The Fair God; or, The Last of the 'Tzins: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico

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The Fair God; or, The Last of the 'Tzins: A Tale of the Conquest of Mexico Page 48

by Lew Wallace



  Admitting that the intent with which the Spaniards came to Tenochtitlantook from them the sanctity accorded by Christians to guests, and at thesame time justified any measure in prevention,--a subject belonging tothe casuist rather than the teller of a story,--their situation has nowbecome so perilous, and possibly so interesting to my sympatheticreader, that he may be anxious to enter the old palace, and see whatthey are doing.

  The dull report of the evening gun had long since spent itself over thelake, and along the gardened shores. So, too, mass had been said in thechapel, newly improvised, and very limited for such high ceremony; yet,as Father Bartolome observed, roomy enough for prayer and penitence. Norhad the usual precautions against surprise been omitted; on thecontrary, extra devices in that way had been resorted to; the guards hadbeen doubled; the horses stood caparisoned; by the guns at the gateslow fires were burning, to light, in an instant, the matches of thegunners; and at intervals, under cover of the walls, lay or loungeddetachments of both Christians and Tlascalans, apparently told off forbattle. A yell without or a shot within, and the palace would bristlewith defenders. A careful captain was Cortes.

  In his room, once the audience-chamber of the kings, paced the stout_conquistador_. He was alone, and, as usual, in armor, except of thehead and hands. On a table were his helm, iron gloves, and battle-axe,fair to view, as was the chamber, in the cheerful, ruddy light of abrazen lamp. As he walked, he used his sword for staff; and its clang,joined to the sharp concussion of the sollerets smiting the tessellatedfloor at each step, gave notice in the adjoining chamber, and out in the_patio_, that the general--or, as he was more familiarly called, theSenor Hernan--was awake and uncommonly restless. After a while thecurtains of the doorway parted, and Father Bartolome entered withoutchallenge. The good man was clad in a cassock of black serge, muchfrayed, and girt to the waist by a leathern belt, to which hung an ivorycross, and a string of amber beads. At sight of him, Cortes halted, and,leaning on his sword, said, "Bring thy bones here, father; or, if suchwomanly habit suit thee better, rest them on the settle yonder. Anyhow,thou'rt welcome. I assure thee of the fact in advance of thy report."

  "Thank thee, Senor," he replied. "The cross, as thou mayst have heard,is proverbially heavy; but its weight is to the spirit, not the body,like the iron with which thou keep'st thyself so constantly clothed. Iwill come and stand by thee, especially as my words must be few, and toour own ears."

  He went near, and continued in a low voice, and rapidly, "A deputation,appointed to confer with thee, is now coming. I sounded the men. I toldthem our condition; how we are enclosed in the city, dependent upon aninconstant king for bread, without hope of succor, without a road ofretreat. Following thy direction, I drew the picture darkly. Very soonthey began asking, 'What think'st thou ought to be done?' As agreedbetween us, I suggested the seizure of Montezuma. They adopted the ideainstantly; and, that no consideration like personal affection for theking may influence thee to reject the proposal, the deputation cometh,with Diaz del Castillo at the head."

  A gleam of humor twinkled in Cortes's eyes.

  "Art sure they do not suspect me as the author of the scheme?"

  "They will urge it earnestly as their own, and support it with argumentswhich"--the father paused a moment--"I am sure thou wilt findirresistible."

  Cortes raised himself from the sword, and indulged a laugh while hecrossed the room and returned.

  "I thank thee, father," he said, resuming his habitual gravity. "So menare managed; nothing more simple, if we do but know how. The projecthath been in my mind since we left Tlascala; but, as thou know'st, Ifeared it might be made of account against me with our imperial master.Now, it cometh back as business of urgency to the army, to which menthink I cannot say nay. Let them come; I am ready."

  He began walking again, thumping the floor with his sword, while Olmedotook possession of a bench by the table. Presently, there was heard atthe door the sound of many feet, which you may be sure were not those ofslippered damsels; for, at the bidding of Cortes, twelve soldiers camein, followed by several officers, and after them yet other soldiers. Thegeneral went to the table and seated himself. They ranged themselvesabout him, standing.

  And for a time the chamber went back to its primitive use; but what werethe audiences of Axaya' compared with this? Here was no painted cotton,or feather-work gaudy with the spoils of humming-birds and parrots: intheir stead, the gleam and lustre blent with the brown of iron. One suchChristian warrior was worth a hundred heathen chiefs. So thought Cortes,as he glanced at the faces before him, bearded, mustachioed, and shadeddown to the eyes by well-worn morions.

  "Good evening, gentlemen and soldiers," he said, kindly, but without abow. "This hath the appearance of business."

