Simon Eady

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Simon Eady Page 11

by Adrian Monico

CHAPTER 10 – A New Beginning

  “Wake up!”

  “Simon, wake up!”

  Simon, hearing the distant voice, began waking up. At first, he was simply staring at a painting of the Queen. However, after a few seconds, as his drowsiness commenced to wear off, he realised that he was sitting on a leather couch.

  “How are you feeling?” the familiar voice asked in Italian.

  ‘I’m ok!” replied Simon whilst attempting to get himself into a more upright sitting position. Although the events that preceded were at first sketchy, the excruciating pain from various areas of his body ensured that his memories came flashing back.

  “Gently! You need to take it easy!”

  Simon turned toward the voice and saw his mentor standing there with a concerned look.

  “I’m ok Signor Beppe! Just a few bruises!” explained Simon barely able to stop himself from screaming in pain.

  “Here! I’ve got you some painkillers! The doctor said that you need to take them four hourly” explained Beppe


  “Yes. After your fall, the both of you were taken to a hospital to get fixed up! You needed surgery for your ribs as they were piercing your lungs. In terms of your broken leg, unfortunately you’ll be out of action for a while and you’ll need to use these” added Beppe whilst pointing to the crutches leaning against the wall.

  “How is Steve?” asked Simon solely out of curiosity.

  “Multiple bruises like you kid. He also has two broken wrists and a dislocated shoulder.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “Probably still in the briefing room.”

  “Briefing room?” asked Simon confused.

  “Kid, we are in an underground section of the MI6. Steve is one of them!”

  “Really? I didn’t know MI6 recruited agents of our age!” reflected Simon. “What do they want with me?” followed Simon before Signor Beppe could comment.

  “Simon, I think it would be best if you asked them that question.”


  “Because I don’t want to influence your decision” replied Signor Beppe in all earnest.

  ‘Decision?! What is the question?” asked Simon stupefied.

  “I am happy to answer you Simon!” replied an older gentleman who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

  “Who are you?” asked Simon unsure if he truly wanted an answer.

  “Kid, you can refer to me as 'Beta'. I am the Director of the MI6. And this is Mr. Black!” replied the older gentleman pointing to another man who Simon had not noticed until now.

  “What do you want with me?!” barked Simon, already feeling frustrated with the question and answer session.

  “Where should I begin?” replied 'Beta' which was more of a question to himself than a reply to the young man sitting in front of him.

  “Don’t bother with the beginning! I’ve already worked out that it was you guys who have been playing me since the day that your Versace man turned up at the beach. I would appreciate it if you would just cut to the chase!”

  “My young man, I suspect that eventually you will want to know more about the beginning. But since you put it so politely I will get to the point.”

  Before 'Beta' continued, he stood silently for a moment assessing the teenager.

  “Simon, I know all about you and what you have done so since your birth. As you know by now, your father was also an MI6 agent. In fact, he was one of my best agents, …. and friends.”

  'Beta' paused once more allowing Simon to register the last comments.

  “I am the one who made sure that you and your mother were always taken good care of. It was the least I could do for the family of a man who had given everything for this country, its Queen and its people. In the last ten years MI6 has been losing numerous good agents to an increasing number of crime syndicates. Part of the problem has been that our enemies are now better equipped than we are. The other main reason has been that now-a-days agents seem to be morally less flexible.”

  “Less flexible?”

  “Becoming a good MI6 agent requires an innate ability to work independently, carry out orders without questioning, and execute the mission without hesitation. Agents need to be able to trust that what is asked of them will make this a better world - even if at times this means being a cold hearted killer. Traditionally we recruited agents from the military, the police and MI5 units. Unfortunately, in recent years our rate of failure has been on the increase because of what we refer to as “moral inflexibility”. It is for this reason that MI6 has now undertaken steps to recruit orphan teenagers. We feel that recruiting agents at such a young age will give us the ability to break with their morality. Simon, you meet our criteria!” explained the Director of MI6 whilst staring into the soul of the young candidate.

  “I assume that Steve is the other candidate” Simon guessed correctly.

  “Yes! You two are the preferred candidates. Steve has already agreed to it.”

  “What if I refuse?” asked Simon even though the idea of being a secret agent appealed to him.

  “Simon, I am giving you the opportunity to take the fastest road to meet you father. I will make sure that your missions will lead to the termination of those who keep your father at bay. If you don’t want to take my offer, then we will simply find someone else!” replied 'Beta'.

  “How long will the training phase last?”

  “For as long as your master deems it necessary” replied 'Beta' whilst casting a glance in Signor Beppe’s direction.

  “Do you know where my father is?”

  “Yes I do? And before you ask, no I will not tell you!”

  “When would I complete my training and start your missions?”

  “Your training will run in parallel to your missions. So, I would say that you would commence the second you are able to dispose of these” replied 'Beta' whilst staring at the crutches.

  “Do you already have a mission in mind?” asked Simon, feeling excitement building deep within.

