All of Me: Rod & Daisy Duet Box Set

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All of Me: Rod & Daisy Duet Box Set Page 4

by A. D. Justice

  Our waiters arrive just in time to stop me from arguing my useless point any further. I just met the girl, and it’s not as if we’re two souls destined to sail away in the night and spend the rest of our lives together. My solemn vows to never fall in love are written in stone, my heart of stone, as I like to say. I will never become attached to anyone. I will never marry or have kids of my own. This isn’t merely a bachelor’s creed. It’s a survival reflex.

  We’ll eat, chat over a superb meal, and go our separate ways at the end of dinner. She’s made that abundantly clear. But she piques my interest more than I care to admit. Daisy has a solid backbone, and when she makes up her mind, she stands by it. Beauty, brains, and brawn all in one gorgeous little package.

  The ladies finish their dinner, then push away from the table to leave. Tracy looks at me, then at Kevin. “What a great first day, right? Maybe we’ll see you around tomorrow, boys.”

  The next morning, Kevin and I are lounging by the pool when Daisy and Tracy stroll past us in their bikinis and claim two empty chairs a few spaces down from us. I can’t take my eyes off Daisy, but she doesn’t even spare me a glance. Tracy blows a flirty kiss at Kevin, who catches it in the air before sending one back to her.

  How the hell did they get so lovey-dovey since dinner last night?

  We have a full day enjoying the resort amenities before the staff’s matchmaking activities begin first thing tomorrow morning. They gave us a whole itinerary of pre-planned events to help strangers meet when we checked in, but we’ve both ignored it until now. Kevin and I move the moment the couple beside Daisy and Tracy vacate their seats. Between the two of us, we use every excuse under the sun to strike up a conversation with them. While Tracy is talkative and open, Daisy only replies to the direct questions and doesn’t elaborate on anything. After repeated attempts to get her to open up only ultimately to strike out, even after using my top-notch moves, I should be ready to give up on her.

  But I love a challenge, and she definitely offers that.

  A few entertainment staff members set up a karaoke machine on a small, raised stage at the end of the pool. One of the guys gets up on the stage with his clipboard and the microphone, asking everyone for their attention.

  “Hello, everyone! My name is Josh, and I’m one of your activity coordinators. Throughout your stay, my partner, Alisha, and I will host several friendly competitions here in the pool area. The prizes include cash, a trip to our spa for a nice massage, and even a chance for a free return vacation. Our first event is a karaoke performance contest. Take part in our Fantastic Fanatic Antics to enter. Who will be our brave first contestant and belt out a song for us?”

  I’m determined to break the thick layer of ice Daisy has put between us one way or another. Serenading her with a song may not be the best solution, but it’s a start.

  “I will.” I stand and get their attention.

  The crowd around the pool cheers, and several people lift their glasses toward me. At least most are already three sheets to the wind, so my lack of singing in the proper key won’t be an issue.

  Josh hands me a list of songs, and there’s one that instantly jumps out at me. It is perfect. He laughs when I point it out to him, but he has no idea just how funny it is. When the music begins and the lyrics scroll up the screen, I turn my attention to Daisy and sing “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” by Rod Stewart directly to her. Only her. Over the entire song.

  Her face turns a scorching shade of red. She nervously glances around, but her gaze always returns to me. Tracy nudges her from the side, laughing maniacally, but I keep going. Then I realize I need to turn up the heat and get the crowd on my side. My hips slowly undulate from front to back, suggestively beckoning her to me. My chest is already bare, so I use my free hand to offer my body for her viewing pleasure. Then I turn around and shake my ass before crooking my finger at her, telling her to walk in my direction.

  The catcalls and whistles from the people around the pool are deafening, but the extra encouragement works. Daisy leaves her seat at last and joins me on stage. With my arm around her waist, we finish the song together and give the audience an entertaining show. We take a bow to the clapping and cheers from our peers before rejoining our friends.

  “That was awesome, Rod. The boy has talent, doesn’t he, Daisy?” Tracy smiles from ear to ear.