  Diaz advanced a step, and replied,--

  "Senor, we are a deputation from the army, appointed to beg attention toa matter which to us looketh serious; enough so, at least, to justifythis appearance. We have been, and are, thy faithful soldiers, in whomthou mayst trust to the death, as our conduct all the way from the coastdoth certify. Nor do we come to complain; on that score be at rest. Butwe are men of experience; a long campaign hath given us eyes to see andability to consider a situation; while we submit willingly to all thyorders, trusting in thy superior sense, we yet think thou wilt not takeit badly, nor judge us wanting in discipline and respect, if we venturethe opinion that, despite the courtesies and fair seeming of theunbelieving king, Montezuma, we are, in fact, cooped up in this strongcity as in a cage."

  "I see the business already," said Cortes; "and, by my conscience! yeare welcome to help me consider it. Speak out, Bernal Diaz."

  "Thank thee, Senor. The question in our minds is, What shall be donenext? We know that but few things bearing anywise upon our expeditionescape thy eyes, and that of what is observed by thee nothing isforgotten; therefore, what I wish, first, is to refer some points to thymemory. When we left Cuba, we put ourselves in the keeping of the HolyVirgin, without any certain purpose. We believed there was in thisdirection somewhere a land peopled and full of gold for the finding. Ofthat we were assured when we set out from the coast to come here. Andnow that we are come, safe from so many dangers, and hardships, andbattles, we think it no shame to admit that we were not prepared forwhat we find, so far doth the fact exceed all our imaginings; neithercan we be charged justly with weakness or fear, if we all desire to knowwhether the expedition is at an end, and whether the time hath arrivedto collect our gains, and divide them, and set our faces homeward. Thereare in the army some who think that time come; but I, and my associateshere, are not of that opinion. We believe with Father Olmedo, that Godand the Holy Mother brought us to this land, and that we are theirinstruments; and that, in reward for our toils, and for setting up thecross in all these abominable temples, and bringing about the conversionof these heathen hordes, the country, and all that is in it, are ours."

  "They are ours!" cried Cortes, dashing his sword against the floor untilthe chamber rang. "They are ours, all ours; subject only to the will ofour master, the Emperor."

  The latter words he said slowly, meaning that they should be remembered.

  "We are glad, Senor, to hear thy approval so heartily given," Diazresumed. "If we are not mistaken in the opinion, and, following it up,decide to reduce the country to possession and the truebelief,--something, I confess, not difficult to determine, since we haveno ships in which to sail away,--then we think a plan of action shouldbe adopted immediately. If the reduction can be best effected from thecity, let us abide here, by all means; if not, the sooner we are beyondthe dikes and bridges, and out of the valley, the better. Whether weshall remain, Senor, is for thee to say. The army hath simply chosen usto make a suggestion, which we hope thou wilt accept as its sense; andthat is, to seize the person of Montezuma, and bring him to thesequarters, after which there will be no difficulty in providing
for ourwants and safety, and controlling, as may be best, the people, the city,the provinces, and all things else yet undiscovered."

  "_Jesu Christo!_" exclaimed Cortes, like one surprised. "Whence got yethis idea? Much I fear the Devil is abroad again." And he began to walkthe floor, using long strides, and muttering to himself; retaking hisseat, he said,--

  "The proposition hath a bold look, soldiers and comrades, and for ourlives' sake requireth careful thought. That we can govern the Empirethrough Montezuma, I have always held, and with that idea I marched youhere, as the cavaliers now present can testify; but the taking andholding him prisoner,--by my conscience! ye out-travel me, and I musthave time to think about the business. But, gentlemen,"--turning to theCaptains Leon, Ordas, Sandoval, and Alvarado, who, as part of thedelegation, had stationed themselves behind him,--"ye have reflectedupon the business, and are of made-up minds. Upon two points I wouldhave your judgments: first, can we justify the seizure to his Majesty,the Emperor? secondly, how is the arrest to be accomplished? Speak thou,Sandoval."

  "As thou know'st, Senor Hernan, what I say must be said bluntly, andwith little regard for qualifications," Sandoval replied, lisping. "Tome the seizure is a necessity, and as such justifiable to our royalmaster, himself so good a soldier. I have come to regard the heathenking as faithless, and therefore unworthy, except as an instrument inour hands. I cannot forget how we were cautioned against him in all thelower towns, and how, from all quarters, we were assured he meant tofollow the pretended instructions of his god, allow us to enter thecapital quietly, then fall upon us without notice and at disadvantage.And now that we are enclosed, he hath only to cut off our supplies ofbread and water, and break down the bridges. So, Senor, I avouch that,in my opinion, there is but one question for consideration,--Shall wemove against him, or wait until he is ready to move against us? I wouldrather surprise my enemy than be surprised by him."

  "And what sayest thou, Leon?"

