The Fair God; or, The Last of the 'Tzins: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico

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The Fair God; or, The Last of the 'Tzins: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico Page 41

by Lew Wallace



  Guatamozin, accompanied by Hualpa, left the city a little afternightfall. Impressed, doubtless, by the great event of the day, the twojourneyed in silence, until so far out that the fires of the capitalfaded into a rosy tint low on the horizon.

  Then the 'tzin said, "I am tired, body and spirit; yet must I go back toTenochtitlan."

  "To-night?" Hualpa asked.

  "To-night; and I need help."

  "What I can, O 'tzin, that will I."

  "You are weary, also."

  "I could follow a wounded deer till dawn, if you so wished."

  "It is well."

  After a while the 'tzin again spoke.

  "To-day I have unlearned all the lessons of my youth. The faith Ithought part of my life is not; I have seen the great king conqueredwithout a blow!"

  There was a sigh such as only shame can wring from a strong man.

  "At the Chalcan's, where the many discontented meet to-night, there willbe," he resumed, "much talk of war without the king. Such conferencesare criminal; and yet there shall be war."

  He spoke with emphasis.

  "In my exile without a cause," he next said, "I have learned todistinguish between the king and country. I have even reflected uponconditions when the choosing between them may become a duty. Far be theyhence! but when they come, Anahuac shall have her son. To accomplishtheir purpose, the lords in the city rely upon their united power, whichis nothing; with the signet in his hand, Maxtla alone could dispersetheir forces. There is that, however, by which what they seek can bewrought rightfully,--something under the throne, not above it, wherethey are looking, and only the gods are,--a power known to every ruleras his servant when wisely cared for, and his master when disregarded;public opinion we call it, meaning the judgment and will of the many. Inthis garb of artisan, I have been with the people all day, and for apurpose higher than sight of what I abhorred. I talked with them. I knowthem. In the march from Xoloc there was not a shout. In the awfulsilence, what of welcome was there? Honor to the people! Before they areconquered the lake will wear a red not of the sun! Imagine them of onemind, and zealous for war: how long until the army catches thesentiment? Imagine the streets and temples resounding with a constantcry, 'Death to the strangers!' how long until the king yields to theclamor? O comrade, that would be the lawful triumph of public opinion;and so, I say, war shall be."

  After that the 'tzin remained sunk in thought until the canoe touchedthe landing at his garden. Leaving the boatmen there, he proceeded, withHualpa, to the palace. In his study, he said, "You have seen the head ofthe stranger whom I slew at Nauhtlan. I have another trophy. Come withme."

  Providing himself with a lamp, he led the way to what seemed a kind ofworkshop. Upon the walls, mixed with strange banners, hung all kinds ofAztec armor; a bench stood by one of the windows, covered with tools; onthe floor lay bows, arrows, and lances, of such fashion as to betray theexperimentalist. The corners were decorated, if the term may be used,with effigies of warriors preserved by the process peculiar to thepeople. In the centre of the room, a superior attraction to Hualpa,stood a horse, which had been subjected to the same process, but was solifelike now that he could hardly think it dead. The posture chosen forthe animal was that of partial repose, its head erect, its ears thrownsharply forward, its nostrils distended, the forefeet firmly planted; soit had, in life, often stood watching the approach or disappearance ofits comrades. The housings were upon it precisely as when taken from thefield.

  "I promised there should be war," the 'tzin said, when he supposedHualpa's wonder spent, "and that the people should bring it about. Now Isay, that the opinion I rely upon would ripen to-morrow, were there nota thick cloud about it. The faith that Malinche and his followers are_teules_ has spread from the palace throughout the valley. Unless it bedispelled, Anahuac must remain the prey of the spoiler. Mualox, thekeeper of the old Cu of Quetzal', taught me long ago, that in the commonmind mystery can only be assailed by mystery; and that, O comrade, iswhat I now propose. This nameless thing here belonged to the strangerwhom I slew at Nauhtlan. Come closer, and lay your hand upon it; mountit, and you may know how its master felt the day he rode it to death.There is his lance, there his shield, here his helm and whole array;take them, and learn what little is required to make a god of a man."

  For a moment he busied himself getting the property of the unfortunateChristian together; then he stopped before the Tihuancan, saying, "Letothers choose their parts, O comrade. All a warrior may do, that will I.If the Empire must die, it shall be like a fighting man,--a hero's songfor future minstrels. Help me now. We will take the trophy to the city,and set it up in the _tianguez_ along with the shield, arms, and armor.The rotting head in the summer-house we will fix near by on the lance.To-morrow, when the traders open their stalls, and the thousands soshamelessly sold come back to their bartering and business, a mysteryshall meet them which no man can look upon and afterwards believeMalinche a god. I see the scene,--the rush of the people, theirsurprise, their pointing fingers. I hear the eager questions, 'What arethey?' 'Whence came they?' I hear the ready answer, 'Death to thestrangers!' Then, O comrade, will begin the Opinion, by force of which,the gods willing, we shall yet hear the drum of Huitzil'. Lay hold now,and let us to the canoe with the trophies."

  "If it be heavy as it seems, good 'tzin," said Hualpa, stooping to thewooden slab which served as the base of the effigy, "I fear we shall beovertasked."

  "It is not heavy; two children could carry it. A word more before weproceed. In what I propose there is a peril aside from the patrols inthe _tianguez_. Malinche will hear of--"

  Hualpa laughed. "Was ever a victim sacrificed before he was caught?"

  "Hear further," said the 'tzin, gravely. "I took the king to thesummer-house, and showed him the head, which he will recognize. Yourheart, as well as mine, may pay the forfeit. Consider."

  "Lay hold, O 'tzin! Did you not but now call me comrade? Lay hold!"

  Thereupon they carried the once good steed out to the landing. Then the'tzin went to the kiosk for the Spaniard's head, while Hualpa returnedto the palace for the arms and equipments. The head, wrapped in a cloth,was dropped in the bow of the boat, and the horse and trappings carriedon board. Trusting in the gods, the _voyageurs_ pushed off, and werelanded, without interruption, near the great _tianguez_.


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