by Eden Rose
"What store should we go to first?" I asked Anne as we walked down the sidewalk towards the downtown strip. "I want something good!"
"Hey, did you ever notice how people move away as we walk down the sidewalk?"
I started to look around as she said that. I must have missed the fact that this once busy sidewalk was now clearing. "I wonder why they do that," I replied semi knowing the answer. Maybe a lot of it had to do with the company that we keep.
As we continued to walk, we entered Bethany's store to say hello.
"I think it might have something to do with your... um... confession," Anne said as she walked around the other side of the store.
That is exactly what I'm thinking bit don't want to say it out loud.
"Hello ladies!" Bethany bellowed out as she seen us. We both hugged and air kissed her. "I am so happy to see you," she said to me and hugged me again.
"Thanks, I am happy to be able to walk through Manhattan with out having to worry about anything!" I took a deep breath and realized that I need to shut up about the whole situation and focus on Anne. "We need to pick her out a beautiful dress! Is Annabeth busy at work today?" Subconsciously, I pulled out my phone but realized that she wouldn't have my new number. Hell, I don't even know any of my numbers.
"Let me call her!" Anne squealed as she picked up a light blue dress that had a drop waist. Really, it was a beautiful dress. The back was open and there was a little plunge in the front. She spoke on the phone for less than thirty seconds. "Annabeth is on her way! Do you both like this dress?" Anne held the dress up to her frame and spun with it.
"Its so pretty!" Bethany and I answered her in unison.
"Are you wanting this to be your wedding dress?" Bethany asked as she took the dress out of Anne's hand and walked to the dressing room.
Annabeth came sweeping in and looked so glamorous that I couldn't help but stare. Yeah, I have a lady crush on her. I feel ugly in comparison but since she is so nice, I can't hate her for it. "Oh! That dress is so pretty!" She called as we all hugged her.
"Yes, I am thinking that this should be your bridesmaids dresses. What do you think, Vans?" She picked up the skirt of the dress and pinched it in her fingers.
Normally, I hate blue. I really look good in green. However, this is her wedding and I will wear a paper bag to make her happy. "I love it. Let's find you a dress."
We looked around the store and Anne picked a white loose fitting dress that hugged her frame but was flowy at the end. While she tried hers on, we tried ours.
"Hey, beautiful," someone said as they walked through my dressing room door and hugged my waist. Currently, I was only wearing my bra.
"Vincent! You scared me!" I turned around and hugged him. Well, well, well. I looked down and seen a massive boner pressing against his pants and I knew why he was in the room. "I would ask what you are doing in here... but I think I know," I finished by looking at the bulge.
He held me and backed me into the wall. Once my back was on the wall, he took my mouth with his and nibbled my lower lip. "I have been thinking about you this whole time," Vincent ran his hand down my side and grazed my sex. "Thinking about you... naked... in a room," his fingers slipped into my slot and stroked. I tipped my head forward to increase the passion in the kiss. When he responded by pushing his tongue past my teeth, I wrapped my leg around his waist. "Thinking about how you are naked and in a room without me," Vincent dragged his other hand that was holding my waist and unlatched my bra. "And that is just not right."
My breathing got heavier as he tickled my clit and sucked on my neck. In order to not fall and steady myself, I held onto the wall with my fingers. "But what about the others?" I asked while very out of breath. Before he could answer, I opened his pants by the zipper and freeing the part that was needed for this.
I didn't give a shit about anyone else.
Vincent spread my legs farther apart and held my hips tightly as he slightly pushed his hard dick into my very ready sex. "Just be quiet," he whispered in my ear as he picked up the pace.
Thank the sex gods for the shot!
"This is better than shopping!" As he held onto my hips, I held onto his shoulders and leaned my head into the crook of his neck. "Mm, baby, that feels so good." He thrust into me so hard that I bit into his shoulder to keep from moaning. His dick pistons into me hard and with sure strokes that made me feel like I could explode from pleasure.
He gripped my hips tightly and shoved himself into me a few more times. The stroking feeling in my sex was absolutely divine. He moaned in my ear as he nibbled on my lobe. Vincent slowed his exertions for a minute and secured my legs around his waist. Once I am secure, he takes my mouth with his and inserts his tongue into my mouth and massages my own. I moan into his and he catches it in his own mouth.
With one last lick into my mouth, he takes back up his previous pace. And then some. My back is going to bare the marks of the mirror later. "I don't want you to come first. Hold onto it!" He ordered. However, I felt it coming sooner and sooner as he exaggerated his humps but slows them down. They are now slower but longer strokes that bring tears to my eyes. "Come on baby. I want us to do it together!"
My body shook as I tried to hold onto my climax. I whined and purred in his ear as my body revolted against me. With another thrust, he slid his hands to my ass and squeezed as he used it to keep up his pace. "Please! It hurts!" I begged as my sex gripped his dick and I clawed his shoulders. "Baby! Please!"
