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Enchantress Page 20

by Christine Schumaker

  Lord Forn fumed as he watched King Azrael feast on his beloved. Somehow, he knew that Serese’s opal had given her permission to risk herself so recklessly. He would crush that stone beneath his boot heel before this night was over.

  Suddenly the Night Dweller King sighed and moved his mouth free from Serese. He pressed her into his arms as a red tear trickled from his eye. He lovingly brushed a curl out of her half-lidded eyes. He called, “Bind her wrists,” and a manservant wound a strip of muslin around her arm. King Azrael shrugged at Lord Forn who stood two paces from him, a mutinous expression on his face.

  “If you had not stopped, I would have killed you, no matter the consequences to me,” Lord Forn seethed to King Azrael.

  Then the king said, “I have not tasted such blood in centuries. I am quite in love with her. I cannot deny her. Let us draw up a trade agreement, while my court ladies tend to Serese. I give you my word, Lord Forn, my Night dweller warriors will serve her. I warn you, I will seek to break your engagement and win her for my own. She is a prize I do not wish to be parted from.”

  Lord Forn said, “I expected as much. Know this, Azrael, I will thwart your efforts in any way I can.”

  The Night dweller men escorted Lord Forn and King Azrael out of the hall and into a library. Jonathan followed them while Sir Roan stayed by Serese’s side.

  The court ladies carried Serese into a royal bedchamber as tenderly as if she were one of their own. For they indeed believed she would be their next queen.

  “Shoo,” one of them said to Sir Roan as she chased him out of the chamber. The wolf planted his paws and growled and the pale lady said, “We will keep your mistress safe. Why not go refresh yourself? I am certain there is a leg of mutton set aside for your nourishment.”

  Sir Roan let himself be coaxed out. He had sniffed the lady’s ankle and she told him the truth. He could do with a tasty morsel and a warm fire. His joints troubled him after their climb over those bothersome rocks.

  The pale ladies bathed Serese and sent her travel-stained garments to be laundered. They exclaimed over the workmanship of her opal and after it had shocked one of them, they did not attempt again to remove it.

  Then the royal ladies attired the drowsy beauty in one of their former queen’s silver gowns. This particular gown was covered with thousands of diamonds which would have taken a mortal woman a lifetime to sew. Serese’s hair had been lovingly washed, braided and elaborately arranged. As a finishing touch, they placed grey boots on her feet and wrapped an ermine-lined silver cloak around her shoulders. They fastened her jeweled belt around her waist. The transformation had begun; she would be the loveliest Night dweller queen they had ever seen.

  The ladies laid her silver flask and her jeweled dagger on the marble table next to the sumptuous bed. Then they withdrew to let Serese rest, leaving one lady behind to keep watch.

  Gradually, Serese regained her senses and admired the starched linen canopy over the bed—it was drenched in diamonds. This entire cave castle was swimming in gemstones—enough to supply ten kingdoms with provisions for ten winters.

  The pale lady attendant asked, “May I offer you some port? Perhaps some stuffed partridge or fruit compote?”

  “My stomach is too queasy at the moment. Would you satisfy my curiosity? I have questions regarding your king.” Serese fluffed a pillow behind her head so she could see the beautiful Night dweller woman with her blue veins visible beneath her skin.

  “I am Alissa, Azrael’s sister, my lady. I know a great deal about him. How may I ease your ponderings?”

  Serese frowned and sat up a little higher, “How come your brother has not married one of your beautiful court ladies?”

  “They are too familiar I think. His last queen was from Lord Forn’s kingdom. It was quite brave of you to offer yourself to Azrael like that. Were you not afraid he would drain you?” The lovely pale lady with dark hair leaned forward to gaze into Serese’s eyes. The curious expression of a marble cat filled her countenance as she waited for the princess’s answer.

  “Oh, I knew he would not harm me. I cannot tell you how I knew, but I had reassurance I would be safe. I cannot be your next queen. I shall rule my own kingdom with Lord Forn. I truly did not intend to toy with your brother’s affections. But, you see, I had to win him to my side in order to kill Serpentine.”