  “Yes! An Italian friend of mine has asked us to assist him with some personal issues with a notorious drug cartel. It just so happens that this drug cartel has now been listed as a British National threat. So, I have been authorised to take any measures deemed necessary to address this issue. I was hoping that you would help us out by continuing on what you have already started.”

  “Already started?” replied Simon, already knowing which drug cartel 'Beta' was referring to.

  'Beta' turned toward one of the walls and pulled out a remote control from his suit jacket. He then proceeded to open a panel on the wall exposing a large plasma screen. Within a few seconds Simon was witnessing the recording of the gun battle which he was part of whilst in Malaysia. The screen showed one view taken somewhere close behind him, whilst the other was a close-up from the air. The video footage started from the moment Simon threw the first Yoyo grenade.

  As the video footage played, 'Beta' simply stood in silence.

  After a few minutes, the clip automatically froze showing the moment Simon shot Boris with the sedative dart.

  “So! What do you say?” asked 'Beta' pushing for a commitment.

  “I am glad that someone removed the strings from the Yoyo grenades!” joked Simon in an attempt to stop himself throwing up.

  “Young man, I do not have time for jokes! If you agree to join us I will send you and your master back to Italy where you will commence life as a spy” replied 'Beta' in all seriousness, despite the fact that he found the comment humorous.

  “And Steve?” asked Simon, not wanting to cross paths with his counterpart.

  “Don’t worry kid! Although you two will be regularly working on the same mission, I have no vested interest in making you spend more time together than you have to. Steve and his tutor will be training out of Berlin.”

  “So, will I answer to Signor Beppe or to you?”

  “Mr. Black here will be the Director of this program!” replied BetaBeta to
Simon’s question

  Although Mr. Black’s eyes seemed to convey warmth, Simon felt intimidated by the presence of the tall man now standing silently in a dark corner of the room.

  Simon stood for a few seconds in silence waiting to hear the voice of Mr. Black. The comments never came.

  “I need an answer!” restated 'Beta'

  Simon looked at his master hoping for some sign. Unfortunately for Simon, Signor Beppe sat quietly looking back without a hint of an expression.

  ‘Ok! I’ll agree to it!” Simon eventually replied, knowing that this was most likely the quickest way to be with his father again.

  “Great! I’ll have a car take you to Heathrow airport as I realise you have some friends back in Italy waiting to say their farewells.

  Simon went completely white as he remembered all of the friends who he had travelled to Tuscany for the funeral.

  “It’s ok Simon! I have rented a villa for them near Siena and told them that you’d be back within a few days!” explained Signor Beppe reading his apprentice’s mind.

  “Thank you” replied Simon now wanting to be on the first flight back.

  “Simon, I need just a few more minutes to process your registration. Please follow me!” ordered 'Beta'.

  Simon followed 'Beta' out of the room assuming that Mr. Black and Signor Beppe would also follow.

  “Good luck! I will see you in a months time!” Mr. Black finally spoke.

  Simon turned surprise at the comment and, still wanting to rush back to Italy, simply threw his hand in the air in an attempt to give a farewell wave.

  “I’ll be there in a few minutes!” added Signor Beppe.

  “Ok!” replied Simon as he turned to walk up a dark corridor on the tail of the MI6 director.

  Once alone, Signor Beppe spoke first.

  “Mr. Black? You have got to be kidding me!” Signor Beppe joked as he broke down into laughter.

  “I guess that Beta is trying to be funny!’ Kevin Eady smiled back.

  “So, you’ll now be my boss!” observed Beppe finding the role reversal ironic.

  “And don’t you try to pull the wool over my eyes! I am no fool, I have learned from the best!” replied Kevin with a wink.

  Both men broke into laughter.

  “So, when are you going to tell him?” asked Beppe suddenly changing the mood of the room.

  “Not yet! I still fear for his safety! I also think that he still needs to gain control of his anger. Telling him now might simply result in him rebelling and possibly becoming irrational!’ observed Kevin, feeling guilt for the suffering that he had caused his son.

  “I don’t think you give him enough credit. Simon is an amazing teenager. You’ll find that he’ll surprise you as he has me!”


  “Kevin, are you sure that you are not doing this for you and not for your son? I think that you have been away for so long that being a ‘dad’ frightens you!’ correctly observed the old master.

  “Maybe! When it comes to balancing family and ‘work’, I so wish I could have been like you!’ replied Mr. Black in all sincerity.

  “You would think so! And yet I have not been able to love and care for all my family” observed Signor Beppe feeling sadness wash over him.

  “I guess this is a second chance for the both of us!” concluded Kevin

  “Ready to go!” called out Signor Beppe to his apprentice.

  “With a bag of new toys, passports, and a new Swiss account, according to the MI6, I’m ready to take on the world!’ joked Simon feeling a genuine sense of excitement about his new future.

  Mentor and apprentice, both excited that their friendship would continue to grow, jumped in the back of a limousine and headed for the airport where they would fly to the next phase of their lives as spies.

  From the buildings across the road a shadowy form had been observing the scene.

  The End


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