"You grip me like a glove, baby. Yeah!" Vincent moans and then bites my neck, hard. "Okay, you can do it now!" He ordered in my ear and my body unleashed my climax violently. I shuddered and vibrated against his body as he pushed me hard against the wall.
As he slid out of me and placed my leg down to get my balance, he kissed me hard on the mouth. "That was so good!" I whispered in his ear.
"Yes, sorry for breaking into your shopping trip!" Vincent put his dick away and took a napkin to clean me off.
Swiftly, he wipes our juices that have trickled down my thighs and then tucks it in his pocket. "You can interrupt anytime as long as you do that," he kissed my cheek and left the room as quickly as he came into it. Before he walked out the door, he handed me a necklace. The necklace is stunning. Platinum, and the pendent is a deep blue sapphire. I quickly put it on and went to ask what he thought, but there was only air in front of me.
I slipped into the dress and tried to hide my extreme post orgasm smile from everyone. Talk about a walk of shame. This brings those college kids to shame. Is there a sign on top of my head that says: I JUST HAD HOT SEX!?
"You totally just had sex!" Annabeth called me out as I walked out trying to not laugh with a big grin on my face. I shrugged and spun in the dress so that my hair fanned out.
Bethany came into the show room after helping Anne get into her dress.
Annabeth spun in her dress and looked at me and laughed. "You know he is going to propose to you again, right? And this time he has enlisted the right people to help!"
"Oh, yes. He and Johnny were talking about it! So romantic," Bethany said as she fluffed the dress she was wearing out.
I am worried that the more they talk about it, the more I get my hopes up and the longer it takes for it to happen. "Okay, okay. I get it. I am just not going to get my hopes up for something that may not happen." There is no telling if my denial actually worked, but I am hoping that none of them could see my frazzled nerves.
Anne started laughing behind her dressing room door. That girl can always read me like a book. No matter how often I tried to live in denial, she always managed to knock me into reality.
Chapter Nine * Vincent
I swear to all that I held dear, I am going to kill that fucking no good piece of shit.
Turns out that Joel has been running his mouth since Savannah and I took off for Chicago. That fucktard has been telling people that he had the ability to shoot me but didn't because he is a stand up man. What a dumbass.
After Anne a
nd Savannah left, the boys started to talk to me about what the hell he is saying. I watched my girl's ass as it swayed out the door and then turned back to the group of guys in front of me after I couldn't see her ass anymore.
Man, her ass is so perfect. A perfect heart shaped ass that just begs me to put my hands on it. I would kill for that ass. Hell, I have killed for that ass.
Sammy interrupted my daydream of fucking the shit out of her tonight. "Pop, our guy has been telling everyone that he is the reason why Savannah got arrested. He called that FBI agent that questioned Savannah while she was living with Joel."
I slammed my shot and then poured another three fingers of scotch. "Son of a bitch. He is really getting on my nerves." The scotch is starting to numb my tongue and my words that are coming out are slurred. Quickly, I swallowed the rest of the glass, and sat it down on the table. In order to keep some composure, I need to be sober. Ish.
"Yeah, man," Sal stuttered out. No one would mess with him. Some people were afraid of me but Sal is one of those men that would kill his own daughter if she crossed him. He is definitely one of the people that I want on my side. "I say we just take him out and be done with this. If he is willing to rat out his ex-wife to the feds, there is no telling what he what he will do with someone he hates."
John sat quietly and listened to the exchange and I knew he was calculating. Every mob family needs a planner, and he just happens to be ours. This man has the patience of a saint and I kid you not, I have never seen him frustrated or close to losing control. "Let's face it. Castile hates us. I don't think there is anything that he wouldn't do to see us burn for pissing him off."
I steeple my fingers in front of my face and contemplated what to do next. "Whatever we do, we should make it clear enough for the others to know that we are done playing nice." I pushed Savannah out of my mind and concentrated on business.
Rossi was busy on his phone but then he set it down with a smug look on his face. He must have an idea. "Slow torture." The man is a goof, but when I need him he is always there and I know he is itching to bring his baseball bat out of retirement.
"All right, I can work with that plan but do we kill him off or let him stew in his own juices?" Sammy sipped his three fingers and sat his glass down.
An idea broke into my mind and I knew this would be perfect. "We don't need bad publicity but there are somethings that we can do to prove our point. Hazing."
All of the men started laughing at me as if my idea is ludicrous. "Come on, Moretti! This is not football camp or whatever other Disney Channel happy ending crap," Sal exclaimed.
Rossi banged his hands on the table in some rhythm that is in his head and threw his own head back to laugh. "What are you talking about, man? Setting shit on fire on his porch?"
I flicked all of them off before launching into my plan. "I don't want him to know we are coming. That is too easy. Maybe let a bird loose in his car or package him up a dead fish." Those are just my beginning ideas but I have more. The bird is the symbol for being a singing canary and the fish is a symbol for us drowning him.
