Fireman Daddy: a Crescent Cove Bite

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Fireman Daddy: a Crescent Cove Bite Page 6

by Quinn, Taryn

  Her face went slack with shock. “Really?”

  “Pretty sure you have a good reference.”

  She grabbed my hands. “I do. And not just Jake.”

  I grinned. “Good, because I’m pretty sure I’m going to go kick your brother’s ass.” I stalked off the elevator and down the hall.

  Ben was talking to a doctor near a cracked open door. I walked right past them into the room, the younger EMT sputtering for me to wait.

  Nope. There was no way I was taking another minute to wonder and stress over what Jake looked like.

  Or just how hurt he was.

  A curtain shrouded the bed, and I recognized the boots set on top of a chair. Definitely Jake’s. I swung the curtain wide open before I stopped to think that I didn’t have a right to do this.

  It didn’t even occur to me. He was just mine.

  “How dare you.”

  He wore a hospital smock and still had his work pants on. His uniform shirt was nowhere to be seen. His deep dark eyes opened, tired and sooty where the crinkles dug deep into his face from being outdoors all the time. An oxygen mask covered his nose and mouth. His arm was in a sling, but otherwise, he looked okay.

  A few bruises maybe.

  Relief jacked up my anger. “You didn’t think I’d come here for you?”

  Surprise dented the exhaustion. He tried to pull the oxygen mask down. “Freckles—”

  I pushed the mask back up on his face. “No. I get to talk right now. You just keep that thing on. You scared me, dammit. Walking away with that smile on your face like you’re going to be mine for all time. Then you don’t want me here. That is not going to happen, buster.”

  His hand flexed, and anger sparked in his eyes. He pulled the mask down. “You’re the one who talked to Maitland. What was I supposed to think?”

  I gripped the edge of his bed. “Your firefighters told on me? Like I was doing something wrong?”

  “What was I supposed to think?” His voice was rusty, as if he’d been coughing for days. “You keep telling me you’re leaving.”

  I shut my eyes against the threatening flood of tears. “You’re right. Then again, I’m new at all this stuff. I don’t move at the speed of light like you do. I’m a normal person who needs to think things through a little.”

  “Yeah? So, why are you coming in here—” He started coughing and lifted the mask to suck in a few lungfuls of straight oxygen.

  I pushed the hospital table out of my way. “Jake.”

  “I’m fine.”

  I pushed the mask over his mouth again. “You sit there, Jake Mills, and let me do the talking this time.”

  He grinned behind the mask and gestured for me to continue.

  I shook my hair back. I could see the streaks of white paint in my wild curls from my periphery. God only knew what I looked like right now, but I didn’t care. “I told Maitland to keep driving—not to even park his big fancy car. I told him Sharkey’s was mine. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Jake’s eyes were wary.

  “I love you, Jake. I’ve always loved you.”

  He tried to sit up, but I pressed him back.

  He shoved the mask away. “You can’t say that to me and think I’m going to be laying down the first time you fucking say it.”

  He pulled me down with his good arm and covered my mouth with his own. He smelled like smoke and wet ash. I tunneled my fingers through his hair and held on to him.

  Some of the anger bled out of me. He was hurt and I was yelling at him, but God, I’d been so scared. I’d just figured out I wanted him, and I’d almost lost him at the same time.

  His grip was just as tight as mine. “I’m fine, Freckles. My guys got me out. They always do, because I fucking trained them to be the best in the area.”

  I pressed my forehead to his. His hair was singed along his hairline, and it was just one more reminder of how close the fire had come to him.

  He hoisted me up onto the bed and tucked me along the side of him. “I’m good, baby. I swear it.”

  I turned my face into his chest and let the tears come. I didn’t sob and break down, just let out a few that had been hovering. “You can’t leave me.”

  “Never. I’ll never let you go again.”

  “I’ve got plans for us.”

  He kissed the top of my head.

  “Put your mask back on.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I clung to him in the cramped bed. I didn’t mind the tight quarters. It was my spot with him. My spot had always been by his side. I’d just been too stupid to reach out for it before.

  I wouldn’t be again.

  Kayla peeked around the curtain. “Is it safe to come in?”

  I hid a smile against the furnace that was Jake’s chest. “Yes, it’s safe.”

  Jake held out an arm for his little sister. “I’m okay, Cupcake.”

  I laughed. “I guess I’m not the only one with a nickname.”

  Kayla’s cheeks reddened. “I hate it.”

  I laid my hand on his chest by my cheek. “Yeah, it’s not so bad.”

  The tromp of boots and male voices created chaos a few minutes later.

  Over a dozen firefighters came in to see him throughout the evening. Luckily, Jake was in a solo room. I got a few snarky comments and cold shoulders until the gossip chain had caught up to my news of telling Maitland to take a leap into the lake.

  Literally or figuratively, his pick.

  Soon after, my parents came in to see Jake, and then headed home. Kayla fessed up about her job situation, and I told him we were hatching a plan.

  Finally, everyone cleared out.

