Ted Strong in Montana

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Ted Strong in Montana Page 25

by Edward C. Taylor



  "Is this the Moon Valley outfit?"

  A young cavalry officer galloped up to the head of a beef trail thatstrung backward for the better part of a mile, the cattle plodding onwearily, guarded by a dozen or more tired and cross cow-punchers.

  "It is, lieutenant," answered Ted Strong, eying the epaulets on theofficer's tunic, and reading his rank.

  The lieutenant was in anything but a pleasant frame of mind, and lookedsneeringly at Ted, and at the tired cattle behind him.

  "Well, another fifteen minutes' delay would have cost you the contract,"he said. "It seems to me that you have been taking your time. Don't youknow that a government contract means business, and that to-day doesn'tmean to-morrow?"

  This was said in such an uppish and unpleasant manner that Ted couldscarce restrain an angry reply, for he was tired out with the longdrive, which had been unusually full of dangers and vexatious delays.

  But instead of making a sharp answer he merely smiled at the officer,and said:

  "Yes, I understand all about government contracts and the penalties fornot living up to them. But I am within the government reservation, andhere are my cattle, and I have, as you say, fifteen minutes to spare."

  "Well, we consider that you are overdue, as you should have been here intime to have the cattle inspected and formally accepted before the timeallowance elapsed."

  "Nothing in the contract that says so," said Ted, still pleasantly.

  "Well, it's usage, and that goes in the army."

  "I'm not in the army."

  "I don't want any words with you on the matter. It is sufficient thatyou are late, and that you have been the cause of a great deal of worryand annoyance."

  Ted was beginning to get angry at the officer's tone and looks.

  He turned from the lieutenant to the herd, and shouted:

  "Bud, round 'em up and bed 'em. This is as far as we go to-night."

  "No, you don't," said the lieutenant. "You will drive into thequarantine pasture, where your stock will be inspected in the morning."

  Ted paid no attention to him, and the rounding up of the herd began ashe had ordered, while the lieutenant fumed and fussed and swore.

  At last he could stand it no longer, and dashed away from Ted's side towhere Bud was superintending the work of the cow-punchers.

  "Here, none of that," he said brusquely to Bud, who looked even moredisreputable than Ted.

  "See here, who are you alludin' at?" asked Bud, wheeling around on him.

  "I'm talking to you. I want those cattle driven in to the pasture, and Iwant no delay or nonsense about it," cried the officer angrily.

  "Now, run along, little soldier boy, don't yer see I'm busy?" Bud lookedat the officer with a tolerant pity.

  Ted now rode up and interfered.

  "I'm capable of giving all the orders necessary to my men," he saidgently. "You will please not interfere."

  "Who are you?" asked the lieutenant, with a sneer.

  "My name is Ted Strong."

  The lieutenant looked at him with some curiosity and respect.

  "Oh," he said. "I thought perhaps you were some kind of a foreman. Myname is Lieutenant Barrows."

  Ted acknowledged it with a slight bow.

  "I am in charge of this delivery of beef to the department, and as youare already late I wish you to send this herd further into thereservation."

  "I am sorry I cannot comply with your wish," said Ted, "but it will beimpossible to-night. The cattle made a forced march to-day, and aretired out, and, besides, they have just been watered, and have only timeto graze a full feed before they bed. I am explaining all this to showyou that my action in not doing what you wish was not through spite, butin the best interests of both the government and ourselves."

  "It is my duty to inspect the animals, and----"

  "I can't help that. The cattle do not go forward a foot fartherto-night. I will get them into the pasture early in the morning."

  "That will be too late," said the officer curtly. "I shall inform thecommandant of the post, Colonel Croffut, that you are late and that yourefuse to obey orders."

  "Confound your impudence, who are you to give orders to me?" asked Ted,mad in a minute.

  "As I told you, I am the inspector, and it seems to me that it would begood policy, to say the least, to cater to my wishes somewhat."

  "What do I care for your wishes? Less than that, if I am doing the rightthing and stand within my own rights;" and he snapped his fingers.