  “Yes, I have to give you credit, Rod. You sounded great up there. And a nice choice of song, too. Rod Stewart.” She shakes her head in disbelief, but at least she’s smiling and speaking to me now.

  “That’s very kind of you. I’m afraid that’s the extent of my abilities, though. Don’t ask me to sing anything that requires any kind of range. At all. Or a song that requires me to be on key.”

  “Ah, you’re just modest. I bet you have all kinds of hidden talents.” Tracy laughs and flags a passing waitress for another round of drinks.

  While others humiliate themselves with more karaoke, the four of us drink, dance, laugh, and make small talk. I don’t dare venture into any personal topics with Daisy yet. Just from our limited interaction, it’s clear she’s leery of strangers and isn’t keen on giving second chances. She’s only beginning to give me the time of day now, which is a step up from how she virtually ignored me just a few hours ago. So I’m not screwing this up by pushing the limits just yet.

  On the other hand, Kevin and Tracy seem to be very chummy, and no topic is off-limits for those two. Part of me still wonders if I shouldn’t give up and move on to greener pastures, since Daisy still isn’t warming up to me very well. There are plenty of women surrounding us who are staring at me, just waiting for me to nod in their general direction. For the sake of group sanity, I’m on my best behavior and trying to get along with the one intent on ignoring me.

  More than a few guys try to approach Daisy to get her attention, but I intercept that bullshit before they reach her. Something about her draws me in and holds me hostage. Something I’ve never experienced before. On one hand, I feel as though I know her. On the other, she’s a complete enigma, wrapped in a mystery, and bound with a barbed wire bow.

  I recognize a defense mechanism when I see one.

  My attraction to her is more than physical, though I can’t and won’t deny that’s part of it. There are aspects of her personality I can’t figure out, and I’m good at sizing people up with a quick glance. Her secrets lie far beneath the surface, carefully guarded and intentionally kept. Only time will tell what they are because she’s not the type of person who would bare her soul before she’s ready.

  After we’ve soaked up all the sun and rum, Daisy and Tracy get up to leave in the late afternoon hours. Tracy lingers behind Daisy before stopping in front of our chairs and pulling her shades down her nose.

  “You boys try to stay out of trouble. Remember, no one will be themselves tonight.”

  That’s an odd statement. What is she trying to tell us?

  The first costume party is later tonight in the rooftop nightclub. I’m betting she will be there with little Miss Daisy Piña Colada in tow. In fact, I’m counting on it now, especially after Kevin’s endless flirting with Tracy all day. I wasn’t looking forward to attending the parties at first. Dressing up in a costume seems so juvenile at my age. I’m attending for one reason, and one reason only. If going incognito gives me a second chance at a first impression, I’m all for it.

  The feisty little blonde with the rocking body, beautiful face, and soulful blue eyes is definitely worth getting to know better, even though she humiliated me with the drink down my shorts bit yesterday and shot down every attempt I made to convince her to give me a second chance today.

  I’m obviously a glutton for punishment because her steely resolve only makes her that much sexier.

  After she walks off, I cut my eyes to Kevin, and he smiles from ear to ear. “That’s right. You are going to that costume party tonight, and you’re wearing the one I brought for you.”

  Why do I have a sinking feeling in my gut? />
  Oh yeah, because I’ve left the fate of my man card in the hands of my friend… who lives to humiliate me.



  “I should know better than let you pick out our outfits for the costume party.” I stare at the over-the-top ensemble in disbelief.

  “What’s wrong with you? You’re over six-feet tall. Muscular. It’ll fit you perfectly.” Kevin has the nerve to sound offended.

  “Dude. You’re dressing me up as Captain America. The most straitlaced, by-the-book member of the entire gang.”

  “Maybe, but he’s also one of most lusted after members of the gang too. Women eat that shit up. Truth, courage, heroism, that’s what he stands for, so that’s how they’ll see you. You should make good use of the illusion while you can.”