  "The good Captain Sandoval hath spoken for me, Senor. I would add, thatsome of us have to-day noticed that the king's steward, besides beinginsolent, hath failed to supply our tables as formerly. And fromAguilar, the interpreter, who hath his news from the Tlascalans, I learnthat the Mexicans certainly have some evil plot in progress."

  "And yet further, captain, say for me," cried Alvarado, impetuously,"that the prince now with us, his name--The fiend take his name!"

  "Thou would'st say, the Prince of Tezcuco; never mind his name," Cortessaid, gravely.

  "Ay, never mind his name," Olmedo repeated, with a scarce perceptiblegleam of humor. "At the baptism to-morrow I will give him something moreChristian."

  "As ye will, as ye will!" Alvarado rejoined, impatiently. "I was aboutto say, that the Tezcucan averreth most roundly that the yells we heardthis afternoon from the temple over the way signified a grand utterancefrom the god of war; and of opinion that we will now be soon attacked,he refuseth to go into the city again."

  "And thou, Ordas."

  "Senor," that captain replied, "I am in favor of the seizure. If, as allbelieve, Montezuma is bent to make war upon us, the best way to meet thedanger is to arrest him in time. The question, simply stated, is, hisliberty or our lives. Moreover, I want an end to the uncertainty that sovexeth us night and day; worse, by far, than any battle the heathen canoffer."

  Cortes played with the knot of his sword, and reflected.

  "Such, then, is the judgment of the army," he finally said. "And such,gentlemen, is mine, also. But is that enough? What we do as matter ofpolicy may be approved of man, even our imperial master, of whom I amalways regardful; but, as matter of conscience, the approval of Heavenmust be looked for. Stand out, Father Bartolome! Upon thy brow is thefinger of St. Peter, at thy girdle the cross of Christ. What saith theChurch?"

  The good man arose, and held out the cross, saying,--

  "My children, upon the Church, by Christ himself, this solemn hest hathbeen placed, good for all places, to be parted from never: 'Go ye intoall the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.' The way hitherhath been through strange seas and deadly climates. Hear me, that ye mayknow yourselves. Ye are the swords of the Church. In Cempoalla shepreached; so in Tlascala; so in Cholula; and in all, she cast out falsegods, and converted whole tribes. Only in this city hath the gospel notbeen proclaimed. And why? Because of a king who to-day, almost in ourview, sacrificed men to his idols. Swords of the Church, which go beforeto make smooth her path, Christ and the Holy Mother must be taught inyon temple of sin. So saith the Church!"

  There was much crossing of forehead and breast, and "Amen," and thesweet name "Ave Maria" sounded through the chamber, not in the murmur ofa cathedral response, but outspokenly as became the swords of Christ.The sensation was hardly done, when some one at the door called loudlyfor Alvarado.

  "Who is he that so calleth?" the captain asked, angrily. "Let him chooseanother time."

  The name was repeated more loudly.

  "Tell the mouther to seek me to-morrow."

  A third time the captain was called.

  "May the Devil fly away with the fellow! I will not go."

  "Bid the man enter," said Cortes. "The disturbance is strange."

  A soldier appeared, whom Alvarado, still angry, addressed, "How now?Dost thou take me for a kitchen girl, apprenticed to answer thee at alltimes? What hast thou? Be brief. This goodly company waiteth."

  "I crave thy pardon, captain. I crave pardon of the company," thesoldier answered, saluting Cortes. "I am on duty at the main gate. Alittle while ago, a woman--"

  "_Picaro!_" cried Alvarado, contemptuously. "Only a woman!"

  "Peace, captain! Let the man proceed," said Cortes, whose habit it wasto hear his common soldiers gravely.

  "As I was about saying, Senor, a woman came running to the gate. She waschallenged. I could not understand her, and she was much scared, forbehind her on the street was a party that seemed to have been inpursuit. She cried, and pressed for admittance. My order isstrict,--Admit no one after the evening gun. While I was trying to makeher understand me, some arrows were shot by the party outside, and onepassed through her arm. She then flung herself on the pavement, and gaveme this cross, and said 'Tonatiah, Tonatiah!' As that is what the peoplecall thee, Senor Alvarado, I judged she wanted it given to thee for somepurpose. The shooting at her made me think that possibly the businessmight be of importance. If I am mistaken, I again pray pardon. Here isthe cross. Shall I admit the woman?"

  Alvarado took the cross, and looked at it once.

  "By the saints! my mother's gift to me, and mine to the princessNenetzin." Of the soldier he asked, in a suppressed voice, "Is the womanold or young?"

  "A girl, little more than a child."

  "'Tis she! Mother of Christ, 'tis Nenetzin!"

  And through the company, without apology, he rushed. The soldiersaluted, and followed him.

  "To the gate, Sandoval! See the rest of this affair, and report," saidCortes, quietly. "We will stay the business until you return."


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