  Jake shoved at the flat pillow behind his head with a snarl. “I don’t understand why I can’t go home.”

  We’d been informed that the mansion was definitely a lost cause. Thankfully, the fire hadn’t spread to the next property. A welcome spring rain had helped out there.

  And my guy was acting as if it had been just another day at work.

  “Says the man who has had so many coughing fits your abs probably hurt.”

  He lifted his ill-fitting hospital gown to show off his very impressive torso. “As you can see, my abs are quite fine. So is the rest of me.”

  I just lifted an eyebrow at him. “Rest. Doctor’s orders.”

  “You mean nurse. Because I haven’t had a doctor come in to see me so I can freaking go home.”

  “Which is exactly why we’re staying until morning.”

  “I don’t want to stay here—wait, did you say we?”

  “Can’t get rid of me that easily, buddy. But you have to rest. No pervy hospital fantasies will be played out tonight.”

  “Who said I had hospital fantasies?”

  Avoiding his gaze, I straightened his blankets.

  “Or is that you, Miss Ramos?”

  “It is not.”

  “You’re the one who mentioned it.”

  “Yeah, well, you’re the one who keeps showing off your chest and abs.”

  “You like it.”

  I hid a smile. “I’d like it better after a shower and with a very large bed.”

  “That can be arranged.”

  “Tomorrow.” I climbed back into the hospital bed with him. I’d had to get out for a while to get the circulation moving again. “Right now, I just want to hold on to you, if that’s okay.”

  “More than.” He made a little room, but there wasn’t much to be had.

  I settled myself against him as best as I could, tucking my head under his chin. His deep, even breathing calmed me, as did the cool oxygenated air from his mask that helped combat the heat that seemed to radiate off him.

  “I love you, Freckles.”

  I smiled against his neck. “I love you too, Jake.”



  3 months later

  I hefted a keg and brought it outside to the tented area by the lake. We’d looked into purchasing the land surrounding Sharkey’s to exp
and the bar. One addition had been a space to rent out for parties with an incredible pavilion built by Erica’s brother.

  A dock was set up beside it with a floating deck perfect for water sports. Currently, the class of 2020 was having one helluva party. Sheriff Brooks was vigilantly watching to make sure the only beer drinking was being done by the over twenty-one crowd, which included parents.

  A fleet of Sea-Doos were currently racing around the lake. Their bleating motors gunned up and down the straightaways just past the anchored boats. A lake town was made for this kind of setup, and my girl was very good at creating just the right kind of family-focused establishment.

  My sister was making a name for herself in the kitchen. She knew how to cook the hell out of meat, fish, and surprisingly, vegetarian fare that lured more than one customer back for more.

  I scanned the pavilion and found Freckles holding court. She was smiling and touching shoulders and making sure everyone was happy. Sun streaked over her curls, adding a touch of fire to the wild, midnight waves I loved to distraction.

  As usual, she seemed to know I was looking at her. Her gaze zeroed in on me, and she flashed me a wide smile. Her lips were berry-stained, and her honey-toned skin was even darker now from days out in the sun getting the space ready for our first big party of the season.

  She’d already booked four more. Knowing how she worked a room, I’d wager another handful of parties would be added to our schedule before the night was over.

  I frowned when she grabbed hold of a deck chair. She covered the move well enough, but she quickly reached for the little bag where she kept her bottle of water and drank deeply before continuing on to another umbrella-shaded table of people.

  “Let me grab that, Chief.” Ben took the keg from me and added it to the huge metal drums of dry ice mixed with the regular kind to keep the kegs cold against the brutal heat bouncing off the water.

  Kayla and her new assistant had a smoker going and a half-dozen grills for regular hamburger and hotdog fare. Another one was set aside for veggie kabobs to make everyone happy.

  Both of the women in my life were something to behold when it came to running a business. Their teamwork made it even better.

  I wandered over to Freckles and slid an arm around her waist. “Think I can steal my girl for a few minutes?” I asked the couple she was speaking to.

  Freckles patted my chest. “This rude man is Chief Jake Mills.”

  The tall man held out his hand. “I’m Seth Hamilton, and this is my wife, Ally. We were just talking about a few properties I have in mind for you to look at.”

  “Oh, right. The realtor guy.”

  “Yes. We’re looking forward to working with you two to find the perfect house.”

  Well, that was quick. We’d talked about finding a house, but we hadn’t dealt with the financial part yet. We both had sizable nest eggs to put down on a nice house or a fixer upper, depending on what we found.

  Seth smiled. “My sister-in-law, Sage, owns the Hummingbird’s Nest. She’s expanding as well.”

  “Oh, right. I’ve had lunch there. She hosts some of our pancake breakfast charity drives.” Absently, I brushed a kiss along Erica’s temple.

  “That’s our Sage. Women killing it in the Cove. Just as it should be.” Ally linked her fingers with Seth. “We’d love to have you over to the café, Erica. A group of us women entrepreneurs meet to talk over coffee—or decaffeinated drinks for the ever-growing bunch of mamas-to-be.”