  “Are you saying I’m not all those things without the costume?” I arch one eyebrow in a direct challenge.

  “Are you fucking with me right now? You won’t even tell your overnight guests to leave. You still make your little sister do it for you.” Kevin throws a barb back at me.


  “I can’t believe you two are dressing up. Both of you are acting like a couple of little girls.” Hunter leans against the doorway of our adjoining rooms.

  “Envy green isn’t a good color on you, bro. You’re just jealous because this looks damn good on me.”

  “I suppose you’re right. Maybe it’ll help you finally get laid… at a singles resort… that’s full of willing and able hot babes. But you do what you have to do, pal.” Hunter and Jace laugh it up on their way out.

  Their jabs don’t bother me. I’ve never been susceptible to peer pressure, and I’m not about to start now. They’re two of my closest friends, but I’d never seek their advice for money, women, or life in general. If I want to find the best watering holes or which dating app offers prime selections, I may ask their advice then. But only if I become desperate.

  The Captain America outfit has one distinct advantage. The helmet covers half my face, exactly like the one in the movies. In a dimly lit nightclub, with flickering colored lights and lots of bodies moving around, maybe I can hide my true identity for a few hours. Only long enough to convince Daisy she should give me a second chance. Why? I’m not even sure. It’s not as if anyone meets and falls in love within a brief span of ten days. That bullshit only happens in the sappy romance movies chicks love to watch. I’ve never met a woman who held my interest for more than twenty-four hours.

  Given that Kevin hasn’t stopped talking about Tracy since we left the pool area, I suppose I’m stuck with Daisy for the duration of the trip if I want to hang out with my best friend at all. But, if Daisy hooks up with some other guy, all bets are off. I’ll revert to my typical pattern and not sweat the small stuff. Barring that, we have ten days in this tropical paradise, then we’ll go our separate ways.

  Spending that time with her while we’re on vacation wouldn’t be so bad. Ten glorious days of enjoying the Caribbean sun, lazing by the pool, and staring at her bikini-covered body from behind my mirrored shades is not a hardship. We’ll have late night strolls on the beach, being anything but lazy. We’ll take advantage of the resort’s island excursions to get away for a while, then attend the after-hours parties where adult libations flow like water. When this trip is over and we go our separate ways, we can avoid any awkward goodbye moment, unlike my other overnight guests.

  This plan suits me to a T.

  “Fine. I’ll wear the goody-two-shoes costume. What are you wearing?” I turn to Kevin with my full costume in place.

  “Get a load of this shit.” Kevin disappears into the bathroom to change so he can hide his getup from me.

  For the record, any time in the past when Kevin fully reverted to his full Southern accent and muttered the words, “get a load of this shit,” it has never ended well for either of us. It’s his equivalent of, “hold my beer and watch this.”

  After I’m satisfied the helmet hides enough of my features to identify me, I glance over and find the bathroom door is still closed. “Kevin, what are you doing in there? Does your costume require you to remove all your body hair or what?”

  The door swings open, and he steps in front of me in all his alter-ego glory. I’m literally stunned speechless for several moments before I burst out in laughter.

  “What do you think? It’s perfect, right?” He extends his arms out in front of him, giving me a full view of his ensemble.

  “Honestly, it is the best costume I’ve ever seen. You look exactly like Popeye, even down to your squinty eye and corncob pipe.”

  “I’m a sailorman. Coming into port on a tropical island. Get it?” His smile splits his face in two. He’s so proud of his idea.

  “Yeah, yeah. I get it, man. It’s great. You know I’d tell you if it wasn’t… because I wouldn’t let you wear it and embarrass me.”

  “Man, I make Popeye look good. That suit fits you perfectly. We’ll have all the ladies eating out of our palms tonight.”

  “There’s only one lady I’m interested in palming tonight.” I didn’t mean to let it slip out into the open like that.

  “The great Rod Stone only wants one lady. Is the world ending? Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend?”