  "Perhaps you may be sorry."

  "That's my affair."

  "Very well. I am to understand that you refuse to move the cattle onto-night."

  "You've got it right."

  The lieutenant bowed, and, turning, rode slowly away with an ugly scowlon his face.

  "I reckon Little Bright Eyes has got it in fer you now," said Bud, whohad ridden up in time to hear this part of the conversation. "He'saimin' ter do some dirty work, I reckon."

  "Oh, bother him! He got me all worked up and angry, and that alwaysmakes me feel bad. I wish he had happened to be somewhere else. Forgethim! We'll drive the herd in early in the morning. He couldn't haveinspected the beeves this evening, anyway."

  It took some little time to get the big herd in shape for the night, andTed was washing himself and putting on some clean clothes when a soldierdashed up on a horse and asked for Mr. Strong.

  "I am Strong," said Ted, rubbing his head and neck vigorously with arough towel.

  The soldier looked at Ted in some surprise, as the colonel had alludedto him as the "government beef contractor."

  "Well?" said Ted.

  "I guess it's your father I want," said the soldier.

  "Guess again. There's no such person here."

  "Are you the beef contractor?"

  "Surest thing you know. What do you want?"

  "Colonel's compliments, sir, and the colonel would like to have you callat his quarters at the first convenient moment."

  "What about? These beef cattle?"

  "I don't know, sir; I didn't hear him say."

  "All right. Tell him I'll be there in a few minutes. Where is hishouse?"

  "Last house on the right-hand side of the parade, as you go in."

  Ted nodded, and went on dressing himself. He was as tired as a dog, buthe supposed the commandant wanted to talk to him about the cattle, andhe would have to go.

  As he rode up to the commandant's quarters he saw a young man and a verypretty girl talking on the veranda, and when he had ascended the stepshe saw that the man was none other than Lieutenant Barrows.

  He was just about to ring the bell when the girl looked at him, and hereyes brightened because Ted Strong, straight and stalwart, with hisfine, handsome head and straightforward, honest eyes, was a person verygood to look at.

  "Do you wish to see papa?" she asked, coming forward.

  "Colonel Croffut expressed a desire to speak with me," answered Ted,lifting his hat.

  "If you will wait a moment I will call him," said Miss Croffut, for, ofcourse, Ted had guessed who she was from her question.

  She tripped into the hall, and called to her father, and then entered aroom, and was followed by the commandant himself.

  "So you are Ted Strong, the beef contractor," said Colonel Croffut,looking Ted over.

  The colonel was a big man with a pink face and a brusque manner.

  "I am," said Ted coolly.

  "Excuse me. Take a seat. You needn't go, Hallie. Keep your seat,Barrows." The colonel motioned Ted into a chair, and took one himself.

  For several minutes he sat blowing clouds of smoke into the air from hiscigar, but saying nothing.

  Miss Croffut and Lieutenant Barrows continued their conversation aboutlawn tennis and riding, as if Ted were not there, but the lieutenantobserved that Miss Croffut's eyes strayed often toward Ted, and it madehim irritable.

  "See here, young man," said the colonel, turning suddenly
upon Ted in amanner that in another person would indicate that the commandant wasvery angry. "What do you mean by sending such a message to me?"

  "I sent no message to you," said Ted quietly. "I didn't even know yourname until your striker mentioned it to me a few minutes ago."

  Had Ted looked at the young lady at the other end of the veranda hewould have seen an irrepressible smile flit across her features, as shelooked at her father.

  "That was a facer for dad," she whispered to Lieutenant Barrows, whofrowned. "The idea of telling papa that he had never heard of him, thegreat warrior and Indian fighter, Colonel Croffut."

  The colonel stared at Ted with a sort of amazement for a moment, andgrunted:

  "Well, you're likely to know a great deal more about me before we'rethrough with one another."

  "I hope so," said Ted pleasantly. "But what is your business with me?"

  "I'll speak of it when I come to it," said the old soldier.

