’L?


  Home World

  The Great Emperor P’Lau was secretly flown back to Home World by Commander Bok, and escorted by another three ES-class fighters flown by other Borgund Rangers. Only highly-qualified Shi’Lon and Borgund Rangers had the super-fast ES-class fighters. The Emperor left his Imperial Command Battle Cruiser hovering above K’Halon Prime, still undergoing General Inspection.

  “The blueprint plainly showed the interior of our Imperial Command Battle Cruiser. If your scanners cannot reveal any anomaly within the ship, then dismantle the craft, and examine every section individually with teams of inspectors. Something is amiss, Fleet Admiral U’Ret, and you must discover what it is!” Emperor P’Lau ordered. How could that man not discover the unidentified mass so clearly shown in the 5D holographic blueprint? It was inside his personal chambers in the Royal Suite, in the very center of the senior officers’ deck.

  “Recent scans showed nothing in your quarters, Sire. And my men have searched every millimeter of your Royal Suite, my Emperor,” Admiral U’Ret stated. It was obvious the Admiral expected the Emperor to accept his explanation; but the Emperor later order the search to be resumed by his Imperial Guardsmen. Still, nothing was found. Commander Nat’N, the commanding officer of the Imperial Guards recently assigned to the Battle Cruiser, suggested whatever was showing on the holographic blueprint had been secretly moved prior to their search. Unfortunately, no one could tell what the anomaly was; it was in a large insulated crate or box.

  The Emperor cancelled the next few days of K’Halon Palace Court activities, to not draw attention to his absence. He visited K’Halon Prime three times yearly; M’Wati twice a year; and little Ban’Ti once every other year. He kept an “open court” policy, so he was usually available five days a week in person or by live vid comm. But it was now imperative to be unpredictable. P’Lau called an emergency Ranger High Command meeting in his private, small Royal Court at the Home World Palace. C.S. Vu’Duc was with Commander Bok. From K’Halon Prime, Commanders Superior G’Rosk and Bette, and Novice Kayla was vid conferenced in with them.

  P’Lau was noticeably anxious. He asked, “Do we know where my newest Faithful Son Dan’L is today? What about his signal strength; has it improved?”

  Vu'Duc answered, “Yes, Sire. Dan’L is still on M’Wati. His signal is weak, but positively identified. He appears to be gaining strength, as his signal is registering sharper than a few days ago.” Kayla looked at C.S. Bette anxiously; this was the first she heard anything about her best friend Dan’L in many days.

  The Emperor paced in his Royal Court, while they waited for him to speak. “And where is Master Commander Javette? She concluded that nasty business on Ban’Ti quite handily. The Mother is most likely consumed with worry over her Son. Where is she?”

  Bette answered quickly, “She is within range of K’Halon Prime, my Emperor, due to arrive tonight, as ordered.” Emperor P’Lau appears very disconcerted, Bette thought to herself.

  Emperor P’Lau sat at his table and said, “We have sent our youngest, finest, and most brave Faithful Son into the jaws of the dragon; directly into the hands of Duma Wat. No words of his visit, communications, or demands from his Rebels are forthcoming. If nothing is heard in five days, we must assume the worst. So, prepare for retaliation, but take no actions without my direct command. We must give our Novice Dan’L every chance. But he must not be abandoned,” P’Lau stated firmly. “Novice Dan’L must be returned to us unharmed.”

  Novice Kayla whispered into Bette’s ear, then Bette asked, “Are there any other messages from within the red crystal holograph, Sire?”

  He shook his head and replied, “No, nothing new has been found.”

  “What about the reference to the advanced androids and the powerful green crystal, my Emperor?” Novice Kayla asked him directly, and received a glare from Bette.

  Emperor P’Lau looked at Kayla and replied, “Nothing, yet. But we are highly concerned about the reference, Kayla. A research vessel has been dispatched to the White Belt and SB5, where K’Ser was killed in battle. The circumstances are a bit…sketchy,” the Emperor revealed. “Follow this line, my Beloved Daughter. There may be more than a mere reference to them,” P’Lau said, and smiled at his newest Beloved Daughter, pleased with her contribution. But the Emperor’s smile would not save Kayla from receiving a comeuppance from C.S. Bette later.

  Dan’L was regaining his health and strength. When he completed his first martial arts routine since being on M’Wati, he was brought before Duma Wat again. He asked Dan’L, “Why did your Father K’Ser call you the day before he died? What did he leave you? What was contained on the red crystals? And do you know why I have brought you here, Novice Dan’L?”

  A frustrated Dan’L answered, “Duma Wat, sir, I have told you all I know. My Father called me every other week after 10p.m. He called after the burning sulphur springs swimming finals. My only inheri
tance from my Father was a beat-up Borgund Ranger belt buckle, a bone-handled knife, and two red crystals containing the tech manual for the ES warbirds. My Commander Superior G’Rosk analyzed the red crystals and they checked out, sir.” He took his wallet out of his pocket, removed the two red memory crystal copies, and handed them to Duma Wat. He asked, “Are you building an ES warbird, sir?”

  The men guarding Duma Wat laughed with him at Dan’L’s question. “No, young Ranger. I could buy an entire squadron of fighters for the cost of one ES,” Duma Wat said. “We checked those crystals out while you were unconscious. You may keep them, Novice.”

  “Thank you, sir. They were my Father’s and are important to me. May I ask again: Why am I here, sir? Am I a hostage?” Dan’L asked. He was thinking much more clearly than when Duma Wat questioned him earlier, when he was recovering from being overdosed, and dehydrated. He had to pose his questions carefully, now.

  Duma Wat replied, “You are my guest, Novice Dan’L. Now; will you willingly submit to a truth analyzer? Or will I have to give you truth gas?”

  The young man quickly replied, “I’d prefer no more drugs enter my body, sir. I volunteer for the truth analyzer.” Maybe then he’d discover what Duma Wat was probing for, depending on what questions they asked.

  An old truth analyzer was set up on a side table. Dan’L had clamps clipped onto his index fingers. Wide sensor bands were strapped onto his forehead, chest and forearms. Then he was asked his name, rank, address, and so on, to establish a base line for questioning. After minor calibration adjustments to the analyzer, the real questions began from the Rebel interrogator: “Why did K’Ser call you before he died?”

  “He called me to make certain I’d passed the sulphur springs swimming finals,” Dan’L replied calmly. The same questions were posed to him over and over about his Father’s calls to him the night before he died; what was on the red crystals; and why was he brought before Duma Wat. Dan’L answered each question the same way he had before. When Duma Wat looked at the analyzer’s read-out, he became angry, and ordered Dan’L to be sprayed with truth gas.


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