  “Oh, my lady, you have accomplished more than you have sought. He will not release you. He shall long for your taste again. He will make you his own. You will not be able to resist him,” Alissa said.

  Serese laughed, “I would rather loose arrows from my bow than play love games with a besotted monarch. I have not the inclination for feminine flirtations. My days will be filled learning how to be a powerful enchantress.”

  “So you say, my lady,” Alissa said, clearly not believing any of Serese’s protestations. Her faint smile said as much.

  “How come my blood feels as if it is on fire?” Serese asked.

  “Your blood calls to him. You had best rest. Becoming one of us is difficult to endure. Not every mortal survives the change.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Later that evening, Serese awoke disoriented. She saw the white linen canopy drenched in raindrops above her head. The flickering candle next to the bed reflected their shine, and then she remembered-they were not raindrops at all, but diamonds. Why, these creatures must prize worldly wealth above all else.

  Serese felt an unfamiliar weight upon her head and her hands reached up to remove a silver, diamond-smothered crown. She thought aloud, “Father seems poor by comparison. How shall I fund this campaign? There is not enough in father’s royal coffers to pay Azrael.”

  “The headstrong princess is awake. Yes, the Night dwellers possess a vast fortune but their wealth does not possess them. They will not seek monetary recompense for their assistance. Pray tell me, my love, what were you thinking when you offered yourself to Azrael like that?” Lord Forn asked.

  Serese observed Lord Forn scowling at her, from a chair next to the bed, “I gave him what he desired. I needed to win his trust. My opal reassured me he would do me no harm.”

  Lord Forn ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated, as he said, “It did not reassure me. Perhaps you could find a way to tell me when your family heirloom speaks—I do not want to be a widower before I am even wed.”

  “I did not intend to cause worry. But you must learn to trust the opal, if not me. My father did not raise me to be naïve,” Serese said.

  “I am certain he did not. But I doubt your father would have wanted you to offer yourself up like a fatted calf. Were Azrael not so besotted with you, it could have turned out very badly. Your actions have made me his enemy. He will seek to steal you away from me.” Lord Forn rose from his chair and sat on the bed next to Serese. He stroked her cheek and sighed.

  Serese questioned her betrothed with her eyes, “I do not believe Azrael is as bewitched by me as you say he is.”

  “No, my dear, you do not realize the effect your beauty has on any male. One glance from your violet eyes and they are hooked like a trout on a line. I shall have to sharpen my sword to keep all of your would-be-suitors at bay.” Lord Forn frowned, “You have opened Pandora’s box by gaining his affection.”

  “I believe you exaggerate,” Serese countered.

  Lord Forn bent to kiss Serese on her lips and pink color rose on her face as the kiss deepened. Her heart beat as quickly as spring’s butterflies fluttering in the garden. “That is to remind you of my hold on you,” Lord Forn said as he stared into her half-lidded eyes.

  Lord Forn’s kisses caused her to forget they were not yet wedded. Lord Forn’s tongue amazed her as it explored her mouth. His hands held her face as he moved the nectar of his mouth to trail kisses down her neck. He stopped when he reached the tender mounds confined by her gown. His hands gently caressed her womanly buds and his bold mouth lavished kisses on her cleavage. Serese faintly protested, “My lord, we must wait.”

“I am certain these creatures have a priest among them. It is a situation I would remedy sooner rather than later. Perhaps Azrael will release you from his affections if I make you entirely mine. I have longed for you; ease my suffering, quench my torment. Surrender to me, Serese.”

  Lord Forn ran his hands down Serese’s bodice and she shivered. Suddenly, his mouth claimed hers in a frenzied kiss as he pressed her to his chest. Serese sank into his embrace as strong hands caressed her back. Somehow, she found the strength to push him away and he restrained himself. Serese was overcome with desire as her would-be-lover aroused her with his piercing eyes and his roaming hands.

  A knock sounded on the door and Jonathan called out, “I have news. May I enter?” Lord Forn glanced at Serese and she nodded her approval. Truly, she was thankful for his interruption. Her body had nearly capitulated to Lord Forn’s will even when she knew she must remain pure to fulfill her quest. A part of her longed for him to pluck her flower.