  “Let it go, Kevin. I’ve given it some thought. It just makes sense to hook up with one person for the entire trip. Avoid the awkwardness of running into each other around the resort. Especially since you’re already attached to Tracy at the hip.”

  “Uh-huh.” His smirk says it all. He’s not buying my reasoning one bit. But I don’t have time or the inclination to examine it any deeper than I already have. Thankfully, he drops it and accepts my word.

  “Time to head up to the roof. The party is already in full swing, and we’re late.”

  “Absolutely. Can’t let anyone else cut in on your territory, can we?”

  With a playful shove, I move him out of our suite and toward the elevators. When we walk into the nightclub on the top floor of the hotel, the lights are low, the music is thumping, and the alcoholic drinks are flowing. Two by two, bodies on the dance floor become one darkened blur. I quickly scan the area, trying to spot Daisy in the throngs of people.

  The damnedest thing is, I feel her before I see her.

  It’s the same sensation I get during a lightning storm. The electrons in the air and the protons in the ground react inside my torso, warning of an impending strike. One million volts right to the chest, delivered by a gorgeous little lady with a disarming smile. I turn around and watch her walk through the door.

  With my jaw on the floor and my tongue rolled out like a fucking red carpet. My eyes remain glued to her as she moves through the people loitering in the entryway. She’s dressed as Harley Quinn, complete with short shorts, tight shirt, four-inch heels, and a plastic baseball bat. She’s wearing her long blond hair in pigtails, one side colored blue and the other pink.

  Before I can gather my wits enough to make my feet move, some fucker near me sets his sights on her and begins his beeline to intercept her.

  Not tonight, buddy.

  With swift steps, I move in sync with him and extend my foot to trip him. When he falls face first, I’m tempted to yell “timber,” but think better of it. Then I stop in front of Daisy, and I forget about everyone else in the room except her.

  “Captain America, I didn’t know you’d be here tonight. Are you here to arrest me?” Her playful side is so much fun. Now to keep her in an excellent mood.

  She’s not making it easy to behave. Now all I can picture is her in handcuffs. Fuck me, this will be a long night.

  “Only if you’re a naughty girl. But to be on the safe side, I should probably buy you a drink and stick close to you. Make sure you don’t cause any trouble in here.” I intentionally lower the timbre of my voice to add to my disguise.

  A moment of hesitation flickers in her eyes, but Tracy’s elbow in her side forces a reply. “A drink would be great.
Thank you.”

  She wraps her arm around my extended elbow, and we walk toward the bar together. When we run out of space to walk side by side, I pull her in front of me and wrap my arms around her waist from behind. Walking with her back to my front, she’s securely held in my grasp. Men gawk at her as we pass, but quickly avert their eyes when they catch a glimpse of the dare in my eyes and the thin line of my lips.

  I’ve been told I have a severe case of resting asshole face that is downright scary when I’m pissed off. Color me red, because I’m pissed at every one of these fuckwads eyeballing her.

  We reach the bar, and she makes no move to leave the safety of my embrace. I can’t deny the slight swell of pride in my chest over such a simple gesture. I motion for the bartender, then lean down until my lips graze across the shell of her ear.

  “What will it be?” Simple question. So many meanings.

  Goosebumps break out on her arm, starting at the top and cascading to her forearm.

  “I’ll have a cosmopolitan.”

  “Anything you want, beautiful.” I relay our order, and the bartender returns a quick nod.

  She slides her hands down my arms until her fingers rest on top of mine at her waist. Simple act. So many meanings.

  “Who was the genie that came in with you?”

  “That’s my best friend, Tracy. Doesn’t she look great as a sexy genie? I love that outfit. I told her we’re swapping for the next costume party.”

  “She does look good in it, but not nearly as good as you look. Will she mind if I keep you to myself for a little while?”

  Daisy looks around the club until she finds her friend already on the dance floor, grinding with Popeye. She chuckles, her body vibrating in my arms. “I don’t think she’ll miss me at all. Looks like she’s already found a sexy sailorman to keep her busy.”


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