  "Then you'll have to be quick about it, for I've been in the saddlecontinuously for six weeks, and I'm tired. Besides, I've got a day'swork to do before I turn in to-night."

  There was something crisp and business-like in Ted's speech, and not atall impertinent, that caused the colonel to look at him again.

  "What's this I hear about your refusal to accede to our just demand thatthe cattle intended to fill your contract be turned into our pasture?"asked the colonel sharply.

  "Only this," answered Ted: "I arrived here just in time, with my stockworn out from forced marches. I had just let them have all the waterthey could drink, and it was necessary that they should have a good feedin order to rest well to-night to be in condition to stand inspectionto-morrow. I was well within my rights in deciding not to move them anyfarther to-night."

  "I understand that you were impertinent to the officer who made thisrequest to you," thundered the colonel.

  Ted laughed softly to himself.

  "If I was impertinent to him I was there and perfectly responsible,personally, for my conduct. It was wholly unofficial, and I cannot seewhy he should come to you with it."

  Ted looked at the lieutenant, who had flushed angrily.

  The girl looked from Ted to Barrows, and then at her father.

  "That is not the question, sir. He represents the army in his personwhen he comes to you on the army's business."

  "Well, I can't fight the whole army," said Ted, laughing, "but I cancertainly take care of myself in all ordinary matters."

  Barrows half rose in his chair as if he was going to resent Ted'sremark.

  "Sit down, Barrows," said the colonel explosively. "The young man isright as far as that is concerned. Now, sir, I've half a mind not toaccept your beef at all. I consider that you have not properly filledthe contract."

  "I certainly have," said Ted stoutly. "The beef was on the governmentreservation fifteen minutes before the time limit according to theacknowledgment of Lieutenant Barrows himself."

  "I said no such thing," almost shouted the lieutenant.

  "Be careful," said Ted. "That is giving me the lie direct. Several of mymen heard you say so."

  "Mr. Barrows, please be quiet," said Miss Croffut. "I shall go in."

  "I beg your pardon, Miss Croffut," said Ted, rising and bowing. "I hadno intention of carrying on a quarrel in your presence. Colonel, I shallbe glad to discuss this matter with you in your office if you wish, butnot here. I have no quarrel with you, and I do not propose to, if I canavoid it."

  "I presume you mean that you would quarrel with me," said Barrows,blustering up.

  "I have no objection in the world, but not in a lady's presence," saidTed, turning from him carelessly.

  "I don't like your attitude at all, Mr. Strong," said the colonel. "Thatis not my idea of army discipline, in fact, sir----"

  "Excuse me, colonel," said an officer, bustling up, "don't forget thatto-morrow is beef-issue day to the Indians, and that we must have threehundred head before noon to-morrow. There is not a hoof in thegovernment pasture."

  Barrows was trying to attract the other officer's attention withvigorous shakes of his head, which Ted, although his back was towardBarrows, saw reflected in the window.

  What could the matter be? Were they so short of beef at the post and abeef issue coming off, and then attempt to bluff him with their armyrulings? He saw through it all, and now he would stand pat, and takenobody's bluff.

  The officer walked away at a signal from the colonel, who turned to Ted.

  "I want you to go back to your herd and drive it into the governmentpasture at once, do you hear, at once?" he said in a tone of greatseverity.

  "I think not," said Ted. "The herd stays where it is until morning, orif it must be driven at all it will be over the way it came."

  "What do you mean, sir?"

  "I mean that I forfeit the contract. The cattle are mine to do with as Iplease. I shall immediately proceed to drive them off the reservation."

  "But that will ruin you."

  "That's my business. Good evening, sir."

  "Wait a moment. Don't you know that we must have the beef; that there isan Indian beef issue to-morrow?"

  "I didn't know it until a moment ago. Now I know a lot more than I didwhen I came here."

  "Confound it, boy, there'll be an Indian uprising if we don't give themtheir beef to-morrow."

  "That's for you to take care of. Good evening. The contract is declaredoff."


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