  The door opened and Serese sat up primly in the bed, brushing errant strands of hair behind her ears. Did it appear as if she had been most decadently kissed? Lord Forn’s kisses made her want to faint. She felt warm and dizzy and the room seemed a sparkling mist. She must find a way to still her racing heart.

  Jonathan entered the diamond-adorned room, looking around in amazement at the grandeur of the furnishings.

  Serese immediately noticed the linen bandage around Jonathan’s left wrist. He saw her disapproving expression and gave her a wry grin, “I made a fine trade for that bit of blood. You inspired me when you traded yours, for the treaty and for aid.”

  He withdrew a leather pouch from his tunic pocket and reaching into it, he removed a good-sized brilliant diamond. “Who knows what court lady I may woo when I am made Captain of your Royal Guard?”

  “Captain?” Lord Forn chuckled, “I see you are a practical minded man with plans. What is this news?”

  “I overheard the night dweller ladies conversing, as they tended to their gemstone making. They are convinced King Azrael is taking Serese for his next bride. Sir Roan is glued to his side. You will need to watch your back,” Jonathan admired the diamonds on the bed’s canopy as he softly whistled under his breath.

  Lord Forn pressed his lips together, “Now that my recalcitrant princess has agreed to wed me, I will not let her go,” he said, “King Azrael requires more convincing, that is all.”

  “These diamonds are awfully tempting. Perhaps I should accept King Azrael’s offer,” Serese teased Lord Forn. The lord frowned and swept Serese into his arms again. Then he claimed her mouth in a kiss which brooked no argument. Serese knew her countenance was as red as a jar of beets. But Lord Forn disregarded Jonathan as he deepened their kiss.

  Finally, the shepherd cleared his throat and Lord Forn released Serese. Serese wanted to hide under the coverlet for shame. Lord Forn must treat her with the respect due her station and cease his lovemaking gestures, especially in the presence of others.

  Jonathan looked away, embarrassed by the display of affection, and Serese tried to extricate herself from her lord’s arms but he would not let her go. Finally, she leaned against him and enjoyed the feel of his hands massaging her shoulders. She would bring the matter to his attention when they were alone. Bat’s Breath! I do not trust myself alone with him.

  Another knock drew their attention to the chamber’s carved door, Alissa asked, “Has our majesty regained her strength? Our king wishes to reach the black caves before sunrise. He has replenished your supplies and has provided Jonathan with hundreds of fine arrows.”

  Lord Forn asked, “Their majesty? The nerve of him if he thinks he has won you that easily. I fear this is going to be a tiresome expedition. If only Lady Arabella, my cousin, was still alive and Azrael had his wife.”

  “What message shall I bring my brother, your highness?” Alissa inquired again, apparently ignoring the sarcasm of Lord Forn’s question.

  “We will join your king shortly, my lady,” Serese replied.

  “I will inform his majesty then,” the voice outside the door answered as gentle footsteps were heard retreating.

  Jonathan left to supervise the packing of their goods. Lord Forn helped Serese to her feet as the princess leaned against him. Lord Forn said, “If you need more rest, I will inform Azrael that he must wait.”

  Serese replied, “No, I wish to leave these suffocating caverns. Some fresh air will do me good.”

  “I find this bed most comfortable. I would relish savoring you in it.” Lord Forn kissed Serese deeply on her mouth but Serese tore herself away. She sheathed her dagger, placed her flask in her cloak pocket and stood an arm’s length away from her beloved. “That will be enough of that. You know I must remain untouched if I am to succeed at killing your former stepmother. I wonder, my lord, if you truly seek her demise after all? The lack of information you have given me concerning her weaknesses has not escaped my notice.”

  “Your mind is as sharp as your body is enticing. Well, Serese, I am thinking hard on the matter. I will find a way to protect you. I will not let you battle her unaided. I cannot bear the thought of losing you.”