"Classic," John stated then rubbed his thumb on his jaw. "This could work. The thrill of suspense could be on our side because when he least expects it, we give him another taste."
Sammy sipped his drink and nodded in agreement. He looked at Sal and then Johnny, "Work for you?"
We needed permission from all three of them. John already gave us his opinion and now we had to wait for the other two. This is a newer rule to make sure that one of them doesn't have a secret vendetta against someone else and is acting out of haste.
"Yeah. This works for me," Johnny agrees.
Sal makes us wait for his answer. "All right, I am going to start this off before we leave for the wedding. Something a little put offish so he can't connect it to us."
Business has now been handled and now I can think about my dick that is begging to play with Savannah. "If you will excuse me, I need to make some suggestions at Bethany's." I got out of my seat and finished my scotch.
Someone started to yelp and then addressed me. "Yeah right, you are just going to go fuck her!"
I won't even talk about how disrespectful that is to say about Savannah, but it is true. My whole intentions on going over there is to pleasure her. I stopped in my car for her present that I picked up earlier today while she was in court and walked the few hundred yards to the store.
Upon opening the door, I heard the laughter and knew that they must be trying on clothes. I walked through the simple store set up in order to find the dressing room that she is in. My girl wore a specific perfume so it was easy to decipher which one was her room.
She stood in barely any clothes while she mumbled something about the color of the dress and how she doesn't like the color. I swear, I love to watch when she is frustrated because of these frown lines that attack the corner of her mouth. They are sexy as hell and then her dimples show up too.
My dick popped up and begged for the ability to come out and play. I just wanted to look at her for a minute. When she turned around, I got a perfect view of her ass and the adorable dimples above her ass cheeks.
All right, all right. I can't take it anymore. I need my hands on her now.
Those three days went by so fast. Vincent and I were getting along so well, and I am helping plan the wedding. Before I knew it, we were in the Hamptons and setting up for the ceremony.
"Hang that tent right in the middle. It would look good if it lines up with the porch," I told the tent people and now it was time to boss around the people that were setting up chairs. "We want equal number of chairs for each row. Don't forget to put the blue ribbons on the chairs. In perfect bows!" This wedding is going to be perfect even if I have to blow a bitch fit in order to make it go off without a hitch. After everything she has done for me, I am going to do this for her.
I walked away from the decorations section and found the caterer. The caterers were of a family from Italy and they seemed very nice. "Please make sure that the beverages are cold and the wine is chilled. We will have appetizers after the ceremony."
As I walked up the stairs to the house. I could hear Anne in the master bedroom talking to Caridee about how she wants her hair.
"Vans! Are you in here?" She yelled. I replied and she started again. "Up or down?"
"Down!" I answered as I walked into the room. She looked absolutely beautiful. Her hair is loose and curled, her make up was flawless and she is glowing. Possibly the most beautiful bride ever. She sprayed some perfume on her and walked over to me holding her shoes. "Do you want to put those on before you put your dress on?"
Bethany came in holding a handful of dresses on padded hangers. She looked beautiful as well in a silk robe. Caridee curled her hair into a knot in the back with pieces hanging down. "Put the dress on first."
Caridee pushed me into the bathroom and took out my pony. I hissed as it snagged in a snarl. "Sit, sit! We don't have long," within seconds, my hair was brushed out and there was a curling iron in it. "I am just going to do what I want, okay?"
Before I could answer she had my hair in ringlets and chunks in the front wrapped into a design. I looked at myself in the mirror, and checked myself out. Normally, my hair doesn't stay curled but she loaded it with hair spray. A hurricane couldn't move my hair.
"Don't move, we have to do your makeup!"
Annabeth came in already dressed and ready to go. She looked amazing as well. Her hair was straight and her makeup was dramatic just like her. I love her little blonde bob that shines in the light.
As Caridee finished with my makeup, I heard Anne talking about how she wanted a blingy watch. "Anne, you can borrow my Bulova, if you want!" I got a beautiful watch a few years ago from a client and there were Swarovski crystals all over it. Even though it is a very nice watch, it is rather fancy but she is the bride. She can be as fancy as she wants.
"Thanks!" She replied and I walked into the room. Bethany was slippin
g the dress over Anne's head.
The dress is lovely on her and fits her perfectly. I couldn't help put start to cry a little bit as I watched her put on her shoes.
"You look beautiful!" I squealed as I tackled her to the bed in a hug. "Breath takingly beautiful."
I put my dress on after I climbed off of the bed. Not nearly as pretty as Anne's but it was her day. Her dress was off white, and strapless. There were gems on the front as it flooded into a pool at her feet. I placed a necklace around her neck while someone with cold hands zipped mine up, and her mom came in.
"Hi, ladies. Annie, its time to go!" Her mom, Karen, came in and Anne and I hugged her. "Annie, you look stunning! Spin!" As Anne spun around in a circle, her mom took pictures. Anne and Karen looked like twins. Both had the same hair and facial features. No one could deny that they are related.