  Erica stiffened next to me. I glanced down at her.

  She covered well, offering us a big smile. “I’d really like that.”

  “Good. We’ll set it up. You sound like you can hold your own with the Brewed Awakening crew.”

  “Would be nice to take a break.”

  “She needs it.” I hugged her tighter to me. “Hope you guys can enjoy some food. My sister cooks a mean brisket.”

  Seth’s eyes lit up. “Maybe we will.”

  I pulled her away and urged her toward the path we’d created from our land to the lake.

  “I shouldn’t go far. What if they—”

  “Your staff has everything well in hand. You trained them well.”

  She sighed but let me lead her away just the same.

  “You okay, Freckles?”

  “I’m perfect, why?”

  “I know you too well.” I linked our fingers. “You’ve been running yourself ragged for weeks.”

  “Months,” she corrected.

  I laughed. “Agreed.” I stopped her on the path just out of sight of the nearest pocket of noisy teens. I cupped her face. “So, you’re really okay?”

  She gripped my forearms. “You’re too astute.”

  “I pay attention. Chicks dig that.”

  “Yeah, well, I had something planned.”

  I swallowed. “Planned?”

  Sounded kind of like what I’d had in the works for about six weeks.

  If the jeweler got another call from me, he swore he’d up the price another five hundred bucks for pain and suffering. But I wanted the perfect ring to ask her to be mine. I’d decided to put my mother’s diamond at the center of it, with a little extra flash to suit my fiery woman’s temper and passion.

  Erica pulled my hand down to her chest and I forgot all about rings. “Have you noticed things are changing a little?”

  “Well, everything’s been changing. Including the house thing you just lobbed at me.” Her distracting breasts were too close for me to concentrate. And yes, her breasts were a bit more than a handful these days, but I didn’t mind that in the least.

  “About that. We’re going to need the room.”

  I looked up from my second favorite place on her body. “I promise, my sister is moving into her own apartment. Soon enough, we’ll have the place to ourselves.”

  She moved my hand lower to her belly. “More room.”

  My heart thundered, and my eyes widened.

  She grinned. “I knew you’d catch on quick.”

  I cupped the slight curve of her belly. “A baby?” I whispered.

  “Looks like those swimmers of yours were in a hurry that first night in the bar. You freaking knocked me up on the first try, sir.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and twirled her around. “No shit. I told you I wanted to put a baby inside this perfect body.”

  “Don’t make it weird.”

  I laughed and set her down, and then crouched in front of her belly. “Hello in there. I’m gonna marry your mom and be the best dad ever, I swear.”

  She slid her fingers through my hair. “Jake, we haven’t talked about that yet.”

  “You know you’re going to marry me.” I slid my hand up the back of her leg and gave her ass a good squeeze on the way up as I stood.


  “I had a plan too.” I laced my fingers along her lower back, pressing her belly against mine. “But I don’t care. When I get the ring in from my buddy’s jeweler friend, I’m going to ask you again. Probably naked.”

  She laughed as her tears started rolling. She lifted her hands to my face, petting my beard like she always did.

  “I love you. I’ve loved you since we were kids. I’m going to make sure you know that each and every day. Our kids will never wonder if their parents love one another. In fact, they’ll probably run away from us in disgust because I can’t stop kissing you and touching you.” I dropped kisses on her mouth after every word.

  Her laughter was the sweetest sound.

  She curled her fingers around my wrists and rose onto her toes to get even closer. “Of course I’ll marry you. I love you, my fireman daddy,” she whispered.

  * * *

  Thanks so much for reading FIREMAN DADDY. It was only supposed to be one night of pleasure for Hannah and Asher. No names. No phone numbers. No second chances. Then she accidentally ended up working as his nanny...and found out she was pregnant. One-click CEO DADDY now.

  Forever begins in nine months…

>   New Year’s Eve, a time for new beginnings.

  And in my case? The time to lose my virginity.

  Asher is a little older than me and a successful, wealthy businessman.

  We agreed on no last names and no numbers.

  Just pleasure.

  Little did I know he needed that escape as much as I did. He’s the only one who can save his family’s publishing empire.

  Which I discovered when I was hired by Asher’s grandmother as his nanny. Yet another thing I didn’t know—that he was a single father, raising his best friend’s baby girl.

  He desperately needs my help with his new daughter, Lily. Even if he isn’t sure at first that he wants it.

  But I have a secret too.

  I’m carrying Asher’s baby.

  The only question is if he will fight for me and our child like he’s fighting for his company. Or if I’ll have to walk away to protect what’s mine.

  Including my heart.

  Author’s note: CEO DADDY is a standalone single father and virgin nanny forced proximity romance novel set in our Crescent Cove world. It has a happily-ever-after ending.

  One-click CEO DADDY now.

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  Now…turn the page for a special sneak peek of CEO DADDY now!

  CEO Daddy

  I might be single and alone on New Year’s Eve. But I’m not woe as me. No, ma’am. I’m looking at this moment as an opportunity to cherish my solitude.


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