  “It is my destiny; there is no other to accomplish it.” Serese said but she realized she had not heard the last from Lord Forn on this subject. His concern touched her but he could not prevent her from meeting face to face with Serpentine. He would only put them all in danger if he decided to be that stubborn. Serese frowned as she pondered this new dilemma. She knew he would try to stop her. God’s teeth! First, she had to resist his advances and now she would need to outwit him.

  And so they left, following a line of Night dweller warriors each armed with silver blades and dressed as if for a ball. They wore their silver cloaks and their light-colored breeches and vests. They did not wear leather or furs for warmth for the bitter cold did not affect them.

  They required no armor, carried no pikes or maces. They rode no steeds. The pale men glided over the snow as one—their expressions unreadable as they stole glances at Serese in their former queen’s gown. They seemed a fanciful fairy tale regiment, but Serese recalled the stories of their horrifying attacks. Still, those were the other Night dwellers—the ones who had gone over to her aunt’s side. Serese dearly hoped that these elegant men with them now could be trusted.

  Sir Roan smelled the enemy first. It was past midnight when he stopped and whined low in his throat. They came at them from behind a boulder, at least twenty of Serpentine’s stout little fighters. Their guttural screeches echoed among the craggy rocks. Serese felt as if a doorway to the underworld had been opened, spitting out the foul goblins. They were surrounded.

  Sir Roan pounced upon the first goblin which swore as the wolf’s saliva hindered him. The wolf leaped upon another goblin, tearing into its shin and shaking its leg in his mouth.

  Then fast arrows flew through the sky as Jonathan dispatched several of the foul creatures. They fell like pheasants in a king’s hunt and Jonathan hurried after their misshapen little figures. Jonathan yelled, “That’s right, you sway-backed beasts—you had better run!” He did not see the Night dwellers behind him, making short work of the remaining goblins.

  Serese knelt beside Lord Forn, using her dagger to battered a goblin on the head. Her future husband’s sword sliced the offending head clear off another shrieking creature. Another goblin came at them and Serese stabbed it with her quick blade while Lord Forn decapitated another one. It went on like that until no more goblins rushed at them.

  The princess watched horrified as a night dweller bit into the remaining goblins’ leathery neck and discarded him. The pale warrior wore an expression of distaste on his fine face. It seemed to Serese that the night dweller cared not for the taste of goblin blood. She could not blame him; goblin blood was black and putrid smelling. She could not imagine how horrible it must taste.

  Neither Jonathan nor Serese could contain the heaving of their stomachs as they witnessed the brutal destruction of their enemy. Black
blood oozed from mutilated green corpses piled like so many rotten logs around them. Truly, Serese felt conflicted for pitying the goblins. They served the sorceress and thus, they needed to be destroyed. Still, they had been defenseless against Azrael and his army.

  The inhuman strength of the Night dwellers made her tremble and she realized she truly feared them. Lord Forn had been correct to worry. It had been reckless of her to offer her wrist to their king like that. What had her opal been thinking to suggest it?

  Her gaze sought Azrael. He bowed his head to her and glided over to them. He wiped blood from his mouth, seeming surprised by her self-possessed air. He smiled as he nodded to her, a warm gleam in his eyes. Serese knew her voice wavered when she said, “Well done, King Azrael. I believe every adversary shall fall to your invincibility.”

  “Thank you, my lady. Alas, we are not completely infallible. But your admiration gladdens my heart, just the same.” King Azrael grinned as he took Serese’s hand in his. Then he dared to place a kiss on the inside of her wrist. The chill from his lips left a blue mark on her skin and she shivered.

  Lord Forn had witnessed this exchange and he acknowledged, “It seems I owe you my thanks as well for keeping us safe.”

  King Azrael laughed, “Do not flatter yourself, Forn. I have defended her, for she is my treasure. You, on the other hand, well, let me say—I protect what is mine.” His dark eyes raked over Serese. His eyes seared her with their longing. Serese wanted to slap him for they were far too bold.

  Serese stayed close to Lord Forn after that. It astounded her that the opal had encouraged her to place her trust in Azrael. The princess began to realize what a dangerous, if useful creature this king seemed to be. She would not underestimate him again. Serese feared her fickle jewel had placed her in a precarious situation.


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